Gafforova Sevinch Zayiniddin qizi,
of Tashkent State University of the Uzbek Language and Literature
named after Aiisher Navoi, Uzbekistan
Abstract: The article discusses the communicative method of teaching English to students of non-linguistic universities. The question is raised of some aspects of teaching English grammar to students of technical universities. The main attention is paid to the development of communicative skills and grammatical abilities with recommendations of grammatical tasks and other approaches aimed at the successful understanding of utterances in a foreign language.
Key words: communicative technique, language competence, grammatical structures, language communication, creative approach.
At present, knowledge of a foreign language is becoming an inalienable quality of a cultured, educated person. An objective reason for showing interest in mastering a foreign language is the establishment of closer contacts with foreign countries, the development of international relations. To know a foreign language does not mean to know grammar rules, vocabulary. It is not just about knowing the language, but about the ability to use it in real communication, i.e. about practical ownership, therefore, about the development of "communicative competence." Moreover, linguistic competence and its component part — grammatical skills and abilities, take a leading place in the process of achieving this goal. It is undoubted that communication is possible only if there is language competence, the basis of which are grammatical skills. The language is necessary in order to communicate at ease almost in the same way as in your native language. To organize a communicatively-oriented lesson in the English language, it is inexpedient to adhere to the traditional teaching method, which consists in working on the grammatical side of the language, limiting itself to reading the rule and training in sentences. Indeed, in the absence of real communication in classes in a foreign language, knowledge gaps appear among students, and most importantly, difficulties in expressing their thoughts. The communicative technique offers us a different approach to teaching grammar. It aims to acquire communication skills. She teaches students to express their thoughts and emotions using grammatical structures. At the same time, the educational process should be organized in such a way that students imitate the conditions of real language communication as accurately as possible. As mentioned above, grammar training should be conducted not just for the sake of memorizing the rules, but in order for the student to be able to operate these rules already in the communication process, correctly formulating his statements, that is, this means that grammar training should have a communicative focus. One of the features of studying a foreign language by students of a technical university is accuracy, concreteness in the use of lexical units and compliance with grammar rules [1, 25].
The general scheme of work on the assimilation of foreign language grammatical material in a non-language university should be: system-structure-speech, i.e. After the systematic presentation of grammatical phenomena (for example, groups of temporary forms, etc.), work on less voluminous blocks is necessary for working out in speech situations. The communicative goal of teaching grammar allows us to formulate the basic requirement for the amount of grammatical material to be learned: it should be sufficient for using the language as a means of communication within the limits set by the program and real for learning it in the given conditions. The main place in communicative teaching of a foreign language is occupied by game situations, working with a partner, tasks for finding errors that not only allow you to increase the lexical stock, but also learn to think analytically. In the classroom, students need to be given the opportunity to use the language in real life situations. This, in turn, allows them to learn how to use grammatical and lexical forms to express their own thoughts. Communicatively oriented teaching of grammar
allows you to Increase motivation, expand the expressive capabilities of speech and gives naturalness to the statements of students In a learning environment. Therefore, much attention in the classroom Is given to working in pairs and mini-groups. This form of work Is quite applicable when working on such traditionally difficult topics for students as the word order in a sentence, the tenses of the English verb, the object and subject infinitive turns, etc. Obviously, the study of the most complex structures Is more efficiently carried out based on foreign-language models. For example, students are divided Into groups of three to four people. They are offered a ready-made model of a grammatical phenomenon and a number of lexical units (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs), of which it Is proposed to compose the largest number of similar constructions. Such forms of work support the optimal dynamics of classes, giving students an opportunity for self-realization. Also, in the pair-group form of classes, students can be offered topics or questions for discussion, and they try their hand in real communication. Students should learn to perceive the interlocutor's speech, try to build as clear and clear phrases as possible. An Important role Is played here by a creative approach to classes and their independent cognitive activity. Interactions in the group are organized as free communication of participants, exchange of opinions, discussions, role-playing games, improvisations, etc. The effectiveness of communicative tasks increases If traditional work on vocabulary and grammar skills of students Is carried out beforehand. The effectiveness of communicative tasks increases If the traditional work on vocabulary and grammar skills of students Is carried out previously [2]. The reference point in the organization of training Is natural speech situations and educational speech situations. The tasks based on the communicative task traditionally Include various role-playing, games, communication modeling, etc. Such tasks are implemented using various cards, booklets and other handouts. This contributes to greater efficiency and productivity In achieving educational goals when learning a foreign language In a non-linguistic university.
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2. Akopyan V.G. Metody I princlpy sistemy Intensivnogo obuchenlya Inostrannym yazykam. Filologlya, 2014.