TEACHING ENGLISH VOCABULARY TO FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNERS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
modern education / English language / technology / innovation / new words / современное образование / английский язык / технологии / инновации / новые слова.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tokhirov, Amir, Ismatullayeva, Iroda Izatullayevna

This article deal with some techniques and methods of teaching English vocabulary to foreign language learners. The author presents some difficulties in this process. Outstanding linguists’ point of views concerning this issue are also illustrated in this article.

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В этой статье рассматриваются некоторые приемы и методики преподавания английской лексики изучающим иностранный язык. Автор представляет некоторые трудности в этом процессе. Точка зрения выдающихся лингвистов по этому вопросу также проиллюстрирована в этой статье.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(4/2), April, 2023



Tokhirov Amir Iroda Ismatullayeva Izatullayevna,

Tashkent State Transport University


This article deal with some techniques and methods of teaching English vocabulary to foreign language learners. The author presents some difficulties in this process. Outstanding linguists' point of views concerning this issue are also illustrated in this article.

Kay words: modern education, English language, technology, innovation, new words

В этой статье рассматриваются некоторые приемы и методики преподавания английской лексики изучающим иностранный язык. Автор представляет некоторые трудности в этом процессе. Точка зрения выдающихся лингвистов по этому вопросу также проиллюстрирована в этой статье.

Ключевые слова: современное образование, английский язык, технологии, инновации, новые слова.

Ushbu maqolada chet tilini o'rganuvchilarga ingliz lug'atini o'qitishning ba'zi usullari ko'rib chiqiladi. Muallif bujarayonda ba'zi qiyinchiliklarni ko'rsatib o'tgan. Taniqli tilshunoslarning bu boradagi nuqtai nazari ham ushbu maqolada berilgan.

Kay so'zlari: zamonaviy ta'lim, ingliz tili, texnologiya, innovatsiya, yangi so'zlar.


Foreign language learners spend a lot of time learning the lexis of the language they are learning. Despite the fact that textbooks provide enough information to learn words, students face difficulties in using the words and phrases they have learned in real situations. That's why the article presents the methodology of teaching vocabulary and the views of linguists on it. The article first focuses on the importance of vocabulary in relation to grammar and the content of lexical material, vocabulary used in sentences such as terms, phrases and expressions, and the views of local and foreign linguists. Foreign language teaching methodology is an integral part of the education system, which focuses on the importance of taking into account the



SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(4/2), April, 2023

linguistic features of lexemes in teaching. Alternatively, the article discusses the advantages of vocabulary teaching methods. It also provides feedback on important principles and approaches that will help students learn the language better. Key words and concepts: methodology, lexis (vocabulary) phrase, term, terminology, word combination, idiom, English, approach, principles, dictionary. Introduction. To date, the field of education is wide education based on modern requirements as a result of comprehensive reforms a quality improvement system was created.


Including international teachers of foreign languages national system based on qualification requirements was created. In addition, foreign languages teachers' lessons scientifically such as the application of approaches aimed at the formation of communicative competences in quality organization to the educational process things are being done. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan December 10, 2012 "Learning foreign languages Decision PQ-1875 on measures to further improve the system foreign language as an educational subject to be a main part of the primary education process, increasing interest in learning a foreign language and the average level of education of the people. Cultivation is an increase in demand for general culture and preparation for intercultural cooperation prospective tasks such as formation intends to implement. From this it is seen as it is now, the foreign language teaching methodology is different from the foreign language teaching methodology development of a learned state is one of the urgent tasks. The purpose of the study. In terms of the level of use of the English language in practice has been occupying leading positions. Science, technology, culture, education, economy and others free use of a foreign language by specialists in fields, in particular, in professional activities having qualifications is one of the requirements of the present time. In language, it is not always possible to express objects, events, and their signs in one word. That's why two or more of a particular subject or concept formed by combining more than one term the need to express through a new whole word is felt. A person assimilates the experience gained by the human society through words, because thinking occurs with the help of words. Language learners plenty of time to learn the vocabulary of the language you are learning spend and often and often like to use dictionaries that contain words. Language learning is not just about focusing on lexical items, but about the presentation and is a careful study of the types of lexical features that should be used. The purpose of the research is to learn the effective methods of learning lexicon and terms in the language and how important they are in the language teaching process. Study of the topic. With the methodology of teaching a foreign language O.V. Koryakovtseva, N.V. Titarenko, scientists from the countries

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(4/2), April, 2023

of the Commonwealth of Independent States, there are research works of A.V. Zhukova. In addition, studies on teaching the lexicon of foreign languages M. Choriev, M. Djusupov, M. Nazarova, N. Babaniyazova, Conducted by S. Nazarova, Sh. Butaev. Halliday, one of the scientists of far foreign countries MAK, Widdowson HG, Wills D, Sinclair JM, Nattinger J., Decarrico J., Maccarthy M., Nattinger J., Carter R., Maccarty M., Odell F., Hunston S., Francis The lexicon in the research of G. et al research work was carried out on the issues of improving the quality of teaching. Spiritual and moral development of future professionals in the higher education system scientific^methodological, pedagogical aspects Sh. Sharipov, O. Musurmonova, Sh. Mardonov, S. Nishonova, D. Rozieva, B. Khodjaev, D. Sharipova, N. Egamberdieva, M. Kuronov, A. Nurmanov,Researched by S. Tursunovlar. Research object. Students studying English as a foreign language in the higher education system mainly teach English to future journalist students. It consists of the process of teaching media terms. Methods used. Study of scientific and theoretical literature on the topic, pedagogical observation during the lesson, comparative analysis of translation methods, methods such as questionnaires and tests were used. The main part. The superiority of vocabulary over grammar Teachers are always learning the language their idea of learning meanings they should remember. According to M. A. K. Halliday1 "language is a product of social process and language during communication with others will come." Students learned with each other help them exchange ideas through words the teaching methodology is also important is important. Linguists English to students emphasize the importance of teaching lexis, not grammar, in the development of real communication skills in the language. To prioritize vocabulary over grammar V. Lewis emphasized the importance, a language consists of lexicons adapted to grammar rather, it consists of a grammar adapted to the lexicon. Also, H.G. Widdowson stated, communicative competence rather than knowing the rules depends on the previously accumulated stock of language skills and knowledge. He stated that rules are regulatory rather than binding and they are of no power without words. Linguists focus on the lexicon the importance of these opinions to teachers does not mean that they should only teach vocabulary and that grammar should be excluded from the lessons. On the contrary, lexis and grammar are inseparable and are considered absolutely interrelated. D. Wills also, grammar and lexemes are the same two ways of reflecting language goals states that. That is, words consist of different meanings, and grammar consists of structures. According to him, language learners simultaneously with grammar and lexis should work. If teachers to grammar too much emphasis means that the creation of meanings is stopped. The above comments are out of the vocabulary indicates its

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(4/2), April, 2023

priority over grammar in language classes. But now we refer to the practical application of this idea we have to do. Advantages of terms and phrases Learning terms in linguistics terminology dealing with and to it clear the concept of nomenclature that is close defining and distinguishing between them is an important issue. The word "terminology" comes from the Latin terminus and the Greek logos consists of the words "terms means the concept of "science about (terms)». According to A. A. Reformatsky, the main function of the term is things and events since it consists of naming, it means that the noun is based on the terms. Also R. Doniyorov dedicated to its technical terminology in his research that "only the terms related to the noun family can be the object of terminology" counts. According to the above linguists based on that it can be said that the students the characteristics of field terms, i.e. knowledge about their production methods and they must have the skills. From this it can be seen that is, in the process of teaching terms in English in training, it is necessary to take into account their linguistic features necessary. Because the terms belong to the lexical layer of the language is an integral part. F.S.Abdullaeva in her research , in linguistics, familiarization with the content of a new term is carried out in two ways, without translation and through the means of translation put forward the opinion that. In his opinion, The two categories of non-translational method are internal and external demonstrativeness is used. New when acquiring the meaning of a lexical unit The methodological methods used are as follows depends on factors: the nature of the term; regarding the active/passive term; educational stage and student level; introducing a new term accessible form (reading or perception); new unit introduction place (lesson, textbook, dictionary) etc. Teachers should pay attention one of the important things is the choice of words note their specific aspects is to choose if you get it. Real connection for lexemes not as single words, but powerful to teach in the form of phrases there is evidence. Linguists second language the importance of lexical expressions in acquisition when talking about, they are divided into two. The first approach is that expressions important because phrases make up language. The second is that expressions are for students useful, that is, the content of the conversation it is very important because of its enrichment. Let's look at the opinions of foreign linguists in this regard. J. M. Sinclair according to native speakers There are two ways to use the language reveals with the principle: open choice principle and idiom principle. He argues that although language users use both principles, the idiom principle predominates (most texts use the idiom principle explained

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(4/2), April, 2023


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