Обучение коммуникативным навыкам студентов вуза в поликультурной образовательной среде
Воронцова Юлия Александровна,
кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки» Брянского государственного технического университета E-mail: [email protected]
Настоящая статья посвящена изучению проблемы межкультурной коммуникации в поликультурной образовательной среде и вычленению передовых методов формирования коммуникативных умений учащихся современных вузов для успешного межкультурного взаимодействия. В статье раскрываются вопросы формирования глобального мировоззрения студентов как одного из требований межкультурного общения; выявляются языковые барьеры, возникающие в процессе коммуникации; проводится опрос студентов Брянского государственного технического университета с целью выявления наиболее распространённых проблем полиязычного общения; анализируются разные средства формирования коммуникативных компетенций студентов. В результате проведённого исследования определено развитие межъязыкового общения, обусловленное реальными процессами современного мира, способствующее диалогу культур; раскрыта важность формирования глобального мировоззрения студентов; выявлены основные языковые барьеры, возникающие в процессе коммуникации в поликультурной образовательной среде; представлены наиболее эффективные средства формирования коммуникативных компетенций у студентов в условиях кросс-культурного взаимодействия.
Ключевые слова: мультикультурная среда, коммуникативные компетенции, коммуникативные навыки, языковые барьеры, анкетирование, обучение студентов.
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The relevance of this work is stipulated by the fact that modern geoeconomic and geocultural situations force a person to be able to coexist in a global world, to have a knack for making up a mutually beneficial dialogue with all subjects of this common living space, to break the humanitarian intercultural barriers among the representatives of different faiths, cultures and countries.
An important role in this process is played by language, which is the only possible tool to promote building understanding and interacting bridges between various cultural communities [4, p. 3]. A foreign language allows a person to better navigate in the surrounding world, it is one of the main tools for raising general planetary thinking, which is characterized a person's ability to be not only a representative of a national culture, but also a global citizen who perceives himself as a subject of a cultural dialogue and is aware of his role and responsibility in global human processes [8, p. 14].
Nowadays the percentage of exchange and foreign students in higher educational establishments is great and while communicating with the peers from European and African countries, young people are facing certain problems of interlingual contacts in multicultural educational environment such as language misunderstanding, psychological difficulties, interpersonal communication impediments. Taking into account the trend towards increasing the number of foreign students studying in Russian educational institutions, it is evident that the need to form students' communication competence in the context of cross-cultural interaction has become the order of the day.
Theoretical background of the paper is the extensive material published by foreign authors S. Geerts, U. Gudikunst, Y. Kim, G. Hofstede in which the relevance of studying the specifics of intercultural language challenges and the problems of cultural patterns and standards are considered [11], [12], [13]. Scientific interest is represented by the works of modern researchers G. Cogdell and K. Sitaram that focus on the role of intercultural communication and contacts in developing a tolerant attitude towards another culture [6].
To understand an increasing relevance of using adequate training techniques in the process of teaching English speaking and socializing, the article uses the following research methods: theoretical (information search and generalizing analysis of scientific sources to identify the specifics of the multicultural educational environment and teaching communicative skills);
empirical (the method of personal inclusion, questionnaires, surveys, reflexive-evaluative procedures); statistical (quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results, systematization).
Theoretical justification of cross-language communication
A large number of theoretical and applied studies [6, 11, 12, 13], both in Russia and abroad, are presently devoted to intercultural interaction problems. Contemporary world is marked by increasing the level of mobility, cultural exchanges and direct contacts between the representatives of different countries, so total immersion in a foreign-language cultural environment is becoming a reality and the enrichment of national self-awareness occurs. Modern educational institutions have a large percentage of foreign students, teachers undergo internships abroad, contributing to developing intercultural communication and cultural dialogues.
The first sociological studies on building cultural models in the context of intercultural communication were undertaken by G. Hofstede [13, p. 32]. Cross-cultural communication as a scientific discipline is included in the curriculum of many higher educational institutions around the world [9].
In Russia, researches on intercultural communication became most in demand in the second half of the 20th century and were mostly reduced to accentuating the culture of the foreign language being studied. In this regard, the works of E.M. Vereshchagin, V.G. Kostoma-rov, S.G. Ter-Minasova should be mentioned [1], [7].
According to O.V. Flerov, "Intercultural or cross-cultural communication is a process of interaction and motivated communication between the representatives of different cultural communities at the individual and collective level" [10].
We share E.V. Vereshchagin and V.G. Kostoma-rov's opinion who gave the following definition to this phenomenon: "Intercultural communication refers to an adequate understanding of two participants belonging to different national cultures in the communicative act" [1]. The effectiveness of interlingual communication largely depends on understanding, which is dia-logical in nature and is governed by the characteristics and traits of the perceiving person, his goals, the context of comprehension.
Thus, developing cross-language communication and establishing a new discipline "Theory of intercultural communication" was due to the real processes occurring in the modern world, the practical needs of people representing different cultures, professions, social institutions. Evolving tourism and business, educational integration, numerous migration processes leading to the communication impediments arouse the researchers' interest in intercultural contacts.
Socio-cultural competence in the cultural dialogue context
In the process of interlingual communication, sociocultural competence is formed that is according
to D. Drlíková "an ability to communicate in a language appropriately, situationally and culturally, the knowledge of customs, rules, beliefs and principles of a given society" [17]. Cross-cultural communication generates such qualities as tolerance, patience, impartiality towards the representatives of other countries and cultures.
The dialogue of cultures implies the knowledge of one's own culture and the one of the target language country, having cross-cultural awareness. Culture is understood not just as art, which is also a part of culture and reflects it but as everything that people have, that people think and that people do in any society, everything that determines specific life styles, their national mentality, religion, language, habits, customs, mentality, material treasures, spiritual values, etiquette, everyday small situations, models of behaviour, taboos. Culture emphasises the fact that people from various speaking communities take their specific roles as speaking social agents which may shed light on the repertoires of their language use, linguistic practices, and even the social formation [2, p. 97].
The concept of culture includes three constituencies: 1) information / factual culture, which includes the background information: geography, history, a political situation; 2) achievement culture, which includes arts, sciences, literature; 3) behaviour culture which includes mentality, spiritual values, verbal and non-verbal communication, people's relationship [5].
Cross-cultural differences can relate to patterns of meeting, bringing up children, getting food to feed, gaining information, social control and avoiding anarchy, organizing a nuclear family, etc. The requirements of intercultural communication make it necessary to form a global mindset among its participants, which implies possessing the following skills: identifying false stereotypes leading to incorrect conclusions; determining the problem essence and alternative ways of its creative solutions; understanding what's critically important and what's merely a detail; perceiving that simple and excessive generalizations, categorizing people, unproved suppositions are far from always accurate and can lead to the stereotype formation; avoiding categorical statements; being honest in reasoning. Possessing general global mindset teaches students to process information more accurately, to make more balanced and correct conclusions about a representative of a particular cultural group, make objective evaluative judgments about cultural phenomena without prejudice and distortion.
Thus, possessing socio-cultural competence is important as it helps to form a global mindset and cross-cultural awareness among the participants of cross-cultural communication, trains a person to successfully operate sociocultural knowledge, contribute to the dialogue of cultures and learning cross-cultural differences.
Conducting a survey to single out cross-language communication problems
So, communication in an intercultural situation should be aimed at accommodating interests when its participants
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possess a different language code. Specific difficulties called language barriers arising in the process of communication are inevitably inherent to cross-language communication. The language barrier is "the lack of a common language that prevents two or more people from speaking to or understanding each other through a verbal communication in a foreign language" [18]. We have singled out four types of language barriers, described below.
1. Barrier of understanding is the difficulty in comprehending a foreign speech, which can also be seen in everyday communication in the native language. If the person doesn't have a command of another language then to fully and accurately speak one's mind can become a significant impediment, which can sometimes lead to frustration, low self-esteem and even the feeling of inferiority.
2. Barrier of lack of attention in communication which can cause significant setbacks and even contradictions. When people are not concentrated on the kind of language they use and find themselves focused on things other than the way they come across, this poor attention can be felt by the person with whom they are attempting to communicate [18]. An attentive interlocutor doesn't only listen effectively but also keeps a close eye on the hints in the conversational partner's body language, behaviour and silence.
3. Speaking barrier is a widespread impediment and can be tough both at the initial stage of learning and at the advanced level. It manifests itself in the person's facing with great obstacles and being stuck for words. It can also be seen in everyday communication in the native language and is often called the "dog syndrome" when everything is understood, but to express it is next to impossible.
4. Cultural barrier can arise at the advanced levels of learning a new language, when a person inevitably faces extratextual factors and culture-specific elements that are not inherent to his or her native language. Communication with people from all cultures and walks of life immerses a person in an unusual cultural situation, in which the phenomena of rejection, alienation, and misunderstanding at the worldview level arise.
In order to find out what problems are most common in cross-language communication in the multicultural environment within the walls of Bryansk State Technical University and which means would help to solve them, a survey among one hundred higher school students of the economic direction was conducted, their findings are given in the diagrams below.
Diagram 1 shows the survey results about the language barriers the students experience. The majority of respondents single out the speaking barrier in interlingual communication in the multicultural environment as the most important. A significantly smaller proportion of the respondents experience cultural and understanding barriers. The smallest part of the students is trying to overcome the barrier of lack of attention in communication.
Language barriers
Lack of attention in communication
Diagram 1 Language barriers
After analysing the findings of the respondents' answering the questions which language aspects, namely vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, cultural linguistics cause the most difficulties, we came to the conclusion that the bulk of the respondents experienced mostly lexical and grammar difficulties, while dealing with phonetics and cultural linguistics was not so tough for them (Diagram 2).
Language aspects
Cultural linguistics
Diagram 2 Language aspect impediments
After analysing the findings of the respondents' answering the questions in what forms students would like to receive language training, we came to the conclusion that organising an international friendship club among Russian-speaking and foreign students could be beneficial to compensate for the difficulties arising in cross-cultural communication. Other options such as watching foreign films, private tuition, and signing on language forums and sites were practically equally distributed and gained almost the same percentage (Diagram 3).
Language aspects
Private tuition
International friendship club
Watching foreign films
Signing on language forums and sites
Diagram 3 Forms of providing language training
Diagram 4 demonstrates in which communication situations the respondents experience difficulties and impediments. The findings show that approximately the same number of respondents experience difficulties when participating in discussions and sightseeing, while communicating in social interactions and talking on electronic devices are much easier for them (Diagram 4).
Communication situations
Participating in
Communicationg in social interactions Talking on electronic devices
Diagram 4 Difficulties in various communication situations
Thus, we can undoubtedly conclude that the learners of today are facing numerous problems in expressing their thoughts and ideas properly in another language due to lack of communicative skills therefore different language barriers are peculiar to cross-language communication. The survey conducted among the students of Bryansk State Technical University states that the crucial role of the learners' speaking skills as the most convenient tool for communicating with native speakers is undeniable and reveals the problems of cross-language communication in the multicultural environment.
Effective ways of forming communicative skills among higher school learners in multicultural educational environment
While teaching speaking the lecturers should use different approaches in the educational process, stated below:
- communicative approach that is applying interactive games, reports, group discussions and training skills through team work, decision-making activities, case studies;
- a learner-centred approach which is concerned with learners' needs, their learning styles, feelings and values; educational process is controlled by the learner, the teacher is considered to be a trainer, manager;
-an a approach of mistakes and errors when only bad mistakes should be corrected and correction should be done positively and should not be used as an occasion to humiliate or criticize learners. Language speaking learning has to be an emotional experience, it should develop mostly positive impressions as opposed to the negative ones by employing group work to foster friendly atmosphere; it should appreciate students' attitude and creativity as much as possible; focus on accuracy, fluency, effectiveness, coherence, inviting environment and enjoyment; involve students in work both cognitively and emotionally for them to feel their contribution to the lesson, their value. Teaching printed materials should follow the requirements: achieve impact, help learners feel at ease, correspond to the trainee's needs, objectives, be abundant in communicative activities, authentic, up-to-date, challenging, contain useful information, drills, have some supplement, variety of graded exercises, visual support, stylistic differences and certainly have cultural issues.
According to the general professional competency № 1 for higher education students the trainees should
demonstrate readiness for the communication in oral and written forms in Russian and foreign languages for solving problems of their professional activity [9]. As a result of mastering this competency, the student must:
- know English to the extent necessary to obtain professional information from foreign sources and to carry out the communication at the general and business level; business foreign language vocabulary in the amount necessary for communicating, reading and translating professional foreign language texts;
- be able to understand by ear the content of authentic texts, including the materials in the professional field, conduct written communication in English, compose business letters, reports, emails;
- possess various skills of speech activities at a professional level.
Speaking is usually assessed by range, language appropriacy, accuracy, ability to talk logically about the subject for the correct length of time in order to have interactive communication. The English language lecturers need to implement various innovative activities in the classroom in the process of teaching speaking skills. This practice enhances learners' speaking skills and helps them in their personal as well as professional development. Let us discuss these activities in a detailed way for the English lecturers to apply them into practice in higher schools to achieve communication competence and expertise among the learners (Diagram 5).
Diagram 5 Activities for developing speaking skills
One of the most useful communicative tasks to teach speaking is by employing a role play when students put themselves into an imaginary situation, occasionally playing the role of another person, and applying the language appropriate to these new circumstances. A role play can be designed from the following parts.
1. Identifying its aim, objectives, the level of the students' language and skills, giving the necessary instructions about the team work. Mind, that trainees who possess intermediate and elementary levels of English usually have role plays in a primitive way.
2. Thinking over its organization, how many students you are going to involve, how much time it will take to keep it real and relevant.
3. Implementing the role play, stressing the teacher's and students' roles, practicing communicative
skills by defining a problem, making suggestions, discussing the ideas, persuading, trying not to monopolise the discussion, taking short turns, listening to and reacting to your interlocutors' ideas, arriving at a final conclusion. 4. Doing follow-up by giving a home-task, feed-back, evaluation, revealing how well participants have performed communicative skills, expressing further work on language, skills and content. Through role play activities, learners develop their problem-solving and decision-making skills that lead to gaining more experience in cooperative and independent learning, bringing lots of positive emotions from the team work in the multicultural environment. The approximate task of the role play can be the following.
Role-play the situation "Giving and Asking for Advice". Student A: You are a cross-cultural consultant hired by a foreign executive going to do business for the first time in a foreign country. Prepare some advice that you would give your client about business practices. Follow the prompts: Use of English: Is there a special way of addressing people? Non-verbal communication: What are the various roles played by handshaking, gestures, silence, etc.? Business negotiations: How important are punctuality and respecting agenda? What kinds of negotiating styles are preferred? When is the right moment to mention money? Socialising: What are the attitudes towards gift giving, eating, humour, etc? What kinds of conversation topics are avoided? Student B: You are a business person going to negotiate in a foreign country. While preparing for your trip, you have arranged to meet a consultant (student A), who is an expert on the culture of this country. Draw up a list of the questions that you would ask him/her.
Another type of the communicative tasks to teach speaking skills is to make a presentation and to deliver it. Presentation is a public monologue with the elements of both persuading and informative advertising. King states, "Oral presentations have been shown to help bridge the gap between language study and language use; that presentations require students to use all four language skills in a naturally integrated way; and that presentations have been shown to encourage students to become active and autonomous learners" [14]. Successful presentation should include:
1) careful preparation: collecting data, organizing audience, writing a script of the presentation, rehearsing;
2) visuals: a projector, a whiteboard, graphs, videos, product samples, hand-outs; 3) knowledge of the audience: choosing the style of addressing, evaluating the degree of the participants' involvement; 4) delivery of the presentation: manner, choice of vocabulary, formality, eye-contact, making pauses, emphatic speech, persuading. The approximate task of the presentation-making is the following.
5 Prepare a presentation about a culture shock -5 a feeling of confusion that results from unexpectedly £ experiencing a culture with customs that are not famil-° iar to you. Consider the following points: Have you vis-Ü ited any country or countries that you felt were very dif-
ferent from your own? What did you find that was very strange to you? Which aspects of life in your country do you think might seem strange or unusual to a first time foreign visitor? Which nationalities do you think would find your country most different? Which would find it similar? Mind the following areas: food, clothes, ceremonies, natural features, public holidays, daily routines, celebrations, religion, attitude to work, leisure activities, modes of transport, climate.
Another type of the communicative tasks to teach speaking skills to higher school students is to play out cases. Case Study is a brilliant communicative technique, based on some factual information, real life situation, which first appeared in the nineteenth century at the Faculty of Law at Harvard University. Cases contain information that should be solved. They are characterised by: - a high degree of authenticity, a great extent of involvement in the form of a team or group work, integrated skills activity aimed at improving general communicative skills such as reading, speaking, writing and professional social skills such as decision-making, sharing one's opinions; - combining both the process and product-oriented tasks, simulation activities, follow-up activities; - developing managerial skills such as team-building, solution-taking and problemsolving activity; - relevance to trainee's work experience and direction of education.
In order to develop your own case studies you should: 1) collect the authentic material, choose a theme or a company; 2) create the case e.g. select the materials, organise the materials in a logic sequence of events, think about the final communicative task; 3) write a scenario; 4) familiarise students with the facts e.g. perform information gap activities, organise a discussion, do comprehension tasks, study the company and a person's profiles; 5) do the language work, improve professional communicative skills; 6) do follow-up. The approximate task of the case study is the following.
You work on the creative team in the marketing department of a large multinational company. The company has decided that it is time to launch in your country a shampoo which has been very successful in the United States and Canada. The target customers for this shampoo, called Provocation in the US and Canada, are young women aged 12-25. Your job is to prepare a promotional campaign for the launch. You should: brainstorm ideas for possible promotional activities; evaluate the ideas and decide which ones you want to use; produce a plan of action; compare your plans with other creative teams, do follow-up [3].
Talking Circles is another strategy to promote learners' speaking skills. Talking circles create safe environment through confidence where learners are given opportunities to share their viewpoints with their peers using the target language without fear of judgment or criticism. These activities are of immense use when the students are feeling, sharing, considering moral or ethical issues. These activities are effective strategies for real life solving problems and reaching group consensus. So the teachers' main concern is to encourage the learners to narrate the stories, may be short
or long, related to their daily life, morality, humanity, ethics, social problems, cultural issues and so on. The approximate topics can be: "Is it fair that votes of people with various levels of education, life, and cultural background have equal weight at elections?" "People shouldn't marry outside their nation!"
Debates are one of the most useful activities implemented by the English language lecturers to develop the learners' speaking skills. P. Rao defines debates as "a discussion about a subject on which people have different views" [16]. According to D. Krieger, a debate is an excellent activity for language learning because it engages students in a variety of cognitive and linguistic ways [15]. Debates enhance the learners to acquire content as well as conceptual knowledge on the topics given, develop incorporating critical thinking, public speaking, research skills, vocabulary enhancement and so on. The topics to be explored include any of the controversial issues going on in the society, religious expression, peace, education, diversity, cultural differences, e.g. "How do you define your national identity? What are the values, beliefs and customs that make up your national identity?" "How do you think your geographic region is unique in terms of the language, including accent, idioms, jargon, slang, cultural values and priorities (festivals, music, food, sport, and landscape)?" "What kind of social person are you in terms of openness to newcomers, friendliness, extroversion, economic status, prestige, concepts of time and personal space?" The lecturers encourage the learners to think of positive and negative aspects of the given task to prepare arguments both for and against.
Discussions or group discussions are one among the best ways of speech presentation and it is considered as an interesting form of oral practice in the English classroom. P. Rao defines 'discussion' as "the activity in which people talk about something and tell each other their ideas or opinions" [16]. The practice proves that the most fruitful discussions are those that arise spontaneously either because a learner reports something provoking or because a topic or a text in the course book triggers some debate. Discussions play a very valuable role in seminars, lecture courses, studios, labs, quiz sessions and a variety of other settings. The approximate task can be "Work in small groups. Choose a few nationalities that you know. First describe them in a stereotypical fashion, and then discuss how much you experience of them fits the stereotype. What is your nationality stereotype? Are you like that? What stereotyping of your own country or region don't you like?" A well-planned and prepared discussion not only encourages the learners and stimulates their learning but also adds variety to the English classroom.
A 'Mock Interview", also known as a 'Practice Interview', is a simulation of an actual job interview. It is urgent to practice such types of assignment nowadays because the number of job seekers has been on increase by leaps and bounds. After completing their education with good credentials, many of the well-educated young people are struggling for jobs as they have lack of oral communicative skills in the multicul-
tural environment. A mock interview gives an opportunity to the job seekers to practise for the real interview and gives proper feedback to them. Learners should prepare for a mock interview: bring all the materials they need for a real interview, take notes during each mock interview, always wear professional attire, record their responses. Options for mock interview can be "Mock interview with a new colleague from abroad who has come to work in your office" "In-person mock interview with an employer from another country". With the advent of mock interviews, the job aspirants have many advantages like answering difficult questions, improving their communicative skills, developing interview strategies and even reducing their stress before they come across with the real or actual job interviews. The lecturers have to train the learners in such a way that they have to face the interview with positive attitude and self-confidence.
In fact, the above-mentioned activities are excellent for developing communicative skills because they make the language lecture-room more meaningful and authentic. They provide an opportunity for the higher school students to achieve communicative skills and to master the general professional competency. So, language lecturers have to apply different approaches, use only authentic printed materials that correspond to the trainee's objectives, assess speaking by language appropriacy and accuracy, focus on different engagements that make the educational process of teaching speaking skills to higher school students in the multicultural environment more interactive and promote the target language use.
The conducted study made it possible to give theoretical justification of cross-language communication. This phenomenon is considered in the paper as an adequate understanding of two participants belonging to different national cultures in the communicative act.
In the paper sociocultural competence is defined as an ability to communicate in a language appropriately, situationally and culturally, the knowledge of customs, rules, beliefs and principles of a given society. Cross-cultural communication generates such qualities as tolerance, patience, impartiality towards the representatives of other countries and cultures and shows the readiness and ability to conduct a dialogue of cultures. The requirements of intercultural communication in the multicultural environment make it necessary to form a global mindset among its participants, which implies identifying false stereotypes leading to incorrect conclusions, making objective evaluative judgments about cultural phenomena without prejudice and distortion.
The conducted survey among the higher school students of Bryansk State Technical University revealed the difficulties arising in the process of communication associated with language barriers, namely the barrier of understanding, lack of attention, speaking barrier and cultural barrier. The conducted survey proves that the majority of respondents single out the
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speaking barrier in the interlingual multicultural environment as the most important, experience mostly lexical and grammar difficulties, see an international friendship club organisation among Russian-speaking and foreign students as a compensation for the difficulties arising in cross-cultural communication, experience language impediments while participating in discussions and sightseeing. While forming communicative skills among higher school learners in multicultural educational environment a communicative approach, a learner-centred approach, an approach of mistakes and errors are to be used. Teaching printed materials should achieve impact, help learners feel at ease, correspond to the trainee's needs, objectives; be abundant in communicative activities and authentic. Speaking is usually assessed by range, language appropria-cy, accuracy, ability to talk logically about the subject for the correct length of time.
In this paper, an attempt has been made to bring out various techniques and activities such as Group Discussions, Role Plays, Talking Circles, Case Studies, Debates, Presentations, Mocking Interviews to teach speaking skills to higher school students. This practice enhances learners' speaking skills and helps them in their personal as well as professional development. The emphasis is on the interaction between the lecturer and learner; better results will be expected if the lecturers involve them in various speaking activities. Instead of adopting one or two techniques, applying a wide range of them makes the learners shift from the normal routine and as a result, they participate in various activities more energetically and enthusiastically.
Vorontsova U.A.
Bryansk State Technical University
The paper is devoted to studying the problems of cross-cultural communication in multicultural educational environment and singling out advanced methods of forming communicative skills among contemporary higher school learners for successful intercultural interaction. The article sheds light on forming a global mindset among the learners as one of intercultural communication requirements; reveals language barriers arising in the process of communication; conducts a survey of Bryansk State Technical University students to find out what problems are most typical for cross-language communication; analysis various means of forming learners' communication competences. As a result of the study, the author has defined
the development of cross-language communication caused by the real processes of the contemporary world and contributing to the dialogue of cultures, revealed the importance of forming learners' global mindset; identified the main language barriers arising in the process of communication in multicultural educational environment; shown the most effective means of forming students' communication competences in the context of cross-cultural interaction.
Keywords: Multicultural environment, communication competences, communicative skills, language barriers, survey, students' teaching.
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