Turczaninowia 18 (2): 80-82 (2015) DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.18.2.7 www.ssbg.asu.ru/turczaninowia.php
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Taxonomic note on the genus Metapolypodium (Polypodiaceae) Таксономическая заметка о роде Metapolypodium (Polypodiaceae)
A.P. Shalimov1, J. Mazumdar2 А.П. Шалимов1, Дж. Мазумдар2
'South-Siberian Botanical Garden, Altai State University, Lenina st., 61, Barnaul, 656049, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] 'Южно-Сибирский ботанический сад, Алтайский государственный университет, Ленина, 61, Барнаул, 656049, Россия
2Department of Biological Sciences, Burdwan Town School, Burdwan-7'30', West Bengal, India 2Факультет биологических наук, Бердуэн Таун Скул, Бердуэн-71301, Западная Бенгалия, Индия E-mail: jaideepmazumdar'[email protected]
Key words: Asia, Metapolypodium, Metapolypodium manmeiense, Metapolypodium microrhizoma, new combination, Polypodiaceae, Polypodium fieldingianum.
Ключевые слова: Азия, Metapolypodium, Metapolypodium manmeiense, Metapolypodium microrhizoma, новая комбинация, Polypodiaceae, Polypodium fieldingianum.
Summary. Taxonomic status of Metapolypodium (Polypodiaceae) is discussed which is accepted as a distinct genus comprising two species - M. manmeiense (Christ) Ching and M. fieldingianum (Kunze ex Mett.) Shalimov et Mazumdar, comb. nov.
Аннотация: Обсужден таксономический статус Metapolypodium (Polypodiaceae), который принят в качестве самостоятельного рода, включающего два вида - M. manmeiense (Christ) Ching и M. fieldingianum (Kunze ex Mett.) Shalimov et Mazumdar, comb. nov.
In its current sense Metapolypodium Ching is a small genus with two species confined to Asian tropics (Zhang et al., 2013). Ching (1978b) separated Metapolypodium from Polypodium L. s. l. He transferred Polypodium manmeiense Christ to Metaplypodium and designated it as M. manmeiense (Christ) Ching, as generic type, and simultaneously described M. kingpingense Ching et W.M. Chu which is usually treated conspecific with M. manmeiense (e. g., Lu, 2000; Lu, Li, 2006; Zhang et al., 2013). Yang et al. (2010) emphasized that Polypodium microrhizoma C.B. Clarke ex Hook. et Baker shares a set of characters with Metapolypodium and should be better places in this
genus; they made a combination M. microrhizoma (C.B. Clarke ex Hook. et Baker) S.G. Lu et L.H. Yang.
Both species are either placed in Metapolypodium (Ching, 1978a, b; Lu, Li, 2006; Yang et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2013) or in Goniophlebium (Blume) C. Presl s. l. (Christenhusz, Chase, 2014; Christenhusz et al., 2011; Kreier et al., 2008; Rödl-Linder, 1990) or in Polypodioides Ching (Fraser-Jenkins et al., 2015).
Metapolypodium manmeiense and
M. microrhizoma are distinguishable from all other goniophleboid ferns in having free or partly free veins, similar with free veined Polypodium as noted by Christensen (1931) and Ching (1978b). In Polypodiodes, Polypodiastrum Ching and Goniophlebium veins form areoles along costae are with free vein ending towards margins. Majority of the species of goniophleboid ferns has fugacious soral paraphyses. Polypodiodes formosana (Baker) Ching and Polypodiodes niponica (Mett.) Ching lack for scaly soral paraphyses like M. manmeiense and M. microrhizoma, but are distinguishable by prominent costal areoles, hairy lamina, etc. (Rödl-Linder, 1990).
Поступило в редакцию 09.06.2015 Принято к публикации 22.06.2015
Submitted 09.06.2015 Accepted 22.06.2015
Turczaninowia 18 (2): 80-82 (2015)
Spore morphology is very useful to delimit Metapolypodium from Goniophlebium and Polypodiastrum. Spores of M. manmeiense and M. microrhizoma are reniform, with verrucate exospore and smooth perispore, similar to Polypodiodes. In contrast, spores of Goniophlebium and Polypodiastrum show prominent perisporial ridges or crests (Shalimov et al., 2013). Polypodiodes lachnopus (Wall. ex Hook.) Ching (Shalimov et al., 2013) and Polypodiodes hendersonii (Bedd.) Fraser-Jenk. (Chang et al., 2006) also show perisporial crests, but are distinguishable by rhizome scale with filiform apices, scaly paraphyses in sori, prominent costal areoles, etc. (Rodl-Linder, 1990).
Molecular data (Kreier et al., 2008; Lu, Li, 2006) revealed Metapolypodium as well supported subclade in "goniophleboid clade", and venation pattern, spore morphology, soral paraphyses, etc. support Metaplypodium as a good genus having close relationship with Polypodiodes.
Molecular data (Kreier et al., 2008; Lu, Li, 2006) also showed close relationship of M. microrhizoma with M. manmeiense as earlier was indicated morphologically by Christensen (1931). These two species share similar verrucate spores, clathrate rhizome scales with acuminate apices, lamina without acicular hairs, free venations, absence of scaly paraphyses in sori, etc. that justify their placement in one genus.
Nomenclature ofM. microrhizoma needs revision. The name Polypodium microrhizoma was proposed by Clarke and validated by Hooker and Baker (1874). However, Clarke (1880) himselfnoted that an earlier name, P. fieldingianum Kunze ex Mett., published by Mettenius (1857), has priority over P microrhizoma.
But type material which he studied was incomplete (without rhizomes) and he did not proceed further study. Similarly, Rödl-Linder (1990) treated P. fieldingianum conspecific with M. microrhizoma but she was unable to find the type ofP. fieldingianum and no nomenclature change was attempted. Finally, Fraser-Jenkins et al. (2015) restored the priority of P fieldingianum over P. microrhizoma but placed the former in Polypodioides. As discussed above, its correct position is in Metapolypodium and a new combination is proposed here.
Metapolypodium fieldingianum (Kunze ex Mett.) Shalimov et Mazumdar, comb. nov. -
Polypodium fieldingianum Kunze ex Mett., 1857, Farngatt. 1 : 75. - Goniophlebium fieldingianum (Kunze ex Mett.) T. Moore, 1862, Index Fil. : 389. -Polypodioidesfieldingiana (Kunze ex Mett.) Fraser-Jenk., Kandel et Pariyar, 2015, Ferns and Fern-allies of Nepal 1 : 42.
Lectotype (selected by Fraser-Jenkins et al., 2015): "Himalaya [country unknown], Fielding, Hofmeister" (B, image!).
We sincerely thank Prof. B. Zimmer for kindly tracing the specimen and sending the image on behalf of Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum in Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin. Research was supported by the RNF № 14-14-00472 and Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in within the base portion of the state task in the field of scientific research Altai State University (project code -316).
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