Sabirova M.Sh.
senior teacher Tourism faculty Social sciences department Alfraganus University Pardayev N.S. intern-teacher
Economical and social geography department Mirza Ulugbek in the name of Uzbekistan National university
Annotation. The population increased in the own-self demographic processes of the study is to be directed of the work scope to further expand should means. Population geography in science of the structure of the population, and in particular age, sex, national, ethnic composition, together with family, social structure, as there are pressing them to come to the present day is one of the tasks of diagnosis and research. The family is also one of the aspects of geographical research of the population, the population S location, the height of the toe'citizens of families and the number, type, shape, and o'the toe of Icham'citizens o 'is to reveal specific aspects of worthy requires.
Key words: family, age-gender, marriage, economic geographical place, divorce, national, demographic processes, rural districts, national-ethnic structure.
Let's not go to any corner of the world, the family composition of the population is manifested as the main link in society. The family is an important component, which spontaneously determines the development of social capital of Man and society. As proof of this, at the seventh World Congress of families (Sydney, May 2013), "the formation of a healthy family economy will make the country prosperous" [1] was treated as.
In population growth and settlement, family composition acts as a foundation in ensuring the well-being of society. When studying the process of marriage in the family structure of the population, first of all, it is studied within the framework of the reproduction of the population, its age-sex composition and its impact on the population. One of the geographer scientists V.Kopilov: "age-gender, marriage and family composition are associated with an increase in the population, and this is the subject of demography. The rest are exogenous i.e. variables that indirectly affect demographic processes" [8.]. In addition, a.Anoxin, D.Geographer scholars such as Jitin have also expressed opinions that " marriages and divorces generally fall within the natural movement of the population,
although they do not directly change the population [7; 86 b.]. Indeed, the natural movement of the population is directly related to the reproduction of the population. The reestablishment of the population, in turn, has its own influence on the family composition of the population.Tashkent economic districts of respublika in itself to specific rather than has the fact that with other economic geographical districts separated is. In particular, them an example of make, the capital city of the presence of, advanced industrial cities, transportation systems, economic - social and economic infrastructure, demographic potential is high that is to come in the fitting.
Tashkent economic region is distinguished from other economic geographical regions by the fact that it has a special place in the Republic. Examples of these include the presence of a capital city, developed industrial cities, a transport system, economic - social and economic infrastructure, high demographic potential.
The territory of own specific comfortable, natural and economic geographical place possible is that, Built and Akhangaran river from the movement of flowing since the population of the location for favorable conditions to create has given. Economic geographical districts urbanizatsiya level high, the demographic processes of the development, the city and the rural population radical difference it makes. Specifically, the city of the population of the marriage and the divorce process itself to specific feature it has, if, other areas are separated is. Tashkent economic districts incoming Tashkent region of its own, located in the natural geographic location, according, nature, tourism and the population 's living conditions, according to the republic 's own specific place to be able. In the territory of the population is uneven located, the population of the number and growth rates at different levels, have, own specific historical development, natural geographic location, demographic factors and socio-economic development with chambarchars is associated.
Consequently, Tashkent economic districts of man 5802,1 the number of total population in 2022, the organization of the republic's total population of 16 percent in the same territory living makes. Districts incoming Tashkent city and Tashkent region, population dynamics, location and density according vary will. Tashkent region the total population, the number of 2022 year data according 2939,700 man up of, the total population of 50 percent in cities, 49,8 percent, while the villages of living makes [10.]. Tashkent region administrative territorial administrative units, the number of 22 units, then, the rural districts the number of 15 units and 16 than cities organization is. If the number of towns than 90, 998 agriculture and are ovul of dollars. The territory of relyef structure directly by the population of the location and density vividly realized. Tashkent in the year 2022 in the region of 1 sq.miles to to'g'ri who comes to the number of population than 194 was established.
The relief structure of the territory is reflected in the location of natural conditions and the development of Natural Resources, in turn, the participation of
the population in demographic processes. The location of the population also influences its demographic views. The family composition of the population living in the mountain and Plains region, the fact that demographic processes differ from each other, assumes research through geodemographic typologization.
In this study, the regions and districts were divided into 3 groups, and the districts of Ohangaron, Boastonliq, Parkent of Tashkent region were included in the first group, namely, mountain districts. Moreover, from the analysis of the above studies, it is worthwhile to distinguish the object of the study under study at absolute heights as follows, "the location of the population, the transport system, the contiguity of the territory are also sufficient to recognize them as a single central demogeographic region", which called the city of Tashkent and The Tashkent Region Central These are:
1. 400-500 meters (area) area: Nurafshon sh, Bekabad city, Yangiyul city and Science, Bekabad, Culture, Quyichirchiq, Yangiyul, Chinaz district;
2. 400-500 from 1000-1100 meters (Mountain before) regions: Almalyk city, Angren city, Chirchik city, Akhangaran city and Akhangaran, Zangiota, Kibray, Pskent, Workshop, Yukorichirchik, Tashkent district;
3. Areas above 1000-1100 meters (mountainous): Parkent and Bostonian districts.
Tashkent region districts in the allocation of the district is located, by means of appropriate agreements than absolute height on the basis of the made were. Studyabed in the region in total 22 districts there are if, of them 9 of them "plain" to the districts on come on, teach students: the territory of the area of 20 percent. "Before the mountain" of the districts total area of 11 them on come, they learnabed in the territory of the area of 40 percent occupy. The region of 1000 meters, and of it the top which is "mountain areas" to districts, while 2 units of the district is included in 39,4 percent of the territory. These districts the population of the number, density, marriage and finding the number on is dramatically different from each other.
Separation of the territory of the
Tashkent region into groups of absolute s (2022 year)
Absolu te high social cities and districts Number of cities and districts General has an area of. Populat ion number (thousa nd people) Dens ity Numb er of cities and towns Population of the city (thousand people)
s i. Nurafshan,
e t e Bekabad,
Up to 0 - 400 m (plain) Yangiyol cities and Akkurgan, Bekabad, Boka, Quyichirchiq, Yangiyol, Chinoz districts 9 41 3,13 20,6 430,1 26 137,4 30 29 432 29,3
rom 400-500 m to [000-1100 meters (Woven) Olmaliq sh, Angren sh, Chirchiq sh, Ohangaron and Ohangaron, Zangiota, Qibray, Piskent, Tashkent 11 50 6,11 40,0 861,7 53 141 53 51 901 61
ta " districts
Above 10001100 Parkent and Bostonlik districts 2 9 6,01 39,4 345,0 21 57,4 22 20 143 9,7
Total 22 100 15,25 100 1636,8 100 107.3 106 100 1,476 100
Source:Table sites and by author based on data of the state statistics committee of the republic of uzbekistan was established. Note: in the photo-as an absolute amount, a percentage given in the denominator.
In terms of population density, the lowland areas had a population density of 137 persons per square mile (20.6%) of the total area of the province. In contrast, the mountainous areas had a population density of 57.4 persons per km2. The highest population density figure is mainly in the Highlands, which occupy 40% of the total area. Of these areas, each sq. medial a population of 141, the population density is 2.4 times higher than in the districts located in the mountainous region.
According to research, the rural districts in the areas under study have a total of 106 cities and towns. Of these, 22 are located in mountainous regions, 53 in the Highlands and 30 in the districts of the plains raions.
From this, it was the salmog of the urban population that was higher in the Highlands, with 61%, and the urban population in the plains and Highlands
respectively: 29.3%; 9.7%. So, in these districts, the population of the city is thinning from the bottom to the top, and this, in turn, is also reflected in the population density and demographic processes. It is known that the socioeconomic conditions of the population have a decisive influence on the restoration of its number, on all processes and their quantity.
The family composition of the population in terms of its size, type, shape and structure also differs from each other in terms of urban and rural population and absolute altitude regions of the population. As we know, the family composition of the population differs from each other in the number and form of families in the rural population in relation to the urban population.
The families of the population of the Tashkent region make up 10% of the Republic. The highest in the number of families was the city of Angren in 20152020, while in 2023 the number of families in the city of Chirchik was higher 10 per cent. The city of Chirchik also has a high rate in terms of the number of families with children under the age of 18.
In the number of incomplete families, the city of Angren was higher, while in the cities of Ohangaron and Yangiyol, the amount of incomplete families can be seen to be slightly lower. In provincial districts, however, areas with a higher percentage of total families in 2015 have declined slightly by 2023. It is known to us that the abundance of families ensures natural growth of the population, human capital. But in regional districts and villages, this process is relatively slow. The rise in the age of marriage in provincial families, the decrease in the number of families and the increase in the number of divorces in turn cause geodemographic problems in the area. It is in the regional districts that the decrease in the number of non-families is also observed. The fact that the territory is close to the capital city, increasingly views on the urban population are observed in the families of rural residents.The families of residents of the region, each urban and rural population, are fundamentally different from each other.
Bostanliq, Ortachirchik and Zangiota districts of Tashkent region had the highest number of families with children under 18 years old in 2015, and by 2023, these figures will increase to 50%. it can be seen that it has decreased. The separation process is also active in the cities of Bostonliq district, which are part of the mountainous region. We know that there are families in this village that provide the republic with labor resources. According to the number of families with many children in the region, the villages of Parkent, Bostonliq, Chinoz districts had a high index until 2020, and by 2023, the number of families with many children will be at this point. reduced by half. In general, views on marriage and family relations have changed in the families of Parkent and Bostonliq districts, which are part of the mountainous region.
The influence of the geographic location of the population on the changes in the territorial-demographic development of the family composition of the population of the Tashkent economic region was reflected in every demographic process. The positive and negative aspects of the location of the population along
the altitude regions of the Tashkent region were determined. The fact that the population density, the diversity of the national-ethnic structure has its influence on the composition of families of the Tashkent economic region, which in turn affects the dynamics of demographic processes, has been thoroughly examined.
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