Научная статья на тему 'Tangelo juice – a refreshing drink to restore youth and rejuvenate'

Tangelo juice – a refreshing drink to restore youth and rejuvenate Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
tangelo / tangelo juice / useful properties / contraindications / composition / calorie content

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Anna Shelestun, Tatyana Eliseeva

Tangelo is a juicy and fragrant hybrid of a variety of mandarin and grapefruit, resembling a pear in shape due to the slightly elongated upper part. For this, he received the original name "honey bell" and is especially popular in cooking. Its delicious sweet and sour pulp is often used in national dishes of American and European cuisines. And it also contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals useful for the body. They are preserved in full and in freshly squeezed tangelo juice, which explains the popularity of the drink among people who adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Tangelo juice – a refreshing drink to restore youth and rejuvenate»

Tangelo juice - a refreshing drink to restore youth and rejuvenate

Anna Shelestun , nutritionist, nutritionist

Eliseeva Tatyana, editor-in-chief of the EdaPlus.info project

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. Tangelo is a juicy and fragrant hybrid of a variety of mandarin and grapefruit, resembling a pear in shape due to the slightly elongated upper part. For this, he received the original name "honey bell" and is especially popular in cooking. Its delicious sweet and sour pulp is often used in national dishes of American and European cuisines. And it also contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals useful for the body. They are preserved in full and in freshly squeezed tangelo juice, which explains the popularity of the drink among people who adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Key words: tangelo, tangelo juice , useful properties, contraindications, composition, calorie content

Composition and calories

Fresh citrus contains a lot of water (85.2%), few carbohydrates (13.3%), a minimum of fats and proteins (0.31 and 0.81%, respectively), which explains the low calorie content of the product - 53 kcal per 100 grams of liquid. [1] Nutritionists confirm that such a drink without risk to the figure can be included in various diet menus.

In addition, tangelo juice is very useful - it can saturate the body with many valuable trace elements. In particular, it contains:

• Potassium (166 mg). It normalizes blood pressure [2] , improves the supply of oxygen to the brain and promotes mental clarity, reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes, prevents muscle spasms (eliminates convulsions).

• Calcium (37 mg). Regulates the processes of blood clotting and blood pressure, strengthens bone tissue [3] (helps prevent osteoporosis), prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease.


• Vitamin C (26.7 mg). Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant — it protects cells from aging, restores natural collagen synthesis [5] (improves the condition of skin, hair, nails), improves tissue healing, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and helps in the fight against

oncology. [6]

• Phosphorus (20 mg). Promotes the full absorption of many useful substances, including calcium (participates in the formation of healthy bone tissue), improves the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

Also, the drink contains a lot of folic acid (restores immunity, recommended during pregnancy -provides prevention of fetal development [7] ), choline (improves mood, activates the brain [8] ), vitamin A (improves reproductive function, participates in the formation of bone and cartilage tissues, protects against viruses and infections, helps in the restoration of epithelial tissues [9] ).

Top 5 Health Benefits of Tangelo Juice

1. Recommended for cancer prevention

Citrus fruits, including tangelo pulp, contain a unique bioflavonoid, hesperidin. Numerous studies have proven that the substance has powerful antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal activity, and also effectively inhibits the growth of cancer cells. [10]

2. Effective in treating diabetes

The natural antioxidants found in citrus pulp have the ability to normalize blood sugar levels. [11] Therefore, despite the sweetness of the fruit, tangelo juice is recommended to be added to the diet of diabetics as an additional effective therapeutic agent.

3. Restores the walls of the stomach

Citrus fruits, including tangelo, are a source of a unique plant flavonoid, naringenin. The substance has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect - it reliably protects the walls of the stomach from the formation of ulcers, hemorrhagic damage, which can occur upon contact with ethanol. [12] That is why at feasts in tandem with alcoholic beverages it is recommended to display freshly squeezed fresh tangelo without fail.

4. Protects the liver from damage

Naringenin has a positive effect on other organs of the body. In particular, studies show that tangelo juice is effective in protecting liver cells from damage. [13] Help your liver recover quickly from unhealthy foods and medications by incorporating a delicious, refreshing tangelo pulp juice into your daily diet.

5. Has Antioxidant Properties

Juice obtained from tangelo fruits is rich in various flavonoids and vitamin C. [14] The substances belong to the group of antioxidants - they protect body cells from damage, restore brain function, help in the fight against oncology, etc. Scientists have proven that it is possible to slow down the passage of time! And a natural and quite affordable product can help in this - freshly squeezed fresh tangelo.

Contraindications and possible harm to tangelo fruit juice

The drink has practically no contraindications except for individual intolerance. Refuse to use it is recommended for people suffering from food allergies. It is also worth taking into account that a number of products, including citrus fruits, which include tangelo, can cause such an unforeseen reaction of the body as a migraine attack. [15] People suffering from frequent headaches should carefully examine their diet and eliminate suspicious ingredients from it.

Drinking tangelo juice, like other fresh juices, is recommended through a straw to minimize contact of the liquid with the teeth. Dentists also recommend thoroughly rinsing the mouth after tasting a sweet and sour drink. Such precautions are explained by the fact that concentrated juices cause erosion of tooth enamel [16] , which can lead to caries.

Norms and recommendations for the use of tangelo juice

To fully saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, adults are recommended to drink about half a liter of freshly squeezed tangelo juice daily. For younger tasters (aged 10-14 years old) the daily rate is 200 ml, for 7-10 year olds - up to half a glass.

Given the increased allergenicity of citrus fruits, acquaintance with a tasty and healthy fresh juice should begin no earlier than from the age of 3. And with a minimum amount - a few drops of juice, diluted with water. If the taster does not show any negative reactions on the skin and from the gastrointestinal tract, you can gradually increase the daily rate, gradually bringing it up to 50 ml of the drink.

How to make and store tangelo pulp juice

When selecting fruits, special attention should be paid to their integrity - the peel should be without damage, dents, dark spots. Too light weight may indicate dry fruit - you will not get enough juice from such fruits. Therefore, for the preparation of fresh, select weighty, aesthetically attractive fruits with a whole, intact skin.

Preparing fruit for processing is easy. Remove the skin (it easily separates from the pulp), squeeze out the juice with a juicer. It is recommended to drink the drink within the first few hours after squeezing, until it has oxidized and has not lost some of the vitamins. Also, prolonged contact with air can provoke the souring of the product due to the ingress of pathogenic bacteria into it. The juice can be safely stored for several days in the refrigerator. For longer storage, it is recommended to use the preservation method.

Expert comment

Tatyana Eliseeva, nutritionist, nutritionist

Juice from the tangelo fruit is a source of numerous useful substances and vitamins vital for the full functioning of our body. In addition to the immune-stimulating function, it also effectively helps prevent the development of many dangerous diseases, including oncology, diabetes, stomach ulcers and others. That is why this healthy and tasty refreshing drink is recommended to be consumed systematically by all family members, young and old.


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Received 29.12.2022

Tangelo juice - a refreshing drink to restore youth and rejuvenate

Shelestun Anna, nutritionist

Journal.edaplus.info - Журнал здорового питания и диетологии Eliseeva Tatyana, editor-in-chief of the project EdaPlus.info E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. The article discusses the main properties of tangelo juice and its effect on the human body. A systematic review of modern specialized literature and relevant scientific data was carried out. The chemical composition and nutritional value of the drink are indicated, the use of tangelo juice in various types of medicine and the effectiveness of its use in various diseases are considered. The potentially adverse effects of tangelo juice on the human body under certain medical conditions and diseases are analyzed separately.

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