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Systematics of genera of the Orchidaceae Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Haydarova R.T., Garakhani P.Ch.

The Orchid family ( Orchidaceae ) is considered to be one of the largest families of flowering plants due to its species. Based on the inventory of the herbarium specimens stored in the Herbarium Fund of Botanical Institute of ANAS and the identification of our herbarium specimens, as well as the results of molecular analyses, the latest literary data of the world scientists give us the basis for determining the new taxonomic composition of the Orchidaceae spread in the Greater Caucasus. As a result of our research, it has been established that the taxonomic composition of the Greater Caucasus (within Azerbaijan) has changed, a new description of the species has been given, and a new table has been defined.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Systematics of genera of the Orchidaceae»

глубже 20 м величина деструкции за время существования водохранилища оказалось в 2-3 раза меньше. Таковых мелководных участков водохранилища. Сравнительно низкие показатели интенсивности деструкции в грунтах глубоководных участков, очевидно, связаны с количественно-качественным составом органических субстратов [4; 5].

Следует подчеркнуть, что как в свое время проделанными опытами С.И.Кузнецовым было установлено и подтвердились при проведении нами исследования, в водоемах, где глубины превосходят 10-15 м, легкодоступные компоненты органического вещества фито-бактериопланктона успевает минерализоваться в верхних слоях воды и на дно оседают трудно окисленные составные части органического субстрата [4]. Проведенные работы на Мингячевирском водохранилище показали, что в иловых отложениях минерализация органического вещества идет довольно интенсивно, что способствует регенерации биогенных элементов, образованию бактериальной биомассы, которая является источником корма-питания бентосных фильтрато-ров. Наряду с указанным, активность микробиоты иловых отложений может быть показателем деток-сикации аллохтонных веществ антропогенного происхождения, привносимые годами реками Куры, Ганых и Габырры.


1. Буторин А.Н., Лаптева Н.А., Маркевич Г.И. Микрофлора и продукционно-деструкцион-ные процессии в Уводском водохранилище. Гидро-биол. ж., 2002 т. 38, № 2, с. 73-80

2. Винберг Г.Г. Первичная продукция водоемов. Минск, Высш. школа, 1960, 329 с.

3. Дзюбин А.Н. Деструкция органического вещества и микробиологические превращения метана в донных отложениях. Микробиология, 2002, т. 71, вып. 4, с. 550-557

4. Кузнецов С.И. Роль микроорганизмов в круговороте веществ озерах. М., Изд-во Ан. СССР, 1952, 300 с.

5. Кузнецов С.И. Микрофлора озер и ее геохимическая деятельность. Л., «Наука», 1970, 440 с.

6. Мамедова В.Ф. Первичная продукция Шамкирского водохранилища. Тр. Института Микробиологии НАНА, 2003, т. 5, с. 36-39

7. Манафова А.А. Фитопланктон, его продукция, деструкция органического вещества в Мингячевинском и Варваринском водохранилищах. Сб. Научн. тр. Растительность и пути ее регуляции, Баку, «Элм», 1986, с. 8-10

8. Марголина Г.А. Микробиологические процессы деструкции в пресноводных водоемах. М., «Наука», 1989, 119 с.

9. Романенко В.И., Романенко В.А. Деструкция органического вещества с иловых отложениях Рыбинского водохранилища. Кн.: «Физиол. водных организмов», М., 1969, с. 24-31

10. Романенко В.И. Микробиологические процессы продукции и деструкции органического вещества во внутренних водоемах. Л., «Наука», 1985, 295 с.

11. Салманов М.А. Первичная продукция Мингячевирского водохранилища. Мат. н/сессии, посвящ. зоол. исслед. в Азербайджане, Баку, 1961, с. 97-99

12. Салманов М.А. Общая характеристика многолетних микробиологических исследований в Мингячевирском водохранилище. Тр. Института Микробиологии НАНА, 2013, т. 11, с. 53-57

13. Сорокин Ю.И. Первичная продукция в Рыбинском водохранилище. 1960, Физиол. раст., .т 6, вып. 1, с. 118-125

14. Тарвердиев Р.Б. Заиление Мингячевир-ского водохранилища. Баку, «Элм», 1974, 154 с.

15. Халилов Ш.Б. Водохранилища Азербайджана и их экологические проблемы. Баку, 2003, 310 с.


Haydarova R. T.

Garakhani P. CH.

ANAS Institut of Botany


The Orchid family (Orchidaceae) is considered to be one of the largest families of flowering plants due to its species. Based on the inventory of the herbarium specimens stored in the Herbarium Fund of Botanical Institute of ANAS and the identification of our herbarium specimens, as well as the results of molecular analyses, the latest literary data of the world scientists give us the basis for determining the new taxonomic composition of the Orchidaceae spread in the Greater Caucasus. As a result of our research, it has been established that the taxonomic composition of the Greater Caucasus (within Azerbaijan) has changed, a new description of the species has been given, and a new table has been defined.

Keywords: Orchidaceae, Greater Caucasus, taxonomy, family

The Orchid family (Orchidaceae) is considered to be one of the largest families of flowering plants due to its species. Despite the fact that many scientists around the world have involved in the systematics of the Or-chidaceae genera, the general characteristic of the species and the systematics of the genera have not been analyzed in detail more than half a century.[1] As a result of our research, it has been established that the taxonomic composition of the Greater Caucasus (within

Azerbaijan) has changed, a new description of the species has been given, and a new table has been defined. Orchids are perennial mycotrophic herbs. They can be divided into two groups, terrestials and epiphytes. The subterrestial parts are thick root-likes, made up of few or many tubers. The leaves are alternate and simple with parallel veins and whole edges. The flowers have sepals and group in panicles or spikes. [2,3]In some species, flowers are dioecious, sometimes monoecious, zygomorphic and three-membranous. The perianth is

located in two circles, with a crown shape; one of the petals (in the inner circle) is usually larger than the others, characterized by its size, structure and called lip or labellum. The lip is noticeably larger, spade-shaped, spurred. Ginoecium consists of three carpels. The ovary is a bottom, 3-locular, sometimes 1-locular. The fruit is a capsule, the seeds are small, numerous and non-endo-spermic.

These plants are found all over the world and are considered cosmopolitan.. In 1987, Takhtadjyan defined that the Orchidaceae include 750 genera and about 20,000-25,000 species.[3,5]

The current taxonomic composition of the orchid family is as follows in the flora of Azerbaijan.

The taxonomic composition of Orchidaceae Juss, spreading throughout the flora of Azerbaijan, consists of several stages. Thus, the taxonomic composition of

the Orchidaceae family in the Azerbaijani flora, written in 1952, has been identified as 19 genera, 49 species. In the Greater Caucasus (throughout Azerbaijan), there are 39 species, distributed in 16 genera. [2,4]

¡.Orchis (16 s) 7. Gymnadenia (1 s)

2. Anacamptis (1 s) 8. Platanthera (2 s)

3. Loroglossum (1 s) 9. Cephalanthera (1 s)

4. Herminium (1 s) 10.Epipactis (3 s)

5. Coeloglossum (1 s) 11. Limodorum (1 s)

6. Steveniella (1 s) 12.Epipogon (1 s)

14. Listera (1 s)

15. Neottia (1 s)

16. Corallorhiza (1 s)

17. Cypripedium (1 s)

18. Ophrys (3 s)

19. Goodyera (1 s)

Table 1

The genus of Orchidaceae in the Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan)

Number of species Genera

1. Monotypic genera Epipogeum, Steveniella, Gymnodenia, Limodorum, Himontoglossum, Spiranthes, Herminium, Ophrys

2. Genera with 2 species Platanthera, Traunsteinera, Neottia, Neotinea

3. Polytypic genera Anacamptis, Cephalanthera, Orchis, Epipactis Dachtylorhiza

There are 39 species on 16 genera in the Greater Caucasus. Based on the inventory of the herbarium specimens stored in the Herbarium Fund of Botanical Institute of ANAS and the identification of our herbarium specimens, as well as the results of molecular analyses, the latest literary data of the world scientists give

Taxonomic Composition of the Orchidaceae

№ Genera Species Subspecies

1. Epipogium 1. E.aphyllum

2. Steveniella 2. S.satyroides

3. Gymnadenia 3. G.conopsea

4. Limodorum 4.L.abortivum

5. Himantoglossum 5. H.formosum

6. Spiranthes 6.S.spiralis

7. Herminium 7. H.monorchis

Q Platanthera 8. P.bifolia


9. Traunsteinera 10. T.sphaerica

10. Neottia 11. N.nidus-avis

12. N.ovata

11. Neotinea 13.N.ustulata



12. Anacamptis 16.A.palustris


18.A. pyramidalis


13. Cephalanthera 20. C.rubra


22. C. damasonium

23. E.helloborine

14. Epipactis 24. E.microphylla


26. D.euxina D.romana sUbsp.georgia

15. Dactylorhiza 27.D.urvelliana D.morio subsp. Picta




16. Orchis 31.O.mascula

32. O.purpurea

33. O.punctulata

17. Ophrys 34. O.caucasica

us the basis for determining the new taxonomic composition of the Orchidaceae spread in the Greater Caucasus. The current taxonomic composition has been defined as follows:

Neottia Guett

Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Rich. 1817, Orch. Eur. Annot.: 37. - Ophrys nidus avis from Sweden, Germany and France. Lectotypus: "Hb.Linn.1056/ 1-3" L. 1753,Sp.pl.:945From the lower mountain ranges to the middle mountain ranges, sometimes it is found in shadowy forests in the subalpine, on grassy slopes.V-VI-VII.

Neottia ovata (L.) Bluff x Fingerhuth (1838) -Listera ovata (L.) R.Br.1813, in Alt et Hort Klev ed 25:202

Baku-Guba (Guba), east of Baku-Guba in Azerbaijan. It is found in shadowy dense forests with dense shrubs, from the plains to the middle mountain ranges. From Europe.Typus: "Hb.Linn.1056/ 10" (Bm) Epipactis palustris (L.) Crantz, 1769, Strip.Austr.ed.2,2:462. - Serapias helleborine var.palustris L.1753, Sp.Pl.2.:950. - S.palustris (L.) Mill.1768, Gard.Dict.ed.8.N3

It is spread in Baku-Guba (Guba), eastern areas of Baku-Guba. From the plains to the middle mountain range, in the humid places, in shadowy forests, between the shrubs. Ch.M. VI-VII

From Europe. L e c t o t y p u s: (Bauman et al. 1989: 474). Morison, 1699, Pl. Hist. univ. 3:487, sect. 12,T.11.f.7.

Epipactis microphylla (Ehrh.) SW.1800, Kungi. Sv. Vet. - Acad. Handl. ser. cccx21: 232. - Serapias microphylla Ehrh. 1791. Beitr. Naturk. 4:42. Fl.M. VI-VII.

From Germany. L e c t o t y p u s (Renz, Taubenheim, 1984:468) 6 "in monte Deister, Ehrhard"(W).

Azerbaijan: Baku-Guba (east). It is spread in shadowy pine forests and on the edge of the forest. Epipactis helloborine (L.) Grantz, 1769, Austr. ed. 2.2:467, - Serapias helleborine L. 1753, Sp.Pl.: 949, p.p.guod var. latifolia L. - S.latifolia (L.) L.176, Syst.Nat.ed 12.2.: 593 - E.latifolia (L.) All.1785, Auct.Fl.Pedem.2:151, nom.rej

L e c t o typ u s (Vermeulen, 1955:239) . "Haller, 1768, hist. Strip. helv. 2:T.40".

Azerbaijan: Baku-Guba (Guba), Baku-Guba (west), Baku-Guba (east). It is spread in Alazan-Ayrichay, low mountain range, light forests, forest fronts. Fl.M.VII-VIII Herminium Hill.

Herminium monorchis (L.) R.Br. 1813, in Ait et Ait.Hort,Kew, ed,2,5:191 - Ophrys monorchis L.1753, Sp.Pl.: 947

From Europe. Typus: (Hb. Linn. 1056/22 (Bm). Baku-Guba (Guba). It is spread around the village of Laza, in the subalpine meadows, in calcareous places.

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Himantoglossum Koch.

Himantoglossum formosum (Stew) C.Koch. 1849: Limal 22:283. r. Fl.V-VI

Azerbaijan: Baku-Guba (Guba), Baku-Guba (east). From the East Caucasus. T yp u s: "Kubam, Steven" (LE)


N.ustulata L. 1753, Sp.Pl. 2:941 - O.ustulata Fl.IV-VI.

From Europe. L e c to t y p u s: "Hb. Linn. 1054/21" (BM)

Distribution: Azerbaijan: Baku-Guba (Guba).It grows in subalpine hills and on mountain slopes.

N.tridentata Scop. 1772, Fl. Carn. ed. 2, 2:190. -O.tridentata. -O.taurica Lindl. 1835, Gen. Sp. Orchid.: 271


From Europe. Typ u s: "... in collibus idriam, Sco-


Azerbaijan: Baku-Guba (Guba), Guba (east), (Alazan-Ayrichay, Sheki). It is found in the middle mountain ranges, shrubberies, ponds and forest frontiers.

Steveniella Schlochter

Steveniella satyrioides (Stev.) Schlechter. -1918, feddes Repert. 15:295 - Himantoglossum satyrioides Spreng.1826.Syst.Veget.3:694 - Orchis satyrioides Stev.1809.Mem.Soc.Nat.Moscou, 2:176, non L.ex Schreb, 1789.


From Georgia. Typus: "in Iberia, Steven"(H)

Azerbaijan: Baku-Guba (east). It grows in the forests, the middle and low forest hills and the forest frontiers.

Gymnadenia R.Br

G.conopsea (L) R.Br., 1813, in Ait.et.Ait.f. Hort.Kew. ed.25:191 - Orchis conopsea L.1753, sp.Pl: 942


From Turkey. L e c t o typ u s "Hb Linn. 1054/40" (BM).

Azerbaijan: Baku-Guba (Guba), Baku-Guba (east), Baku-Guba (west). It grows in the meadows, forest areas, from the average mountain ranges to the subalpine at an altitude of 2300 m.

Traunsteinera Reichenb

T.sphaerica (Bieb) Schlechter, 1928. Monogr. lc. Orch.Eur. 1,7 - 8:227 - Orchis spaerica Bieb. 1808. Fl.Taur - Cauc.2:362 - O.globosa var.sphaerica (Bieb.)Schmalh. 1897. ^.Cp.to^H. Ros. 2:456.-Fl.VI-VII.

From Georgia. Typ u s: "iberia, Steven" (LE!)

Azerbaijan: Baku-Guba (west). It grows on subalpine and alpine meadows..

Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) RMBate-man.1787, Collect: bot.1:75 - O.elegans Heuff.1835. Flora (Regensb) 18:250. - O.palustris Jacq Fl.V-VI.

Azerbaijan: Baku-Guba (Guba), Baku-Guba (east). It grows in plains, wet grasslands, from the plains to the middle mountain ranges.

From Australia.

A.papilionaceae (L) 1759, Systema, ed.10: 1242 - O.papilionaceae (L.)

From Europe. Ty p u s: "Hb. Linn. 1054/29, 30" (BM). It is found in the western areas of Baku-Guba.

Fl.V-VI. Samur-Davachi in Azerbaijan oval.Mashrif. It grows on grassy slopes in the territory of Galaalti villages, low mountain ranges among bushes, and lighted areas.

A. coriophora (L.) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon x M.W.Chase. 1753, Sp. Pl. 26940. - O.fragrans Pollini, 1811, elem. Bot.Comp, 2:155 - O.coriophora LFl. V-VI.

From Southern Europe. T y p u s: "Hb.Linn. 1054/18" (BM).

It grows in the subalpine gorges, the grasslands, and the forested areas.

Baku-Guba (Guba), Baku-Guba (west). A.morio subsp. picta (Loisee) Jasguet L. Scap-pat., Repartit. Orchid. Sauvages France, ed. 3,3: 7 (2003).

Fl.M. IV-V From France.

It grows in the middle mountain slopes, shrubberies and forests on the territory of Baku-Guba (Guba) of Azerbaijan.

Epipogium - Ghost orchids. J.S.Gmel.ex Borkh. E.aphyllum (f.M.Schmidt) S.WFl.M. VII-VIII From Siberia. L e c t o t y p u s (Renz, Tauben. heim. 1984:470) "J.G.Gmelin, 1774, Fl. Sib. 1:T.2, f.2" After flowering, it does not appear for a few period.

It grows in shadowy forests, in low and middle mountain ranges in eastern and western parts of Baku-Guba inAzerbaijan. Spiranthes Rich.

S.spirales (L.) Chevall.1827. Fl. Gen. Env. Paris, 2:330. - Ophrys spiralis L.1753, Sp.Pl.:945. - O. au-tuminalis Balb.1801.Elenko:96. - Spiranthes autumi-nalis (Balb.) Rich.1817, Orchid, Eur.Annot:37

L e c t o ty p u s: "Hb.Linn.1056/8" (BM). Baku-Guba (ismayilli)

It has been shown that it spreads in low mountain range in Lankaran in Azerbaijan. At present the Isma-yilli region is considered to be a new distribution area.Fl.IX-X

Limodorum Boehm.

L.abortivum (L.) SW 1799, Nova Acta Soc.Sci.Upsal. 6:80 - Orchis abortiva L.1753,Sp.Pl.:943 - Centrosic abortiva (L) SW.1814, Summa Veg.Scand.132. Fl.V-VI

It has been depicted on the basis of materials from France, England, Sweden and Italy.

L e c t o ty p u s: "Hb.Linn. 1054/43" (BM). Baku-Guba (Guba), Baku-Guba (east), Baku-Guba (west). It grows in the low and middle mountain ranges, among the bushes in the cut forests, and at the edges of the forest.

Cephalanthera Rich

Cephalanthera rubra (L.) Rich.1817.Or-chid.Eur. Annot.:38. Serapias rubra L.1767.Syst. ed 12.2.:594 Fl.VI-VII

From Europe. L e c t o t yp u s: "Hb.Burser, 10:45" (UPS).

Baku-Guba (Guba). It grows in the low and middle forest ranges (in lime soils).

C.damasonium (Mill.) Druce,

1906,Ann.scott.Nat. Hist.60.:225 - Serapias damason-ium Mill.1768,Gard..Dict.ed.8,N2 - S.grandiflora L.1767, Systema, ed .12,2:594.nom.illeg.suberfl. -. C.V-VI

Baku-Guba (Guba), Samur-Davachi, Baku-Guba (west), Baku-Guba (east).

From England. Ty p u s: (BM). It ends in shadowy, leafy forests and lime soils. C.longifolia (L) Fritsch,1888, Osterr.Bot.Jelt-schr.38:81 - Serapias helloborine var longifolia L. 1753, Sp.Pl.2:950 Fl.V-VI

From Europe. L e c t o typ u s:" Hb.Linn.1957/4" (BM) Baku-Guba, Baku-Guba (west).

It grows in the Samur-Davachi lowland of Azerbaijan, in the eastern and western parts of Baku-Guba, in the low and middle mountain ranges, in bright forests.

C.caucasica Kraenzl.1931. Feddes, Repert. (Beih).65:67 - C.acuminata Ledeb. 1853.Fl.Ross. 4:78, non Lindl.1840.- Fl.V.

From Transcaucasia. T y p u s: "in silvis montis Talushpr.pagum. Swant.Hohenacker, N 2740" (holo-typus - LE)

It grows in shady forests in low and middle mountain ranges in the western parts of Baku-Guba in Azerbaijan.


P.bifolia (L.) Rich. 1817, Orchid Eur. Annot: 35.

- Orchis bifolia L. 1753, Sp.pl. 2:969 -From Europe. T y p u s: Hb.Linn. 1054/15" (BM)

Baku-Guba in Azerbaijan (Alazan-Ayrichay valley). It is spread in broad-leaved forests and low mountain ranges..

P.chlorantha (Custer) Reichenb. 1829. in Moess-ler, Hardb. Gewnchck. ed. 2: 1565- Orchis chlorantha Custer, 1827, in Steinmueller, Nene Alp. 2: 401

From Europe. Fl.VI-VII

Alazan-Ayrichay valley, Iorsk-Sheki, Baku-Guba, Azerbaijan. It is spread in forests, meadows, jungles, shrubberies and subalpine ranges.

Orchis L. - Orchid

O.simia Lam. 1779, Fl. Fr. 3:507. O.simia var.lax-iflora Boiss. 1882, Fl. Or. 5:63 Fl.V.

From France. T y p u s: (P-Lam.)

Baku-Guba (Guba), Baku-Guba (east), Azerbaijan. It grows in the low and middle mountain ranges, the grassy slopes, the edges of forests and shrubberies.

O.mascula (L.) L. 1755, Fl.Suec, ed. 2:310 -O.morio var. mascula L. 1753, Sp. Pl. 2:941. - O.pi-netorum Boiss, et Kotschy, 1882, in Boiss. Fl.Or. 5:68

- O.winjkowii E.Wueff, 1930, Fl. Krima, 1:97

Fl. IV-V.

From Europe. L e c to t y p u s: "Hb. Linn. 1054/20" (BM)

Baku-Guba (Guba), Baku-Guba (east), Baku-Guba (west) in Azerbaijan. It grows in the shadowy broad-leaved forests, jungles, shrubberies, fields and in the low and middle mountain ranges.

O.purpurea Huds. 1762, Fl.Angl.: 334. - O.fusca acq. 1776. Fl. Austr. 4 : 4, tab. 307. - O.maxima C.Koch. 1846, Linnaea, 19: 14. - O.caucasica Regel., 1870. ind. Sem. Hort. Bot. Petropol 1868, Suppl. 1869: 22 - O.purpurea subsp. caucasica (Regel) B.Baumann. H.Baumann, Lorenz et Peter, 2003, J.Eur.Orch. 35, 1: 182 Fl. IV-V.

From England. T y p u s: "in collibus cretaceus. At Northfleet near Gravesend, Sherard" (OXF)

Baku-Guba (Guba), Baku-Guba (east), Samur-Davachi valley in Azerbaijan.. It grows in forest areas, middle mountain ranges and shrubberies.

O.punctulata Stev. ex Lindl. 1835, Gen. Sp. Orch. Pl.: 273. - O.sepulchralis Boiss. et Heldr. 1854, in Boiss. Diagn. Pl. Orient. Ser. 1, 13: 10. -O.schelkownikowii Woronov, J.Eur.Orch. 35, 1: 174 Fl. IV-V.

From Crimea. T y p u s: "in Tauria meridionali. Steven". (Holotypus, isotypus - H, LE! )

Baku-Guba in Azerbaijan (Sheki, Alaz.-Ayrichay). It grows from the plain to the mountainous terrain, on the edge of the forest, in the jungle, and in the bushes.

Dactylorhiza Neck ex Nevski

D.euxina (Nevski) Czer, 1981 (19 Feb.) Сосуд. раст. СССР, 308; H.Banmann et Kuenkele, 1981 (1 aug). Mitt. Bl. Arbeitskr.Heim. Orch. Baden-Wurth. 13,2: 235 - O.euxina Nevski, 1935, Фл. СССР, 4: 709. - O.caucasica (Klinde) Medw. 1919, Тр. Тифл. бот. сада, 18, 2: 476, non. Regee.


It is depicted on the basis of materials from the Caucasus and Anatolia. [45, 48]

L e c t o t y p u s: "Caucasus, inter Wladikawkaz et Tiflis, Beidara, in turfosis, 21.08.1861, №1240, Rup-recht"(LE!)

Azerbaijan: Baku-Guba (Alazan-Ayrichay). It is found in upper forests and alpine meadows, meadows and forest fields.

D.viridis (L.) R.M.Bateman. Pridgeon &M.W.Chase. 1997 - Cologlossum viride (L.) Hartm, 1820, Handb, Scand. Fl: 329. - Satyrium viride L. 1753. Sp. Pl.: 944

From Europe. L e c t o t y p u s: "Hb. Linn. 1055/3 (BM)"

Baku-Guba (Alazan-Ayrichay), Baku-Guba (Guba), Baku-Guba (east). It is spread out from low mountain ranges to the subalpine, alpine meadows, and jungles.

D.umbrosa (L.) Kar.&Kit (Nevski) -O.sanasunitensis Fleich. Annal. Hofmus. Wien XXVIII, 35 (1914) - O.incarnata (non L.) et O.latifolia (non L.) auct.cauc.


From Europe.

Baku-Guba (Guba), Baku-Guba (east), Azerbaijan. It grows in the meadows in the upper mountain ranges.

D.urvelliana (Stendel) Baumann et Kuenkele, 1981, Mitt. Bl. Arbeitskr. Heim. Orch. Baden-Wurth. 13,2: 240. - Orchis urvilleana Stend. 1841. Nomencl. Bot. Ed. 2,2: 225. -


From Abkhazia. L e c t o t y p u s: (Baumann et Kuenkele, 1981, 240): Soukoum (Suchumi) in Colch-ide, 1820. J.Dumort D'Urville.

Baku-Guba, Azerbaijan; (Alazan-Ayrichay, Iorsk-Sheki). It is spread in humid meadows, forests and shrubberies.It gorws sparsely.

D.romana subsp. georgia (Klinge) Sob ex Renz & Taubenheim, Notes Roy. Bot Gard. Edinburgh 41: 271 (1983). - Orchis mediterranea subsp. georgi-caKlinge, Treedy imp. S.Peterburqsk Sada 17 (1): 19 (1898). Orchis romana subsp. georgica (Klinge) E.G.Gamus, Monogr. Orchid. 172 (1908); Orchis romana var.georgica (Klinge) Schltr, Repert. Spes. Nov. Regni Veg. Sonderbeich: A1: 187 (1927); Dactylorhiza sambucina subsp. georgica (Klinge) H.Sund., Europ. Medit. Orchid., ed 3: 40, 1980

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From Transcaucasia. L e c t o t y p u s: (Baumann et Kuenkele, 1981, 240): Soukoum (Suchumi) in Col-chide, 1820. J.Dumort D'Urville.

Baku-Guba, Azerbaijan; (Alazan-Ayrichay, Iorsk-Sheki). It grows in the humid forests and between bushes from the low mountain ranges to the subalpine.

Ophrys L.

0.caucasica Woronov ex Grossh.1928,Фл. Кавк. 1:261

Fl.M. VI-VII It is depicted on the basis of Caucasian materials. "Dagestan, Abkhazia, Georgia, Azerbaijan" L e c t o t y pus: (Averyanov,1994:123): Авхазия,'Тп pratis prope Jurjewskoje (Tzebelda), 19.IV-2.V 1902 Leg.G.Woronow. №196 (LE!)


1. Osgarov A.M. Azarbaycanin Ali Bitkilari. Baki 2005. T. 1: sah. 80-90

2. Ахундов Г.Ф. Сем. Orchidaceae Juss.Флора Азербайджана, Баку: Изд-во АН Азерб.СССР, 1952. T.2,c. 240-271

3. Гроссгейм А.А. Флора Кавказа. Баку: АН СССР. 1940. Т.2. 284 с.

4. Конспект флоры Кавказа В 3 томах / Отв. ред. акад. А.Л.Тахтаджян. К 65 / Ред. Ю.Л.Ме-ницский, Т.Н.Попова и др. - СПб.; М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК, 2006. Т.2, 465 с.

5. Bateman R.M. et Al. Phylogenetics of Orchidinae. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 142, p. 1-40

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