ЕКОНОМ1КА: реалП часу
№5(21), 2015
ECONOMICS: time realities
УДК 658 ББК Х.621
S.V. Filyppova, DEcon, Professor A.M. Bundyuk, Ph.D., associate professor L.A. Voloshchuk, Ph.D., associate professor
Odessa National Polytechnic University, Odessa, Ukraine
Фыиппова С.В., Бундюк А.М., Волощук Л.О. Системний nidxid до управлтня ÍHeecmui¡iüHUM процесом виробничого тдприемства при знижент piern його економiчноl безпеки eid зовтштх i внутршшх ennmie.
Розглядаеться швестицшний процес виробничого тдприемства в умовах впливу на нього зовтштх та внутрштх збурюючих фактов. Для проведення екожмчно безпечного швестицшного процесу пропонуеться схема управлшня на базi системного тдходу. Для аналзу функцюнування швестицшного процесу сформована адаптивна модель управлшня при наявност зовтштх та внутрштх збурюючих впливгв.
Ключовi слова: швестицшний процес; збурюючи фактори; економiчна безпека; системний тдхвд; адаптивна модель; результукга показники
Филиппова С.В., Бундюк А.Н., Волощук Л.А. Системный подход к управлению инвестиционным процессом производственного предприятия при снижении уровня его экономической безопасности от внешних и внутренних воздействий.
Рассматривается инвестиционный процесс производственного предприятия в условиях воздействия на него внешних и внутренних возмущающих факторов. Для проведения экономически безопасного инвестиционного процесса предлагается схема управления на базе системного подхода.
Ключевые слова: инвестиционный процес; возмущающие факторы; экономическая безопасность; системный подход; адаптивная модель; результирующие показатели
Filyppova S.V., Bundyuk A.N., Voloshchuk L.O. Systematic approach to managing the investment process manufacturing enterprise by reducing the level of its economic security from external and internal influences.
Considers the investment process manufacturing enterprise in the conditions of influence of external and internal disturbing factors. For economically safe investment process proposed control scheme on the basis of a systematic approach. To analyze the functioning of the investment process formed the adaptive management model in the presence of external and internal disturbing factors.
Keywords: investment process; disturbing factors; economic security; system approach; adaptive model; the resulting performance
The investment process is one of the core business processes of manufacturing enterprises. Like other business processes the investment process (IP) is influenced by both internal and external factors [1, 2]. The most dangerous are factors that significantly reduce the security of the investment process [3, 4]. Therefore the problem of preservation and stabilization of the investment security is quite relevant.
The aim of the article is to develop a system of management of investment process of the production enterprise, to ensure his safety. The main part
The key and first step towards the creation of a system of management of investment process manufacturing company is measuring the level of compliance of indicators of the status of their normative values and the implementation of feedback, otherwise the evaluation of the functioning of the investment process. The solution lies at the intersection of many sciences and technologies:
— General Management Theory, system-oriented analysis;
— Management theories;
— Applied mathematics, data analysis methods;
— Quality control;
— IT-technologies;
— Psychology, physiology, sociology;
— Expert estimates.
Successful development of such a system is impossible without a systematic approach. It has found wide application in studies of management of organizations, leading commercial activities [5]. The initial position of the system approach is the availability target that is considered the most important characteristic of the organization as a complex, open, controlled, dynamic systems with purposeful action.
When you create a system of management of the investment process necessary to determine the control object (the driven part) and the subject of management (management part), and to determine the inputs and outputs of the system.
Teopia i nparrma eKOHOMÍKH Ta ynpaBmHHS npoMHC^oBHMH nignpneMCTBaMH
In the management of the site, it is important to know what tools and through what channels of effects can be achieved, these and other goals.
The object in the control system, which is developing, is the investment process. As the subject of management is a group of specialists who perform the corresponding functions of control in relation to the object
Investment process as a control object is subjected to different types of impacts that can be divided into external (W) and internal (V). External and internal influences at the entrance of the facility, leading to unwanted changes in the state of the object, called the disturbing action. Internal influences for the persistence of the object or purposeful change, is called the control actions (CA).
External influences form the vector Wj, where j = = 1 ^ m. To external influences include: legislative and legal support, product competitiveness of the enterprise, reliability of suppliers and customers, the ecology of the region, the socio-political environment of the region, the security of the Bank's support, etc.
Internal influences form the vector Vi, where i = = H n. The internal influences include: the financial condition of the company, the level of technical and technological support, human resources, strategic and operational planning, socio-psychological climate of the company and others.
Control actions form a vector Ul, where l =R k. Control action is implemented, management decisions (MD) to compensate for internal and external influences, ensuring stable functioning of the investment process. Control actions are generated on the basis of management decisions developed in accordance with tasks or goals.
The performance of the process form a vector Pq, where q = 1 ^ b. This level of support, timing of investment, the degree of use of resources, evaluation of intermediate results, degree of risk and security investment process. These result indicators allow to establish qualitative and quantitative characteristics for assessing the course of the investment process. In terms of stability of the investment process, these indicators are referred to as normative or target indicators (Pnq). However, under the influence of internal and external factors, the resulting indicators of the process state change, indicating undesirable changes in the functioning of the process. It is possible to speak about such an important feature of the safety flow of the investment process.
Security investment processes includes different kinds: financial, legal, international legal, environmental, technical, technological, human, social-psychological, etc.
A possible connection between the input effects on the object and the results of such effects on the output can be shown on a parametric model (Fig. 1).
External influences - Wj
Control actions -Ul
Investment process
The performance of the process - Pq
Internal influences - Vi
Fig. 1. A parametric model of the investment process
This model allows us to identify the channels through which the inputs affect the resultant settings. Thus it is necessary to obtain qualitative and quantitative characteristics of these channels.
Quality features allow you to classify the channels according to the degree of influence of input variables on the resulting performance.
1) Internal influences - the resulting settings on the grounds:
— low impact: pay no attention;
— significant impact: take action;
— dangerous effect: scramble.
2) External influences - the resulting settings on the grounds:
— low impact: pay no attention;
— significant impact: take action;
— dangerous effect: scramble.
3) Control action - result indicators:
— slight impact;
— sufficient impact;
— excessive impact.
Quantitative characteristics allow to identify groups of influence of input variables on the resulting performance.
— One input parameter affects a single result parameter (the scheme one-to-one).
— One input parameter affects multiple result parameters (scheme one-to-many).
— Several input parameters affects a single result parameter (schema many-to-one).
— Several input parameters affects multiple result parameters (schema many-to-many).
This characterization of channels necessary for the formation of managerial decisions. Under the influence of internal and external influences is deviation of the resulting parameters from their standard values (Pnq):
A = p° - P
^q A q A q
where Aq - vector of errors of control.
The emergence of such variances demonstrates the need for the application of new control actions, under
which the vector of error of control accepts null values (Aq = 0).
In such situations, the management of the investment process is implemented in three stages. At the first stage of the analysis goal, the study and definition of the object state, characterized by the values of the resulting indicators and managerial decision making. The resulting indices are estimated as a function of three variables:
Pq = fi(Vi, Wj, Ul) In the second stage the best of taken MD using certain tools (IZ) is converted into control actions. The third stage is monitoring the implementation of decisions, evaluation of results and, if necessary, correction of management decisions [6, 7].
The process of formation MD and CA presented on Fig. 2.
Methods selecting
Methods of forming
Control actions -►
State of the system
Formation of possible MD Analysis
Targets - standard indicators Volume characteristics Feedback - result indicators
Decision-making technique
Fig. 2. Diagram of the forming of MD and CA
Stages of management of investment process can be represented as a set of procedures [8]:
— statement of purpose;
— comparison and analysis of summaries and statutory indicator ( goals);
— determining the status of object and system;
— the development of alternative options for CA;
— criterion selection;
— the identification and evaluation of risks;
— choosing the best CA;
— the formation of impact tools;
— the formation of CA and their implementation;
— results control.
Scheme of management of the investment process that implements these procedures on the basis of the system approach, is presented in figure 3.
The control action is generated as a function of three variables:
Ul = f2(Aq, Iz, Xnn), where Xnn - characteristics of the investment process.
To assess the efficiency of functioning of system of management of the investment process it is necessary to form a system model and perform analysis based on this model. Modeling is an essential
step of any targeted activities, including research of the management of the investment process.
In some cases, modeling has several advantages compared to the study of the real object. Models is the organizational structure which displayed in the form of a block diagram, the circuit operation of the unit and even job descriptions as a model of the intended behavior of people with regard to their rights and responsibilities within the enterprise.
To the main advantages of the research of the behavior of the object with the help of model include:
— the simplicity of the experiment;
— visualization of the results;
— the ability to play the most important properties of the object;
identifying the main factors influencing to the characteristics of the object.
When developing the model, there are four stages. 1st stage - description of the model inputs, i.e., a representation of the list of inputs of the system. For the dynamic model, the input must be a function of time.
Object management - investment process of the enterprise is characterized by three groups of inputs, as shown in Fig. 1.
Teopia i nparrma eKOHOMÍKH Ta ynpaBmHHS npoMHC^oBHMH nignpneMCTBaMH
Analysis methods of the state of IP
Decisionmaking and selection technique MD
Methods of
Methods of forming CA
External and internal influences
Fig. 3. Control scheme based on systematic approach
Is a vector of management actions, the vector of external effects and the vector of internal influences 2d stage - description of external influences. For this purpose, the results of PEST-analysis of external
environment factors that are affecting the enterprise [9]. External influences that are affecting the investee, are presented in table 1.
Table 1. Factors of external influence
Criterion of classification Factor
1.1. Political factors The stability of the political situation in the country
Lobbying of interests of certain activities, industries or other political force
1.2 Regulatory factors Regulatory framework regulation of economic activities in the country
State regulation of development of the internal market
State control over the activities of the company
1.3 Financial-economic factors national and regional level The trend and phase of development of the world economy (recession, crisis, growth, peak)
The volume and structure of national production and consumption, mutual consistency of volume and structure
The competitiveness of products of domestic production
The level of development of the internal market, economic and financial infrastructure, competition, or monopolization of markets
Rate of inflation
Economic activity of the population
The investment climate
Sectoral structure of the economy
The level of development of inter-sectoral linkages
1.4 Demographic and sociocultural factors Age and sex structure of the population
The social structure of the population
The level of education and culture of the population
The tendency of the population towards entrepreneurial activity
The quality of life of the population
1.5 Industry factors The volume and structure of the consumer market
Volume and the supply structure of consumer goods
The state of competition in the market
The level of shadow sector
Provision industry qualified professionals
Scientific and technical support for development of the market and industry
1.6 Ecological factors The system of environmental liability at national and regional levels
Local models which provide sustainable and environment-friendly development solutions
The regulation of socio-economic processes in the country to solve resource and environmental problems
State policy in the sphere of natural resource use and greening
The use of environmentally friendly resources and energy saving technologies, with no - or low-waste closed production cycles
Requirements of resource-ecological safety
Environmental responsibility of enterprises
The quality of domestic environmental equipment, technical means and technologies
The expenditure of enterprises on environment
3d stage - description internal influences, which table 2, where they reflect the strengths and may be permanent and variable. Variables effects are weaknesses of the invested enterprise [9]. time-varying. Internal exposure is presented in
Table 2. Internal factors impact
2.1 Resource and technological factors Material and technical base of the enterprise
The volume and structure of capital of the company
The resources of the enterprise and their negotiability
2.2 Organizational, social and managerial factors Organizational and legal form of the enterprise
Stage of the enterprise life cycle
The overall strategy of the enterprise activity
Organizational structure of management
The presence of the security system of the enterprise
Personnel qualifications
The system of motivation of personnel of the enterprise
Compliance with internal regulatory documents with applicable laws
2.3 Financial and economic factors at the enterprise level The level of profitability
The ratio of current assets and current liabilities
The volume and structure of current assets
Current current assets
The balance of cash flows
Enterprise investment policy
Management of financial risk receivables and payables
4th stage - the compilation of the mathematical processing all types of incoming information: status description of the model (algorithm development). At of inputs, external and internal exposure. this stage are defined by mathematical procedures of
Fig. 4. The model of functioning of management system
Тeopiя i пpактика eкoнoмiки та yпpавлiння пpoмиcлoвими пiдпpиeмcтвами
In Fig. 4 presents the model of management of the investment process.
The proposed model allows to analyze the behavior of the system under internal and external influences on the investment process of a production company. Analysis results of the management system of the investment process allow to carry out the
proved choice of management decisions and tools for their implementation for the purpose of stabilization of the resulting indicators and the investment process.
Thus it is possible to ensure the safety of the investment process with different effects on it.
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Надано до редакцп 07.09.2015
Фшиппова Свгглана Валерпвна / Svitlana V. Filyppova
jackal@te. net.ua
Бундюк Анатолш Миколайович / Anatoly M. Budnik
Волощук Лщя Олександавна / Lidia O. Voloshchuk
l. a. voloschuk@gmail. com
Посилання на статтю / Reference a Journal Article:
Systematic approach to managing the investment process manufacturing enterprise by reducing the level of its economic security from external and internal influences [Електронний ресурс] / S. V. Filyppova, A. M. Bundyuk, L. O. Voloshchuk // Економжа: реалп часу. Науковий журнал. — 2015. — № 5 (21). — С. 89-94. — Режим доступу до журн.: http://economics.opu.ua/files/archive/2015/n5.html