SYNTHESIS AND PROPERTIES OF IONITES WITH TARGET PROPERTIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по химическим наукам, автор научной работы — Xolliyeva Muattar, Ostonov Firuz, Olimov Bobir

In this article, the influence of the amount of alkali on the yield of the cratonaldehyde polymerization reaction has been studied. The resulting polymer product was treated with sodium bisulfite, a cation exchanger was synthesized, and its properties were studied.

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№8X113}___t АУК/_август. 2023 г.


Muattar Xolliyeva


of the Department of Chemistry of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering-Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara

Firuz Ostonov

Senior teacher

of the Department of Chemistry of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering-Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara E-mail: _ firuzostonov916@gmail. com

Bobir Olimov


of the Department of Chemistry of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering-Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara E-mail: chemistry2927@mail. ru


Холлиева Муаттар

соискатель кафедры химии Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара

Остонов Фируз Истамович

ст. преп. кафедры химии Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара

Олимов Бобир Баходирович

доц. кафедры химии Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара


In this article, the influence of the amount of alkali on the yield of the cratonaldehyde polymerization reaction has been studied. The resulting polymer product was treated with sodium bisulfite, a cation exchanger was synthesized, and its properties were studied.


В данной статье изучено влияние количества щелочи на выход реакции полимеризации кратональдегида. Полученный полимерный продукт обрабатывали бисульфитом натрия, синтезировали катионит и изучали его свойства.

Keywords: sodium bisulfite, croton aldehyde, KOH, polymerization.

Ключевые слова: бисульфит натрия, кротоновый альдегид, КОН, полимеризация.


Unsaturated aldehydes are highly reactive compounds. Polymers based on them contain a double bond and an aldehyde group [1]. Therefore, it is possible to obtain new polymers by subjecting them to various

chemical changes and modifying them. One such monomer is croton aldehyde. It is of great interest to obtain (oligo)polymeric substances based on this substance, which is produced as waste in the production of acetic aldehyde. The literature has specific information

Библиографическое описание: Xolliyeva M., Ostonov F.I., Olimov B.B. SYNTHESIS AND PROPERTIES OF IONITES WITH TARGET PROPERTIES // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 8(113). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/15873

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about the polymerization of this monomer [2;3;4;5], but in-depth practical studies have not been carried out. In this case, the symmetric exchange of the double bond complicates the polymerization of croton aldehyde. In recent years, polymerization reactions of croton aldehyde have been carried out in the presence of sodium alkali [6-8]. In the studies carried out in an alkaline medium, a viscous resin was obtained with a yield of 55%. Many factors affecting the polymerization reaction of croton aldehyde have been studied, but the composition and structure of the resulting polymer have not been fully investigated [9;10;11;12].

Methods and results

The polymerization reaction of croton aldehyde was carried out at 60 °C in the presence of KOH in an alkaline environment in various proportions (Table 1). For this, a three-necked flask equipped with a thermometer, a reflux condenser and a dropping funnel was placed on an electric heater with a magnetic stirrer[13-16]. The required amount of croton aldehyde was poured into the flask, and the polymerization reaction was continued by adding the alkali solution in the dropper funnel. The resulting polymer was purified by water precipitation and dried to a constant mass[16-18].

+ nNaHSO





Na03S ^OH


Table 1.

The effect of alkali concentration on the polymerization of croton aldehyde (60°C, 10 hours)

Moles of reagents Yield, %

KOH Croton aldehyde

10 12

20 65

30 71

40 76

50 77

60 79

After that, the resulting polymeric substance was heated by adding a saturated solution of sodium hydrosulfite [19-21]. The beaker was then cooled and after some time a powdery (brown) precipitate was obtained. The resulting substance is a sulfocationite

with Na+ exchange properties[22-23]. The rate of sorption of Ca+2 ions of this cationite under static conditions was determined: 10 samples of the ion exchanger in the form of Na+, 0.25 g of dry product, each sample were placed in 150 ml conical flasks and closed with a stopper [24;25;26].

Figure 1. Adsorption kinetics of Ca+2 ions in samples of investigated sorbent materials

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These flasks were filled with 50 mL of 0.1N CaCk solution and the sample was kept in contact with the solution for a certain period of time while shaking. Every 10 minutes, 10 ml of solution was taken from the flasks and the amount of Ca2+ ion in them was determined using a calorimeter. Sampling was stopped when the concentration of calcium ions in the solution did not change.

The polymerization reaction of croton aldehyde was carried out at 60 °C for 10 hours, and the effect of alkali on the reaction yield was studied. It was found that the reaction yield decreases as the molar amount of alkali in the polymer mixture increases. It was found that the polymerization was due to the vinyl group and carbonyl group in the kraton aldehyde. It was found that the carbonyl group was preserved in 50% of cases. It is determined that the combination of sodium bisulfide with the obtained polymer occurs as a result of the nucleophilic attack of the bisulfite ion on the carbonyl group in the polymer.



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