DOI: 10.24234/wisdom.v26i2.994
Alexandra RADYUK 1 * ^ | Margarita NIKOGOSYAN 1 ^
1 RUDN University, Moscow, Russia * Correspondence Alexandra RADYUK, Miklukho-Mak-laya st., 6, Moscow, 117198, Russia E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of manipulative syntactic stylistic devices in the English language based on the articles about style, fashion, trends and their place in the sweepingly emerging lifestyle discourse.
The relevance of this research is due to the dynamics of the pragmatic design of speech in connection with current changes in the fashion world and society's attitude to modern trends. The purpose is to systematize manipulative syntactic devices in the English-language media discourse in connection with the actualization of self-expression, individuality, and originality. The study of how these principles are promoted in media discourse could make a significant contribution to discursive research.
Articles about style, fashion and trends from the quality press and lifestyle magazines were selected as the empirical material. As a result, the identified devices were subjected to functional and stylistic analysis, which made it possible to classify the main communicative purposes for which various syntactic stylistic devices are used.
The authors come to the conclusion that the use of syntactic stylistic devices is conditioned by the manipulative potential of the lifestyle discourse and is concentrated around the following functions: insisting on a certain opinion or attitude, exaggerating the value, endearing the reader.
Keywords: discourse, media discourse, manipulative rhetoric,
manipulative means, stylistics, syntax, syntactic stylistic devices.
An analysis of modern print and online media shows that articles, messages, editorial notes and print ads are highly pragmatically colored. Tradi-
tionally, the desire to influence the behavior of the audience is associated with the concept of manipulation - an impact aimed at acting contrary to the speaker's own goal or covert psychological influence. It should be added that verbal
means of manipulation are currently widely used, which makes this mechanism a relevant object of study for linguists.
This article analyses manipulative rhetoric of the mass media and its pragmatic properties. Manipulation is a complex process that affects both the stage of speech planning and the stages of implementation of the impact and reflection -an analysis of the effectiveness of the chosen means, a decision on communicative success or failure. Taking into account the intentions of the author, his practical goals, the influence of ex-tralinguistic factors together contribute to an appropriate verbal formulation of the message.
However, functional peculiarities of syntactic stylistic means in various subdivisions of media discourse remains understudied (Tominc, 2017; Popp, 2006; Machin & van Leeuwen, 2007; Spencer & Gregory, 2010; Gribach et al., 2019; Koshevaya, 2011; Kozhina, 2014; Lenkova, 2016). In this paper, a comprehensive study of the pragmatic means of media discourse influence continues, following lexical means (Radyuk & Nikogosyan, 2022), we aim to describe syntactic manipulative means.
Stylistic devices have always been an integral part of pragmatic coloring of speech (Freeman, 2019; Jeffries & McIntyre, 2010; Machin & van Leeuwen, 2007; Stockwell, 2014). Each stylistic device has its own function as well as every particular one can convey different functions according to the context (Aminova, 2021; Avane-sova, 2010; Basovskaya, 2020). Syntactic stylistic devices increase the pragmatic potential of the text and give originality to speech.
The use of syntactic stylistic devices in articles about fashion, trends and style allows not only to attract the attention of a potential audience, but also to reinforce the influence of the media text. Such forms of impact are actualized on a cognitive-pragmatic level of communication and among others are realized by various syntactic stylistic devices. They help to create a pragmatically intensive semantic space in the media discourse and evoke certain feelings that affect the behavior of the reader (Popp, 2006). A stylistic device is a way of organizing the utterance of a text, enhancing its expressiveness, that figures of speech are also used as a stylistic device (Popov, 2019).
Media discourse has been on object of studies in the field of text linguistics, sociolinguistics,
cognitive linguistics, functional stylistics and content analysis, critical discourse analysis, (G. G. Pocheptsov, E. A. Kozhemyakin, T. G. Dobrosklonskaya, G. Ya. Solganik, N. A. Kuz-mina, V. V. Krasnikh, M. R. Zheltukhina, N. Fairclough, D. Croteau, W. Hoynes, M. Montgomery, R. Fowler, A. Bell, A. O'Keeffe, D. Machin, T. van Leeuwen, R. Wodak). According to Gribovod (2013), media discourse is a set of all processes and derivatives of speech activity in the field of mass media, including the issues of their coordination with all its complexities (p. 118).
Taking into consideration the key concepts of speech manipulation currently accepted in linguistic science we can single out the following features.
Media manipulation imposes qualitative interpretation of events (O'Keeffe, 2011). This method of speech influence comes down to the use of various language and speech means in combination with the presentation of facts, the interpretation of various concepts and the interpretation of events in a way that is beneficial for the author.
One of the most frequent pragmatic influence methods remains reasoned comment (Kozhe-myakin, 2010). With all the prevalence of the implicit expression of the author's point of view, explicit argumentation is widely used as a method of speech influence.
Interpretation of key concepts and assessment of the ongoing events or people, characterization and presentation of them in a favorable light for the author can also be considered a manifestation of speech influence. This method of speech influence is based on the manifestation of the category of subjective modality (Wodak & Meyer, 2009; Shiryaeva, 2013).
Print media apply a variety of graphic means of highlighting individual fragments of text. Color, font and composition are widely used to attract more attention (Lagrandeur, 2003).
Concerning the composition of the media text, speech influence consists in the impact by constructing a coherent structure to enhance the speech impact on the recipient - naming the topic, narration, description, proof, refutation, conclusion (summary) (Breuer & Napthine, 2008).
Auxiliary methods of speech influence operate at all levels of the language and consist in the use of punctuation marks, expressive means and
stylistic devices. The most common auxiliary methods of speech influence include:
• Graphic and phonetic techniques - alliteration, assonance, puns, idioms, etc.
• Lexical, morphological and syntactic methods of speech influence. Media discourse is characterised by the presence of words and phrases with positive or negative connotations of expressive vocabulary with subtext. Therefore, the media uses linguo-stylistic means of expression that enhance the expressive function.
• Stylistic expressive means are also methods of speech influence. They include stylistic figures and tropes: metaphor, metonymy, simile, allusion, epithet, personification, mei-osis, oxymoron, etc. Tropes have a strong speech impact due to their uniqueness.
So, it is possible to call syntactic stylistic devices discussed in this article a tactical method of speech influence.
Obviously, media discourse includes a wide variety of material on completely different topics. Fashion, style, trends articles were chosen as the material under research, since this topic is very popular in the modern society, especially young generation who always pays attention on latest fashion breakthroughs, people pay a lot of attention to such a phenomenon as self-expression. Diversity has become one of the major principles of many areas such as social science, business, economy and international relations. Nowadays, it is considered that a different worldview, opinion, lifestyle, behavior and customs should be discussed in public, press, on the Internet.
Today, fashion is quite an actual phenomenon. People need to correspond to a certain social status, and it is fashion that helps in finding and creating their own style. Despite the fact that fashion and style are different concepts, they are inseparable. Style, whether in linguistics, in architecture, in fashion, is formed by the person itself. Fashion, in turn, is reflected in clothes, makeup, books, hairstyles, and interiors. Similar to the worldview, fashion tends to change rapidly, today the trend can be one thing, and tomorrow completely different.
Often articles on this topic are written in such a way as to criticize the new trends, artists, designers or vice versa to express admiration. Also,
articles can manipulate the perception or attitude towards something, this is all achieved by using stylistic devices that reinforce or soften the emotional coloring. In this case it is necessary to identify manipulative speech means intended for covert influence.
The theoretical significance of this research is predetermined by the necessity to analyze the syntactic stylistic devices in fashion articles and connected problems of linguistics, the theory of stylistic devices, speech influence theory and media discourse. Moreover, this research can extend the scientific comprehension of the approach applied to analysis of stylistic devices as long as there are not so many works devoted to this issue.
The examples, which serve as an integral part of empirical body of the present research, were taken from famous newspapers and magazines such as VOGUE, The Guardian, ELLE, CNN, Cosmopolitan, etc.
Syntactic stylistic devices play a key role in persuasive language. They emotionally color the speech, enliven the language, express feelings, mood and attitude of a person towards different situations.
The theoretical novelty is connected to the development of previous researches by various scholars. Also, it is based on the choice of the material under research as long as the fashion became a hot issue nowadays and it arouses discussion in the media space of lifestyle discourse.
The objective of the article is to analyze syntactic stylistic devices in media discourse and determine their influence on the text conveying different functions based on the fashion articles. The tasks of the article are:
• to determine functions of syntactic stylistic devices and peculiarities of their use in media discourse;
• to study the speech impact of using syntactic stylistic devices in lifestyle media discourse;
• to describe and analyze the role of syntactic stylistic devices in manipulative rhetoric of media discourse.
The practical implication of this work is that the analyzed material can be used in the practical courses of rhetorics, linguistic pragmatics and stylistics. The research is determined to identify how widespread the use of syntactic stylistic devices in lifestyle media discourse is.
Materials and Methods
This work deals with articles about fashion, which are part of the lifestyle media. Many people believe that this area is exclusively entertaining, but it also performs a sociocultural function that changes the perception and worldview of a person, this is also facilitated by expressive speech, the features of which are studied by sty-listics.
As the material under research were chosen articles from CNN news, the Guardian, ELLE, VOGUE and Cosmopolitan.
The methods of research used in this work are:
• method of functional analysis;
• contextual method;
• descriptive method.
The paper relies on theoretical studies outlined in the works of I. V. Arnold, I. R. Galperin, P. Stockwell, P. Spencer, M. Gregory, L. Jeffries, R. Wodak, Meyer, T. van Dijk.
For example, speaking about stylistics and its role in speech impact, I.R. Galperin highlights the absolutisation of the pragmatic approach to the problem of language style. Also, the language style is considered only in terms of the "message effect" (Galperin, 2014). With such a formulation of the issue, the linguistic aspect disappears and science acquires a clearly psychological direction.
As for discursive approach, N. Fairclough stated that discourse is often used to construct or maintain structures of power in society. He introduced his critical discourse analysis approach as a way to highlight and expose when language has been used in this way (Fairclough, 1989).
I. V. Arnold's approach supposes that the stylistic function is an ideological impact on the reader's holistic personality, and not only on his logical thinking. The idea is realised in the language structure of the work, where all elements have form and content (Arnold, 2002).
We base our study on T. van Dijk's understanding of discourse. In a broader sense, discourse is a communicative event that occurs between the speaker in the process of communicative action in a certain context. In a narrow sense, discourse is a speech or written speech result that is interpreted by recipients (van Dijk, 1977).
Discourse analysis is a set of analytical methods for interpreting various kinds of texts as
products of people's speech activity carried out in specific socio-political circumstances and cultural and historical conditions. The purpose of discourse analysis is to identify the social context, to study the relationship between language and social processes. The interpretation of language as a discourse includes the attitude towards it as a form of social action, directly rooted in the social conditions of its implementation (Wodak & Meyer, 2009; O'Keeffe, 2011).
Discourse analysis embraces a set of analytical methods for interpreting different styles of texts as products of speech activity carried out in specific circumstances and conditions. An Austrian linguist Ruth Wodak dedicated her research to discourse analysis and critical discourse analysis. Wodak states that critical discourse analysis aims to investigate critically social inequality as it is expressed, signaled, constituted, legitimized and so on in discourse (Wodak & Meyer, 2009, p. 2).
The benefit of discourse analysis is that it refers to the study of texts, hidden meanings, context, interpretations, and reactions of the audience to these texts.
The following research was carried out in several steps:
1. to analyze relevant examples of manipulative
language from magazines and newspapers;
2. to interpret and categorize data by method of
functional analysis;
3. to draw conclusions basing on syntactic classification of stylistic devices.
Theoretical Basis
In linguistics, a big attention is paid to the issues of manipulative speech impact, since all the people face the problem of effective implementation of professional tasks with the help of linguistic means; and, in turn, English as the language of international communication plays a significant role in the harmonization of interethnic and interpersonal interaction in the world (Ponomaren-ko, 2004).
One of the most common types of speech influence is manipulation - a hidden influence that forces the interlocutor to somehow react, but unconsciously or contrary to his own opinion (Noggle, 2022). The main signs of manipulation are psychological influence, its secrecy and the
use of special techniques and knowledge. Speech is manipulative if it is purposefully using peculiar features of language structure and usage. Based on these techniques, various speech strategies and tactics are consciously applied (Parshin, 2000).
The prerequisites for speech impact lie primarily in the communicative nature of the language. The limited means of language in the expression of an unlimited stream of thought creates the basis for the appearance of ambiguity, implications, and vagueness. Other prerequisites are the stereotyping of consciousness, the implicitness of the communicative code, the symbolic structure of the language and the variable interpretation of reality.
The disguised exploitation of these communication factors can serve as a powerful tool for manipulative speech influence. Manipulation is based on the attitude towards the interlocutor as a means to achieve goals; and their nature and direction present a special problem for linguists (Malyuga & Aleksandrova, 2022). Based on this fact, E. I. Docenko develops a typology of human relationships from the point of view of influence. Dominance, manipulation, rivalry, partnership, solidarity can be singled out. Relationships are built on a scale of "the interlocutor as an equal/the interlocutor as a tool" (Docenko, 2000).
The number of manipulative strategies is not fixed, but nevertheless, one should not underestimate their extreme importance for understanding many socio-economic, political, cultural processes in modern society. Therefore, in this article, the goal is to look at this communicative phenomenon in the context of its constructive/destructive role in shaping the pragmatics and semantics of the English lifestyle discourse.
We consider manipulative syntactic means in the framework of functional linguistics. It is an approach to language that considers the functionality of a language in order to better understand linguistic processes. The theory of functional linguistics suggests that language is a kind of tool, which means that its structures are best analysed using the functions and tasks that they perform in a certain context (van Dijk, 1977; Issers, 2003; Parshin, 2000).
Functional analysis implies identifying the theme of speech, communicative aims of the communicants and the verbal means (strategies
and tactics) realizing these aims. A functional approach to the analysis of speech activity allows to trace which speech means and what their ratio allows for more or less effective communication. In the process of developing this approach, the dynamic component gradually increased, which is based not only on the analysis of the specific functions of specific language means implemented in speech, but on the study of the versatile interaction of language units and their functions in the course of building the functional perspective of discourse. Revealing the characteristic properties of the functional space of discourse is impossible without revealing its structural, semantic, pragmatic components of speech in interaction with each other (Ponomarenko, 2004).
Media discourse is a set of processes of speech activity in the field of mass communication in all the richness and complexity of their interaction. It has been on object of studies in the field of linguistics and intercultural communication (Sviridova, 2013; Solganik, 2005; Vishnya-kova & Polyakova, 2017; Muzaffarova, 2022; Malyuga et al., 2019). Media discourse includes such areas as business discourse, political discourse, as well as lifestyle discourse.
In the last decade, lifestyle media has been gaining rapid popularity, which makes it relevant to turn to lifestyle media as an object of study. In addition to the growing popularity of the segment, there are also specific transformations of the genres used by these media (Molodychenko, 2019).
The study of everyday discourse of the lifestyle segment is no less significant task than the traditional objects of discourse analysis, such as political discourse, due to the important sociocul-tural role. Lifestyle discourse is one of the driving forces of opinion formation (Tominc, 2017).
Lifestyle media includes topics such as the preparation and consumption of food and drink; fashion, style, personal care, home improvement, garden, interior and exterior, self-development, travel, shopping and body positivity (Mo-lodychenko, 2019).
Stylistic characteristics of lifestyle discourse are characterized by simplicity, which is explained by the communicative purpose of the producer of the text to perform a didactic task: to regulate the lifestyle of the recipient (Ivanova, 2019).
Language is used differently depending on
the different situations, so the same thought can take on different forms depending on the style, situation, status of the interlocutors, their interpersonal relationships, their attitude to the topic of conversation and, of course, on their assessment of the conversation. All these pragmatic factors of the communicative situation are optional, respectively, all these factors do not appear all at once.
Stylistics have always remained a controversial issue in linguistics. In linguistics style is a set of methods of using a language that differs from other methods of language by the peculiarities of the language composition units and their organization into a single semantic and compositional whole (Somova et al., 2017).
Stylistic studies of media language do not lose their relevance in applied linguistics research. I. V. Arnold defined stylistics as a branch of linguistics that explores the principles and effect of the choice and use of lexical, grammatical, phonetic and linguistic means in general to convey thoughts and emotions in different communication conditions (Arnold, 2002, p. 10). Stylistics studies texts by considering how they convey content, not only following norms, but also on the basis of meaningful deviations from these norms.
Stylistic devices sometimes are difficult to understand and require a certain level of efforts to decode their meaning, sometimes it depends on the context and sometimes one needs some background knowledge, because they carry a greater amount of information which is not that obvious. Stylistic devices According I. R. Galperin's classification, "expressive means and stylistic devices are divided into 3 large groups: phonetic, lexical and syntactic" (Galperin, 2014).
Syntax deals with the relationship between words in a sentence. Syntax studies intonation and structure of sentences, and also deals with expressiveness. Thus, syntactic stylistic devices deal with the expressive possibilities of word order, types of sentences and syntactic connection. The main problem of syntactic expressive means in the language and the stylistic devices closely related to the problem of the intonation of a sentence.
Today there are many different classifications of syntactic stylistic devices, since they function integratively as a result of synergy of their pragmatic effects and the effects of other
speech levels.
Study and Results
About fifty articles published in ELLE, VOGUE, CNN, Cosmopolitan and the Guardian over the past few years were analyzed, but in this paper the most colorful examples and the most frequently used syntactic stylistic devices were mentioned.
The study lasted for several months, the releases of new articles on the topic under analysis were monitored, irrelevant empirical material was discarded.
All syntactic stylistic devices perform one or several functions, in the context of lifestyle discourse, a huge number of functions can be distinguished in general. Narrowing down the selection within a specific topic (fashion, style, trends) allows to identify a number of functions.
The results of the study showed that mainly lifestyle discourse dwelling on fashion topic directs its syntactic stylistic devices to three basic functions:
1. insisting on a certain opinion or attitude;
2. exaggerating the value;
3. endearing the reader.
Syntactic Stylistic Devices Performing an Insisting Function
When it comes to performing insisting function, rhetorical questions are the best, as long as the answer is already clear and while reading it feels like the recipient agree with the opinion.
The first example might not be the brightest, unless one knows the background. K-pop culture spreads like a wave all over the world, it has millions of fans, because of hard-working artists, their dedication to their work, quality music and perfect example they set for their fans. So, the answer on that question is obvious.
"Why K-pop rules fashion week?" (Why K-pop rules fashion week, 2023).
The next example is taken from the article about trends that are dominating in 2023. The headline of the article speaks for itself. Many outfit ideas are represented there and asking that question the answer is of course predictable.
"How about a dopamine-inducing, bright
sweater?" (7 non-trend trends that are already dominating in 2023, 2023).
Another example is about Oscar nominations, author remembers all gorgeous actresses that appear at award show and go home with no Oscar statue, which is extremely sad and even when the reader hasn't thought about this, after the question one cannot disagree.
"It's always a bit sad to see girlies in magnificent dresses leaving empty-handed, but what can you do?" (On the high highs - and chaotic lows - of this year's Oscar Slate, 2023).
The next three examples are taken from article where holiday outfits are discussed. Author comments on 22 outfits in informal manner, so it feels like a conversation with a very good shop assistant who insist one to buy this or that dress and consumer cannot even say a word, just immediately buys offered clothes.
"So why not go even bigger with a dress that dazzles almost as bright as you do?" (22 show-stopping holiday party outfits that'll instantly make you best dressed, 2022).
In the example below the author makes readers change their misconceptions about wearing black. In this question the answer is not even hidden, because it is clear enough that it is nothing more than a stereotype.
"Who says wearing black has to be boring?" (22 showstopping holiday party outfits that'll instantly make you best dressed, 2022).
"How fun are these high-waisted shorts?" (22 showstopping holiday party outfits that'll instantly make you best dressed, 2022).
Another article from Cosmopolitan is also about party dresses and again author seems a shop assistant who does a great job insisting and making the recipient believe that the outfit is beautiful, but of course it is true, still someone has to be convinced of this.
"Um, can we talk about how incredibly chic this entire look is?" (22 showstopping holiday party outfits that'll instantly make you best dressed, 2022).
Syntactic Stylistic Devices Performing an Exaggerating Function
The key point of all articles is to be eye-catching and attract readers, sometimes authors like to hyperbolize the value of some events or overes-
timate achievements of celebrities, especially if the author is a fan. To perform such a function there are two syntactic stylistic devices that do the best - detachment and different types of repetition (anaphora, ordinary repetition and root repetition are the most common).
For example, the first two examples are from the same article about fashion week. The author writes about his favorite moment during the event - famous people. The effect is pretty much exaggerated, as long as not everyone might be interested in who is there but interested in new clothes collection.
"But the most interesting part - at least to the outside world - is who's there" (Fashion statement: Why TV stars shine brighter than the models at fashion week, 2023).
The next thing detachment is represented by parentheses. Talking about a large number of fans who came to watch their favorite artist, the author was clearly among the invited guests at this event and the article paid quite a lot of attention to this moment, which, it would seem, is not the most important.
"For me, it just makes it more stressful getting to my seat. (The crowds outside Dior were absolutely nuts.) " (Fashion statement: Why TV stars shine brighter than the models at fashion week, 2023).
Another example is taken from the article about new Gucci creative director. The author focuses attention on the most important event in the fashion world, in his opinion, and then uses a colon to clarify what is being said. Of course, many people will disagree with "fashion's biggest question mark", but here it is exaggerating function.
"One of fashion's biggest question marks has been answered: On Saturday, Gucci announced that Sabato De Sarno would join the brand as creative director. " (Gucci announces new creative director, 2023).
The article about kpop influence during the fashion week is full of syntactic stylistic devices, detachment is not an exception. The author is definitely a BTS fan, because the readers can notice the parenthesized detachment about this boy band.
"The phenomenon shows no sign of slowing down: in the past week alone, appearances by Korean stars including EXO's Kai at Gucci, Enhypen at Prada and J-Hope (from supergroup
BTS) at Louis Vuitton have helped to light up social media with men's fashion week content" (Why K-pop rules fashion week, 2023).
In the same article the example of repetition is found. This example shows the influence of South Korean artists on the fashion world and fans, their contribution is becoming bigger and bigger, fashion houses and brands want to cooperate with them. Surely, it will not be an exaggeration to talk about it in such a manner, but still there are people who are not familiar with their work and have no idea about such a hype.
"But as South Korean pop music becomes an increasingly global obsession, and as luxury megabrands sign more and more deals with its leading stars, K-pop groups'fanatical young followers have become a fixture" (Why K-pop rules fashion week, 2023).
Another example is taken from an article that highlights the strange trend of toe and shoes in the form of feet. The author is clearly not too positive about such a fashion breakthrough, so the root repetition is used here to exaggerate the emotional effect.
"They 're fetishizing fetish," she said over a video call. "It's fetishizing the whole mystique of fetish, for humor and fun." (Why the fashion world has a fetish for toes, 2022).
Syntactic Stylistic Devices Performing an Endearing Function
Last, but not least, the function that will be discussed in this article is the endearing function. All fashion articles are written in such a way when one gets the feeling that the author is familiar with the reader. This is the peculiarity of this genre - the absence of a formal style and strict rules. This function is best conveyed by an ellipsis - the omission of one of the main members of the sentence. In almost every article regarding this device is found at least one time.
The first example is taken from the article about 22 outfits to shop in 2022. The whole article is written in extremely friendly way, so it feels like it is a piece of advice from a good acquaintance. Author used three syntactic devices such as detachment before ellipsis and rhetoric question (which performs an insisting function mentioned above), but the emphasis is placed on the second one. There are a few words used in a
separate sentence, that manner is typical for oral speech.
"And you're looking at this list like: So. Many. Festive. 'Fits! So little time, right?" (22 showstopping holiday party outfits that'll instantly make you best dressed, 2022).
The next example produces the same thing, what is more onomatopoeia is used here that creates informal effect.
"And so to the nom nom noms." (On the high highs - and chaotic lows - of this year's Oscar Slate, 2023).
The example below is taken from article about October's best fashion drops, it is a question that usually addressed to the familiar person in the situation where one can share the latest news.
"Hear that?" (The launch: October's hottest fashion drops, 2022).
Another example is from the hair care article, while reading this one, women can imagine that they are talking casually to their friends about beauty routine tips, because it sounds like a basic conversation.
"Rosemary oil? Done it. Hair growth shampoos? Why not. Avoid heat? Haha, sure." (Is castor oil the secret to hair growth?, 2022)
Another example of ellipsis is not about friendliness, but about catching readers; attention, as long as one can read it and be intrigued by the concise statement.
"From South Korea to the world" (Why K-pop rules fashion week, 2023).
The results of the research showed that when analyzing media discourse, it was possible to distinguish three functions of syntactic stylistic devices, such as
1. insisting on a certain opinion or attitude;
2. exaggerating the value;
3. endearing the reader.
In this article, syntactic stylistic devices such as ellipsis, rhetorical question, detachment, different kinds of repetition were considered. Syntactic stylistic devices are an important component of manipulative speech. In the research the influence of syntactic stylistic devices in a specific type of media discourse - lifestyle discourse was presented.
After analyzing all syntactic stylistic devices in articles about lifestyle and fashion, it is possible to come to the conclusion that rhetorical questions are the most useful in performing insisting effect, the best examples were presented in the articles where the best outfits for holidays were discussed, as long as the recipient can change the opinion.
As for the exaggerating function, there is no doubt that repetitions and detachment are the best, they help to express author's personal opinion toward the situation, even if it is a bit too emotional.
When it comes to endearing function, ellipsis can be observed most frequently. It can easily immerse the reader in a pleasant atmosphere where the author becomes "a friend".
Syntactic manipulative stylistic devices contribute to the functioning of the lifestyle discourse within the framework of media discourse. These manipulative rhetorical means allow to identify specific features of lifestyle discourse such as presenting a specific philosophy and worldview (in our case - fashion), a semantic space promoting the ideas of self-expression, uniqueness and creativity, communicating these values to a wide audience of the print and online media, intensive pragmatic load of verbal means realizing various communicative goals.
During the study, a theoretical review of the latest works on lifestyle discourse was carried out, including fashion articles, which in turn can be divided into fashion news, style ideas, latest trends, celebrities' life, etc.
Functional analysis of the articles made it possible to verify that language in this genre is especially expressive and most of the time informal. Syntactic stylistic devices contribute to the formation or change of a certain manipulative opinion about a particular issue.
Syntactic stylistic devices are used in the language for the emotional reinforcement of the utterance, text or speech. They have been worked out by social practice, understood from the point of view of their functional purpose and recorded in dictionaries.
It is important to note that the topic of this work is long-range and needs to be analyzed more, since the results of different researchers can vary, since the material used for the analysis plays an important role in functional linguistics and stylistics. The more research is done, the
clearer will be the understanding of manipulative functions of stylistic devices.
The reported study was funded by Russian Science Foundation, project number 23-28-00505 "Manipulative rhetoric in modern English business media discourse: the functional pragmatic analysis".
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