Научная статья на тему 'Synergic effects of the partnership networks formation at the industrial market'

Synergic effects of the partnership networks formation at the industrial market Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
синергетичні ефекти / партнерські мережі / промисловий ринок / партнерський маркетинг / синергетические эффекты / партнёрские сети / промышленный рынок / партнёрский маркетинг / synergic effects partnership networks industrial market partnership marketing

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Butenko Natalia, Paschuk Lidiia

В статье определена сущность партнерских сетей, раскрыты первопричины и особенности возникновения синергического эффекта в рамках партнерских сетей на промышленном рынке.

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In article the partnership network essence is defined, the major perspectives and specifics of synergic effect appearance within partnership networks at industrial market is analyzed.

Текст научной работы на тему «Synergic effects of the partnership networks formation at the industrial market»

in each of the "ten states" (except for Estonia). In Poland quite a stable level with slight growing tendency was maintained (by 0.15 %). The most dynamic changes and the strongest mean pace of growth in the level of employment are observed in the case of employees who are at most advanced age (55 - 64 years of age). As it has been mentioned before, this is probably the result of observing the principles of Lisbon Strategy of 2000 in the sphere of extension of occupational activation of the 50+ age group.

The states in which progress in employment of people over 55 years of age was most apparent included Slovakia and Hungary.

Conclusions. As analysis shows, problems of lack of employment stability are characteristic for every EU country, especially those "new" ones. To strength European economic system, social insurance system and to improve conditions of public finances, European Committee is taking efforts to improve general condition of European economy. Within the *Europe 2020 *program one of main goals is to improve general level of employment up to 75 % in age group 20-64. There is group of actions which are about to lead to this goal. One of them is so called flexicurity of labour market, which characteristics is to improve social security. Another one is to take care about well skilled employees which will improve level of productivity, competitiveness and economic growth. Next directions are to cre-

ate new, better labour places and better labour conditions. To improve level of employment it is important to create policy which will use main new labour places and promote entrepreneurship and self-employment.

EU states are able to achieve those goals and improve general level of employment, (especially women and elder citizens) if some vigorous actions are taken. Important fact is, that responsibility will be held by particular member states, because they have many essential instruments, not only political, but also social ones.


1. Population on 1 January by age and sex [Dostemp] // Eurostat [plakat]. - E-mail. dane. - Dostemp: http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/ show.do?dataset=demo_pjan&lang=en.

2. Europe 2020 strategy [Elyektronichny zasub] // European Commission [plakat]. - E-mail. dane. - Dostemp: http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/ europe-2020-in-your-countryZindex_pl.htm.

3. Diahnoza spolechna 2009: varunki i yakoshchch zhycha polyakuv" [Elyektronichny zasub] // Varshava: Rada monitorynhu Spolechnoho, Vyshcha Shkola Finansuv i Zazhondzhanya v Varshavye [plakat]. - E-mail.. dane. -Dostemp: www.diagnoza.com/pliki/raporty/diagnoza_raport_2009.pdf.

4. Rynki Rynki pratsy novykh pan'stv shlonkovskikh UE [Elyektronichny zasub] // rynekpracy.pl [plakat]. - E-mail. dane. - Dostemp: http://www.rynekpracy.pl/raporty_1.php/wpis.38.

5. Eurostat. Statistics. Browse]/ Search [Dostemp] // European Commission: [teren]. - Dostemp: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/ portal/statistics/search_database.

Надійшла до редакції 15.10.13

М. Бальцеровіч-Шкутнік, д-р екон. наук, проф.

Економічний університет м. Катовіце, Республіка Польща


У статті проаналізовано динаміку показників зайнятості у розрізі галузевої та вікової структури зайнятого населення "10 нових країн-членів"Європейського Союзу, які увійшли до складу ЄС у 2004 році, Для проведення аналізу обрано часовий ряд 2000-2011 рр., який охоплює періоди до та після вступу цих країн до ЄС, що дало змогу визначити зміни у показниках зайнятості, які характеризують стан та тенденції розвитку ринку праці вищезазначених країн за цей період.

Ключові слова: ринок праці; рівень безробіття; сервісізація ринка праці.

М. Бальцерович-Шкутник, д-р экон. наук, проф.

Экономический университет г. Катовице, Республика Польша


В статье проанализирована динамика показателей занятости в разрезе отраслевой и возрастной структуры занятого населения "10 новых государств-членов" Европейского Союза, которые вошли в состав ЕС в 2004 году. Для проведения анализа выбран временной ряд 2000-2011 гг., который охватывает периоды до и после вступления этих стран в ЕС, что позволило проследить изменения в показателях занятости, которые характеризуют состояние и тенденции развития рынка труда вышеупомянутых стран за исследуемый период.

Ключевые слова: рынок труда; уровень безработицы; сервисизация рынка труда.

UDC 338.45:339.138 JEL M310

N. Butenko, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, L. Paschuk, PhD in Economics, Assistant of Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


In article the partnership network essence is defined, the major perspectives and specifics of synergic effect appearance within partnership networks at industrial market is analyzed.

Keywords: synergic effects; partnership networks; industrial market; partnership marketing.

Problem definition. Active search of the competive-ness sources in the modern conditions of the globalization of the economy stipulates enforcement of the attention to the opportunities of the development to the additional values to the customer with resulting competitive advantages at the basis of partnership relations development with the major partners - suppliers, distributors, customers and others. Each of the partners contributes to the development of competitive advantages at the market. Partnership relations are one of the key elements of maintenance of the

sustainability of the economic subjects of the industrial or business-to-business market. Moreover, in the current situation one of the major competitive advantages is readiness to collaborate and constant search of the most effective partners' relations, which would enable the organization to gain, retain and strengthen its competitive advantages. Taking into account mentioned above formation of the partners' connections which represent the basis of business relations is one of the elements of the strategy of the enterprise and forms the basis for successful competi-

© Butenko N., Paschuk L., 2013

tion. Synergic effects which appear in the process of collaboration between the participants of industrial market are able to form the additional conditions for economic growth based at partnership mechanism.

Analysis of the recent researches and publication. Problems of the partnership relations at business-to-business market are not sufficiently covered. Western researchers at certain extent are touching the aspects of the management of the process of interaction with customers, but their papers did not get sufficient and appropriate reflection in Ukrainian and foreign scientific literature. The most famous scientists in this area are such scientists as Webser Jr., Shet, Bauer, Lewitt. Kusch, Yuldasheva and other. Among Ukrainian researchers it is worth to mention such scientific results as those obtained by A.Starostina, Ye. Krykavskiy, O. Tielietov, N. Chukhray. The issues of synergy in management activity are covered in papers of such scientists as I.Ansoff, M.Porter, E.Campbell, V.Anderson, Ye.Khodakivskiy, V.Melkin.

Unsolved earlier parts of the general problem. Taking into account significant scientific results of Ukrainian and foreign researchers it is worth to underline that the level of industrial market development which defines the leading role in renovation of economic stability forms the need for further scienctific research of the problems and aspects of the theoretical and methodical bases of synergic effects formation based at partners networks within industrial market.

Development of the tasks and aims of the article. The aim of this paper is study and summarization of the theoretical and methodic bases of the formation of synergic effects of partners' network development to improve the positions of the enterprises at the industrial market.

Results. Enforcement of the unstable conditions within economic environment in the process of the market transformation of Ukraine justifies the need for investigation of the forms of the partnerships of the enterprises developed at the principles of adaptation, self-organisation and agreement of their economic interests. It is worth to underline that activity of the subjects of the industrial market may be considered as stable only in case of satisfying of one of the following requirements:

- general goals of the subjects are unification of the goals of the interested parties, or

- combination of the goals of the interested partied is an expansion of the goals of the whole system [1, c. 14-15].

So, subjects of the industrial market are interested in formation of the effective system of the relations which responds to the requirements of the modern market environment. In this connection traditional marketing goals, such as intend to get the maximal profit of each operation, are changing at the favor of effective relationship system with customers and other interested participants of the market environment, namely distributors, dealers, suppliers. Pursuant to this the major motives for the establishment of the strong relations of the industrial market participants is approach to the new marketing technologies due to collaboration with the marketing department of partner enterprise, two side exchange of goodwill, application of the opportunities of the labor productivity, extension of product portfolio, long-term growth of the market share; mutual utilization of the production facilities and promotion; protection of the own interests at the market as reaction at direct foreign investments of the foreign partners; export of the technologies to the territory of foreign states; reliability of the purchase of the raw materials, access to the databases; protection of the market position by integration with a competitor; long-term growth of the market share; extension of the distribution network; opportunity of the regional diversification, etc.

The majority of the global companies already realized the necessity of the effective partner's relations formation, considering them to be one of the core competencies of the company. Also there is a trend of the gradually recognition by the Ukrainian companies operating at industrial market of the fact that at the current stage of the global economy development the relations are the most important resource as well as physical, financial, information and other assets. The relations become the key factor which defines the long-term success and stability of an enterprise. Nevertheless, it is worth to underline that there is a certain delay in terms of the practical implementation of the partnership relations concept. under influence of the market conditions change subjects of the industrial market transform into overcomplicated dynamic structures, effective management of which requires application of the methods which are adequate to the complication of the external and internal environment. Also the significant transformation of the industrial market subject over the recent years makes the consideration of the transaction process from marketing perspective itself not sufficient. The success factor in such conditions is existence of established, close relations with stakeholders or interested participants of the market environment. So, the methodological basis of the effective activity of industrial market subjects is recognition of the essence and practical implementation of the partnership relation concept.

The specific features of the partnership relations between the subjects of the industrial market at the large extent are caused by the nature of B2B market which determines specifics of its complication are as listed below:

1. The moving force of the partnership relations of the industrial market participants are the needs of organization in a certain industrial goods. The needs are caused by the specific features of the enterprises' activity.

2. The character of the partnership relations of the industrial market subjects stipulates that all components of the business are oriented as the final customer and marketing decision of all the subjects are based at perfect understanding of its needs.

3. Limitation of the relations. Every participant of b2b market collaborates with limited quantity of the partners which is caused by specialties of this particular enterprise, technologies, raw areas, etc.

4. Geographic dependence - the location of the industrial market participants in certain industries, dependence of raw bases causes significant limitations in selection of the participants of relations which causes the development of the partnership relations.

5. Volume of agreements - the quantity of the agreements at b2b market is much lower in comparison with b2c market, but the contracts are much more significant in terms of its size, every agreement is valuable for the industrial market subject and justifies the need of development the effective partnership relations in production chain.

6. Procurement process is complicated. Procurement on B2B markets is long-lasting complicated multistage process which results in decision based on rational motives since the subjects of the industrial market are hard to influence at in comparison with final customers. There is a need for undertake actions not only from the marketing department side but also other functional and production division (operations, technological, financial, etc.). the effectiveness of such influence highly depends from the level of collaboration between all departments involved.

7. High level of customer competence. Industrial customers possess deep knowledge of the market conditions, they are very quality oriented in the process of the goods and services selection.

8. Activity of the customer in the process of suppliers' choice - industrial customers are active in the suppliers' choice but quite conservative in the process of change suppliers.

9. Complication of the industrial product - complication of the industrial product forms the need for decision-making regarding purchase at high professional level by representatives of several departments of the parties involved (for instance, financial and manufacturing departments, departments of distribution, etc.); this issue requires high level of technical innovation, creativity and risk, connected with significant expenses at scientific researches and research and constructive developments.

10. Connection retrospective and perspective of relations, their complication - every interaction of the industrial market subjects is a separate element in the system of relations which is determined by the previous experience of the relations and defines the perspective of the relations;

11. High level of the technological development - the production process of the industrial goods is highly complicated, which causes the need for adaptation of every participant to the requirements of the general technological process.

12. High level of the social dependence - limited quantity of the relation participants defines the detailed study of its participants, high level of relations' individualization, negative social impact of loss of the relations, etc.

13. Development of the information technologies - significant quantity of the modern information systems appeared as the result of relations and stipulates the utilization of the leading management and information technologies with assistance of which company gathers the information about its partners at all stages of life cycle and utilizes it with a purpose of formation of mutually benefit relations.

Taking into account considered limitations in application of the partnership relations on a one hand and specifics of the industrial market which determine the specifics of partnership relations and justify their necessity on the other hand, as for today the following forms are currently used:

• Bilateral relation of the manufacturer and customer;

• Mutually profitable collaboration on the basis of cooperation and integration with supplier.

Modern development of the market logically proves the need of application of the new forms of the relations between the industrial market subjects (industrial clusters, technical parks, business incubators, financial industrial groups, etc.) which are able to activate the manufacturing and business activity of the subjects of industrial market. The choice of the influence methods and technologies of the economic relations

The choice of the influence methods and technologies of the economic relations should be adequate to the general goals and expected results of the both participants which would support the final positive effect of the partnership relations. It is worth to mention that globalization process provide significant stimuli for development of the new forms of the partnership strategies. Participation in partnership strategies should correspond with interests of its participants, support the development of the agreed position regarding their strategy of behavior at the market.

Normally, the stress is made at transfer the partners from one type of relations to another (from single transactions to periodical relations, from periodical relations to regular, etc.) as demonstrated at Figure 1 below.


* Periodical relations

♦ Regular relations

Fig. 1. Evolution of the partnership relations

* Source: developed by authors based on [5, 6].

Over the recent years there were growing trends of application and creation of cooperation, alliance, partnerships which is caused according to some researchers [21], by the number macrolevel reasons, intensive international competition, more deep integration of the economies of the different countries, active political changes, growing expenses of development and implementation of the new goods to the market and shortage of the product life cycle. Not all the relationships are passing all the types. Sometimes it is more efficient to maintain the periodical relations and there is n sense in transformation them into regular. If there is non-fulfillment of the basic terms and there are no perspectives to change the situation there is no need to develop relations with such a customer. In order to choose those customers development of the relations with which is appropriate Ya. Kryvoruchko recommends to measure value of relations with them [3, 4].

According to some authors globalization of the world economy cause significant growth of the international investment processes [2]. Execution of the technological and innovative policy as key factor of the structure renovation of the production should become an axiom of the transformational process on the way to development of the economy of the state. From angle of the international integration and economic globalization which are visible in economy of Ukraine, the complicated business networks are developing, where operational business partnerships become strategic. According to Bivainis [5], synergy of the partnerships is one of the major factors which define the opportunities of the enterprise to compete locale and globally.

So theoretical researches and practical observation of the partnership relations of the Ukrainian industrial market subjects enabled the author to formulate the following statements which form the basis of the concept of partnership relations at industrial market:

1) Entrance into partnership relations at a goodwill basis;

2) The distinctive characteristics of the partnership relations at industrial market is not competition but mutually profitable collaboration with assistance of cooperation and integration between the partners;

3) Existence between the participants of the partnership relations of the mutual dependence which appears based at distribution of risk, responsibility, resources, authorities and incomes;

4) In the basis of the partnership mechanism thre are synergic effects which appear between the participant so of the industrial market and are able to formulate an additional source of competitive advantage;

5) Formation of the partnership relations is one of the elements of the enterprise strategy and forms a fundament for successful competition;

6) Readiness to operate jointly. The partnerships' participants in the majority of cases work together at all the levels and stages of the business process.

So, the partnership relations may be defined as a form of economic relations between two or more subjects of the industrial market which stipulates systematized complex of economic, legal, technical, cognitive, social connections between subjects of the industrial market and is executed at the grounds of mutual usage of the assets, optimization of the transaction expenses level, repeat of transactions, readiness to collaborate, trust to formation of the competitive advantages of the realization of the own economic interests of the partnership relations participants.

The participants of the partnership relations should possess the necessary abilities of management of the partnership relations, they should clearly understand defined between the partners authorities, functions and responsibility, trust each other, recognize the existence of

mutually beneficial partnership between them, which enables to create new consumption value and ensure the external customer satisfaction.

So, among specific features of the essential understanding of the partnership relations at industrial market it is worth to underline the following:

- Partnership relations at industrial market are long-tern and mutually beneficial collaboration of the industrial market participants at the basis of continuous personified process regarding development of values and further mutual division of the benefits gained with partners;

- Partnership relations on the industrial market are to be considered not as a general competition but as mutually beneficial collaboration with assistance of cooperation and integration with partners;

- Partnership relations are the source of the unique long-term competitive advantages;

- Partnership relations are to be considered as a resource which is able to create mutual values which increase competitiveness on the one hand and on the other hand may be a measure of partnership relations effectiveness;

- Partnership relations are based at the recognition of equal position of all the participants of partnership channel but the final result depends on the level of customers' needs satisfaction, so the customers get the priority meaning among all the partners and become a forming element of whole partnership channel;

- Partnership relations stipulate agreement of the product and market strategies of all the partnership channel participants;

- Partnership in framework of the industrial market stipulates availability of two and more subjects which mutually promote goods with purpose of development a competitive advantage within all participants of partnership channel;

- Partnership relations marketing opposite to traditional marketing is not directed at satisfaction of the need by itself but at satisfaction of the partners' needs in general;

- Partnership relations stipulate constant feedback from all the partners.

Pursuant to all mentioned above theoretic and methodological maintenance of the partnership relations requires agreement of the economic interests of the industrial market subjects. In this connection especially actual at the level of economic researches is a new thinking regarding theoretical and methodological statements of the formation of the modern partnership relations concept at the basis of mutual agreement of the economic interests of the subjects of industrial marker and modern management science.

Formation of the partnership relations concept requires to define the key elements of the agreement of economic interests of the partners which enables to develop mechanism of consolidation the interests of all market processes' participants and develop the complex scheme of getting the goals. But effectiveness of formation the partnership relations requires providing the balance of interests and opportunities of interested subjects of industrial market at the bsis of the following statements:

1. Readiness which stipulate recognition of the need and existence of appropriate motivation of a certain subject of industrial market to define the opportunity of usage the leading experience of partnership relations while implementing own strategy;

2. Economic and organizational practicability which stipulates the definition of the responsibility centers and development of the target effectiveness indicators of partnership relations from perspective of getting bigger competitive advantages comparison with separate activity.

3. Division of authority and responsibility in issues of agreement of economic interests of the partners which

stipulates the definition in new developed structure of partnership relations the department with defined functions and responsibility regarding realization of agreement the economic interests.

4. Innovative activity, namely some partnership relations are interesting for potential participant due to the opportunity of getting new opportunities of innovations' development.

5. Complex system of business motivation, which provides the consolidation of the interests of all the partnership relations' participants in reaching strategic priorities of the industrial market subjects

6. Consolidation of the basic subprocesses of the partnership relations participants stipulates an opportunity of maintenance the unique competitive advantages of the separate subjects of industrial market and general functional direction of the partnership relation activity.

Execution of these principles will support the development of effective mechanism of entrance of the industrial market subjects into partnership relation and will form a basis for effective collaboration of all the participants.

The result of the implementation of the partnership relations concept at the industrial market is formation of partnership network, which is a unique intangible asset containing enterprise and all other interested in its activities parties (stakeholders): customers, suppliers, distributors, retailers, competitors, advertising companies, employees and others which whom enterprise established beneficial business relations.

Partnership network of the industrial market participants is defined as a system of two or more enterprise which interact on a regular basis with particular aim and in the process of development of a competitive final product in order to propose it to the customers by mutual agreement of the personal economic interests. So, partnership network is a system which consists of elements among which the participants of partnership relations are considered, i.e. subjects of industrial market and multiple interactions of the enterprises belonging to the system which form the connections between its element.

There are two major perspectives to characterize the partnership network:

• Matter perspective which is about raw materials, additional materials and cooperative elements (information, communications, connections, etc.) which are purchased at the consumption market and are directed to the manufacturing process and also from the ready products which are passed from the manufacturing area to the sales are.

• Subjective perspective which is about enterprises which are interacting one with each other and form its separate components.

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Each partnership network is a complex technical and administrative system which coordinates realization of all the functions and connections for correct management of which there is need to take into account aims, interests and behavior of every channel participant.

The major system forming features of the partnership network are as follows:

• Agreed purpose of partnership network functioning

• Execution of the functions of the partnership network participants according to the general purpose. Each of the network participants as a part of a system fulfills in this system a certain function, and aims at reaching individual goals in such a way;

• Existence of the coordinative body in the framework of a partnership network. Coordination influences as the subsystems which makes them to act as agreed;

• Recognition by the participants of the partnership network of the need to orient at the final customers. Needs

of the partnership network members are to correlate with consumers of the final product;

• Existence in the framework of partnership network clear agreements among members regarding their rights and obligations, algorithms of collaboration, ways of conflict solution between participants, division of expenses and profit, risks;

• Results of mutual activity of the partnership network due to synergic effect of collaboration in the area of manufacturing organization, mutual utilization of financial proceeds, development and distribution of innovations, etc., have to extend the possible results of a single activity;

• Collaboration between the participants of partnership network is fulfilled on a lasting and profitable basis.

Summarizing it may be stated that partnership network is a complex, complicated process of value creation starting from phase of getting the raw materials and finishing with passing the final product to the customer. Architecture of the partnership network at the industrial market has to cover the relations with partners, definition of the industrial goods and services portfolio, definition their qualitative parameters, assessment and definition of the principles of relationship management. In the process of partnership network development the industrial market subjects have to take into account the following aspects:

• Individualization of the elements: in spite of the existence of typical tasks for the market participants (thereof supply, sales, manufacturing), market participants may demonstrate different market behavior which requires individual approaches;

• Impact of the actions: any decisions of one subject of the network have direct or circumstantial impact at other members of a partnership network;

• Interactivity: a constant process of execution and adaptation of the members' activities one to each other;

• Recognition of the need in relations: is developed though the knowledge networks by cooperation.

The major point in the process of partnership structure formation is to understand that networks consist of connected and dependant one of each other organizations, i.e. networks members are also dependant one of each other while fulfilling particular tasks. So, the network may be considered as a system of connected elements which take part in the getting of final results. Every partnership network participant in the process of reaching its aims depends on other participants and while collaborating with the gets some profit.

In spite of all the mentioned above limitations and difficulties there is a place to appearance of synergy which is about "the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects" as mentioned in Oxford dictionary [0]. While collaborating within a framework of the partnership network all the participants fully benefit due to the appearance of the synergic effect. In general synergic effects may be described be three major variables:

- increase of the profit in cash;

- decline of the transaction and operation costs;

- decrease of the investment needs as illustrated at the Figure 2.


Suppliers \ profit increase Other

V у / Í companies )

Synergi c effect

Synergic effect


f Dealers, Society

i distributors

Synergic effect

Fig. 2. Synergic effect within partnership network

• Source/developed by authors based on [1, 5, 6].

Analysis of partnership networks enabled to discover that it is crucially important for formation of synergic effects of partnership networks to consider a certain list of qualitative and quantitative criteria to which partnership networks should correspond.

Among qualitative parameters it is worth to mention:

• Share of the purchases of the partner in total sales volume;

• Price level of industrial good in comparison with alternative market proposition;

• Level of slaes prices comparing with those of competitors

• Specific expenses of enterprise regarding its competitors.

Among qualitative criteria it is worth to divide such as:

• Quality level and level of adaptation of the appropriate industrial goods regarding the alternatives at the market;

• Comparison of the quality with the quality of competitors;

• Impact force which is measured by the part of procurement of an enterprise in the total volume, quantity of the alternative suppliers, volume of expenses, by level of standardization, etc.

• Possessing of key competencies by the partners which define their potential, its influence at partners, perspectives of the relations;

• Structural mutual dependence developed in the results of implementation of the modern technologies and product adapted to the requirement of the relations participants

• Agreement of the general goals of a certain partnership relations participant with general interests of the network, by agreeing of the aims, the participants of the partnership relations are looking for compromise between a short-term opportunism and formation of the long-term relations with a partner.

• Compatibility of the corporate cultures, management style, innovation level of the company, intend of the enter-price to avoid uncertainty.

• Compatibility of the partners in terms of size, potential, image. Brand force, etc.

• Reputation within network, based at experience of collaboration with this partner forms guarantee connected with drawbacks and benefits which appear in the process of collaboration with a certain partner.

It is impossible to develop the whole list of all the quantitative and qualitative criteria of evaluation of the synergic effects of the participants of partnership relations since it depends on the purposes of research, specifics of the industry, members, kind of network, etc.

Conclusions. The results of research enabled to summarize leacing scientific and practical experience of foreign and Ukrainian companies and scientists and to define the partnership network as a unique intangible asset containing enterprise and all other interested in its activities parties (stakeholders): customers, suppliers, distributors, retailers, competitors, advertising companies, employees and others with whom enterprise established beneficial business relations. Also the major features of effective partnership network were defined as well as the major drawbacks. In the process of the partnership networks forming and functioning the synergic effect appears which reflects in three major benefits which are increase of the profit in cash; decline of the transaction and operation costs; decrease of the investment needs as illustrated. This benefits are the same for all types of industry. Moreover, the qualitative and quantative

Н. Бутенко, канд. екон. наук, доц.,

Л. Пащук, канд. екон. наук, асист.

КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ


В статті визначено сутність партнерських мереж, розкрито передумови та особливості виникнення синергічного ефекту в рамках партнерських мереж на промисловому ринку.

Ключові слова: синергетичні ефекти, партнерські мережі, промисловий ринок, партнерський маркетинг.

Н. Бутенко, канд. экон. наук, доц.,

Л. Пащук, канд. экон. наук, ассист.

КНУ имени Тараса Шевченко, Киев


В статье определена сущность партнерских сетей, раскрыты первопричины и особенности возникновения синергического эффекта в рамках партнерских сетей на промышленном рынке.

Ключевые слова: синергетические эффекты, партнёрские сети, промышленный рынок, партнёрский маркетинг.

networks' criteria for formation of synergic effects of partnership networks were defined.

Perspectives of further reasearches in this direction.

In framework of growing competition at all level and taking into account increasing role of partnerships in all all sphere there is a need for further researches and development of practical recommendations regarding opportunities of increase of the synergic effect within partnership networks.


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Надійшла до редакції 06.10.13

UDK 005.21:339.138](045) JEL L22, M10, M31

A. Dligach, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


This article reviews the System Reflexive paradigm of strategic marketing management, being based on the alignment of strategic economic interests of stakeholders, specifically, enterprise owners and hired managers, and consumers. The essence of marketing concept of management comes under review, along with the strategic management approaches to business, buildup and alignment of economic interests of business stakeholders. A roadmap for resolving the problems of modern marketing is proposed through the adoption of System Reflexive marketing theory.

Keywords: marketing; strategic management; strategic marketing; system reflexive marketing; reflexive management.

Introduction. Strategic management, as a framework to business administration, is currently experiencing rapid development. Strategic planning, until late considered a basic model for strategic management, proved its inefficiency in the stringent context of market globalization and world economy recession. Thus emerged the need for discussing and developing a new paradigm of strategic management.

The concept of Strategic Management has been extensively studied by many theorists, including David A. Aaker, Igor H. Ansoff, Jean-Jacques Lambin, Peter Lorange, Henry Mintzberg, Michael E. Porter, Gary Hamel,

C.K. Prahalad, Arthur A. Thompson Jr., A.J. Strickland III, George A. Steiner, John B. Miner, Michael J. Stahl, David N. Grigsby. From the post-Soviet perspective, questions of Strategic Management and Strategic Marketing have been researched by Bagiev G.L., Vikhansky O.S., Golubkov E.P., Kevorkov V.V., Lipsits I.V., Nikiforov S.V., Pankrukhin A.P., Rayko D.V., Starostina A.A., Fathutdinov R.A., Shkardun V. D. and others.

The majority of authors concur that strategic marketing is becoming the foundational framework for modern enterprise management.

© Dligach A., 2013

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