UOT 547.327
Mammadova N.A. Associate Professor, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Department of "Petrochemical Technology and Industrial Ecology",
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan Sabirzade H.F. Master Student, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Department of "Petrochemical Technology and Industrial Ecology",
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan Мамедова Н.А. доцент, кандидат химических наук, химико-технологический факультет, кафедра «Нефтехимическая технология и промышленная экология», Азербайджанский государственный университет нефти и промышленности,
Баку, Азербайджанская Республика Сабирзаде Х. Ф. магистрант,
химико-технологический факультет, кафедра «Нефтехимическая технология и промышленная экология», Азербайджанский государственный университет нефти и промышленности,
Баку, Азербайджанская Республика E-mail: [email protected]
Sulfocomplexes of oleic acid and their application as a corrosion inhibitor Сульфокомплексы олеиновой кислоты и их применение в качестве ингибитора коррозии
Abstract: In the article, amine derivatives based on oleic acid were obtained, and complex salts based on sulfonation were synthesized. Some physicochemical properties of the synthesized complexes were studied, tested as a corrosion inhibitor and the protective effect was 95-97%.
Аннотация: В статье были получены производные амина на основе олеиновой кислоты и синтезированы комплексные соли на основе сульфирования. Были изучены некоторые физико-химические свойства синтезированных комплексов, испытаны в качестве ингибитора коррозии, и защитный эффект составил 95-97%.
Keywords: sulfocomplexes; oleic acid; corrosion; amide compound; monoethanol amine.
Ключевые слова: сульфокомплексы; олеиновая кислота; коррозия; амидное соединение; моноэтаноламин.
Introduction. In recent years, the process of corrosion of metal equipment is taking place, given the increase in aggressive components in the environment and industries. This poses a great threat to oil and gas production in industries. Corrosion of metal equipment is always a topical issue. The search for new inhibitors as a solution has aroused interest. This article provides information on research work to obtain sulfocomplexes based on oleic acid. It should be noted that the problems of corrosion protection occurred simultaneously with the use of metal. Corrosion processes are inevitable in many cases and are related to objective laws, but knowing these laws can reduce the negative effects of corrosion processes.
The corrosion process occurs during the interaction of the metal with the environment, and therefore there are two main ways to protect against corrosion: protection of the metal from the effects of the environment and changes in the properties of the corrosive environment.
In the first case, the metal is covered with a protective film and is more environmentally friendly than the metal itself. In the second case, various components are added to the aggressive environment, which reduces the aggressiveness of the environment. The application of metal coatings is the most common method [5].
The article shows that the corrosion rate reaches a maximum at a temperature of 60° — 80°C. An increase in the corrosion rate and a high value depending on the partial pressure of the carbon dioxide at different temperature ranges have been shown [1].
Microbiological corrosion of metals is widespread in soil and aquatic environments. Sulfate-reducing bacteria are microorganisms that cause corrosion of underground pipelines under anaerobic conditions. Sulfate-reducing bacteria remove molecular hydrogen from the cathode surface by adsorption, resulting in cathode depolarization on the metal surface [4].
In this paper, sulfotoxes are synthesized, their inhibitory properties in the presence of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide are studied. The inhibitory property depends on the nature of the cation [2, 3].
In the presented article, sulfocomplexes based on oleic acid, an unsaturated fatty acid, were synthesized and tested as an inhibitor in order to synthesize new inhibitors.
In order to carry out the synthesis process, oleic acid, naphthenic acid and amino compounds as unsaturated fatty acids were used as raw materials.
The synthesized amide compound reacts with sulfuric acid.
CH3(CH2)7-CH=CH-(CH2)7-C +H2S04 -> CH3-(CH;)g-CH-(CH2)7-C
Salts of these sulfonic compounds were obtained.
Complexes were synthesized on the basis of the obtained salts as a result of interaction with monoethanol amine.
o a
CH3-(CH2)fl-CH-[CH2)rC + H2NCH2CH2OH -> [ CH3-(CH2)3-CH-(CH2)7-C ] [ NH3CH2CH2OH
/ \ / . N
S030H M(CH3); S030 M(CH3)2
Some physicochemical parameters of the synthesized complexes are given in the
Table 1 — Physicochemical parameters of the studied products
Amine sulfocomplexes of oleic acid Density, q/sm3 Kinematic viscosity Molecular diffraction
[ CH3-(CH2)S-CH-(CH2)7-C^ ]" [fNH3CH2CH2OH f 0.9552 5.80 1.374
[ CH3-(CH2)^CH-(CH2)7-C^ ]" [+NH3CH2CH2OH ] 0.9577 5.48 1.376
The synthesized sulfoamine complexes were tested as an inhibitor. The water-alcohol products of these complexes are of the colloidal solution type, stabilizing the Mitchellus at the expense of the polar groups they contain. It is known that the formation of Mitchellus is due to the hydrogen bonds and intermolecular strength of the inhibitor.
Various amine sulfocomplexes of oleic acid have been synthesized and tested as a corrosion inhibitor. A 40% aqueous solution of 20% complex isopropyl alcohol was used for the synthesis of the complexes. Methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl, pentyl, hexyl derivatives were used as amine complexes.
R — methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl, pentyl, hexyl
Table 2 — Protective effect of complexes in CO2 environment:
Numbers of solutions Corrosion current mA/cm2 Corrosion rate, mm/year Metal loss Protection effect
Methylamine complex of oleic acid sulfate derivative in the form of 20% solution in 40% aqueous solution of isopropyl alcohol 0.003249 0.037655 0,00072 98%
Ethylamine complex of oleic acid sulfate derivative in the form of 20% solution in 40% aqueous solution of isopropyl alcohol 0,012829 0,148683 0,000887 97%
Propylamine complex of oleic acid sulfate derivative in the form of 20% solution in 40% aqueous solution of isopropyl alcohol 0,006242 0,072942 0,000902 97.8%
Butylamine complex of oleic acid sulfate derivative in the form of 20% solution in 40% aqueous solution of isopropyl alcohol 0,005072 0,058379 0,000787 97%
Pentylamine complex of oleic acid sulfate derivative in the form of 20% solution in 40% aqueous solution of isopropyl alcohol 0,005469 0,063389 0,000872 97%
Hexylamine complex of oleic acid sulfate derivative in the form of 20% solution in 40% aqueous solution of isopropyl alcohol 0,011498 0,133258 0,00139 93,8%
Without inhibitor 0,219893 2,5485 0,002815
Salts and complexes of sulfate derivatives of oleic acid, salts and complexes of N-alkylamides of oleic acid were synthesized, physical and chemical properties of their solutions were studied. The corrosion protection effect of oleic acid sulfocomplexes N-dimethyl, Na, K, monoethanolamine complexes in CO2 environment at 100 ppm concentration is 95-97%. The protective effect of 20% oleic acid sulfocomplexes of methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl, pentyl, hexyl-amine complexes in 40% solution of isopropyl alcohol was 93-98%.
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