Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
Abidova Mamurakhon Alisherovna
assistant of the department "Chemical technology" Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, E-mail: mamurahonabidova@gmail .com Ubaydullayeva Saidakhon Bahromjon kizi
Assistant of "Chemical technology" Chair, Fergana Polytechnic Institute,
E-mail: mamurahonabidova@gmail .com
Yunusova Nozima Rakhmatali kizi Bachelor at Ferghana Polytechnic Institute Department of "Chemical Technology, Nematova Sarvinozkhon Avazjon kizi Bachelor at Ferghana Polytechnic Institute
Department of "Chemical Technology, Kakhhorova Muslimakhon Usmonali kizi Bachelor at Ferghana Polytechnic Institute Department of "Chemical Technology
The article deals with the physico-chemical parameters of the obtained surfactants were analyzed by standard methods. The main physico-chemical parameters of the obtained basis of the surfactant composition are presented in the table. A number of surfactant compositions have been created, essentially consisting of local raw materials. To increase the effectiveness of surfactants, sodium silicate, sodium sulfite, soda ash, sodium chloride and ammonium sulfate are introduced into the composition.
Keywords:clay adsorbent, waxed adsorbent, triethanolamine (TEA).
В статье физико-химические параметры полученных ПАВ анализировали стандартными методами. Основные физико-химические параметры полученной на основе композиции ПАВ представлены в таблице. Создан ряд композиций ПАВ, в основном состоящих из местного сырья. Для повышения
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
эффективности ПАВ в состав вводят силикат натрия, сульфит натрия, кальцинированную соду, хлорид натрия и сульфат аммония.
Ключевые слова: глинистый адсорбент, воскообразный адсорбент, триэтаноламин (ТЭА).
The protection of the ecology of the Fergana region requires a reduction in the formation of solid waste at industrial enterprises, including waste oiled and waxed clay adsorbents and their burial in country dumps.
We have developed a method for the regeneration of spent oily and waxed adsorbents by treating them with a surfactant-containing aqueous solution, the cost of which mainly depends on the price of the latter.
It is known that today effective surfactants are imported to enterprises mainly from abroad at a high price.
Therefore, the creation and application of compositions of water-soluble surfactants from local raw materials is considered an urgent and economically important task.
In this aspect, the fatty acids of cottonseed stock are considered to be a cheap raw material for the production of surfactants. in Uzbekistan, their production has been mastered at 18 large oil and fat enterprises.
Treatment of raw (or distilled) fatty acids with alkaline reagents will make it possible to obtain their salts, which are readily soluble in water [1]. However, detergent, foaming, wetting and other colloid-physical properties of such solutions do not always meet the requirements of consumers, which is due to the composition and content of the processed material.
Waste oiled and waxed clays are considered to be multicomponent highly dispersed materials, and their regeneration with an aqueous solvent requires the use of special surfactant compositions, mainly obtained from local components.
By saponification of raw fatty acids of cotton soapstock, first with sodium sulfite, then with triethanolamine (TEA), a liquid detergent base for the created surfactant composition was obtained [4].
The physicochemical parameters of the obtained surfactants were analyzed by standard methods [6].
Table 1 presents the main physico-chemical parameters of the obtained basis of the surfactant composition.
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
Table 1
Physico-chemical parameters of the detergent base obtained from raw fatty acids of cotton soap stock
With a mass fraction of fatty acids of cotton soap
The name of indicators stock, %
thirty 40 fifty
1. Appearance and consistency Ointment
2. Color light brown brown dark brown
3. Mass fraction,% 0.25 0.14 0.12
- free of caustic alkali 0.9 1.0
- free carbonic soda 0.8 0.4 0.5
- impurities insoluble in
water 0.3
4. Initial volume of foam, ml
200 250 300
From Table. 1 it can be seen that with an increase in the mass fraction of fatty acids, the color of the surfactant base darkens, and the mass fraction of free carbonic soda and impurities that are insoluble in water increase. This also increases the initial foam volume (from 200 ml to 300 ml). Moreover, with an increase in the mass fraction of fatty acids in the resulting base, the content of free caustic alkali decreases from 0.15 to 0.12%.
In practice, to increase the effectiveness of surfactants, their compositions are more often used. the latter are superior in their colloid-chemical properties to individual washing bases.
With this in mind, a number of surfactant compositions have been created, essentially consisting of local raw materials.
Thus, the studies carried out and the results obtained make it possible to recommend the obtained compositions of surfactants for the regeneration of spent oily and waxed clay adsorbents.
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Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
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Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, p VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7
educational, natural and social sciences ISSN 2181-1784
Scientific Journal Impact Factor Q SJIF 2022: 5.947
Advanced Sciences Index Factor ASI Factor = 1.7
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