STUDYING THE IMPORTANCE OF DRYING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AND DRYING METHODS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Механика и машиностроение»

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Ключевые слова
convective / conductive / drying / sulfur anhydride / sealed / mechanized / sulfate anhydride / alkali / raw materials / classification / конвективная / кондуктивная / сушка / сернистый ангидрид / герметичная / механизированная / сульфатный ангидрид / щелочь / сырье / классификация

Аннотация научной статьи по механике и машиностроению, автор научной работы — Sulton Sharipov, Bahodir Xoldorov, Shokir Issaqov, Abdusoli Buriboyev

This article examines the currently economically viable and practical methods of drying grapes in an integrated manner. The problem of drying is emphasized in the second period, when the solar activity decreases and eventually the grapes are forced to dry in the dryers. It was found that drying grapes in the open field is more efficient and more common. As a result of drying grapes in open fields, fuel consumption is reduced and productivity increases, and it is widely used. In the conditions of further development of dried fruit production, the consistent implementation of such organizational measures in farms ensures the production of a large amount of raw materials.

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В данной статье рассмотрены современные экономически целесообразные и практичные способы сушки вино-града комплексным способом. Проблема сушки подчеркивается во втором периоде, когда солнечная активность сни-жается и в конечном итоге виноград вынужден сушиться в сушилках. Установлено, что сушка винограда в от-крытом грунте более эффективна и распространена. Сушка винограда в открытом грунте снижает расход топлива и повышает производительность и широко применяется. В условиях дальнейшего развития производства сухо-фруктов последовательное проведение таких организационных мероприятий в хозяйствах обеспечивает произ-водство большого количества сырья.


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сентябрь, 2023 г.



Sulton Sharipov

Associate professor Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh E-mail: xoldorovbaxodir [email protected]

Bahodir Xoldorov

Associate professor, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh E-mail: xo ldorovbaxodir 7 [email protected]

Shokir Issaqov


Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh E-mail: [email protected]

Abdusoli Buriboyev


Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh E-mail: [email protected]


Холдоров Бахадир Баротович


Джизакский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Джизак

Иссаков Шокир Аллаберди угли


Джизакский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Джизак

Бурибоев Абдусоли Рахматилла угли


Джизакский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Джизак


This article examines the currently economically viable and practical methods of drying grapes in an integrated manner. The problem of drying is emphasized in the second period, when the solar activity decreases and eventually the grapes are forced to dry in the dryers. It was found that drying grapes in the open field is more efficient and more common. As a result of drying grapes in open fields, fuel consumption is reduced and productivity increases, and it is widely used. In the conditions of further development of dried fruit production, the consistent implementation of such organizational measures in farms ensures the production of a large amount of raw materials.


В данной статье рассмотрены современные экономически целесообразные и практичные способы сушки винограда комплексным способом. Проблема сушки подчеркивается во втором периоде, когда солнечная активность снижается и в конечном итоге виноград вынужден сушиться в сушилках. Установлено, что сушка винограда в открытом грунте более эффективна и распространена. Сушка винограда в открытом грунте снижает расход топлива

Библиографическое описание: STUDYING THE IMPORTANCE OF DRYING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AND DRYING METHODS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. Sharipov S. [и др.]. 2023. 9(114). URL: https://7universum. com/ru/tech/archive/item/15992


№9(114)_¿Д ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ_сентябрь. 2023 г,

и повышает производительность и широко применяется. В условиях дальнейшего развития производства сухофруктов последовательное проведение таких организационных мероприятий в хозяйствах обеспечивает производство большого количества сырья.

Keywords: convective, conductive, drying, sulfur anhydride, sealed, mechanized, sulfate anhydride, alkali, raw materials, classification.

Ключевые слова: конвективная, кондуктивная, сушка, сернистый ангидрид, герметичная, механизированная, сульфатный ангидрид, щелочь, сырье, классификация.

It is known that drying of fruits and vegetables is carried out in two ways: natural drying and artificial drying.

Natural drying refers to dehydrating fruits and vegetables in the open air using the heat of sunlight. But this process takes a long time.

Artificial drying uses drying of fruits and vegetables in special drying devices. Among the various methods of artificial drying in fruit and vegetable enterprises, convective and conductive (contact) drying are special.

Nowadays, natural sun-air dryers are widely used in industry.

The method and mode of drying depends on the raw materials used.

Dry in the open air, in sunlight. This is one of the oldest methods of preserving raw materials from spoilage without consuming fuel. This method is still used in hot and dry regions of the world.

The main raw materials for such drying are grapes and grain fruits.

Drying of raw materials is carried out in specially prepared areas located in the area where the product is grown, provided with a sorting table, a boiler, a smoking chamber and a shed.

Before drying, raw materials are sorted and controlled according to size, type, maturity level.

Apricots and peaches are smoked with sulfur dioxide for 1-2 hours to prevent darkening during drying. Grapes are blanched for 5-7 seconds in a 0.3-0.4% boiling alkali solution. After being immersed in boiling alkaline water, small cracks appear on the grape skin, and the foam on it disappears. This shortens the ripening period of grapes by 3-4 times, improves product quality, and slightly increases the yield of raisins.

Drying fruits in sunny air. In Uzbekistan, grapes, apricots, peaches, apples and other fruits, as well as fruit products, mainly melons, are dried in the sun. Drying can be carried out for a few days in cloudless, hot, sunny weather without using excessive fuel and electricity for the technological process.

Arrangement of drying address. For this, the following rules must be observed:

• it is better that the drying place is at least 5 km away from the farm, away from busy roads;

• 4 tons of water are needed for one ton of product to be dried.

Drying locations are located near gardens and vineyards. The pitches should be well covered and sunny. It is better if the area is plastered with clay. The size of the field depends on the type, size, amount of dried fruit per square meter and weather conditions. Smaller in hot and dry areas, larger area should be built

in wet and cooler areas. 3-5 kg of sliced apples per square meter, 14-16 kg of whole dried pears, 10-12 kg of pears cut into two or four pieces, 14-16 kg of plums, 8-10 kg of cherries or cherries per square meter 10-12 kg of split apricots or peaches, 12-14 kg of grapes. Sliced apples average 4-8, halved peaches 7-12, halved or quartered pears 8-20, treated with alkaline solution 10-12 and untreated 30 days, apples 7-13, untreated grapes are ready in 20-25 days, and grapes treated with alkali in 5-6 days.

The paths in the fields are set from east to west. Raw fruit is placed on the slats on both sides. A 0.8-meter-wide gap is left between both paths, and when the work is mechanized, this gap will be 1.5 meters wide. In the field, sheds are built for receiving raw materials, temporary storage, sorting, placing on cutting trays and drying in the shade method. The water is stilled. In addition, tables, scales, barrels, and pots should be installed in the drying area for cutting and sorting fruits. Also, buckets, baskets, knives, chairs, fuel, sulfur for fumigation or iron cylinders should have ready-made sulfuric anhydride. The drying area will also have smoking chambers and warehouses for temporary storage of finished products. Fruits, grapes and vegetables are dried in special wooden trays. Their level is 60-90 cm, and a thin board with a height of 5 cm is placed on three sides.

In the drying area, an area is allocated for processing fruits and vegetables with sulfide anhydride. Portable boxes can also be used for this purpose. The smoking box is made of plywood with a length of 105-110 cm, a width of 105-110 cm and a height of 95-110 cm. In fact, each chamber consists of two rooms with a length of 3.5 m and a height of 2.5 m, and a volume of 27-30 cubic meters. For immersing fruits and grapes in a boiling alkaline solution, furnaces are built, and two cast-iron boilers, each of which can hold 300-400 meters of water, are installed. These boilers are used alternately. To dry 100 tons of fruit and grapes, on average, the following should be present:

• 0.6 hectares of drying area;

• 5, 6 thousand pieces of wooden trays with a level of 60x90 cm;

• 10-12 fumigation boxes or fumigation chamber with a size of 100 1 100 cm;

• two pots for soaking in alkaline solution;

• 10-12 meter table used for sorting and slicing fruits;

• 200-250 kg of caustic soda, 150-180 kg of sulfur.

The fact that fruit and grape drying facilities in

Uzbekistan are not equipped with sufficient equipment

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makes production difficult. Preparation of raw materials for drying (sorting, washing, slicing, cleaning, etc.) is carried out. Therefore, a lot of work and time is spent on drying grapes. In many farms, even the simplest requirements to the rule of drying, which reduce labor, are not observed. This is the reason for obtaining a product of not very good quality, but with a high price.

Artificial drying. In cooperation with Ukrainian scientists, a method of drying in the SKO-90M conveyor dryer was developed.

Heated air is transferred to the drying chamber with the help of a fan at a speed of 1.5 m per second. There are 5 conveyor belts inside the camera. On the first strap at the top of the chamber, the thickness of a head of grapes is lowered by means of a loader. During the initial drying period, the temperature of the chamber for white raisin and raisin bop grapes is raised to 90°C. The temperature should be 80°C-85°C to dry black raisins with a thick skin and slightly dense flesh. As a result of each raw material passage, the air temperature in the chamber decreases to the maximum, and when it comes to the last fifth strip, the grapes are dried at 60-70°C. During drying, the temperature is adjusted taking into account the initial moisture and dry matter content of the raw material.

Drying grapes in a complicated way is economically beneficial and expedient. In the second period of the drying season, when the activity of the sun decreases, the sun-dried grapes are dried in a dryer after harvesting. As a result of drying grapes in open fields, less fuel is

consumed and work productivity increases. In terms of further development of dried fruit production, the consistent implementation of such organizational measures in farms ensures the production of a large amount of raw materials. It allows for the widespread introduction of convenient drying methods that give the best results for each type of product and the construction of fruit drying plants equipped with mechanized continuous lines that produce large quantities of finished products. PKS-20 dryer is also used for drying fruits.

The method of drying in an open area under the sun without immersion in boiling alkali is known as sun drying. The grapes brought to the drying area are divided into varieties depending on their size, ripeness, and color. Then the grape heads are picked in a single layer on trays, bordon, straw or polyethylene films and placed on the drying area. This is the oldest method. Grape heads are turned over after 6-8 days. Drying takes 20-30 days. Raisins are considered ready if they are slightly crushed and do not stick to each other when crushed in the palm of your hand. Dried raisins are cleaned from the husks, blown in the wind, piled up so that the moisture level is the same. Then it is cleaned from the remaining impurities and the finished product is placed in boxes or bags. In this method, mainly "White Raisin" and "Black Raisin" grapes are dried. Raisins obtained from them are called shighani and bedona. The disadvantage of this method is that it takes a lot of time to prepare raisins, and less product is obtained. The yield of raisins is 22-25 percent.


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