Научная статья на тему 'Study physic-chemical characteristic polymer applicable in bore solution'

Study physic-chemical characteristic polymer applicable in bore solution Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по химическим наукам, автор научной работы — Gaibnazarov Sunnatilla Bohodirzhonovich

In article are brought results of the study physic-chemical characteristic new copolymers synthesized on base departure to chemical industry and local raw materials resource. Using the modern methods of the analysis are shown polyelectroliting nature water solution copolymers, as well as are shown possibility of the using designed polymer for stabilization bore solution.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Study physic-chemical characteristic polymer applicable in bore solution»

Section 11. Chemistry

Самую высокую активность проявил препарат 1-метил-4-диметоксифосфорил-пиперидин-4-ол (8). Растения огурцов, семена которых были обработаны данным препаратом, начинали цветение раньше на 3-4 дня (8%).

Препарат 4-диметоксифосфорилселенан-4-ол (15) проявлял активность лишь в концентрации 0,005%, сокращая период до начала цветения растений огурцов на 1-2 суток (5%).

Таким образом, в результате первичных биологических испытаний N, Se-содержащих гидро-фосфонатов (8) и (15) установлено, что наибольшую

активность на рост и развитие гибридов огурцов проявляет препарат пиперидинового ряда.

Вышеизложенные краткие показатели подтверждают целесообразность разработки новых конкурентноспособных отечественных препаратов для нужд сельского хозяйства на основе фосфорсодержащих производных кетонов гетероциклического ряда. Приведенные результаты исследований коррелируются с дальнейшим ростом и развитием культур, что свидетельствует о целесообразности проведения дальнейших исследований по применения новых соединений в качестве регуляторов роста растений.

Список литературы:

1. Нифантьев Э. Е. Фосфорорганические соединения//Соровский образовательный журнал. -1996. - № 7. -С. 39-46.

2. Нифантьев Э. Е. Химия гидрофосфорильных соединений. Успехи и перспективы развития//Усп. химии -1978. - Т. 47, № 9. - С. 1565-1608.

3. Джиембаев Б. Ж. а-Окси и а-аминофосфонаты шестичленных (N, O, S, Se) гетероциклов. - Алматы, 2004. -234 с.

4. Бутин Б. М., Джиембаев Б. Ж., Барамысова Г. Т. Химия (Р, S)гетероциклов. - Алматы: Полиграфия-Сервис и К°, 2013. - 469 с.

5. Патент РК. № 1238. Полимерное производное 1,2,5-триметил-4-диме-тилфосфонпиперидола-4, обладающее рострегулирующей активностью по отношению к растениям//Жубанов Б. А., Бойко Г. И., Мухамедо-ва Р. Ф., Штильман М. И., Бабаев С. А., Джиембаев Б. Ж. и др.: опубл. Б. И. № 3. 15.09.1994.

6. Абрамов В. С., Хайруллин В. К. О взаимодействии диалкилфосфористых кислот с альдегидами и кетона-ми//Труды Казанского химико-технологического института/Сб. научн. тр. - Казань, 1957. - Вып. 23. -С. 102-104.

7. Мельников Н. Н. Современная ситуация с применением пестицидов//Хим. пром. - 1994, № 2. - С. 14-18.

8. Джиембаев Б. Ж. Фундаментальные и прикладные исследования лаборатории химии природных соедине-ний//Химия природных и синтетических биологически активных соединений (строение, свойства и превращения): сб. науч. тр. ИХН им. А. Б. Бектурова МОН РК. - Алматы, 2001. - Т. 76. - С. 24-41.

9. Барамысова Г. Т., Джиембаев Б. Ж., Кожамжарова Л. С. Фиторегуляторы развития растений на основе природного и синтетического сырья Казахстана (обзор)//Мат.1Х научн. прак. конф. «Бъдещитеизследва-ния-2013», 17-25 февраля, София. София: «БялГрад-БГ» ООД, 2013. - Т.23, Биологии. - С.27-37.

Gaibnazarov Sunnatilla Bohodirzhonovich, doctorant of a department«Boring oil and gaze bore holes» Tashkent state technical university (TSTU) named after Beruni.

E-mail:[email protected]

Study physic-chemical characteristic polymer applicable in bore solution

Abstract: In article are brought results of the study physic-chemical characteristic new copolymers synthesized on base departure to chemical industry and local raw materials resource. Using the modern methods of the analysis are shown polyelectroliting nature water solution copolymers, as well as are shown possibility of the using designed polymer for stabilization bore solution.

Keywords: polymer, sand, ground, water solution polymer, filtering, water recoil, sediment, tixotroping, viscosity, density.


Study physic-chemical characteristic polymer applicable in bore solution

Searching for and exploring the oilfields and gas in Republic Uzbekistan on new area and growing of the depths of the boring definition objective need in improvement composition bore solution. Herewith used bore to syringe liquid must possess certain rheological, physic-chemical and technological characteristic depending on geological construction of the cut of the bore hole and mineralization opened by her plasting of water steadfast to influence aggressive fluids [1]. The nature applicable polymer renders On applied characteristic bore solution enormous influence.

As is well known [2], amongst enormous amount known natural and synthetic polymer only a few possess the ability open in water. For water solution polymer characteristic of presence in chain macromolecule gidrofilings of the functional groups (the gidroxil, carboxyl, amides, sulfur and others.). The degree dissociation water solution polyelectrolyte is connected with ion power of the solution. The form changes with change last macromolecule polyelectrolyte. Consequently, must be changed and their working, for instance, coagulation, flocculation characteristic and to distend. Increase the number of the kinetic units in solution as a result dissociation and change the form macromolecules polymer brings its gidrodinamicals characteristic about change. Consequently, viscosity and density of the bore solution must be such to with other technological factor and acceptance possible was provide sufficient antipressing on passable layers, but in ditto time she must not noticeably worsen the condition of the work chisel and field-performance dates productive horizon. Other word, in each concrete event must be chosen best values to viscosity and density of the bore solution. Density also is one of the main factors, providing stability wall bore holes.

In this aspect was of interest study physic-chemical characteristic designed by us on base departure water solutions polymers, which as we seem, can find broad using in prospect in preparation bore solution, especially firm to influence aggressive fluids.

As object of the studies were applying copolymers departure of the processes delintation grain cotton plant with GIPAN, as well as some waste chemical enterprise our republics such as - lignin, lignosulfonat and others product to reactions copolymerization departure of the processes delintation grains cotton plant with GIPAN presents itself very viscous not hue or painted in amber color of the liquids, with specific scent, their physic-chemical features are completely identified.

The most wide-spread method is a determination to viscosity solution polymer. At study of viscosity power-

fully diluted solution was discovered that many polymers, as from a certain “critical concentration" show the deflection brought viscosity from linear dependency. Usually in these cases extremums appear on crooked, reasons, which origin is concluded in electrostatics repulsive of the same name charged fragment macromolecules. In diluted solution copolymer ionized nearly completely, but because of relatively small quantity free carboxyl’s groups in its composition effect to ionizing not is too expressed. The study to dependencies to viscosity and pH from concentration solution copolymers and natural polymer has shown that with growing of the concentrations copolymera in solution importance pH changes small (tabl.1). Several more concentration are reflected on importance’s pH lignin and lignosulfonat that probably, is connected with different methods of their reception. The nature of the change to dependencies to viscosity from concentration in solution typed out to be alike. However sharp structuring in solution copolymera with akrylonitrilings fragment occurs in the field ofgreater concentrations that is caused, probably, difference in function composition and value of the molecular masses polymer.

Electronic-microscopic studies is installed that for solution resent prepare copolymer typical convolute type of the structure in the manner of formless unit, changing depending on concentrations copolymer, system in this case is homogeneous. Since time (for 5 hours) in system occurs the orientation, particularly in concentrated solution. Under the most further keeping of the solution (after 24 hours), appears the second type of the structure - an fibriling over molecularing formation, due to that homogeneous system becomes microgeterogen. Probably, globulin types of the structure explanatory the small degree electrolytic dissociation functional groups and low their gidrotation. The aging copolymers and their solution are connected with to lather amides of the groups that can be confirmed by increase pH water solution with reduction of the concentrations.

Due to lather amides of the group in circuit macromolecules copolymer appear the new functional groups, degree dissociation which in over and over again more, than amides of the groups. Because of electrostatics repulsive of the same name charged groups COO- -macromolecules are rectified. Herewith the happy circumstances for arising the relationships between macromolecules that intensifies their mutual orientation and brings about shaping fibrils. Herewith, was installed that heating renders on process of the structuring in solution copolymers such influence, either as keeping. So, at half hours heating under 60оС 10%- resent prepare solution


Section 11. Chemistry

copolymera exists such speedup fibril formed, as at keeping of the solution. The study change to viscosity and pH solution copolymers depending on concentrations

has shown that they possess the fible acid a reaction, increasing with increasing of the contents copolymer in solution.

Table 1. - Change to specific viscosity and pH solution polymer depending on concentrations copolymer

№ Concentration solution polymer, % copolymer lignin lignosulphonat

pH Viscosity n pH Viscosity n pH Viscosity n

1 0,005 6,0 0,10 7,1 - -

2 0,010 6,0 0,12 7,1 - - -

3 0,05 6,1 0,14 7,1 - - -

4 0,10 6,1 0,16 7,2 0,1 0,11 0,08

5 0,5 6,2 0,20 7,2 0,11 0,12 0,09

6 1,0 6,4 0,22 7,4 0,12 0,12 0,1

Beside water solution copolymer relative viscosity powerfully grows with increase the concentrations, anomaly to viscosity exists already in the field of powerfully diluted solution moreover for copolymera she denominated violent, than for lignin and lignosulfonat. The anomaly to viscosity copolymer, even powerfully diluted solution is conditioned presence in them over molecularing of the structures. Electronic-microscopic study lignin and lignosulfonat has shown that they are microgeterogen and consist of varied unit macromolecule — a globule and fibril. They united in units of the different forms, changing depending on concentrations of the solution natural polymer. In concentrated solution exist the clot to different density, with transition from high concentration of the happy circumstances to low for glue formed. The most further diluting brings about destruction gluing.

At keeping solution copolymers occurs sequencing a fibril structured element. For products 24-sentry of hydrolysis on electronic photomicrography of the solution, are seen filament, consisting of fibril. The appearance such fibrous structures (rectifying bunch macromolecule), probably, is conditioned by further hydrolysis amides groups in alkaline ambience, about than was spoken above.

In the course of study was installed that interaction designed by us water solution copolymer with dispersing particle depends on many factor: concentrations copolymer and mineral suspending, presences electrolyte, temperature, salting and others amongst mineral suspending systematically and in detail studied soil and ground suspending, to convey from Navbakhor, Rishtan, Chust locality. So, influence designed by us copolymer in analogy with polyakrylamid (PAA) has shown that polymeric preparations enter in interaction with soil particle in consequence of which in suspending appears structure. pH soil suspending in whiteness of these polymer does not

change that probably, is connected with buffer influence of ground on change the concentrations hydrogen ion in mixture.

The relative value of the volume setting soil suspending under influence synthesized us copolymers changes equally. However, in the event of industrial polymer PAA soil suspending more. Increase the volume setting with growing of the contents considered polymer changes not simbating at the speed of filtering. The last gets through minimum at concentrations of the polymer, equal 0,05% can be connected with that that under small concentration copolymer not all particles aggregation, remained particles occlude the times and hereunder decreases the velocity of the passing to liquids through layer setting. When all particles are bound, destruction brings about increasing of the velocities to filtering the fluid phase. As to designed water solution polymer, that here with increase the concentrations of the polymer and volume setting and velocity to filtering increase. Probably, this copolymer better sorption the soil particle. This is conditioned that that under influence polyelectrolyte, first, can occur peptization soil particles, and, consequently, occlusion of the times more small particle, secondly, filming to surfaces of the particles by polymer. Hereupon the happy circumstances for slide of the particles friend for friend and arising the thick packing, holding up passing of the fluid phase through layer setting. However if occurred peptization, volume, setting must was continuously decrease, dispersion ambience was turbid, but this does not exist.

Noted in experience reduction to specific viscosity filtrate ground in contrast with source solution lignin and lignosulfonat validates the second suggestion — occurs to envelop surfaces of the soil particles polymer. Granu-lometricaling composition of ground influences upon process of the splicing microagregats. The most friable precipitation form on background of the calcium chlo-


Silicate brick on resource-saving technologies

ride of the particle of ground of the different sizes in witness of copolymer.

The Method sedimentation analysis was studied influence synthesized us copolymer on dispersing different mineral suspending. The experiences conducted with 0,2% suspending, which in 24 hours after preparation added the solutions copolymer in corresponding to dosage. The influence studied in kinetics through 5, 10, 15 and etc minutes. It is revealed that degree dispersing change under influence copolymer and the other values, connected with size of the particles suspending. The balance is fixed already after 5 minute contacts suspending with polymer. Regardless of type of the mineral system radius the best likely particles it increases that is indicative of aggregation particles dispersing phases under influence of the polymeric additive. Aggregating dispersing of the phase occurs within optimum dosage ofthe polymer. The

most further increasing to concentrations copolymer promotes increase dispersing and, accordingly, reduction of the value of the best likely radius of the particles that can be due to disintegration unit under influence polyelectrolyte and stabilization of the particles suspending.

Thereby, structuring in mineral suspending under influence copolymer is found in complex dependency from concentration copolymer. The results of the studies physic-chemical characteristic new copolymers, as well as their influence upon shaping firm to influence aggressive fluids unit have shown that designed by us copolymers in significant measure create the happy circumstances for provision of stability wall bore holes. They are revealed main applied, physic-chemical and rheological characteristic bore solution. The practical application of the development can, will solve many economic and technological problems to branches.


1. Bulatov A.I., Magazov R.R., Shaman S.A. The Influence of the factors characteristic bore solution and their types on velocity of the boring // Sb. scientific works of the research centre OOO “Kubanigazprom - Krasnodar, 2001.

S. 92-103.

2. Ryazanov A.V. The encyclopedia bore solutions. - M; Depths, 2002. - 641 s.

Djandullaeva Munavara Saparbaevna, Tashkent chemical-technological institute, the senior researcher-investigator, the competitor of the department

"Technology of inorganic substances" E-mail: [email protected]. Kabulova Lola Baltamuratovna, Tashkent chemical-technological institute, the investigator, the competitor of the department "Technology of inorganic substances" Atakuziev Temirjan Azim ugli, Tashkent chemical-technological institute, the doctor of technical sciences, professor, the department of "Technology of inorganic substances"

Silicate brick on resource-saving technologies

Abstract: In this paper the technology of manufacture of silicate brick with use of steelmaking slag as a binder, and a filler has been offered. It has been investigated physical -chemical and physical — mechanical properties of silicate brick on the basis of siliceous slag binder with an additive of firm waste of soda manufacture (FWSI).

Keywords: steelmaking slag, a silicate brick, a firm waste of soda manufacture (FWSI), durability, quartz sand.

Джандуллаева Мунавара Сапарбаевна, Ташкентский химико-технологический институт, старший научный сотрудник-соискатель, кафедра «Технология неорганических веществ» E-mail: [email protected]


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