Научная статья на тему 'Study of the metals catalysts and oxides effect on the efficiency of the carbon gasification in a solar furnace'

Study of the metals catalysts and oxides effect on the efficiency of the carbon gasification in a solar furnace Текст научной статьи по специальности «Нанотехнологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по нанотехнологиям, автор научной работы — Salmanova Aziz Firuza, Mustafayeva Muxtar Roza, Mahmudova Alimemmed Tarana, Elshan Velizade Ismail

It has been studied in the article the matters related to use solar energy for providing the process of gasification of carbon-consisted substances with metals and metal oxides catalysts ( Fe, FeO, F2O3 ) improving the productivity and efficiency of the gasification process.

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В статье рассмотрены вопросы связанные с использованием солнечной энергии для проведения процесса газификации углеродсодержащих веществ в присутствии катализаторов металлов оксилов металлов ( Fe, FeO, F2O3 ) повышающих производительность и эффективность процесса газообразования.

Текст научной работы на тему «Study of the metals catalysts and oxides effect on the efficiency of the carbon gasification in a solar furnace»


Salmanova Aziz Firuza

Dr. of Philosophy in Technical, assistant professor, Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku Mustafayeva Muxtar Roza Candidate of Technical, assistant professor, Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku Mahmudova Alimemmed Tarana Candidate of Phy-Mat Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku Elshan Velizade Ismail Engineer

Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku

_DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2019.3.61.24



Салманова Азиз Фируза

Доктор философии по технике, доцент, Институт Радиационных Проблем, г.Баку Мустафаева Мухтар Роза Кандидат тех. наук, доцент, Институт Радиационных Проблем, г.Баку Махмудова Алимамед Тарана Кандидат физ-мат. наук Институт Радиационных Проблем, г.Баку Елшен Велизаде Исмайыл Инжинер

Институт Радиационных Проблем, г.Баку


It has been studied in the article the matters related to use solar energy for providing the process of gasification of carbon-consisted substances with metals and metal oxides catalysts ( Fe, FeO, F2O3 ) improving the productivity and efficiency of the gasification process. АННОТАЦИЯ

В статье рассмотрены вопросы связанные с использованием солнечной энергии для проведения процесса газификации углеродсодержащих веществ в присутствии катализаторов металлов оксилов металлов ( Fe, FeO, F2O3 ) повышающих производительность и эффективность процесса газообразования. Keywords: solar energy, gasification, helioreactor, catalysts, solar receiver

At present, the matters related to use solar energy for providing the process of gasification of carbon-consisted substances with catalysts these are metals (Fe, Al), metal oxides, alkaline metal mixes improving the productivity and efficiency of the gasification process are discussed widely.

The advisability of the using of a catalyst or another and making method of it is determined via the economic data of the process applying it, and the best allows you to get the cheapest products of the required quality when there is the level of technology and economics.

They think based on the analyse of studied difficulties that only the cheap readily available substances can be used in fact as catalysts of coal gasification.

Aim of the work was the studying of opportunities of realizing of the cyclic processes of iron-consisted multicomponent catalysts reduction and oxidation by the steam. Water is the main source of hydrogen getting under production conditions. Many ways of conversion are been using for it with the mind that many metals

have properties to displace hydrogen out of the water with the appearing of hydroxides or oxides of taken metals at the same time. The iron-vaporous method is one of the most widespread ones in the studies of hydrogen getting processes.

In the process of reusable oxidizing- reduced hydrogen production cycles it is necessary having the data about the changing of kinetic parameters and properties of materials functioning a long time in stream environment at 800-1000 ^ of temperature without unloading them from the working zone of a reactor.

The investigation of the interaction between metal oxides and carbon followed by hydrogen production has been conducted in the metal solar reactor through the way of thermal oxidation.

Studying of the coal oxidation kinetics by metal oxides in the solar energy device at 700-900° С of atmospheric pressure was carried out in the following way: The solar rays from a paraboloidal mirror are focused to the helio reactor and the evaporator. After a certain time (30 minutes) of iron oxides reduction that


Eepa3uucKuu COK>3 YneHbix (ECY) #4 (61), 2019

was monitored to output and contents of carbon oxides, the stream is being directed to the helio reactor but the appeared hydrogen and other gases were being gathered in the gasometer to their content chromatography. The operations were repeated triply for each temperature till getting of the reproducible results.

In all cases, the study at the solar energy device was carried out so the metal oxides reduction process had been running at the kinetic zone. In case of the line relation between a part of transformed oxygen of iron

oxide (']/) and time (T) the process is risen with the


Where: y it is the level of metal oxide transformation showing with unit fraction

y- time in minutes

k- the reaction velocity constant coefficient proportional.

The line relationship for the metal oxide is followed under certain conditions when the process is not limited within the factors of diffusion that is if the whole grain of the iron oxide is involved in the reaction. When further reductions of oxides (FeO) inhibiting to transport the oxide grain in nuclear but CO2 from nuclear to the surface, and the process velocity decreases due increasing of CO h CO2 diffusion. The investigation shows that carbon oxidation of brown coals by oxygen of the iron oxides for the first period from about 50, 60 and 70 per cent of iron oxide (with temperatures 700, 800 and 9000C respectively) the process is running on the first order and it is presented with the equation.

Table 1. The reduction stage gases composition

Table 2. The oxidation stage gases composition

As you see from the data given at tables 1 and 2 the best optimal conditions to get hydrogen is the temperature 900°. The process runs no efficiently, and the gas output decreases about twice by the 800° of temperature.

The realized way of hydrogen getting will make usage of cheap solar heat possible, fossil solid fuel to save (till per cent of 40 %) for keeping the reaction heat and getting the hydrogen of high pure without further purification.

The catalytic action of the reduction reaction of metal oxide with coal using solar energy has been studied by us for the purpose of the process intensification.

A metal oxide reagent based on iron oxide (99,87%, Fe203 ) 0,063 - 1 mm of fraction and brown coal are used as initial reagents.

The reagent activation is realized with the insertion of the dry potassium carbonate catalyst additive in the amount of 1% (in relation to iron oxide). Coal and reagents are mixed in a stoichiometric ratio (to complete reduction of iron oxides), the initial schicht mix has been used as a solar receiver of the solar energy device.

The experiments have been carried out by solar radiation 2514-2933 KCoul/m2hour, and the temperature in the solar receiver changed in the 700-800°C range.

The process realized by followed reaction in two


Fe203+2C^ 2Fe+C0+C02 (1) 2Fe +3H20 —>Fc2Ch +3H2 (2)

For the first stage (1) it happens the coal gasification and the metal oxide reduction by 700-800°C of temperature when the evolved

oxygen generates the mix of carbon oxides CO+CO2(table1.) through reaction to carbon. In the second stage (2) the reduced iron generates Fe2O3 and hydrogen (table2) through interacting with vapours of water. The oxidized reagent is transported to a generator, and the process is repeated in the same sequence.

The got mix of carbon oxides derives to the second gas-holder.

The gas has been analyzed at the chromatography HXM-72,


1. P.F.Rzayev, N.G.Efendiyeva, R.M.Mustafa-yeva, Sh. D.Shahbazov, T.A. Mahmudova . Application of solar energy "to obtain hydrogen and hydrogen-containing gases World Renewable Energy Congress VI (WREC 2000) Elsevier Science LTD.

2. Salmanova F.A., Mustafayeva R.M., Salamov O.M., Mahmudova T.A. The getting of a synthetic fuel from a biomass through the solar energy. NY, United

The temperature of the reactor °C Gas output 10-3 m3/hour The gas composition in percentage %


700 1.0 45.3 54.7

800 3.5 47.7 52.3

900 8.0 50.4 49.4

1000 8.5 52.0 48.0

The temperature of the reactor °C Gas output 10-3 m3/hour The gas composition in percentage %

H2 CO2

700 1.0 96.1 3.9

800 3.5 96.7 3.3

900 7.5 97.3 2.7

1000 07.8 98.2 1.8

States. American Scientific Journal №18, 2018, p. 3337

3. V. V. Kosov "The experimental researches of the processes of complex reprocessing of biomass into synthesis gas and carbon materials" - the materials of the abstract of a thesis to gain the degree of candidate of technical sciences, Moscow, 2012 (in Russian)

4. The hydrogen getting and keeping way at stand-alone energy devices (2002) The Russian Federation patent # 2192072 (in Russian)

5. Rzaev P.F., Salmanova F.A., Mustafayeva R.M., Mahmudova T.A., Valizade I.E. Application of high-potential heat of solar radiation for biomass transformation in hydrogen and hydrogen containing gases. United-journal №12, 2018, p. 31-34 Tallinn, Estonia.



Бобров Б. Ф.,

канд.техн.наук Брысин А.Н., канд.техн.наук Соловьев В. С.,

докт. техн.наук

Институт машиноведения им. А.А.Благонравова Российской академии наук



Bobrov B. F.,

Cand. Techn.Sciences Brysin A. N., Cand. Techn. science Solovyov V. S.,

Doct. Techn. Sciences

Research Institute for Machine Science named after A.Blagonravov of the Russian Academy of Sciences Imash Ran (R USSIA)


В статье рассматриваются медицинский и экономический аспекты повышения уровня комфорта на рабочем месте водителя самоходной машины за счет установки водительского сиденья с повышенными виброзащитными свойствами, приведена методика расчета экономического эффекта.


The article deals with the medical and economic aspects of improving the level of comfort in the workplace of the driver of a self-propelled machine by installing a driver's seat with increased vibration-proof properties, the method of calculating the economic effect.

Ключевые слова: Рабочее место водителя, виброзащитное сиденье, экономический эффект, профессиональное заболевание.

Keywords: The driver's workplace, vibration isolating driver's seat, economic benefits, occupational disease.

Все машины, относящиеся к строительно-дорожной технике, при всем их многообразии, объединяет одно - повышенная вибрационная и эмоционально-физическая нагруженность водителя (оператора, машиниста), что ставит проблему создания комфортных условий на рабочем месте оператора (водителя), что имеет помимо социального аспекта (сохранение здоровья человека), также и чисто экономический аспект.

Помимо развития профессиональных заболеваний (остеохандроз, сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, язвенная болезнь и т.п.), которые ведут к потере трудоспособности высококвалифицированного работника (лечение которого стоит немало), дискомфорт на рабочем месте ведет к преждевременной усталости, к увеличению перерывов в технологическом процессе, что ведет к падению дневной выработки, а, следовательно, к уменьшению прибыли всего предприятия в целом.

Медицинские аспекты проблемы

Анализ результатов гигиенических исследований показал, что все обследованные группы рабочих (водители промышленных бульдозеров, большегрузных автомобилей, автопогрузчиков, машинисты карьерных экскаваторов, буровых станков) подвергаются комплексному воздействию трех-компонентной общей вибрации высоких уровней, превышающей предельно-допустимые значения.

Расчет корректированного уровня виброускорения и дозы вибрации показал, что колебательная энергия, которую получают лица указанных профессий, велика и превышает норматив (предельно-допустимые уровни - ПДУ - по ускорению равны 65, 59 и 50 дБ для транспортной, транспортно-тех-нологической и технологической вибрации соответственно).

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