Научная статья на тему 'Study of internal and external learning motivation of students of pedagogical high school'

Study of internal and external learning motivation of students of pedagogical high school Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Lekerova Gulsim Zhanabergenovna, Abitiyarova Aygul Abitiyarovna, Moldahanova Marzhan Madikhanovna, Nigmatullina Zhibek Shaymerdenovna, Kerimbekova Zhanat Umirbekovna

Education in high school is one of the most important stages in the professional formation, under which formed an adequate idea of their future profession and attitude towards it. The changes taking place in our society, determine the sense of tension in the already well-established categories and concepts correlated to the value-motivational sphere of the modern student personality. The emergence of social order based on economic self-organization actualizes the problem of study motivation of the future specialist, in particular teachers, to sphere of pedagogical work. It should be borne in mind that, on the one hand, the conditions of development of society requires competitive specialists focused on social values, on the other hand, the representation of today’s young people are not focused on the internal, personal significance aside competitiveness and external social side of success. It becomes particularly relevant resolution of the conflict in terms of formation of motivational preferences of pedagogical high school students to pedagogical work.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Study of internal and external learning motivation of students of pedagogical high school»

Study of internal and external learning motivation of students of pedagogical high school

course of the work, he could see the attained results, and periodically received the information about attained results through its qualitative and quantity indicators. If such information arrives to the worker too

late or “indirectly”, the efficiency of all stimulating actions decreases considerably. Thus, in certain cases, workers can have a resentment towards their work, which would definitely affect their productivity.


1. Hyin E. P., Motivation and motives. St. Peter, 2000. P. 69.

2. Viljunas V. K., Psychological mechanisms of motivation of the person. M, 1990.

3. Lekerova G.J. (2014), Features of Motives' Manifestation of Professional Development and Personal Characteristics of Future Teachers. Life Science Journal 2014; 11 (ls).

4. Lekerova G.J. (2007), Features of the organization and conduct of professional orientation to teaching profession in the field of education. The Psychology of learning Moscow.№ 9. P. 100-109.

5. Lekerova G. J., Psychological and pedagogical bases of active teaching methods. Life Science Journal 2014; 11 (bs).

Lekerova Gulsim Zhanabergenovna, doctor of psychological sciences, professor, M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University, Abitiyarova Aygul Abitiyarovna, doctor Phd of philology, M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University, Moldahanova Marzhan Madikhanovna, master of pedagogics and psychology, M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University, Nigmatullina Zhibek Shaymerdenovna, master of pedagogics and psychology, M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University, Kerimbekova Zhanat Umirbekovna, senior teacher, M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University, Sarubbekova Aygul Turisbekovna, teacher, M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University E-mail: [email protected]

Study of internal and external learning motivation of students of pedagogical high school

Abstract: Education in high school is one of the most important stages in the professional formation, under which formed an adequate idea of their future profession and attitude towards it. The changes taking place in our society, determine the sense of tension in the already well-established categories and concepts correlated to the value-motivational sphere of the modern student personality. The emergence of social order based on economic self-organization actualizes the problem of study motivation of the future specialist, in particular teachers, to sphere of pedagogical work. It should be borne in mind that, on the one hand, the conditions of development of society requires competitive specialists focused on social values, on the other hand, the representation of today’s young people are not focused on the internal, personal significance aside competitiveness and external social side


Section 9. Pedagogical Psychology

of success. It becomes particularly relevant resolution of the conflict in terms of formation of motivational preferences of pedagogical high school students to pedagogical work.

Keywords: professional orientation and consolidation, professionally pedagogical orientations and motivations, particular significance, high educational system, professional education

The urgency of the problem of the study of psychological factors in the formation of motivation of educational activity is determined by process optimization tasks of personal and professional formation of the expert in the course of high school education. This suggests the need for a search problem of psychological conditions and means of formation of motivational sphere of the student’s personality, which is based on two basic premises: the need for knowledge of their characteristics and to develop methods for diagnosis and timely correction [1, 10].

In order to test private research hypotheses about the dynamics of motivation of educational activity of students of a pedagogical high school teacher provide different ratio of its structural elements, as well as the change oflearning activities in the course oftraining in high school, we conducted a longitudinal study over five years on a sample of students (п= 50), using the following methods: a methodology «Studying motivation of students of pedagogical high school» of S. Pakulina, M. V. Ovchinnikov; method of « Study of motivation to succeed,» of S. L. Pakulina; test questionnaire motivational-semantic structures of Yu. M. Orlov — B. A. Sosnowski, a technique of «constructive motivation» of O. P. Yeliseyev; semantic differential of Ch.Osgood. To determine

the motivational-semantic formations of students of pedagogical high school, we used the test questionnaire of Yu. M. Orlov — B. A. Sosnowski, developed on the basis of well-known foreign options (J. Atkinson, D. McClelland, H. Hekhauzen etc). Motivational strategies were investigated using the technique of О. P. Yeliseyev «Motivation constructiveness » [2, 45].

The results of an empirical study of the dynamics of motivation of educational activity of students of pedagogical high school allow making the following conclusions: the average values of the studied variables in general, statistically do not differ. The lack of significant differences between the variables of a course of study points to the stability of the structural elements of motivation of educational activity of students [3, 11].

Of the 18 elements of the structure of motivation of the doctrine, 12 elements found in all courses, 6 elements of the structure of motivation of educational activity of students of a pedagogical high school — knowledge, achievement, affiliation, achieving satisfaction, externalities-object strategy tools — there are not in all the courses (1-2 times — Low figure occurrence, 3 — average, 4-5 — high) (Table 1).

Table 1. - Quantitative indicators of the correlation analysis of the structural elements of motivation of educational activity (if p = 0.01)

№ Elements of the structure of motivation of educational activity Reduc- tion Occurrence on 1-5 courses The number of connections on 1-5 courses

1 2 3 4 5 in total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Intrinsic motivation of studying Intrin. MS 5 5 4 3 2 1 15

2 Extrinsic motivation of studying Exter. MS 4 6 3 0 3 3 15

3 Exteriorized success ExS 5 3 3 1 4 2 13

4 Internalized success IS 5 4 5 4 2 3 18

5 Externalities-object strategy tools EO 4 5 5 3 0 3 16

6 Externalities-subject competition strategy ES 5 5 3 3 3 2 16


Study of internal and external learning motivation of students of pedagogical high school

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7 Internal-object avoidance strategy IO 4 2 4 3 5 3 17

8 Internal-subject strategy of cooperation IS 3 6 2 5 1 5 19

9 Achievement A 1 0 0 1 2 0 3

10 Satisfaction of achievements SA 2 0 2 4 0 1 7

11 Cognition C 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

12 Satisfaction of cognition SC 4 3 0 4 2 2 11

13 Affiliation A 3 4 1 1 1 3 10

14 Satisfaction ofAffiliation SA 4 3 1 4 0 2 10

15 Dominance Dm 5 5 1 1 3 1 11

16 Satisfaction of dominance SDm 4 1 0 4 2 1 8

17 Attitude to studying AS 4 0 3 2 0 3 8

18 Examination anxiety EA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

On the 1st course total number of connections is 27. Extrinsic motivation of studying is the most powerful in the number of connections in the pleiad, other variables also have a high rate of correlations within the pleiad: dominance, affiliation, adaptation strategies and rivalry. A small number of connections have a strategy of avoidance and satisfaction with domination.

Extrinsic motivation of studying provided by the aspiration of students to communicative interaction, the desire to take their place in the student team. A large number of relationships of domination provide a motivational strategy for competitiveness, and since on 1st course the primary adaptation when changing the educational system becomes important, then the strategy of adaptation has a sufficiently large number of connections [4, 22].

On the 2nd course the number of connections decreases and it is 20. Extrinsic motivation of studying is replaced by the inner motivation The strategy ofadaptation by the number ofconnections is also leading, but strategy of avoidance appears with a large number of links the strategy of avoidance. A large number ofconnections get internalized success. A small number of correlations on the 2 course are affiliation and cooperation strategy.

Intrinsic motivation of studying closely linked with the motivation to succeed, which became an inner experience (internalized success). If on the 1st course university adaptation involves the use of coping strategies of competition, at the final stage of the adaptation strategy of avoidance is used when

there is a desire to maintain the current to the 2nd course success.

In the 3rd year the total number of connections —

21. The most powerful in the number ofconnections is the strategy of cooperation; other variables also have a large number of connections: the satisfaction of knowledge, dominance, and affiliation. A small number oflinks are relevant to studying, achievement, affiliation, dominance, exteriorize success.

Precisely on the 3 course appears constructive cooperation strategy, and this is due to the dominance of satisfaction of knowledge. A new kind of learning activities — studying and research activities — leads to a combination of satisfaction with knowledge of domination and affiliation.

On the 4 course the number of connections is sharply reduced and is 15. The largest number of correlations has a strategy ofavoidance; a large number of connections have exteriorized success. The lowest number of correlations has affiliation, internal-subject cooperation strategy. In the 4th year the number of elements of the motivational structure, with a small number of connections exceeds the number of elements with the average number of connections. That is what makes a lead strategy of avoidance and the prevalence of exteriorized success.

In the 5th course the number of connections is restored and is 18. The leading and only is internal-subject cooperation strategy. A small number of correlations have become intrinsic motivation of studying and motivational-meaning education: knowledge, dominance, domination and achieve


Section 9. Pedagogical Psychology

satisfaction. Consequently, the structure of motivation of educational activity of students of a pedagogical high school in the 5 th course is depleted.

Correlation analysis showed that there are pleiads of connections within the structural elements ofstudying motivation (e. g., motivational strategies, motivational and semantic structures, motivation to succeed) .Their relationship to each course is different. The largest number of correlations between the studied variables observed at 1st course. On the 2nd, 3rd and 5th courses the number of connections is approximately the same amount. Dramatically reduced the number of correlations in the 4th year. The most complex and diverse structure oflearning motivation — at 1 course as it contains more connections.

Of the 18 elements of the motivational structure of the number of connections dominants are: internal learning motivation externalized and internalized success and dominance of external-subject cooperation strategy. Further on the number of connections are external motivations of studying, attitude to studying, learning satisfaction, affiliation, dominance, external-object strategy adaptations of internal-object avoidance strategy.

In the factor structure of motivation of educational activity of the greatest number of factors is motivation of educational activity on the 2nd and 3rd courses (seven factors), motivation of studying at 1 and 5 courses has six factors, the least number of factors (five factors) in the motivational structure of the 4th course, which confirms results of correlation analysis (on the 4th course informed the fewest correlations).

In all factor structures there arevarious combinations of motivational strategies. Structural elements create

a particular motivational strategy implemented in educational activities or behavior.

Knowledge of and satisfaction of studying present in the structure of educational motivation of students of1st and 2nd courses. Students at this stage want to study. On the 5 course knowledge takes the form of commitment to it, but a positive attitude to studying appears on 1st and 3rd courses. Achievement presents in the structure of educational motivation of students of 1 and 3 courses, but satisfaction with achievement comes only on 2nd course. Affiliation is part of the educational motivation of students of the 2 and 5 courses. On the 2 course it is connected with the development of the student group. Communication in the studying profession is an essential tool for the future professional activity; therefore affiliation is included in the factor structure of studying motivation of 5th course students [5, 18].

Examination anxiety is manifested in the motivational structure of the educational motivation of students of the 2nd and 5th courses. The 2nd course students worry for real progress in learning and cognitive activity. On the 5th course of studying the examination anxiety associated with the end of high school, the need to protect the qualifying works, state examinations, as well as the updating of professional motives.

The results of empirical research, supported by mathematical and statistical methods that allow us to speak about the study confirmed a hypothesis that the dynamics of motivation of educational activity of pedagogical high school provided by: 1) different ratios of the structural elements; 2) change of learning activities in the learning process at the university [6, 12].


1. Lekerova G.J. 2014. Features of Motives Manifestation of Professional Development and Personal Characteristics of Future Teachers. - Life Science Journal. - 2014; 11 (ls).

2. Lekerova G. J. 2007. Features of the organization and conduct of professional orientation to teaching profession in the field of education. The Psychology of learning Moscow.№ 9. P. 100-109.

3. Lekerova G. J. Psychological and pedagogical bases of active teaching methods. - Life Science Journal. - 2014; 11 (bs).

4. Join Joan and 20,350,855 other researchers on Academia.edu http://bham.academia.edu/JoanDuda

5. Alshuler A.S,. Tabor D., Ms.Intire. Teaching achievement motivation. - Middletown, Conn., In 1970.

6. Bandura A. Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory ofbehavior change//Psychological Review.1977/P. 191-215.


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