STUDENTS’ SOFT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT THROUGH PROJECT ACTIVITIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ageenko Natalia Vladimirovna, Rybkina Alla Anatolievna

The article is devoted to the pedagogical problem of students’ soft skills development, contributing to the competitiveness of university graduates in the conditions of the existing reality. The concept of "soft skills" as an integral component of professionally oriented education is analyzed. It is revealed soft skills don’t depend on the specifics of a particular job, but closely related to personal qualities and attitudes (responsibility, discipline, self-management), as well as social skills (communication, in particular, listening; work in a team, emotional intelligence) and managerial skills (time management, leadership, problem solving, critical thinking). The analysis of innovative pedagogical technologies used in technical universities shows that, despite the variety of approaches, the general trend is a commitment to problem-oriented and project-organized learning. Particular attention is paid to the formation of an innovative educational environment of the university, in particular, the creation of project-educational tracks, the organization of network interaction with educational institutions, which make it possible to improve the complex of soft skills in practice. The technology of project activities contributes to strengthening partnerships between the university and the employer, providing students with significant experience for future work and developing their additional competencies.

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9. Саморукова, В.В. Творческая активность как условие развития художественного вкуса у детей младшего школьного возраста: диссертация ... канд. психол. наук: 19.00.13 / Саморукова Вера Владимировна. - Тамбов, 2011. - 175 с.

10. Сивухина, Е.А. Психолого-педагогические аспекты воспитания художественного вкуса / Е.А. Сивухина // Исторические, философские, политические и юридические науки, культурология и искусствоведение. Вопросы теории и практики. - 2014. - № 8-1 (46). - С. 149-151

11. Чичканова, Т.А. Продуктивная художественная деятельность детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста / Т.А. Чичканова // Молодой ученый. - 2016. - №5-6. - С. 112-115


UDC 378.2

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Ageenko Natalia Vladimirovna

Samara State Technical University (Samara);

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Rybkina Alla Anatolievna

Samara Branch of Moscow City Pedagogical University (Samara)


Annotation. The article is devoted to the pedagogical problem of students' soft skills development, contributing to the competitiveness of university graduates in the conditions of the existing reality. The concept of "soft skills" as an integral component of professionally oriented education is analyzed. It is revealed soft skills don't depend on the specifics of a particular job, but closely related to personal qualities and attitudes (responsibility, discipline, self-management), as well as social skills (communication, in particular, listening; work in a team, emotional intelligence) and managerial skills (time management, leadership, problem solving, critical thinking). The analysis of innovative pedagogical technologies used in technical universities shows that, despite the variety of approaches, the general trend is a commitment to problem-oriented and project-organized learning. Particular attention is paid to the formation of an innovative educational environment of the university, in particular, the creation of project-educational tracks, the organization of network interaction with educational institutions, which make it possible to improve the complex of soft skills in practice. The technology of project activities contributes to strengthening partnerships between the university and the employer, providing students with significant experience for future work and developing their additional competencies.

Key word: soft skills development, an innovative educational environment, higher education, project-educational tracks, network interaction, extracurricular activities, motivation, leadership, teamwork.

Аннотация. Статья посвящена педагогической проблеме развития гибких навыков студентов, способствующих повышению конкурентоспособности выпускников вузов в условиях существующей действительности. Анализируется понятие «гибкие навыки» как неотъемлемая составляющая профессионально ориентированного образования. Выявлено, что данные навыки не зависят от специфики конкретной работы, а тесно связаны с личностными качествами и установками (ответственность, дисциплинированность, самоорганизация), а также с социальными навыками (коммуникативные, в частности, умение слушать; работать в команда, эмоциональный интеллект) и управленческие навыки (управление временем, лидерство, решение проблем, критическое мышление). Анализ инновационных педагогических технологий, применяемых в технических вузах, показывает, что, несмотря на многообразие подходов, общей тенденцией является стремление к проблемно-ориентированному и проектно-организованному обучению. Особое внимание уделяется формированию инновационной образовательной среды вуза, в частности, созданию проектно-образовательных треков, организации сетевого взаимодействия с учебными заведениями, которые позволяют на практике совершенствовать комплекс мягких навыков. Технология проектной деятельности способствует укреплению партнерских отношений между вузом и работодателем, предоставляя студентам значительный опыт для будущей работы и развивая у них дополнительные компетенции.

Ключевые слова: развитие гибких навыков, инновационная образовательная среда, высшее образование, проектно-образовательные треки, сетевое взаимодействие, внеучебная деятельность, мотивация, лидерство, командная работа.

Introduction. The emergence of new models of the university is associated with the expansion of the spheres of activity of higher educational institutions, the need to compete in the global market of educational services, scientific developments and innovations. Modern university models change the nature of relations with society, the population, the business environment, the state and are forced to respond to the challenges of the global world, which leads to the transformation of academic culture. The transition to new educational standards actualizes the problems associated with the development of new content, individualized strategies for the development of a student. Universities today offer a wide range of formats, including, to varying degrees, formalized student associations that implement various activities contributing to the development of student's competencies.

The change in the management system of educational activities of universities, in particular its orientation to the market and end users of the educational services provided, is associated with the actualization of the issue of cooperation of professionals from different fields. Under conditions of technological progress and a dynamically changing business environment, effective interaction of representatives of various fields of activity is possible on the basis of developed soft skills [14]. The participants of the World Economic Forum, as well as the Gaidar Forum, note that the transformation of education in the context of the technological revolution leads to the growing need for soft skills, and the Association of Business Education of the US and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development defines soft skills as a critical factor of employment in the modern labor market [2].

It should be noted that recently there has been a dissonance between the real needs of employers and the level of professional education that today's graduates receive. Thus, the first that employers pay attention to when hiring specialists is the formation of soft skills (79%) and hard skills (47%) as evidenced by data from recruiting agencies [5].

Background. The report "Twelve solutions for a New Education", prepared by the Center for Strategic Research and the Higher School of Economics, notes that in a modern society developing in conditions of high uncertainty of the future and global competition, the emphasis is on human capital - the main factor of economic growth, technological modernization, and social sustainability of the country. These indicators determine its place in the global world order. Experts emphasize that human capital is the key resource and the main competitive advantage of Russia at the moment [13]. The concept of "human capital" includes, according to the authors of the report, "knowledge, skills and attitudes that allow a person to create income and other beneficial effects exceeding initial investments and current costs for himself, the employer and for society as a whole" [13]. A person's "capital" becomes any of his capabilities, provided that they are involved in useful, productive activities. So, the need for developed non-specialized, universal skills, called soft skills (soft skills, non-cognitive skills, character skills)is especially relevant.

A study by Harvard University, the Carnegie Endowment and the Stanford Research Center noted that success in the profession is 85% determined by personal qualities and only 15% by professional skills. This conclusion is based on statistical data contained in the book by Charles Mann, which was devoted to the study of engineering education at the beginning of the XX century. Even then, the researcher spoke about the need to learn what are now called soft skills [6].

Google, 2013, conducted a study called Project Oxygen. Having studied the data on hiring, firing and career advancement of their employees since 1998, the experts came to the conclusion that among the eight most important qualities of top managers that determined their success in the company, seven are soft skills. These skills imply the ability to communicate, listen, understand others, their values and opinions, be empathic and supportive of colleagues, solve problems, be a good mentor, to have critical and analytical thinking.

Another study called Project Aristotle, 2017, confirmed the conclusions made earlier related to the importance of soft skills even in the high-tech field. Researchers found that the most important and productive ideas in the company are generated by teams (so-called B-Teams) consisting of employees who cannot always be classified as top specialists. The project showed that the best teams in the company demonstrate a number of soft skills: equality, generosity, curiosity about the ideas of their colleagues, empathy, emotional intelligence, emotional security, which took the first place in the ranking.

The research conducted by Google is consistent with the data of other studies, in particular, a study by the non-profit organization "National Association of Colleges and Employers" (USA), which showed that communication skills are among the three most in demand among employers [6]. M. Andrews (Harvard University's Division of Continuing Education, Hult International Business School, MIT Sloan School of Management, USA) notes the importance of soft skills (teamwork skills, problem solving, communication skills, strategic thinking, etc.) for university graduates. The author supports his conclusions with data from a number of studies (Bloomberg research, The Graduate Management Admission Council research, the Association of MBAs or AMBA's Employers Forum 2014, etc.) [1]. The main conclusions made by experts is that for success in life, in order to effectively cope with the challenges of the XXI century, today's younger generation needs a balanced set of cognitive, emotional and social skills. Cognitive skills are literacy and mathematical skills, as well as cognitive skills higher level: logical and creative thinking; problem solving skills rather than the knowledge needed to solve problems; verbal literacy, numeracy, memory and speed of decision. Social and behavioral skills: social emotional skills and personal qualities; willingness to gain new experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, tact and emotional stability; self-regulation, willingness to compromise, mindset and interpersonal skills. Technical skills: good manual skills, knowledge of methods, ability to work with materials, mechanisms and tools; technical skills acquired in the process of education or training, the skills necessary to work in a particular profession [7]. Stake on youth as the basis of the intellectual capital of companies requires the study of motivational, personal and intellectual characteristics and capabilities of youth generations Y and Z [4]. Knowledge of the dynamically changing modern labor market and working conditions in the context of digitalization requires the same close attention. The usual understanding of the labor market with established professions and regional boundaries is becoming a thing of the past, and now its diversification and the emergence of new professions, new tasks and functions are being introduced, and the related nature of labor is increasing. Therefore, it is of particular importance to be aware of the opportunities of young people who are studying to adapt to the developing labor market and their awareness of the changing requirements for specialists.

Researchers interpret soft skills as individual abilities that can: manifest themselves in stable patterns of thinking, feeling and behavior; develop as a result of formal and non-formal educational practices; be drivers of socio-economic results throughout a person's life. So, E. Gaiduchenko, A. Marushev note "soft skills" as skills allowing to find a common language with other people, establish and maintain connections with them, and be able to convey your thoughts. In other words, "soft skills" are the skills of effective communicators and leaders, which are necessary both in everyday life and in professional activities [3]. N.V. Zhadko, M.A. Churkina consider the development of soft skills dealing with professional interpersonal relations, which involve inclusion in the working and organizational contexts of the enterprise, understanding and representing corporate interests, setting and solving professional problems [15]. For O. Sosnitskaya, soft skills are communicative and managerial talents, which, according to the author, include "the ability to convince, lead, manage, make presentations, find the right approach to people, the ability to resolve conflict situations, oratory" [12]. Milevsky I. uses the concept of emotional intelligence to describe soft skills, which is defined as "a person's ability to correctly read the situation, to catch what other people need, to know their strengths and weaknesses, not to succumb to negativity and to be attractive to others" [12]. An analysis of studies in this area showed that there is no single list of soft skills, and each research group identifies its own classification. However, it can be concluded that soft skills are a set of non-specialized, supraprofessional skills that are responsible for the effectiveness of activities, the successful completion of tasks.

Obviously, the development of soft skills should be given the same attention today as the development of professional ones. And the key role in this process should be assigned to the education system at its various levels. Modern requests of employers are reflected in the introduction of a number of flexible skills in the requirements for the results of the development of educational programs in the Federal State Educational Standards for Higher Education (FSES HE).

Results and discussion. An analysis of innovative pedagogical technologies used in technical universities shows that, despite the diversity of approaches, the general trend is a commitment to problem-oriented and project-organized learning. Project-organized training in teamwork contributes to the development of cooperation skills, and professionally oriented events additional to regular classes: seminars, trainings, summer thematic schools, international projects - allow in practice to more intensively and effectively form the necessary professional and universal competencies of graduates. Interactive teaching methods (group discussion, case studies, role-playing and business games, debates) should be included among the most effective and recognized by experts in soft skills development tools in foreign universities, and more recently in domestic ones. These teaching methods make it possible to develop soft skills by simulating specific practical situations in training sessions that specialists may encounter in real professional activities.

The educational environment of the university should contribute to the students desire to develop, gain new experience, professional growth, feedback from classmates, teachers, employers, which forms and develops soft skills. A significant place in the development of soft skills of students is occupied by trainings on motivation, leadership, management, teamwork, time management, presentations, personal development, organized by universities.

As part of the implementation of the project of the federal innovation platform "Project and educational tracks of the Samara Polytechnic University", the Design and Educational Intensive "Polytech.NET" was organized for students of Samara State Technical University. Project intensive is one of the forms of active-group learning, which involves the most complete immersion of students in project activities on a professionally oriented problem that goes beyond the scope of everyday, familiar tasks. It involves localization, restriction of activity in space and time. The purpose of the educational project intensive is to organize conditions for the formation and development of universal, project and professional competencies of participants. The problem that the participants need to solve should lie in the area of their professional training and be sure to go beyond the scope of the mastered activity algorithms, so that the team members need to accept and implement new roles, update and accumulate knowledge and experience based on the awareness of their deficit in the professional field. At each stage of the intensive there is an assessment of the effectiveness of activities and ways

to solve the problem. Another necessary condition for immersion in project activities is the limitation of the intensive in time, which contributes to intense joint work without additional factors. Depending on the time limit (hours, day, week), various educational events, consultations with experts, work with trackers and other activities were envisaged.

The participation of students of Samara State Technical University in the work of interdisciplinary project teams and in project and educational tracks: Higher Scientific School, Technological Entrepreneurship, School of Leaders allows students to realize themselves in project activities, assess their own potential and understand what competencies need to be developed for an effective career. Thus, the track "Higher Scientific School" is aimed at developing the research culture of students, increasing the scientific potential in the field of exact sciences. The track "Technological Entrepreneurship" is aimed at students motivated to implement engineering, technological, entrepreneurial projects. The track "School of Leaders" is aimed at the implementation of socially significant socially oriented projects. Project work is accompanied by visionary lectures, master classes, and career guidance events from leading employers and excursions to enterprises. Students take part in acceleration programs, scientific and innovative competitions, and receive support from the university [9].

Project work is implemented along personal learning paths and project activities of students. In accordance with modern education strategies at a technical university, students are given an individual choice of the trajectory of project-based learning in one of the project-educational tracks. Thus, 12 students took part in the project Creative Workshop of the School of Leaders track. The purpose of the project: the development of the creative potential of schoolchildren, their activity, interest in knowing the world, the ability to express themselves. The uniqueness of the project was the combination of several creative areas (Secrets of Photography, City of Dreams (architecture and design), Acting, Art of Dance) into a single block for the development of schoolchildren's creativity.

The project included the main stages aimed at developing soft and hard skills (team building; defining the topic, goals, objectives, target audience of the project; searching for information, developing content, and presenting the results in the form of presentation). Implementing the project, students worked in conditions of limited time, discussed the prospects for commercialization (defining a business goal, a project management plan, compiling a responsibility matrix and a communication plan, calculating risks and project payback periods); a tutor, providing support in identifying individual educational needs, used active technologies: debates, case-study, etc. The development of students' soft skills occurs during the implementation of networking projects with educational institutions. The researchers note, the university's network interaction with schools is the basic form of organization of a specialized educational environment for students' soft skills development [7]. Thus, the approbation of the results of the Creative Workshop project took place on the basis of secondary schools in Samara, which made it possible for students of Samara State Technical University apply the acquired skills and implement the results in practice.

The final stage (reflection) is devoted to the mandatory joint evaluation of the results obtained and the entire project as a whole after its implementation. The assessment is based on the criteria selected at the initial stages. The motivating factor is the feedback from teachers of schools and centers of additional education, which can characterize the potential of the product presented by students. When preparing conclusions, students learn to give a formal assessment of the project, analyze it in detail, form recommendations for the future projects. Thus, project teams work involves the development of students' leadership skills and universal competencies.

Conclusion. Implementing the project-based educational training for SamSTU students, effective technologies for the development of soft skills were identified: the use of a technological approach (technologies for the development of critical thinking, problem-based learning, project activities, learning in collaboration, case studies); use of the potential of extracurricular activities (organization of creative competitions, projects, etc.); innovative learning formats (blended learning (blended learning), Rotation model, Flipped-Classroom model. Project activities in the process of preparing students for future professional activities are aimed at developing the following skills and abilities: work in a team, define the theme, problem, goals and objectives of the project; structure and define the stages of the project; master the language means of argumentation and positioning of one's point of view; foster public speaking skills and abilities; master various multimedia tools. So, soft skills development determines student's personality, his professional culture and competitiveness in conditions of global integration.


1. Andrews, M. What skills do employers want most? / M. Andrews. - University World News. - 19 June 2015. - 372 p.

2. Bocharnikov, O. Soft skills as emotions, values and communication advance the society / O. Bocharnikov // Obrazovatelnyi media proekt Newtonew, 2019. - URL: https://newtonew.com/school/soft-skills-importance

3. Gaiduchenko, E. Emotional intelligence / E. Gaiduchenko, A. Marushev // Psycollogy and Education, 2018. - URL: https://l-a-b-a.com/lecture/show/99

4. Glukhov, V.V. Effect of transformations of russian society on forming of value orientation of today youth (On an example of Sverdlovskaya Region) / V.V. Glukhov, O.Y. Ponomareva // Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics. - 2019. -№ l. - P. 88-95

5. Ivushkina, A. Job placement: graduates are employed less often / A. Ivushkina // Gazeta «Izvesiya». 2020. - Dec. 20. -URL: https://iz.ru/922986/anna

6. Riborg, M. A Study of Engineering Education / M. Riborg // Bulletin Number Eleven, New York City. - 2017. - 139 p.

7. Patlina, A.S. Network interaction of universities and schools as a condition for the formation of soft skills of students / A.S. Patlina, E.D. Popova // Pedagogical image. - 2018. - № 2 (35). - P. 94-103

8. Ponomareva, O.Ya. The choice of technologies for the development of soft skills by specialists in the context of digitalization / O.Ya. Ponomareva, M.N. Gorkun, A.S. Kozlov // OECD Publishing, 2018. - URL: http://inper.academy/wpcontent/uploads/2019/05/DSEME-2018_Conference-Proceedings.pdf

9. Site SamGTU. - 2021. - URL: https://samgtu.ru/tracks (acsessed 04.10.2022

10. Skills for Social Progress: The Power of Social and Emotional OECD / Skills Studies, OECD Publishing, Paris. -2015. - 267 p.

11. Slizkova, E.V. Modern determinants of soft skills development / E.V. Slizkova // Contsept. - 2018. - №4. - URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2018/181018.htm

12. Strauss, V. The suprising thing Google learned about its employees and what it means for today's students / V. Strauss // The Washington Post. - 2017. - Dec., 20. - URL: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2017/12/20/the-surprising-thing-google-learned-about-its-employees-and-what-it-means-for-todays-students/

13. Twelve solutions for new education: report of the Center for Strategic Research and the Higher School of Economics / M.A. Kuzminova, I.D. Frumin // Center for Strategic Research; National research University "Higher School of Economics". - M., 2019. - P. 105.

14. Vasiliev, V. How to define the profession and not miss the boat? / V. Vasiliev // Obrazovatelnyi media proekt Newtonew. -URL: https://newtonew.com/opinion/ kak-opredelitsya-s-professiey-i-ne-popast-vprosak

15. Zhadko, N.V. Teaching hard skills and soft skills - what difference? / N.V. Zhadko, M.A. Churkina // URL: http://hr-portal.ru/arti-cle/obucheniehardskills-i-soft-skills-v-chyom-raznica

16. Universal competencies and new literacy: what to teach today for success tomorrow. Preliminary conclusions of the international report on trends in the transformation of school education / I.D. Frumin, M.S. Dobryakova, K.A. Barannikov, I.M. Remorenko // National Research University Higher School of Economics, Institute of Education. - M.: NRU HSE, 2019. - P. 28.


УДК 5.8.2.

кандидат филологических наук, доцент Айданова Юлия Файзиевна

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Омский государственный педагогический университет» (г. Омск); кандидат философских наук, доцент Филатова Елена Александровна

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Омский государственный педагогический университет» (г. Омск)


Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются методические аспекты формирования универсальных умений реферирования профессионально-ориентированных текстов студентов неязыковых специальностей вузов. Предлагается авторская методика освоения структуры реферирования и клише, характерных для исследуемого вида речевой деятельности. Обсуждаются вопросы оценки универсальных компетенций студентов вуза при выполнении академических работ. На примере составления резюме научной статьи обоснованы критерии и уровни сформированности умений письменной научной речи.

Ключевые слова: академическое письмо, универсальные умения, английский язык, реферирование, структура реферирования, резюме научной статьи, профессионально-ориентированные тексты, критерии, уровни сформированности.

Annotation. The article discusses methodological aspects of the formation of universal skills of rendering professionally-oriented texts of university students of non-linguistic specialties. The author's method of mastering the structure of abstracting and cliches characteristic of the genre of academic papers under study is proposed. The issues of assessing the universal competencies of university students when performing academic works are discussed. Using the example of compiling a summary of a scientific article, the criteria and levels of formation of written scientific speech skills are substantiated.

Key words: academic writing, universal skills, English, rendering, structure of rendering, summary of a scientific article, professionally oriented texts, criteria, levels of formation.

Исследование проведено в рамках гранта фонда развития науки ОмГПУ

Введение. Освоение письменной научной коммуникации - обязательный компонент подготовки всех уровней высшего образования - бакалавров, магистрантов, аспирантов. Учебные программы предусматривают обучение самостоятельному написанию таких жанров научного дискурса, как аннотация, научная статья, тезисы, аналитическое резюме (реферирование) текста или статьи, презентация на иностранном языке.

Обучение студентов неязыковых профилей написанию академических работ сопряжено с большим количеством трудностей. Письменная речь относится к продуктивным умениям. Задания на составление самостоятельного письменного высказывания требуют такие общеучебные умения, как обобщение, сопоставление, анализ, критическая оценка, поиск причинно-следственных связей, формулирование собственного мнения, что нередко вызывает сложности на родном языке, не говоря уже о языке иностранном. По наблюдениям учителей и экспертов ЕГЭ, если с такими разделами, как грамматика, лексика, чтение, аудирование, выпускники стравляются достаточно успешно, баллы за раздел «Письмо» существенно отстают.

Изложение основного материала статьи. Один из первых видов научных письменных работ на изучаемом языке, с которыми знакомятся студенты младших курсов, - это реферирование. «Реферирование (от лат. refero - «сообщаю») представляет собой краткое изложение в письменном виде или в устной форме содержания научного труда (трудов), публицистической литературы или текста по теме с раскрытием его основного содержания по всем затронутым вопросам, сопровождаемое оценкой и выводами референта» [4, С. 4].

В данной статье особое внимание обратим на структуру реферирования профессионально-ориентированных текстов на английском языке. Выбор объекта исследования продиктован недостаточной теоретической разработанностью и отсутствием обоснования структурных частей и их содержательного наполнения такой разновидности академических работ, как реферирование. И.С. Налимова, А.А. Валеев в своей статье предлагают следующий «план реферирования профессионально-ориентированной статьи на английском языке» [3, С. 131]: «1. Headline / Title of the article; 2. Place of origin/ publication; 3. Time of origin; 4. Author; 5. Theme / Topic; 6. Main idea / Aim of the article; 7. Contents of the article (а short summary of 3 or 4 sentences) + important FACTS, NAMES, FIGURES; 8. Vocabulary of the article; 9. Personal opinion; 10. Personal view on the topic / idea / problem» [3, С. 131-132]. Полагаем, что при составлении реферирования можно ориентироваться на этот план, однако для удобства его использования необходимо 10 предлагаемых подпунктов объединить по смыслу в 3-4 более глобальных структурных составляющих.

Более подходящим в этом отношении считаем структуру реферирования, предлагаемую составителями учебно-методического пособия «Реферирование русского публицистического текста на английском языке» [5]: «General Plan of Rendering: 1. The Problem of the article (в широком рассмотрении) 2. The Subject matter of the article (в узком рассмотрении) 3. The author's communicative aim 4. The plot of the article (neither too detailed nor too short) 5. Personal attitude to the problem (no more than 5 sentences)» [5, С. 11].

Опираясь на приведенные исследователями и методистами планы реферирования, мы составили следующую структуру реферирования профессионально-ориентированного текста:

1. An opening paragraph (введение). The title and the author of the article. The main theme / topic. The problems discussed in the article. Во введении указываются выходные данные источника (название статьи, автор), формулируется основная тема, а также перечисляются основные проблемы, обсуждаемые в тексте (статье).

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