Научная статья на тему 'Students' professional image formation within the cultural approach'

Students' professional image formation within the cultural approach Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Litvak Rimma Alekseevna, Dyorina Natalja Vladimirovna, Pikalova Elena Anatolyevna

To date, professional knowledge and culture are necessary for any young person, regardless of his professional training, because they help to navigate in complex intercultural relations, competently build a line of their professional behavior, and monitor its activities. A professional image is formed in the course of communication processes as a result of the symbolic interaction of social groups and associations that concentrate social expectations and find unique forms of their expression.

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Профессиональные знания и культура необходимы сегодня любому молодому человеку независимо от его профессиональной подготовки, т.к. помогают ориентироваться в сложных межкультурных отношениях, грамотно выстраивать линию своего профессионального поведения, осуществлять контроль над её деятельностью. Профессиональный имидж формируется в ходе коммуникационных процессов как результат символического взаимодействия социальных групп и объединений, которые концентрируют социальные ожидания и находят уникальные формы их выражения.

Текст научной работы на тему «Students' professional image formation within the cultural approach»



doctor in Pedagogy, Professor Litvak Rimma Alekseevna

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education

"Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts" (Chelyabinsk);

candidate of Philology, associate Professor Dyorina Natalja Vladimirovna

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education

"Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University" (Magnitogorsk);

candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor Pikalova Elena Anatolyevna

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education

"Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University" (Magnitogorsk)


Annotation. To date, professional knowledge and culture are necessary for any young person, regardless of his professional training, because they help to navigate in complex intercultural relations, competently build a line of their professional behavior, and monitor its activities. A professional image is formed in the course of communication processes as a result of the symbolic interaction of social groups and associations that concentrate social expectations and find unique forms of their expression.

Keywords: image, professional image, professional image formation, culture, personality culture, cultural approach.

Аннотация. Профессиональные знания и культура необходимы сегодня любому молодому человеку независимо от его профессиональной подготовки, т.к. помогают ориентироваться в сложных межкультурных отношениях, грамотно выстраивать линию своего профессионального поведения, осуществлять контроль над её деятельностью. Профессиональный имидж формируется в ходе коммуникационных процессов как результат символического взаимодействия социальных групп и объединений, которые концентрируют социальные ожидания и находят уникальные формы их выражения.

Ключевые слова: имидж, профессиональный имидж, формирование профессионального имиджа, культура, культура личности, культурологический подход.

Introduction. Fundamental changes taking place in the political, economic, social spheres of Russian society have increased interest in the problem of a person formation as a person and a citizen, integrated into national and world culture. This attention is due to the fact that modern Russian society is interested in the high culture of young citizens. This ensures the high culture formation; it is a prerequisite for stability in society, influencing the nature and degree of democracy and civil society development.

Students' participation in cultural events is aimed at creating a new professional image, readiness for active participation in the formation and development of Russian culture and civil society.

Despite the recent changes in the education system, the majority of students have an insufficient level of culture, are not able to form their professional image in the process of cultural activities and training. The approach in this case acts as one of the most important approaches in the formation of the students' professional image, since modern culture acts, on the one hand, as an effective factor in creating and improving the world, and on the other hand, as an instrument of self-knowledge and human change.

In most studies, the problems of the cultural basis for selecting and structuring the content of the professional image components of university students are studied in the works of E.V. Bondarevskaya, E.P. Belozertseva, T.I. Vlasova, I.A. Kolesnikova, L.I. Malenkova, from the point of view of the country mentality and the peoples inhabiting it, the investigated aspect of a young man education was considered in the works of B.S. Gershunsky, N.D. Nikandrova. The problems of selection and structuring the culture content of a person's personality are developed by E.P. Belozertsev, T.I. Vlasova, L.I. Malenkova, L.P. Razbegaeva, I.A. Solovtsova. However, today there are very few fundamental works on the culture development among students as the basis of a professional image.

Statement of basic materials. Despite the fact that a rather large number of scientific works has been devoted to the problem of the culturological approach to education, most of them were published in the Soviet period. Researchers summarized the experience of organizing the culturological education of students, the role and importance of the social sciences departments in the education and students' upbringing [4].

The works of many Russian scientists are devoted to the culture problem of students' personality, and their circle covers different areas of such sciences as philosophy, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, and pedagogy. Understanding the works of philosophers and psychologists B.G. Ananyeva, N.A. Berdyaev A.A. Bodaleva, I.A. Ilyina, A.N. Leont'ev, V.S. Soloviev, and et al. made it possible to get an idea of the development mechanisms of a cultural personality.

Unfortunately, in modern pedagogical science, insufficient attention is paid to the problem of forming a professional image of students in general and the problem of forming a cultural personality of a student in particular. In our opinion, the existing practice of forming a professional image through a culturological approach is not enough analyzed.

The need to develop theoretical foundations and scientific and methodological support for the formation of students' professional image is due to the following contradictions:

- between the traditional ideas about the culturological students' education and the modern requirements of society to the personality of a young person, determining the significance of the cultural personality;

- between the needs of society in managing the process of professional education and insufficient theoretical development of the professional image content and structure;

- between the ideas about the cultural potential of students, the need for practice in determining the content and forms of professional education and the undeveloped mechanisms for the formation of a professional image of students.

These contradictions identified the problem of our study, which consists in substantiating a theoretical and methodological approach to the formation of a professional image of students. Thus, the relevance of the research problem is due not only to these factors, but also to the need to resolve these contradictions.

As a theoretical and methodological process strategy of forming a professional image of students, we use a culturological approach.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is: research on the problem of the personality culture development (N.A. Berdyaev, M. Weber, S.L. Rubinstein, B.S. Bratus, V.P. Zinchenko, M.M. Bakhtin, L.S. Vygotsky, G.S. Batishchev, M.M. Mamardashvili); sociological; psychological, pedagogical concepts of personality development, its socialization, the formation of civic qualities (B.G. Ananyev, A.G. Asmolov, L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, A.S. Gayazov, L.N. Kogan, I.S. Kon, A.N. Leontiev, A.V. Petrovsky, V.A. Slastenin, etc.); the works in which various aspects of the sociocultural environment were considered as spaces for image formation (S.S. Averintsev, M.M. Bakhtin, V.S. Bibler, L.P. Bueva, I.A. Zimnyaya, S.P. Ivanenkov, M.S. Kagan, B.A. Karakovsky, L.I. Novikova, N.L. Selivanova, A.M. Sidorkin), content, functions and motivation for building the image of the person (S.V. Yandarova), image formation technology (N.M. Shkurko et al.), the influence of the self-concept on the image formation of a person (E.M. Zabaznova, et al.).

The problem of developing a personality culture has been studied for a long time. The study of the processes of individual culture development, personality formation is associated with the names of such scientists as G. Tarde, V. Wundt, O. Spengler, F. Nietzsche, et al. In the 1930s the study of the personality culture problem was associated with the study of the processes of culture development by a person (J. Mead, R. Benedict, A. Cardiner, et al). The studies related to the problem of the personality culture formation are of great importance for studying the processes of a professional image formation, since they are aimed at studying the correlation of the general personality culture and professionalism. According to S.L. Rubinstein, a student's developing personality forms his life position consciously, upholding his unique personality, enters into interpersonal relationships. The student can implement the entire mechanism for realizing his potential at a creative level, showing universality, originality and individuality. And this, in turn, is a mechanism for the professional image formation [8].

Currently, the problem of studying the personality culture is one of the areas of a broad theoretical direction in which famous scientists work. Recently, a significant breakthrough has been made in the teaching of science in the study of human personality. This has led to the robust implementation of development concepts related to the humanities. In the course of studying various aspects of this problem, a cultural concept of a person's personality was created that defines the development essence of a person's personality culture.

In order to determine the necessary factors for the personality culture formation, criteria were developed for the development of a personality culture, which include the personality's abilities, aspirations and needs: personal freedom, self-determination, creative potential, self-design, belief in the feasibility of what is planned, internal responsibility to oneself and others, the desire to gain the general meaning of life.

Domestic philosophers and psychologists made a significant contribution to the study of the cultural foundations of pedagogy (M.M. Bakhtin V.S. Bibler, L.S. Vygotsky, G.S. Batishchev and M.M. Mamardashvili, et al.). Studies of Russian scientists strengthened the practical orientation of the Russian school, determined its connection with modern pedagogy, and therefore in higher education new cultural problems were raised related to the need for humanization of higher education, its cultural orientation.

A personality culture is formed and develops throughout a person's life, based on his inner experience. C. Rogers believed that the culturological approach to education is the basis of humanistic innovations in higher education. It is also worth noting the significant contribution of V. Frankl to the understanding of the problem of personality culture development, which determined that it is formed on the basis of the person's inner voice or according to another conscience. The development of a personality culture as the basis of a professional image is closely interconnected with ideas about social and professional self-determination [7].

Thus, in the second half of the twentieth century in the frame of pedagogical science the personality culture development is considered to be possible on the basis of humanistic principles, the essence of which is the recognition of the individual value. More and more scientists are asserting that the development of society is impossible outside of culture and its main components. The studies highlight a new look at various aspects of the relationship between education and culture.

The specifics of the personality culture development of students in Russia is due to the complex socio-cultural situation that arose in our country at the beginning of the 21st century, which was accompanied by a change in the social system and the emergence of political, socio-economic and spiritual-moral problems. At the same time, a transition from general to particular took place; gradually society began to recognize the individual goals of the person, including the uniqueness of each person, his right to a personal development strategy. This period is characterized by a change in position on upbringing and education, the humanization of education has led to the understanding that a person's personality is the highest social value.

The educational process in this case allows the students to make informed choices with professional and social self-determination.

In modern pedagogical science, the definite concepts have been created that justify the effectiveness of the formation of a professional image in the process of establishing a personality culture. In the process of training, a difficult pedagogical task arises of organizing such forms of collaboration in which students can find ways to solve various cultural and professional problems [13].

Studying the main pedagogical aspects of the problem of the personality culture formation, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that a personality culture contains a set of the following characteristics: knowledge, qualities, habits, ways to achieve one's plan, value orientations, individual originality of one's personality, which are the basic components of a professional image. From this we can conclude that by developing a personality culture, the student contributes to the successful formation of his professional image. In this regard, the need to work on the development of two areas - culture and image, disappears. This, in turn, optimizes the work on the formation of a highly cultured personality with a properly formed professional image. In this case, the component composition of the personality culture includes the student's ability to make decisions independently and determine the basic principles and methods of their social and professional activities, i.e. readiness and ability to form a professional image, self-determination, and personality culture.

In the development of this problem, the integration of pedagogical provisions on personality culture and professional image is very significant. The study is not limited only to the study of these phenomena, but also to the analysis of the conditions for the integration of these two mechanisms into the paradigm of higher education, where traditions and norms, values and behaviors play no less role than pragmatically understood interests and tools to

achieve them; it becomes important to form a student's culture, with a well-formed professional image, a clear civic position and social stability [9].

Conclusions. Based on the analysis of interpretations of the "professional image" concept, we determined its constituent components: personal, visual and professional (information content, activity and dynamism, emotional coloring), as well as the functions of a professional image: value and technological. In our opinion, the professional image is the student's self-identification with people of high culture, with social groups in order to successfully master various types of social and professional activities, social norms and values, and is also a self-presentation of the student as a professional.

We have identified the following elements for the effective formation of a student's professional image: communicative, cognitive, motivational-value, reflective.

The communicative element forms the image competencies of communicative interaction as a verbal way of forming professional activity.

The cognitive element is aimed at creating awareness of the taken actions that affect the professional image.

A motivational-value element analyzes the formation degree of needs, value orientations and motives that determine the personality's attitude to the process of student's professional activity.

The reflective element is responsible for the process of self-determination and active professional activity. Based on these components, students develop an integrative set of qualities that ensure the productivity of the professional image formation.

The professional image of a student is a complex integrative phenomenon associated with a high level of competitiveness and success in professional activities, so the fact that image formation must be started immediately in the educational process is important. Students are striving for socialization, professional self-determination; it is in the process of professional training that the formation of image and culture will become the key to success of a young specialist, graduate of a higher educational institution.


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доктор психологических наук, профессор Литвиненко Наталья Валерьевна

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Аннотация. Одним из основополагающих принципов современного дошкольного образования является принцип амплификации (обогащения) детского развития. Однако его эффективная реализация требует учета проявляющихся в настоящее время таких тенденций в развитии детей дошкольного возраста как снижение познавательной активности, показателей мышления, тонкой моторики руки, произвольности, коммуникативной компетентности, увеличение, с одной стороны, количества детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья, а, с другой стороны, - количества одаренных детей. Их должен учитывать каждый педагог в своей деятельности, направленной на создание благоприятных условий для развития детей в соответствии с возрастными и индивидуальными склонностями, развитием способностей и потенциала каждого ребенка как субъекта отношений с самим собой, другими детьми, взрослыми и миром.

На основе комплекса методов (анализ научной литературы, сравнение, обобщение, синтеза, экспертная оценка) нами были выявлены возможности в обогащении детского развития таких современных педагогических технологий как технология проектной деятельности; технология исследовательской

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