Научная статья на тему 'Structure of road traffic injuries at residents of the industrial city'

Structure of road traffic injuries at residents of the industrial city Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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European science review
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Ключевые слова
road traffic injuries / deaths / affected

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Karpov Sergey Mihailovich, Ulyanchenko Maxim, Hodzhayan Anna, Apaguni Artur, Vishlova Irina

We analyzed the number of road traffic injuries in 10 years, residents of the city of Stavropol including road accidents and the number of resident population from 2010 to 2012. Mortality rates were estimated with the accident. It was found that the annual numerical increase in victims of road traffic accidents, which provided medical assistance for emergency medical care, is due to the injury of the adult population. Among the victims were most of those aged 16 to 50 years old, mostly male, as the most active, efficient and have more active lives. Among children at risk for road traffic injuries were mostly children from 10 to 15 years. It is noted that the number of injuries is increasing every year, which is an economic loss for the state.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Structure of road traffic injuries at residents of the industrial city»

Structure of road traffic injuries at residents of the industrial city

further treatment. Make people to aware of epilepsy, educate them to do first aid rather than being afraid. Epilepsy cannot usually be cured, but medication can control seizures effectively in about 70 % of cases. Of those with generalized seizure more than 80 % can be well controlled with medications while this is true in only 50 % of people with focal seizures. One predictor of long-term outcome is the number of seizures that occur in the first six months. Efforts to

reduce head injuries, provide good care around the time of birth, and reduce environmental parasites such as the pork tapeworm may be effective. Efforts in one part of Central America to decrease rates of pork tapeworm resulted in a 50 % decrease in new cases of epilepsy. Medications are not to be too expensive. Lack of knowledge about epilepsy among friends circle and colleagues. Lectures and videos need to show in schools, colleges and universities.


1. Батурин В. А., Руденко С. Н., Барабаш С. В. Совершенствование стандартов лечения эпилепсии.//Проблемы стандартизации в здравоохранении. - 2010. - № 9-10. - С. 3-5.

2. Вышлова И. А., Карпов С. М., Апагуни А. Э., Стародубцев А. И. Последствия легкой черепно-мозговой травмы (обзорная статья).//Международный журнал экспериментального образования. - 2014. - № 5-1. - С. 27-31.

3. Карпов С. М., Шевченко П. П., Усачева М. Н., Цыганова В. Г. Современные представления об эпилепсии в период беременности.//Успехи современного естествознания. - 2013. - № 9. - С. 126-127.

4. Карпов С. М., Шарай Е. А. Электроэнцефалографические показатели у детей с разными формами закрытой черепномозговой травмы.//Проблемы экспертизы в медицине. - 2008. - Т. 8. - № 1 (29). - С. 15-17.

5. Соколова И. В., Карпов С. М. Травматическая эпилепсия при ЧМТ.//Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований. - 2012. - № 1. - С. 44-45.

6. Соколова И. В., Карпов С. М. Симптоматическая эпилепсия в детском и подростковом возрасте.//Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований. - 2012. - № 1. - С. 45-46.

7. Bergey G. K. Neurostimulation in the treatment of epilepsy.//Experimental neurology. - June 2013. - 244: 87-95.

8. Wyllie Elaine. Wyllie’s Treatment of Epilepsy: Principles and Practice. - Lippincott Williams & Wiikins, 2012. - Р. 187.

Karpov Sergey Mihailovich, Ulyanchenko Maxim, Hodzhayan Anna, Apaguni Artur, Vishlova Irina, Dolgova Irina, Shevchenko Petr, Karpova Elena, Stavropol State Medical University, Russia, Department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics

E-mail: [email protected]

Structure of road traffic injuries at residents of the industrial city

Abstract: We analyzed the number of road traffic injuries in 10 years, residents of the city of Stavropol including road accidents and the number of resident population from 2010 to 2012. Mortality rates were estimated with the accident. It was found that the annual numerical increase in victims of road traffic accidents, which provided medical assistance for emergency medical care, is due to the injury of the adult population. Among the victims were most of those aged 16 to 50 years old, mostly male, as the most active, efficient and have more active lives. Among children at risk for road traffic injuries were mostly children from 10 to 15 years. It is noted that the number of injuries is increasing every year, which is an economic loss for the state.

Keywords: road traffic injuries, deaths, affected.

The special place among the main reasons for death among young able-bodied population of the country is taken by the road and transport traumatism (RTT) which is referred to the heaviest types of traumatism, winning first place among the mortality reasons from mechanical damages and being one of the main reasons for an exit to disability of citizens of working-age [4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 11-13]. Lethality indicators at road accidents tend to annual growth [1-3; 10-13]. The death toll in a year in the road accidents (RA) across the Russian Federation by results of different authors at 5-10 times exceeds similar indicators in economically developed countries

of the world [1; 2; 3; 13]. In this regard studying of DTT in the large industrial city on the example of Stavropol with definition age — sexual structure of participants of the road and transport movement, and also an assessment of dynamics of traumatism at road accident is actual that allows to create reasonable approach in the organization and delivery of health care at road accident.

The purpose of the study. To study the frequency of damages of the residents of Stavropol who were injured in road accident and to define the age status of victims for improvement of methods of delivery of health care.


Section 5. Medical science

Materials and methods. We analyzed a condition of accident rate in Stavropol during the period from 2003 to 2012, with an assessment the following indicators: number of road accident, number of wounded, a death toll, and also age — sexual structure of victims. The comparative assessment of number of victims in road incidents and number of resident population of Stavropol was carried out.

Results and discussion. Results of researches are processed by methods of the statistical analysis and presented on schedules. The carried-out analysis of cases of road accident in Stavropol from 2010 to 2012 allowed to estimate dynamics of change of number of victims in road accident concerning a powered by powered by numbers of the population of Stavropol at this period. Results are presented in table 1.

Table 1. - Dynamics of change of number of victims in road accident and number of resident population of Stavropol

Years Victims in road accident Number of resident population of Stavropol On 100 thousand population

2010 785 399431 196.53 ± 3.2

2011 938 404895 231.66 ± 2.9

2012 889 411572 216.0 ± 3.5

Data of the conducted research testify that at the general increase of population on 12 141 persons the number of injured road accidents in three years increased in Stavropol for 8.8 % that in general corresponds to the average indicator for investigated the period. It should be noted that distinction of indicators were reliable (p < 0.01) between years 2011-2010 and 2012-2010. The difference of indicators between 2012-2011 was doubtful (p < 0.01). Also it was noted that during this period lack of growth of traumatism concerning growth of population of the city was observed.

In three years the quantity of calls on Station of the fast medical care increased by 9 784 cases. Annually the share of calls to victims in road accident among all calls on SSMP makes 0.61 %. The calculated indicators of a dynamic row testify to increase in number of victims in road accident since 2010 by 2012 with increase in rate of a gain from 2.4 % to 9.5 %. It should be noted that fact that despite increase in rate of a gain, value of1 % of a gain in 2012 tended to decrease and made 5.36 %.

Among 785 adults who were injured for 2010 there were 662 persons (84.3 %); children till 15 years — 123 persons that made 15.7 % of all victims. As a rule, in DDT males suffer mainly. So in the analysis of cases of road accident of males made the 514th person (65.47 %), female — 271 person (34.53 %).

It should be noted that the main part of victims was aged from 18 till 50 years — 478 people (60.89 %). This fact isn’t casual since this age group is most active and with receiving the rights for driving by the vehicle, this category is most often involved in road accident. The children’s trauma the most difficult and dangerous was presented by mainly age category from 10 to 16 years — 32 cases that made 4.08 %.

In 2011 victims in road accident in Stavropol were made by 938 people, among which 825 adults (87.9 % of total number of victims for this year). Children — 113 cases (12.1 %). In 601 cases males, female — 337 people (35.91 %) suffered. Most of victims was aged from 18 till 50 years — 569 people (60.66 %), often children aged from 10 till 16 years — 39 people (4.15 %) became participants of road accident.

The assessment of victims in 2012 allowed to note that the quantity of injuries increased and made 989 cases. Number of adult victims — 883 people (89.28 %). A little the percent of injured children decreased. It was recorded —

106 (10.71 %) cases of children’s traumatism. Males this year were made by 679 people (68.65 %), female — 310 (31.35 %).

In 2012 the main group of victims was made by adults aged from 18 till 50 years - 658 people (66.3 %), most often were traumatized children at the age of10-16 years - 47 people (4.75 %).

From 2003 to 2011 steadily increased and if in 2003 absolute total number of road accident made 327 cases, in 2010 this quantity made 400 cases. The same tendency was noted with traumatism cases in road accident. By us it was recorded that in 2003 the quantity of injuries made 368 cases, in 2010 this quantity already made 469 cases that for 27.4 % of cases it is more relatively 2003.

The analysis of a lethality which is carried out earlier by authors at the combined and multiple injuries shows that the vast majority of victims perishes at a pre-hospital stage, but the percent of fatal cases on stationary a stage remains high.

The analysis which is carried out by us over the last 10 years allowed to note that the quantity of cases of the dead after road accident tends to decrease in indicators of mortality. So in 2003 the percent of fatal cases in office made 10.7 %, the similar indicator in 2011 made 8.1 %. It should be noted that the percentage ratio of the dead in road accident to number of all road accidents during this period didn’t tend to growth on this indicator. This indicator allows to judge, that the quantity of cases with a deadly outcome has the predicted character.

By us it was noted that in 2005, the percentage ratio of the dead was much lower, concerning other periods. In 2005 was declared by a city administration of Stavropol year of “The safe movement” that allowed to reduce considerably quantity of cases of road accident and as a result of it to reduce accidents with a deadly outcome.

Conclusion. Thus, it is noted that the quantity of injuries annually increases in Stavropol that causes to the state significant economic damage. The annual numerical increase in victims in road accident to which medical care on SMP is provided, occurs at the expense of injuries of adult, able-bodied population. Among victims the main part was made by persons of age group from 16 to 50 years, mainly male, as the most active, efficient and having most active lifestyle. Among children teenagers from 10 to 15 years were group of risk on road and transport traumatism mainly.


Combined craniofacial trauma and neuropsychiatric symptoms


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12. Ульянченко М. И., Апагуни А. Э., Карпов С. М., Власов А. Ю., Сергеев И. И., Шишманиди А. К., Эсеналиев А. А., Шевченко П. П. Дорожно-транспортные травмы среди жителей крупного промышленного города как проявление временных закономерностей.//Фундаментальные исследования. - 2013. - № 7-3. - С. 651-654.

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Karpov Sergey Mihailovich, Gandylyan Kristina, Eliseeva Evgenia, Vishlova Irina, Dolgova Irina, Shevchenko Petr, Golovkova Olga, Ivensky Vladimir, Stavropol State Medical University, Russia, Department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics

E-mail: [email protected]

Combined craniofacial trauma and neuropsychiatric symptoms

Abstract: The results gave the opportunity to note a large number of patients with depressive symptoms in both groups relative to the control group. Along with the resulting combined trauma of the facial skeleton and brain injury manifestations of fatigue are similar in nature, it should be regarded as a single mechanism is not dependent on the location of the injury. The research has noted that craniofacial trauma launches mechanisms leading to psychopathological manifestations of varying severity, pointing to the failure mechanisms of adaptation after the injury in the form of increased levels of anxiety and fatigue in patients with craniofacial trauma.

Keywords: craniofacial trauma, fatigue, depression.


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