УДК: 639.1 (575.3)
DOI: 10.18101/2542-0623-2019-2-65-68
© Rashid R. Rakhmonov
Assistant, Bukhara State University
11, M. Iqbol St., Bukhara 200114, Uzbekistan
E-mail: [email protected]
© Avaz R. Raimov
Assistant, Bukhara State University
11 M. Iqbol St., Bukhara 200114, Uzbekistan
E-mail: [email protected]
The article presents information on structure and distribution of hunting animals and other animal species in hunting farms of the Bukhara region. We have analyzed the environmental conditions of the habitat of these animals in hunting farms. Hunting farms are important for the development of hunting tourism, the conservation of biodiversity and the rational use of natural resources. 158 vertebrate species in Bukhara are officially classified as hunting animals; it is 8.2% of the hunting species in Uzbekistan. As a result of the study in 2014-2017 13 species of hunting animals were revealed in 5 hunting farms of the Bukhara region. An analysis of studies, reports and statistics has shown that in the reports submitted by hunting farms non-hunting and prohibited hunting species are mentioned. This suggests that hunters do not know exactly, which species belong to hunting animals and which are not. Keywords: reservoirs; hunting farms; poaching; biodiversity.
Для цитирования:
Rakhmonov R. R., Raimov A. R. Structure and Distribution of Hunting Animals in Bukhara // Nature of Inner Asia. 2019. No. 2. P. 65-68. DOI: 10.18101/2542-0623-2019-2-65-68
Hunting farms are an important aspect of the use of the animal world and are of vital importance in the development of hunting tourism, biodiversity conservation, and rational use of nature [Ishunin, 1984]. As a result of the study, officially 13 species of animals were identified in 5 hunting farms of the Bukhara region in 2014-2017 (Table 1). In the region, officially hunted species make up 8.2% of the vertebrate species (158 species) allowed for hunting in Uzbekistan.
The observations and surveys showed that 10 types of hunting (Canis lupus, Felis libyca, Ondatra zibethicus, Gazella subgutturoza, Phasianus colchicus, Columba livia, Merops superciliosus, Agrionemys horsfieldi, Varanus griseus, Eryx miliaris) were illegal or poaching. Thus, 23 species of vertebrate animals were identified in the region (Fig. 1).
Table 1
The main types of hunting in the Bukhara region and their distribution in hunting farms
S/n Species Hunting farms
Korakir Shurkul Zikri Karakut forestry farms "Peshku Korakir fortress" LTD
1 Sus icrc^fa + - - + +
2 Mnles mnles + - + - +
3 Lepus rapeiais + + + + +
4 Mulpes vp^e! + + + + +
5 Mnas amesr + + + + +
6 Anaer anser + + + + +
7 Netta mitra + + + + +
8 Aytayaferina + + + + +
9 Anas ptaty rhynchos + + + + +
10 Anas areaea + + + + +
11 Fidicaatra + + + P r
12 Phalacrocorax c+bo + a + r +
13 P^^roclai5 orien)alis + + + + +
Total 13 11 12 12 13
Fig. 1. Percentage of official and informal types of hunting species in Bukhara region
Korakir and "Peshku avoid fortress" LTD hunting farms are located in the liveliest part of the Korakir lake for hunting, with all the main types of hunting in the region — 13 species of animals. There is very little vegetation cover for the animals around Shchurkul lake,so11 speciesofanimals arebeinghunted intheShorkul huntingfarm.
All hunting farms in the region are located in the coastal zone of water and reservoirs [Atakhodzhaev, Sudarev, 2017; Ametov et al., 2018]. Especially in the desert zone, biodiversity conservation is a clear indication of the importance of reservoirs in the collection of water and water birds, which form the basis of hunting facilities, where the distribution and density of the species grown are closely linked to complete water basins
and existing ecological conditions. The diversity of hunting facilities in hunting farms serves as a unique bioindicator for evaluating the economic environment [Naumov, 1963].
The analysis of scientific researches, reports and statistical data shows that the list of species in the country is not complete, that the reports submitted by hunting farms do not meet the requirements, and that the hunters do not have enough knowledge about the species being hunted. They include species that are not allowed to hunt in Uzbekistan or that are not practically hunted by hunters (Podiceps cristatus, Ardea cinerea, Streptopelia decaocto, Streptopelia turtur, Sturnus vulgaris etc.).
In 2014-2017, hunting farms studied the size of hunted animals. The average annual size o fhuntedanimals areas highas the specie ssuch as Anatidae (Netta rufina, Aythya ferina, Anas platyrhyachos,Anas crecca) (6120), F2licaatra (1983) aihdAnser ansrr (1978).The aveeage annualnuntsngczgaclty of Sof scrofula, Vulpes vulpes (6) ;md Cenicaurcus (7) is vs iy low. There is a, law shsreof mmnmrrsln nit toiai numberof epeciespsP .9% (Fig.2)
50% 40%
30% 20°% 10°% 0%
"Pesh'ku Korakir fortress
Fig. 2. Average Annual Size of Hunted Animals in Hunting Farms (in percent)
Due to the end of industrial hunting and falling need for fur, the species such as Ondatra zibetnicus, Caais lupus, Vulpes vulpes, are not very rarely hunted or never hunted in the country in 2014-2017. It has led to the loss of these species as an object ofhunting.
According to the results of the study, excessive hunting of species such as Alectoris ciukar, Lepus capeasis in Uzbekistan has resulted in a decrease in the number of species suchas Vulpesvulpes,Caais aureus,which resulted in theirrarelyhunting.
This can lead to the likelihood of further spread of diseases that may endanger nature and human health.
G. I. Ishunin (1984) notes that the decline or the loss in the number of livestock in Uzbekistan is associated with a natural disaster (adverse climate) that occurs in h-20 years. In our opinion, it is possible to prevent the mass extermination of the species through adverse weather forecasting and appropriate biotech activities. However, due to
№2 (11) 2019
inadequate bioteah activities, hunting facilities are damaging to climate and nutritional deficiencies.
In summary, the efficiency of hunting farms in Bukhara region is related to the eaologiaal conditions in the reservoirs, the organization of bioteahniaal aativities, the negative anthropogenic factors, and the rate of hunting of hunting areas.
Atakhodzhaev A., Sudarev V. Okhoenteht vidy pt+ts Tashkentskoi oblasti [Hunting Bird Species of Tashkent Region]. V+pr+oy +khrcnyptlto Uzbekiotanc — Pr+blemo +f BlrOPr+tepti+n in Uzbekiotcn. Proa. Rep. Conf. of the Uzbekistan Society for Bird Protection. Tashkent, 2017. Pp. 116-120.
Ametov Ya., Zhumanov M., Arepbaev I. Okhotataht ptitsy oz. Dautkul [Hunting Birds of the lake Dauekul]. Pr+blemy rctoi+nhln+g+ iop+lz+vaniya 1 +khrcnc prir+Onykh reouro+v Yuzhn+g+ Pricrhlyh — Pr+blemo +f Rati+nal Uoe anOPr+tepti+n +f Natural Reo+urpeo in the S+uth Aral Sec Regi+n. VII Int. Sai. and Praat. Conf. Lukus, 2018. P. 128.
Laumov L. P. Ek+l+giya zhiv+tnykh [Animal Ecology]. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola Publ., 1963. Pp. 562-566.
Ishunin G. I. Okh+ta i +khrana prir+Oy Uzbekiotana (iot+riya i o+vremenn+e o+ot+yanie) [Hunting and Lature Conservation of Uzbekistan (history and current status)]. Tashkent, 1984. Pp. 9-21.
Рашид Р. Рахмонов
Ассистент, Бухарский государственный университет, Узбекистан, 200114, г. Бухара, ул. М. Икбола, 11 E-mail: [email protected]
Аваз Р. Раймов
Ассистент, Бухарский государственный университет, Узбекистан, 200114, г. Бухара, ул. М. Икбола, 11 E-mail: [email protected]
В статье предоставлена информация о составе и распределении охотничьих и прочих видов животных в охотничьих хозяйствах Бухарской области. Проанализированы экологические условия обитания этих животных в охотничьих хозяйствах. Охотничьи хозяйства имеют важное значение для развития охотничьего туризма, сохранения биоразнообразия и рационального использования природных ресурсов. В области официально отнесено к охотничьим животным 158 видов позвоночных, что составляет 8,2% охотничьих видов Узбекистана. В результате исследования в 2014-2017 гг. было выявлено 13 видов охотничьих животных в 5 охотничьих хозяйствах Бухарской области. Анализ исследований, отчетов и статистических данных показал, что в отчетах, представленных охотничьими хозяйствами, фигурируют неохотничьи и запрещенные к охоте виды. Это говорит о том, что охотники не обладают достаточной информацией о том, какие виды животных относятся к охотничьим, а какие нет.
Ключевые слова: водохранилища; охотничьи хозяйства; браконьерство; биоразнообразие.