ANAS Nakhchivan Division
It is not enough to analyze the oikonyms to study the place names of Sadarak district, which has traces of our ethnic history, and to reveal their characteristics. The collection and study of oronyms and hydronyms are one of the most important issues for a comprehensive study of the system of names in the region. The system of Sadarak oronyms and hydronyms was formed under the influence of objective factors of the geographical environment, socio-cultural development of the region's population, and contact with languages and cultures. The historical location of the area on trade routes has allowed representatives of different cultures to communicate here. The strategic position, historical geography, and relief of the area where Sadarak is located have led to the emergence of various ethno-oronyms and ethno-hydronyms. It is known that, like all other toponyms, systematic analysis of ethno-hydronyms and ethno-oikonyms spread in Sadarak district has not been carried out. In this regard, in many cases, it is difficult to group them and determine their true etymology. At the same time, it is clear that the collection and the research of oronyms (names of any element of the earth's surface, including mountains, hills, ridges, valleys, depressions, lowlands, etc.) and hydronyms create new opportunities to study the history of Sadarak and surrounding areas, to analyze separate linguistic and extralinguistic events in Azerbaijani language.
The article prefers a multidisciplinary approach to the study of ethno-oronyms and ethno-hydronyms spread in the territory of Sadarak district, along with the methods of linguistics, special methods of history, geography and ethnography were used to conduct structural-semantic analysis of separate ethno-toponyms. Field materials were collected from different settlements of the district, attention was paid to more reliable sources such as archival documents to identify ethnotoponyms.The main result is that the geographical and strategic position of Sadarak district played a significant role in the formation of the system of onomastic units. As in most groups of onomastic units collected in the region, the system of oronyms and hydronyms is dominated by names belonging to the Turkic peoples and formed based on the Azerbaijani Turkic language.
Keywords: Sadarak, toponym, ethnonym, oronym, hydronym, semantics
Нахчыванское отделение АНАН
Недостаточно проанализировать ойконимы, изучить топонимы Садаракского района, имеющего следы нашей этнической истории, и выявить их особенности. Сбор и изучение оронимов и гидронимов являются одним из важнейших вопросов комплексного изучения системы названий региона. Система садаракских оронимов и гидронимов сформировалась под влиянием объективных факторов географической среды, социокультурного развития населения региона, контакта с языками и культурами. Историческое расположение района на торговых путях позволяло общаться здесь представителям разных культур. Стратегическое положение, историческая география и рельеф местности, на которой расположен Садарак, обусловили появление различных этнооронимов и этногидронимов. Известно, что, как и всех других топонимов,
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систематический анализ этногидронимов и этноойконимов, распространенных в Садаракском районе, не проводился. В связи с этим во многих случаях их сложно сгруппировать и определить их истинную этимологию. В то же время ясно, что сбор и исследование оронимов (названия любого элемента земной поверхности, в том числе гор, холмов, хребтов, долин, впадин, низменностей и т. д.) и гидронимов создают новые возможности для изучения земной поверхности. истории Садарака и прилегающих территорий, проанализировать отдельные лингвистические и экстралингвистические события в азербайджанском языке.
В статье отдается предпочтение междисциплинарному подходу к изучению этнооронимов и этногидронимов, распространенных на территории Садаракского района, наряду с методами языкознания использовались специальные методы истории, географии и этнографии для проведения структурно-семантического анализа отдельных этнотопонимы. Были собраны полевые материалы из разных населенных пунктов района, обращено внимание на более достоверные источники, такие как архивные документы, для выявления этнотопонимов. Главный результат состоит в том, что географическое и стратегическое положение Садаракского района сыграло значительную роль в формировании системы ономастических единиц. Как и в большинстве собранных в регионе групп ономастических единиц, в системе оронимов и гидронимов преобладают имена, принадлежащие тюркским народам и образованные на основе азербайджано-тюркского языка.
Ключевые слова: Садарак, топоним, этноним, ороним, гидроним, семантика.
It is not enough to analyze the oikonyms to study the place names of Sadarak district, which has traces of our ethnic history, and to reveal their characteristics. The collection and study of oronyms and hydronyms is one of the most important issues for a comprehensive study of the system of names in the region. The system of Sadarak oronyms and hydronyms was formed under the influence of objective factors of the geographical environment, socio-cultural development of the region's population, contact with languages and cultures. The historical location of the area on trade routes has allowed representatives of different cultures to communicate here. The strategic position, historical geography, and relief of the area where Sadarak is located have led to the emergence of various ethno-oronyms and ethno-hydronyms. It is known that, like all other toponyms, systematic analysis of ethno-hydronyms and ethno-oikonyms spread in Sadarak ditrict has not been carried out. In this regard, in many cases, it is difficult to group them and determine their true etymology. At the same time, it is clear that the collection and the research of oronyms (names of any element of the earth's surface, including mountains, hills, ridges, valleys, depressions, lowlands, etc.) and hydronyms create new opportunities to study the history of Sadarak and surrounding areas, to analyze separate linguistic and extralinguistic events in Azerbaijani language.
I. Location and distinctive features of oronyms in the system of onomastic units
It is known that oronyms have a special place among oikonyms and hydronyms due to several linguistic and extralinguistic features. Oronyms are more stable place names than oikonyms, and more variable than hydronyms. Russian researcher V.A.Nikonov once wrote that oronyms can be left out of the changes in the names of settlements. The author explained this by the political nature of oikonyms and the natural nature of oronyms [18, p.43]. The analysis show that the majority of oronyms in the territory of Sadarak district, regardless of their macro or micro natures, are national and there is no doubt that they are formed within Turkish language and dialects, especially the Azerbaijani language. In the two-volume "Geography of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic" based on the relevant facts, the statement about the whole territory of the autonomous republic as follows: "Toponymic analysis of the names of geographical objects expressing the form of relief proves that oronymic names, as well as oikonyms and hydronyms, were created entirely due to linguistic elements, mythical thinking and system of names of Proto-Turkic and modern Azerbaijani
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Turks" [13, p. 57]. The changing nature of the relief of Sadarak district allows us to come across a variety of oronyms, including the names of mountains, valleys, hills, slopes, peaks, ascents, passes, depressions, pits, ravines, plains, and meadows.
II. Grouping of oronyms of Sadarak district
It is possible to collect the oronyms gathered in the territory of Sadarak district into two main groups according to their geographical features.
a) Object names with negative relief structure - This group includes names of plains, ravines, steppes, glades, etc. in the territory of the district. Examples are the oronyms of Sadarak Plain, Jahannam Valley, Asni, Shorbulagi Area, Gurd Gate, Garachoban Plain.
b) Object names with positive relief structure - This group includes names of mountains, rocks, hills, ridges, ascents, etc. in the territory of the district. Komurludagh, Ardijdaghi, Ajdaha Mountain, Dashburun, Garaburun, Validagh, Ujubiz, Sarajlidagh, Saridagh, Bozdagh, Khalaj Mountain, etc., collected in the territory of the district, are included in this group.
Alternative grouping of toponyms is possible in terms of linguistics or structural-semantic structure. Our research allows us to propose the following grouping based on the principles of linguistics:
a) Complex structured oronyms with geographical names - Complex structured oronyms with geographical names can be divided into two parts: on one hand, the geographical names which are written next to each other, and one the other hand, the geographical names which are written separately. Komurludagh, Validagh, Saridagh, Bozdagh, Chiledag, etc. are examples for complex structured oronyms, that geographical names are written next to each other. Ardij Mountain, Ajdaha Mountain, Khalaj Mountain, Sadarak Plain Jahannam Valley, Shorbulagi Area, Garachoban Plain, Boz Rock, and others are the example for complex structured oronyms, that geographical names are written separately.
b) Complex structured oronyms without a geographical name - Complex structured oronyms without geographical names form a special group of oronyms in the territory of Sadarak district. This group includes oronyms such as Dashburun, Garaburun, Ujubiz, Gurd Gate.
c) Simple structured oronyms - Oronyms of this type are relatively rare. Structural-semantic analysis of the simplest oronyms, which in most cases are spread in the territory of the district, also reveals that these toponyms, which seem simple at first glance, are complex structured place names in the classical form. One of the most obvious examples for these types of oronyms is Asni.
When we distinguish ethno-oronyms as a special group from the oronyms collected from the territory of the district, it becomes clear that there are ethno-oronyms belonging to all three groups and subgroups.
III. Structural-semantic analysis of ethno-oronyms expressing negative relief forms
The Sadarak Duzu (Sadarak Plain) has a special place among the ethno-oronyms which has become widespred in the territory of Sadarak district. The territory of this plain starts from the part where the Jahannam Valley rises to the plain and continues a little west of the railway line [1, p.99 ]. Sadarak Duzu is an ethno-oronym with a complex structure, whose geographical name is written separately, in terms of grammatical structure is formed based on the word combinations. The complexity of the toponym in its present form is derived from the combination of one independent oikonym and one independent geographical name (word / oikonym + geographical name + possessive suffix). From a grammatical point of view, it is clear that the process of transforming the word combination into a complex word has taken place. It should be noted that the word combination and complex words differ from each other in some aspects. Among these features, if the words in the combination have an independent accent or not, usage of cases of nouns and plural form, they take the possessive suffix or not play an important role [7, p.17]. The first part of the oronym - "Sadarak" did not take any suffixes; it is in the possessive case. The second part is derived from "duz", the abbreviated form of the word "duzanlik" ("plain"), and since it is formed based on the word combination, it has taken the suffix "u".
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The semantic analysis of the oronym Sadarak Duzu reveals its ethnonymic features in a more detailed way. It is undeniable that in the original form this place name is derived from the Sadarak oikonym. However, the fact that the toponym Sadarak is itself an ethno-oikonym allows us to include the name of the plain among the ethno-toponyms. As mentioned above, most authors conducting the semantic analysis of the word Sadarak note that it was formed in connection with the Sadli tribes, a branch of the Garagoyunlus. From this point of view, Sadarak Duzu is explained in the sense of a "plain inhabited by Sadlis". However, as a result of our analyses based on the form "Sidirgi", mentioned in medieval sources, it is clear that this place's name is connected with the Su Turks. It is possible to relate this word with Su Turks in the form of Sidirgi presented by Turkish traveler Evliya Chalabi [6, p.129]. From this point of view, just as we can explain the Sadarak oikonym in the form of "settlement of Su Turks", the oronym Sadarak Duzu can be explained in the sense of "plain, lowland area inhabited by Su Turks."
Shorbulagi Area is a toponym registered in the district and has a more complex structure. Thus, this oronym was formed by adding another geographical name to the hydronym formed based on the ethnonym + geographical name formula. The geographical name (bulagi) forming the hydronym is adjacent to the ethnonym, and the name (area) forming the oronym is written separately. In terms of grammatical structure, the component "shorbulagi" itself is the word combination, which has been transformed into a complex word. The word bulag has taken the possessive suffix here. Also, when combining the hydronym with the name "area", the second part has taken the possessive suffix "i". Thus, when analyzing from the structural point of view, it becomes clear that this toponym is an oronym derived from a hydronym.
As for the semantic analysis of the oronym, we can unequivocally note that the "shor" contained in this oronym, registered in the territory of Sadarak, does not mean taste, but rather directly expresses ethnicity. In this case, two conclusions emerge. The shor part is associated with either the Shor / Chor Turks or the Shor / Shir / Shirak Turks. Since this issue is discussed in detail in the section on the analysis of the hydronym of Shorbulagi, it should be noted in this section that more in-depth multidisciplinary research conducted by historians, ethnogenesis researchers, and turkologists can reveal the origin of ethnic group which used "shor". Speaking of the presence of shir or shiraks in the region, F.Rzayev explained the "shir" part of the word "shirak" in the sense of "high" and the "ak" part in the sense of light. Speaking of the Shoragol fortress near Iravan, I.Bayamov noted that this name appeared in connection with the ancient Turkic ethnonym shirak <sirak.
The toponym Gurd Darvazasi (Gurd Gate) was also registered as one of the negative relief forms in Sadarak district. The toponym Gurd Gapisi or Gurd Darvazasi is also one of the oronyms with a complex structure. In terms of grammatical structure, it was created on the basis of the word combination, and was formed on the basis of the formula word (ethnonym) + word + possessive suffix. According to its grammatical structure, it is a word combination. The word "gurd" has not taken a suffix, it is in the possessive case. The "darvaza / gapi" part has taken the possessive suffix.
Most authors who have analyzed the oronym semantically have so far described it as a zoonym. Even many authors of the XIX-XX centuries translated this word into Russian as "Volchovarotsky". While talking about the oronym, B.Budagov and G.Geybullayev wrote that this pass, located between Validagh and Dahnadag, means "Wolfs pass". However, for some reason, in the XIX-XX centuries, the ethnonym "Gurdlar (Wolves)", which is often mentioned in the region, was ignored. Various authors, including I.Chopin [19, p. 1231] and another Russian author V.Grigoriev [17, p.68], mentioned the name of the Gurdlar as one of the tribes in the Nakhchivan region. By referring to the archives dated by 1930s, historian Musa Guliyev showed that the gurdlar were mentioned as the name of one of the 24 branches of the Kangarli tribe [11]. One of the neighborhoods of Nakhchivan city is still called the Gurdlar neighborhood [2, p.19].
We believe that the long-term appointment of the Kangar people as Safavids border guards to separate regions can clarify the essence of the issue. It is possible that the protection of the Sadarak Pass, one of the most important points on the border with the Ottoman Empire, was entrusted to
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Gurdlar, one of the most militant branches of the Kangarli, and this area was called the Gurd Darvazasi (Wolf Gate). This ethno-toponym was later explained as a zootoponym in folk etymology.
Registered in Nakhchivan as both oikonym and hydronym, Asni lives as an oronym in Sadarak. At the same time, it should be noted that once there was a village called Asni in Sadarak [8, p.165]. As is clear from the above classification of toponyms, Asni is an oronym with a simple structure in terms of its current structure. The complexity of a toponym is reflected not only in the grammatical analysis of its structure, but also in the lexical-semantic analysis. F.Rzayev emphasized Asni toponyms which were registered in Nakhchivan with the names of As Turkic tribes [16, p.62-63]. He also gave an interesting explanation of the "-ni" component of the toponym. The author writes that the composition ni / na, which is added to the name of the tribe as, as a homonym in the Turkish language, means "gave, donated" and "mine" [16, p.79]. That idea was alleged based on the approach of Azerbaijani researcher-Giyasaddin Geybullayev [9, p.80]. F.Rzayev believes that ethno-oikonym can be explained in the sense of both "I am as" and "given by as". I.Bayramov also preferred a similar explanation. While conducting a structural-semantic analysis of the name of the village of Asni, which was once part of the administrative territory of the Iravan district and is now located in the Vedi (Ararat) district of the Republic of Armenia, he wrote that the toponym consists of two components. The author connects the first part of the toponym with the Turkic ethnonym az / as, and evaluates the "ni" as a component of belonging, claiming that representatives of the Asni tribe still live in the region. He showed that this ethno-toponym is structurally a simple ethno-toponym [3, p.39]. In one of his books, J.Jafarov wrote that the authors of the ancient period talked about the microtoponym Askani river [4, p.123].
IV. Structural-semantic analysis of ethno-oronyms expressing positive relief forms
One of the ethno-oronyms in the territory of Sadarak district is Ujubiz toponym. Ujubiz is the name of one of the ridges located in the Sadarak plain. It is located north of the village of the same name [1, s.110]. Structurally, it is a toponym formed from a combination of two words in its current form. If we connect this toponym with the relief structure of the area, we can talk about the structure of the word + word or noun + adjective. In this way, it is possible to explain the toponym etymologically as "an area with a sharp, steep peak". However, the analysis of the semantic structure of the oronym shows that this name comes from the more ancient layers of our ethnogenesis history. In this sense, the toponym is one of the oldest place names, which contains the name of the Boz oklar (boz - grey), a branch of the Oguzs. Ujubiz is not a descriptive toponym at all. When we conduct a careful structural analysis, we see that it is possible to distinguish the components "uj + u + biz" in the composition of this word. Uj lands were a form of land ownership given to feudal lords at a certain stage of history, mainly during the Seljuk and Atabey dynasties in exchange for the protection of border areas. Even the Oghuz-Turkmen beys that appeared on the border with other states were called ujbey in historical terminology, and the established principalities were called uj beyliks. The word "Uj" meant "border" and was used mainly to refer to the border area with non-Muslim countries [1, p 38-39].
The second component of the oronym, "biz" represents the Boz oklar, as noted above. Speaking of the old Turkish onomastic units, A.Guliyev pointed out that the Boz oklar were marked as "buzuk" in some sources[10, p.28]. Taking into account all of the above, the ethno-oronym Ujubiz can be explained in the sense of "end lands or heights belonging to the Boz oklar (Oghuzs)."
It is interesting that other toponyms and oronyms related to Boz oklar are also found in the territory of Sadarak district. One of them is Boz Kaya, which was registered in the territory of Karki village, and the other is Bozdagh oronym. Given that most of the mountains and rocks in the area have a grey element, it is illogical to distinguish one of them by its shade of grey. In this sense, Boz Gaya (Gray Rock) means "Rock of Boz Oklar (Oghuzs)." From this point of view, we can explain Bozdagh, located in the south of the Sadarak Plain, in the same way [1, p.110].
Sarajlidagh (Sarajli Mountain) - there is no doubt that this ethnotoponym in the territory of Sadarak district is connected with the Sarajli Turkic tribes. There are many ethno-toponyms
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associated with the name of this tribe in the western regions of Azerbaijan. One of the authors first registered the name of Sarajli plateau in Loru-Pembek district of Tbilisi province, and later in Kalinino district. The same author pointed out that this ethno-toponym is connected with the name of the Sarijali / Sariajili Turkic tribe [3, p.252]. When we analyze from the structural-semantic point of view, it becomes clear that this ethno-oronym is a complex toponym with several grographical names formed as a result of the combination of two sides of the word combination (Sarajli + dagh (mountain)). Before the merger, the ethnonym "sarajli" was in the possessive case, and the "dagh" ("mountain") part has taken the possessive suffix in accordance with the characteristics of the word combination. In the next stage, the possessive suffix of the oronym, which appeared as a word combination, also fell and took the form of Sarajlidagh. It is clear that Sarajlidagh means a mountain belonging to the Sarajlis.
Khalaj Mountain - one of the many toponyms associated with the Khalaj Turks in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic is the toponym Khalaj Mountain. Our research on this type of toponyms in the previous paragraph unequivocally proves that this group of onomastic units was formed in connection with the Khalaj, a Turkic tribe. The study of not only the system of oronyms of the territory of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, but also the system of names of many surrounding regions whose historical destiny is connected with Nakhchivan shows that ethno-oronyms related to Khalajs are widespread. In her dissertation on "Linguistic features of Daralayaz toponyms" Sevinj Sadigova stated that the oronyms are widespread used in the Daralayaz area is related to the Khalajs . The author discovered two oronyms related to this tribe in the territory of Govushug village of Daralayaz district. One of them is the land of the Khalajs, and the other is the ethno-oronym sheepfold of the Khalajs[15, p,14]. Referring to some sources, A.Guliyev considered kalach / khalachs to be the remnants of white Huns [10, s.41].
When we explain from the structural-semantic point of view, it becomes clear that Khalaj Mountain is a complex ethno-oronym that appeared with the participation of the geographical name and structurally retains the features of the word combination.
The primary form of the Chiladagh toponym registered in the territory of Sadarak is Chul Mountain or Choladagh. In this form, the structural-semantic analysis of the toponym allows to characterize it as an ethno-oronym. It should be noted that, settlement and necropolis were found in Chiladaghi area registered in Sadarak village of Sadarak district [12, p.77]. M.Pashayeva wrote that the Chul tribes came to Azerbaijan together with the Sabirs, Gorus, Tartars, Kangars and Bulgars as part of the Huns [14].
Thus, by analyzing from the structural point of view, it becomes clear that Chiladag consists of two components. The first component is "chila". In fact a substitution of u-i occured in the ethnonym cul. At the same time, -a, which means belonging in the old Turkic language, has been added to the ethnonym chul / chil. The "dagh" ("mountain") component is a geographical name, which merged with Chola / chile without any changes to form a new oronym.
Thus, as a result of the structural-semantic research of oronyms in the territory of Saradak district, we come to the conclusion that most of them belong to the Turkic languages, or more specifically to the Azerbaijani language, due to their structural-semantic features and linguistic affiliation. Analyses prove that topomorphs belonging to the Azerbaijani language took an active part in the formation of ethno-oronyms. Most of the complex ethno-oronyms correspond to the grammatical structure of the Azerbaijani language, as well as other Turkic languages and dialects. Among the nomenclature terms used in the stucture of ethno-oronyms, widespread in the territory of Sadarak district, rock, mountain, valley, bed, etc. attract more attention. Most of them appear in the form of the word combination in terms of structure. The analyses allow us to determine the names of the as tribes that lived in different regions of Central Asia and the Caucasus in the most ancient periods of history, su tribes that formed a political union in the basin of Lake Urmia in the III-II millennia
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BC in the structure of ethno-oronyms in the territory of Sadarak district. The onomastic units formed in connection with the ethnonyms shor / shir / shirak, chul, khalaj, which appeared in relatively later periods, allow us to trace the heritage of the Turkic tribes in the region during the transition from ancient times to the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages, the Bozokhs / Boz Oghuzs, Garagoyunlus (Sadlis), Kangarlis (Gurds), and Sarajlis engraved their names in the system of ethno-oronyms of Sadarak.
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ОФ "Международный научно-исследовательский центр "Endless Light in Science"