Solskaya I.Y.
УДК 330.34/35,47
The development of the sphere of transport services in Russia was carried out simultaneously and within the limits of the development of market relations in economy. Thus development of the basic source of such services — the railway transport — went on non-uniformly: for last 15 years the basic volumetric parameters, the level of investments, efficiency of branch have decreased. The structural reform, called to solve practical problems of branch, has led to formation of Open Society "P^A" - society with the absolute state property of the assets, which has the aim to carry out economic activities in sphere of cargo and passenger transportations. Thus the questions of the control and managing remain in state conducting at a level of the Ministry of transport. The process of bringing the branch into non-state property has been accomplished earlier in other transport complexes of Russia. Therefore prospects of transport system development in many respects are defined by abilities of transport agencies to overcome the existing difficulties.
It is remarkable, that during a long period of time there exists the tendency of the further concentration and centralization of the capital, development of a filial network of Open Society "P^A" and occurrence of new forms of this process in the aggregate with significant expansion of the economic [13,14,15].
Existence of the developed filial network is connected with the display of the inner-organization interactions in two aspects: vertical - as way of realization hierarchical co-ordination (head office - branch - department -functional division), and horizontal, allowing to carry out equal-in-rights interactions of elements on one or some levels of hierarchy.
In conditions of dynamical change of the environment, complexity increase of the organizational management structure and expansion of the sphere of market mutual relations among divisions of the organization the problem consists in achievement of the
management purposes (stable functioning, growth of profit, capital and actives etc.) by achieving a rather high level of the local purposes satisfaction.
The theoretical base of fundamentally-applied research of the faculty became "The Concept of the Home Market", which is a basis of the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of Doctor of Economics [1].
The offered model of formation of corporate management system consists in the following:
1. In the structure of the organization, which has a complex distributed organizational structure of management, it is possible to allocate operating body and the object of management that have some levels of hierarchy. The environment influences different levels of the organization, and external influences on operating body and on separate divisions of a managing object can be various.
2. There take place: the purpose of the organization - the purpose of operating body, which is formed under influence of external influences and under the condition of object of management; the local purposes - the purposes of separate elements at different levels of hierarchy of management objects, which are formed under influence of external and internal influences on these elements.
3. The part of decision-making authorities in the external clients' services is delegated by operating body to the object of management according to the purposes of the organization.
4. Coordinating influences and mutual communications take place in the organization. Coordinating influences are formed under influence of the purposes of the organization and mutual communications.
5. There is an interaction between elements of management object, which is carried out without intermediary of top levels. Decision-making in the process of external
clients' service depends on results of such interaction.
6. In the process of the direct interaction between elements there are internal manufacturers/producers of services. Internal clients and manufacturers of services clients and internal are present at each level of hierarchy at organizational management structure and form the home market.
The nowadays existing theory of management does not allow to solve a problem of formation of the coordinating influences in business and adequating market changes in economy as this theory does not consider properly peculiarity functioning of organizational structure elements in the conditions of a home market [2,3,6]. It is influenced on the one hand, by the presence of internal clients in the organization and services given by it, and on the other hand — by the way of satisfaction of internal clients needs.
The author's definition of a home market is formulated according to the previous statements. This definition, first, corresponds to the essence of the internal market business infrastructure, and secondly, assumes the presence of out-of-market forms of coordination of subsystems (elements) relations of the organization. That is connected with the placement of internal contracts within the limits of existing technologies of servicing and it is caused by the business necessity of preservation of a parity between transaction costs and the supervision cots. The home market of the organization assumes such interaction of sellers and customers inside of the organization for which are characteristic: presence of entrance barriers, market and out-of-market mechanisms of coordination, and also steady internal communications between parts of the whole organization as a complete system, that is: competitive relations of internal producers -sellers of resources and services with each other; relations of internal clients - buyers of resources and services with each other; relations of sellers with customers; relations of sellers with potential customers and potential competitors.
It is supposed, that the model of a control system should include the administrative scheme of the interaction in the system "operating body -object of management" for successful organization functioning, as well as the market mechanisms of interaction within the limits of elements of one or several horizontal levels in hierarchical organizational structure. Thus coordinating influences of higher levels should consider the presence of home marketing
procedures at the bottom levels. Such model occupies an interposition between traditional management methods (defined as exclusively administrative) and essentially marketing methods, formed under influence of a free competition.
The interaction of elements at various levels of hierarchy of management object is formed within the limits of a home market, under supply-and-demand influence, as well as under influence of a foreign market, that is under demand from external clients.
The most important point in the model is the presence of coordinating influences which necessity is caused as by the general laws of control systems development - by necessity of preservation of system under conditions of a dynamical external environment — as well as by specificity of the activity with significant risks. Besides the behavior co-ordination of the system parts reflects the awareness of contradictions between the global and the local purposes. The coordination is associated in the theory of the organization, first of all, with determination of the independence degree of the organization elements.
It is supposed, that the main task of coordination consists in the achievement of coordination in the work of all parts of the organization by the establishment of the necessary communications between them. Two measurements are to assign within the limits of coordination: vertical coordination within the limits of decision making hierarchy, and horizontal, directed on the regulation of the contradictions in the work of managing objects within the limits of modification their local purpose and interrelations. At such point of view upon the coordination problem the feedback relations occur as the response of elements of organizational structure to the purposes' change and also the information about their achievement extent.
The main principle which is offered to be applied to a choice of criterion of distribution of the rights and duties between the organizational structure elements and delegations of authorities is based on use of the concept of the home marketing. According to it all elements of organizational structure can be referred to the block corresponding to one of three directions the activities (and the same element can be referred to more than one block according to the character of activity and the position in the technological sequence of operations):
• functional or contact (I);
• providing (O);
• marketing (M).
Functional (contact) elements can be considered as the centers of formation of profit as they render paid services to clients and receive thus the incomes, allowing to compensate charges and to receive profit.
External marketing activity first of all is connected with external information resources (processes of their formation and an effective utilization). Internal marketing serves as the tool of intraorganizational coordination within the limits of process of functioning of providing elements at which there are all basic aspects of e organization activity in the external and internal markets.
Both functional and providing elements realize in their activities the functions of internal marketing. The first accept and analyze during rendering services the data on a conjuncture of a home market and its change and about shown and not shown to satisfaction needs of the internal clientele; the second - data on a conjuncture of the home market, connected with the processes of purchases and realizations of resources in the organization.
Generalization of this information and determination of blanks in it is the function of elements of the marketing block. Marketing divisions should estimate reliability of such information and formalize it for transferring to the coordinating body. In this situation the marketing division realizes function of expression of the internal and external marketing information, i.e., not being the center of profit formation, it takes part in realization of the global purpose [4].
Methodological feature of the coordination actions, which are carried out by operating body, is in conditions of a home market their orientation on realization of a problem of management, i.e. on formation of such coordinating influences on process of services rendering to external and internal client, which would provide achievement of the global purpose of management by the best satisfaction of the local purposes.
Let's describe a control system in terms of the theory of coordination. Let the control system be two-level, and as a process is considered services' rendering to the external and internal clients.
In the structure of a coordinating body the solving element is d and a regulator is allocated with C:
d: W^ x; C:W * x^ E,
Where W - a signal of a feedback - the generated information on results of activity of functional and providing blocks and necessary resources; x - demanded coordinating influence; E - the information on allocation of resources for realization of external and internal service.
The signal of a feedback is formed as a composition of signals of a feedback from functional, providing and marketing blocks: W = Wf * Wo * Wm,
Where Wf - signals of functional elements which are connected first of all with necessity of attraction of resources (internal demand), i.e.
Wf = Wf (C, p, i, T),
Where C - necessary volume of additional financial resources;
P - necessary personnel;
I - necessary information;
T - necessary services.
Component Wo - signals of providing elements to coordinating body. Coordinating influences are connected in this case first of all with the internal offering, and also with necessity of change of cost estimation of involved resources and services and their promptness.
The marketing component of signals of feedback Wm is formed as a composition: Wm = Wfm * Wm * Wm,
Where Wfm - the marketing component generated by functional elements (data on a conjuncture of the external and internal markets and its change, and also on the needs of clientele shown and not shown to satisfaction); Wm - the marketing component generated by providing elements (the external and internal offer); Wmm -an information signal of a feedback from marketing elements.
Basic purpose Wmm consists in the notice of the coordinating body and in changes of a market situation (a change of a cumulative supply and demand on production (service): in the external and internal markets, and also forecasts of such changes).
Each functional (contact) division contains its own solving element.
The coordinating body chooses its influences in order to balance an external and internal supply and demand on services according to a necessary parity between transaction costs and costs of the control, and a basic element of such coordination is formation of own internal price policy.
Consideration of offered model of the organization management, allows to assume, that the basic way to increase the efficiency of its activity is decentralization.
One of the variants of a substantiation of decentralization in the scheme of organizational structure of management can be the following:
Let's consider process P divided into n+1 local processes, that means decomposition of organizational structure of management.
Subprocesses P, i=1,.., n are identical in the sense that each subprocess Pt has one input m. and two kinds of outputs yfi and yw. The special attention should be turned on subprocess Pn+1 which connects subprocesses Pi and also has two kinds of outputs. It is possible to assume, that this subprocess carries out to a certain extent a function of internal Pw n+1 and external Pf n+1 marketing in structure of the organization. Then interactions (resource and mutual service) between subprocesses Pn are inputs for Pn+1 and are set by the equations
Uf= Kft(yft.....yfjr 1< i < k,
Uw4 = Kw. (yw,..., ywn), 1< i < s.
Thus there is some function of quality (utility) G, which can be used for an estimation of efficiency of functioning of all system. Assuming, that as at the marketing approach functioning of system is focused on the external consumer, the function of quality depends only on outputs of consumption sector yfn+1, ywn+1, where F - is a foreign market.
For use of this method we shall enter following additional restrictions:
1. The output yf has k as a component:
yf = (yf,(1).....yf. (k)).
Whereas the output ywi has s a component
yw. = (ywi (1)r..., ywi (s))
Where k and s are integers, the same for all subprocesses.
2. The input of consumption sector m¡ has k as a component:
mn+1 = (mn+1 (1),..., mn+1(k)).
Besides processes Pfn+1 and Pwn+1 are defined by the equations:
yfn+1(j) = ufi+m(j)n+1 + cf(j), 1 < j < k,
yw+1 (j) = uwj + m (j) n+1 + cw (j), 1 < j < s.
3. Interactions are described by the equations:
t =£ ywt (j), 1 < j <
uf =£ yf (j), 1 < j < k,
The coordinating body can assume independence ("pa3BH3aHHOCTb") of
subprocesses from each other and apply a principle of the adjustment/matching of interactions for their co-ordination. Economic interpretation of process of coordination means that quality function of operating elements can be considered, for example, as the profit received from realization of process P. Coordinating parameters thus are the prices of resources or rendered services [7,8].
In order such interpretation is rightful, observance of following conditions is necessary:
m, > 0, 0 < i < n+1 yfn+1 > 0, yw+1 > 0.
Following remarks should be made in connection with applicability of the theory of coordination to activity multilevel hierarchical organizational structures:
1. In the theory of the decentralized functioning there is a question on an optimality of the decentralized management and on how to reach optimum coordination for those cases when interaction between divisions is not constructed on strictly competitive basis in view of external influences or in connection with the additional restrictions imposed by a management system for the sake of achievement of the global purposes.
2. The basic problem of coordination lies in how to coordinate interactions. It is obvious, that the mechanism of the prices is a special case of a principle of "coordination" which can be used at the certain restrictions, and, the choice of a suitable principle, and also the form of its application depends in many respects on type of the considered organization.
In conformity with the scheme decomposition of the functional (contact) block assumes "independence" of internal parameters of production and realization for each of n unit of block I, and also division of streams of made production Y (I), consumed inside of organizational structure Ydi (I) and shown to foreign market Ywt (I), where n - quantity of kinds of production (services), (i = 1,2..., n). The streams of services rendered to internal consumers, are formed as an investigations result of internal marketing and coordinated by a higher body of management.
Each element of the functional (contact) block has, in turn, its complex internal structure, which allows it to carry out its own activity, being
i =1
i = 1
guided by coordinating influences of operating body and considering complex interaction with providing and marketing blocks. By virtue of it, decomposition of such element is realizable.
Each z-th element of the block is under the operating influence from coordinating body M.. The degree of the purposes achievement of an element is defined on the basis of the feedback signal Zi formed by operating component H¡ of an element under influence M and casual external influences Q of an environment and directed to the coordinating body [10].
Production component Pi carries out production (services) Y¡ under the influence of an environment, and also operating influence Ct taking into consideration the needs of the external and home market and other elements described by coordinating influence M.
Information component Ht forms on the basis of connective functions U1, U2., and also qualitative and quantitative parameters of made production or services rendered by an element information signals Z - feedback with coordinating body and C - their transformation for industrial component Pi.
Decomposition of the basic functional (contact) blocks and allocation of the internal connective components in the information streams allow to formalize the procedures of definition of effective coordinating influences from an operating element to all parts of organizational structure.
Thus, it is necessary to draw following conclusion:
1. The offered model allows to expand the area of formation of operating (coordinating) influences in the multifilial organization due to use of the decentralized interaction of elements in a home market.
2. Carried out researches have shown, that transport service organizations have a problem of delegation of authorities in their management activities. The main principle which is offered to be applied to the solving of this problem regarding a choice of criterion of the authority delegation, and also distributions of the rights and duties among the elements of organizational structure is based on the use of the concept of internal marketing.
3. Internal marketing can serve as the tool of intraorganizational coordination within the limits of unified process of marketing management, which considers all the basic aspects of activity in the external and internal markets.
1. One of results of realization of the "Concepts of a home market" are
are focused on formation of intermediate (transitive) model of functioning of system of mutual settlements of accounts of the transport enterprises in conditions of a structural reform.
The analysis of the offered scheme allows to draw a conclusion, that the internal interaction of the system elements is the most complex and it can form the basis for emphasis on this interaction at formation of the financial mechanism in new conditions [9].
Thus, balances of payments of the first and the second level are formed for the solving of problems of operative management of financial stream movement at a railway departments' level. The consolidated balance of payments of railroad also gives summary balance of branch. The balance of payments is intended for reflection of the inpayments sources as well as the expenditure patterns of all financial resources (in monetary and not monetary forms) [11].
Using the concept of a home market it is possible to formulate the following conclusions on the basic directions' development of perfection of the system of mutual settlements of accounts.
1. The analysis of structure of the financial streams of branch tells about the great complexity in the management of the internal relations among the participants of the technological process. The analysis of the offered scheme of financial streams allows to draw a conclusion, that the internal interaction of the elements of a system is organized in the most complicated manner that can form the basis for emphasis on this interaction at formation of the financial mechanism in new conditions.
2. Historically internal financial mechanism on railway transportation was formed on the principle of self-financing. The advantage of the self-financing is the formation of internal economic model of the complex socially-technical system on the basis of financing, motivations and social development with use of the settlement prices for executed in the whole technological process self-financing
parameter and payment of given basic fixed assets.
3. It is necessary at restructuring to create a system of economic management of railways in which there would be motives to decrease of its costs and to the proved distribution of profit between participants of process as bases of such motivation.
4. The existing control system of economy and the finance of railway transportation is based on administrative-controlling activity coordination of divisions in conditions of full centralization. Gathering and the analysis of parameters of efficiency, statement of budgeting and of the control have hang-the-expense approach, it does not solve the problem of provision of economic incentives at a level of the linear enterprise, that causes the necessity of a search of other models.
It is offered:
Fig. 1. Algorithm of decision-making at procedure arbitration on the basis of the internal price.
methodology of a home market with reference to the railway enterprises [8].
The technique is focused on reflection of high complexity of interrelations among the enterprises of different branch facilities in occasion of maintenance of transportation process and their own activity.
For elimination of the conflict among the separate linear enterprises, facilities and branches, establishments of economically proven interaction, procedure of internal arbitration has been developed. The least average price has been established for a product at the first branch allowing it to work on a foreign market (H) without giving up its efficiency. The greatest average price has been established for the second department, which the second division was ready to pay for a product "X", without reducing the efficiency (L). The following algorithm was used by the decision-making (fig. 1.)
The use of following model of coordination (fig. 2) is offered at a distribution of the responsibility among levels of management and divisions of one level. The decision, whether to make the transaction internal, or to carry out it on a foreign market was made on the basis of the given model. The increase of the profit of the company as a whole was the common aim.
Thus, it is possible to use internal contracts among the elements of the system as the realization mechanism of tasks, which were put by the top level of management. Hierarchy of management thus acts as means of distribution of the tasks among the centers of the responsibility on-line, and then structural divisions are responsible for their realization by interaction among themselves on the basis of the internal contract (which can be formal or informal).
The problem can be solved probably on the basis of the offered economic model — the internal (organizational) market, which elements for a railway transportation should be expediently:
- formation of the internal (the transfer price) on the basis of four internal offered concepts and contractual
Internal contracts Obligatory tasks
Fig. 2. Distribution of the rights, duties and the responsibility.
attitudes of the linear transport enterprises;
- mutual (cross) interdependence of the linear enterprises;
- obviously rigid binding of suppliers and consumers to each other, that predetermines constant character of relations;
- an opportunity to set the intra-enterprise's prices and the uniform rules of controlling them in all structural divisions in conditions of centralization of management with high efficiency.
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