Structural indicators of educational activity in universities of physical culture
UDC 796.077.5
PhD, Associate Professor S.I. Petrov1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health, St. Petersburg
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to reveal the direction of the structural indicators of educational activity in higher educational institutions of physical culture.
Methods and structure of the study. As part of the implementation of the first stage of the state task on the topic "Integration of educational, scientific and physical culture and sports activities in higher education in the field of physical culture and sports", the educational activities of higher education institutions of physical culture were monitored according to the main structural indicators and special scientific and methodological literature was studied on this issues.
Results and conclusions. The data on the sports qualification of the contingent and the teaching staff in educational institutions are presented. The ratio of various structural divisions and indicators of methodological support of training in educational institutions are determined. The analysis carried out will serve as the basis for the development of evidence-based proposals for the normative, organizational and methodological support of the process of integrating the educational, scientific and sports activities of full-time bachelor students in higher education institutions of physical culture.
Keywords: educational activity, integration, higher educational institutions of a sports profile.
Introduction. At the present stage of development of higher education, the requirements for the quality of training of specialists, the search for resources to improve their professional training are increasing. Such a resource is integration, the process of combining various types of activities specific to an educational institution of physical culture and sports. There are different opinions on the issue of integrating the educational process and sports training, 10% of respondents believe that it is impossible to integrate the educational process and sports training, most of the survey participants argue that integration is a reality, but it is the result of the skillful organization of the educational process by an educational institution [1-3].
In this regard, there is a need to obtain objective data to develop evidence-based proposals for the normative, organizational, methodological support of the integration process, as a condition for the formation of a state order for sports training in a higher education institution of physical culture.
Objective of the study was to reveal the direction of the structural indicators of educational activity in higher educational institutions of physical culture.
Methods and structure of the study. As part of the implementation of the first stage of the state task on the topic "Integration of educational, scientific and physical culture and sports activities in higher education in the field of physical culture and sports", the educational activities of higher education institutions of physical culture were monitored according to the main structural indicators and special scientific and methodological literature was studied on this issues.
Results of the study and their discussion. In the process of analyzing literary sources, it was found that the implementation of the integration of education, science and physical culture and sports activities involves: correction of professional and sports training; improving the assessment of types of educational activities; creation of personnel, organizational, logistical and financial conditions; substantiation of norma-
tive documents regulating the implementation of this process, etc. All this implies the monitoring of these activities.
The generalized structure of the contingent of students of higher educational institutions of physical culture by sports qualification is shown in Figure 1.
which qualified athletes are trained in universities of this profile, the results are presented in Figure 2.
The highest priority sports in educational institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Sports of Russia are football, athletics, swimming, rhythmic gymnastics, and basketball. Somewhat inferior to them in priority: volleyball, hockey, cross-country skiing. Boxing, taekwondo, judo, wrestling, artistic gymnastics, dance sports, tennis, handball and kettlebell lifting are less preferable than the above mentioned ones in professional training of higher education institutions of physical culture.
Figure 1. Generalized structure of the contingent of students of higher educational institutions of physical culture by sports qualification (%)
The data presented in Figure 1 allow us to conclude that in the total number of full-time students, the share of undergraduate students with sports categories was 80%. Almost half (47.3%) of them are highly qualified athletes (from Candidate Master of Sports (CMS) to Honored Master of Sports (HMS)). Based on the picture of the general structure of the contingent of students studying, it follows that most of them are athletes who have the potential for further improvement in their chosen sport.
In the course of an analytical review of the studied indicators, the most priority sports were identified, for
Figure 2. The most priority sports, represented in the professional training of the universities of the FC (number of those involved)
Comparative analysis of indicators of sports qualification of the contingent is presented in the table.
The results indicate that the greatest deviation from the overall structure is manifested in the "no discharge" characteristic. That is, in some universities, the development of basic professional educational programs is
The degree of deviation of indicators of sports qualification of the contingent of universities of physical culture from the average (%)
Universities of Physical Culture without 2 -1 CMS MS International Honored
discharge category MS MS
Volgograd State Physical Education Academy -3,7 + 19 -6,1 -7,7 -0,9 -0,6
Velikiye Luki State Academy of Physical Educa- +2,5 -5,0 -6,4 +6,9 +0,8 + 1,2
tion and Sports
Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture -19,4 +6,2 + 19,3 -5,1 -0,4 -0.6
Kuban State University of Education, Sport and +9,5 -5,6 -1,1 -2,4 -0,3 +0,1
Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture + 10,6 -3,0 + 1,1 -6,5 -1,9 +2,4
Tchaikovsky State Academy of Physical Culture -20,0 +8,2 + 10,1 +3,3 -1,0 -0,6
and Sports
Smolensk State University of Sports -19,8 +9,5 -3,3 +8,2 +3,6 + 1,3
Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, + 13,9 -6,1 -5,6 -2,0 +0,1 -0,3
Sports and Tourism
Lesgaft NSU, St. Petersburg -12,7 + 1,0 +7,2 +5,1 -0,4 -0,2
Churapcha state institute of physical education -20,0 +22,2 -2,1 + 1,8 -1,9 0
and sports
associated with the improvement of sportsmanship, while in other universities, students lose their sports qualifications over time.
In the process of analyzing the relationship between the sports qualifications of teachers and students of physical education universities and the number of profiled sports, it was found that the number of sports determines the number of students with sports qualifications, but the more sports, the more teachers who do not have sports qualifications. However, the number of highly qualified athletes is determined by the sports qualification of teachers. At the same time, the number of sports and pedagogical departments determines the variety of sports profiled at the university.
Conclusions. This study allows us to make some generalizations. It was revealed that out of the total number of full-time bachelor's students in higher education institutions of physical culture, 47.3% of students have high sports qualifications (from CMS to HMS), 52.7% of students have the potential for further improvement in their chosen sport. The greatest deviations of the indicators of sports qualification of the contingent of higher educational institutions of physical culture from the average are manifested in the characteristic "without a category". Universities with a large number of sports also have a greater number of basic professional educational programs
implemented in the course of the educational process.
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