1Akhmetova A. I.
2Shirinbaeva G.
3Ussein G. A.
1Master of pedagogical science Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University 2 Candidate of pedagogical sciences Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University
3Master of pedagogical science School №104
Abstract. The new school "Self-knowledge"subject, that is extensively introduced into the practice of work of school educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the last decade, is aimed primarily at the spiritual and moral development of high-school students, which is the actual problem of development of the young sovereign state of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and in particularly its educational system and challenges confronting it. In order to get that done, it is necessary to study both psychological and pedagogical conditions, and the structure of readiness of the future teachers to the spiritual and moral development of high school students. Undoubtedly, the problem of psychological and pedagogical readiness of the future teachers to the spiritual and moral development of high-school student should be considered in the context of holistic manifestation of all aspects of his personality. In this regard, one of the most urgent tasks is to identify the professional and personal characteristics that influence the readiness of the future teacher already at the stage of training at the Institution of Higher Education to teach "Self-knowledge" subject. At the same time, the basis of psychological and pedagogical training of the future teachers should be capability for conscious spiritual and professional growth, responsibility for activities in the formation of students' worldview and behavioral guidance through the prism of universal human values, development of their need for self-knowledge and creative self-realization.
Keywords: Psychological and pedagogical readiness, structural components, levels and indicators, criteria, research methods, motivational and valuable component, cognitive component, frofessional and personal component, reflexive and active component.
This process is characterized by the tendency of transition from the educational and disciplinary to the personal paradigm of educational activities focused on the development of the future teacher at the Institution of Higher Education as a subject of spiritual and moral, professional and personal self-development, which will enable, in our view, to create the optimal conditions for the spiritual and moral development of students at school.
Psychological and pedagogical readiness of the future teachers - is a sophisticated system, including a great many different qualitative elements and links, which have a structure that provides the nature of links between its elements and their coordinated functioning.
Each component has a specific set of complementary associated indicators and own logic of development as a developing system.
Given the specific character of psychological and pedagogical readiness of the future teacher of "Self-knowledge" subject for spiritual and moral development of high-school students, we consider the following its structural components (Table 1):
Motivational-value component represents a system of interests, motives, needs, attitudes towards the spiritual and moral, professional and personal self-knowledge and self-improvement, and also includes a commitmentof the personalityto the universal human values.
In order to establish the role of these or other motives in selection of the profession by students, we used the method of determining the basic motives of selection of profession, developed by E.M.Pavlyutenkov.
Cognitive component of psychological and pedagogical readiness of the future teacher is the formedness of the system of integrated knowledge and skills necessary for his professional activity as a teacher of "Self-knowledge" subject.
Table 1. Structural components, levels and indicators of psychological and pedagogical readiness of the future teacher
Criteria Research methods
Motivational and valuable component Aspiration for spiritual and moral, and professional self-improvement 1.Methodology to determine the main motives for selection of profession developed by E.M.Pavlyutenkov 2.Questionnaire for students on understanding of the essence of universal human values developed by R.A.Mukazhanova, G.A.Omarova
Cognitive component Understanding ofspiritual and moral depth of the content of "Self-knowledge" NDO Program Test to determineunderstanding of spiritual and moral depth of the content of "Self-knowledge" NDO Program
Professional and personal component Development of professionally important personal qualities 1. Methodology of diagnostics of the level of empathic capabilities by V.V.Boyko; 2. SAMOAL by Maslow.
Reflexive and active component Development of reflexive skills and abilities of organization activity on spiritual and moral development of the students 1.Methodology of diagnostics of the level of reflexivity, questionary by A.V.Karpov; 2.Methodology to determine the readiness of the future teachers to organization of spiritual and moral development of high-school students 3.Methodology "Reflexive essay".
Cognitive component of psychological and pedagogical readiness comes down to the ability of mastering of the knowledge by the future teacher in the field of pedagogy, psychology, methodology and methods of teaching of "Self-knowledge" subject, knowledge in the field of subject study, understanding of the principles and conceptual ideas by the future teacherwhich are considered in the Program of moral and spiritual "Self-knowledge" education.
Professional-personal component of psychological and pedagogical readiness of the future teachers of "Self-knowledge" subject is considered as a system of professionally important and personal qualities necessary for the performance of future professional activities.
In this regard, in order to determine the level of development of professional and personal component of psychological and pedagogical readiness of the future teachers of "Self-knowledge" subject, such professionally important and personal qualities have been investigated as empathy, orientation in time, understanding of the human nature, cognition, creativity, autonomy, spontaneity, self-understanding, auto-sympathy, in-touch capabilities and flexibility in communication.
Reflexive and activity component of psychological and pedagogical readiness of the future teacher is investigated by the following methods:
1. Method of diagnostic of the level of reflexivity development, questionnaire by A.V.Karpov [1].
2. "Reflexive essay" method developed by I.N.Soldatova [2];
3. Reflexive report to diagnose the readiness of the future teacher to the spiritual and moral development of high-school students.
Thus, let's formulate the following conclusions:
• The students - future teachers of "Self-knowledge" subject with a deep understanding
of the problems of the spiritual and moral development of the personality realize, perceive the process of human development in general, so their professional credo - is the "development of the integrity of the personality", and development they understand as restoration of the harmony of the human being;
• The students - future teachers of "Self-knowledge" subject see the main task of the professional activity in the harmonization of the spiritual world of students.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the coefficient of efficiency of psychological and pedagogical training of the future teachers of "Self-knowledge" subject for spiritual and moral development of high-school students as per module is close to 1 - this corresponds to the high level of
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relation between the variables and demonstrates the effectiveness of the process of training of the future teachers for spiritual and moral development of high-school students.
1. Карпов А.В. Рефлексивность как психическое свойство и методика ее диагностики // Психол. журн. 2003. № 5. С. 45-57.
2. Солдатова И.Н. Применение методики «Рефлексивное эссе» как способ формирования эстетической культуры будущего специалиста гуманитарного профиля/ И.Н. Солдатова // Научный диалог. - 2013. №2-(14). Педагогика: С.98-108.
к. психол. наук rpy6i Т. В.
Украта, м. Кам'янець-Подыьський, Кам'янець-Подыьський нацюнальний утверситет iMern 1вана Огieнка,
старший викладач кафедри психологи oceimu
Abstract. In recent years, the problem of perfectionism is actively studied in various aspects of human activity and it is the subject of interest of many foreign and Ukrainian scientists. This interest we can explain by a high speed of life, a social development, a growing competition, a cult of rationality and a pursuit of excellence, which exist in the society.Modern psychologists define the term "perfectionism" as an aspiration of the personality to self-improvement, faultlessness in everything. The perfectionismis a rather complicated and not enough investigated personal feature, the pact of which covers all spheres of human life.
Perfectionism is a personality trait, characterized by a person's striving for flawlessness and setting excessively high performance standards, accompanied by overly critical self-evaluations and concerns regarding others' evaluations. This psychological construct is characterized by a desire of the subject to perfection and by achievement of the results of its activities to the highest standards (moral, aesthetic, intellectual).
The perfectionism effects on the efficiency and effectiveness of the professional activity of the person.Most researchers consider that perfectionism causes a negative influence on the professional activity due to lower productivity, chronic fatigue and dissatisfaction with itself, procrastination, "professional burnout" syndrome, fear of defeat and failure, etc. However, some scholars distinguish a positive influenceon the development of personality. Analysis of the scientific literature helps us to found a positive influence of perfectionism on the professional activity of personality: a key to success and professional fulfillment; conscientiousness constructive aspiration to achievement; outstanding achievements in various fields of professional activities; altruistic social attitudes; increasing self-esteem, self-confidence, positive self-esteem; self-efficacy and self-realization;effective teaching strategies and good academic performance; formation of adaptive coping strategies;positive interpersonal qualities;high level of responsibility; flexibility of behavior,
The prospects for further research are to determine empirically the influence of perfectionism on the professional activity of scientific and pedagogical staff of high school.
Keywords: perfectionism, personality, positive influence, negative influence, professional activity, scientific and pedagogical staff of high school.
В останш роки проблема перфекщошзму е об'ектом уваги все бшьшого кола як зарубiжних так i втизняних вчених. 1нтерес науковщв до цього особистюного конструкту можна пояснити через постшно зростаючi вимоги до особистоси, швидкий темп життя, поширений у суспшьсга культ досконалосп, тощо.
У сучаснш психологи перфекщошзм розглядаеться як особистюний конструкт, який полягае у прагненш суб'екта бути досконалим та бездоганним у всьому, наявшстьвисоких особистюних стандарт, прагнення людини доводити результати будь-яко! власно! дiяльностi