STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE COURSE OF ACTION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
structure / circumstance of the course of action / simple complex / suffix / prefix. / структура / обстоятельство образа действия / простые сложные / суффиксальные / префиксальные.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Zamaleeva Eleonora Ilsurovna

The article is devoted to the structural analysis of the circumstances of the course of action in the Pashto language, as well as to the study of the types of circumstances of the course of action, expressed by adverbs such as: simple, complex, suffixal and prefixal in the last previous types, it is noted how these circumstances of the course of action are formed. In terms of the functional features of adverbs, it is worth noting that an adverb always performs the function of a circumstance in a sentence. For example, the circumstances of time, place, degree, or mode of action. In the adverbialization characteristic of the adverbs of the Pashto language, it can be noted that this paragraph deals with the process of the transition of adverbs to other parts of speech. In the Pashto language, a circumstance is divided into simple, complex, suffixal and prefixal groups.

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Статья посвящена структурному анализу обстоятельства образа действия в языке пашто, а также исследованию типов обстоятельств образа действия, выраженные наречиями такими как: простые, сложные, суффиксальные и префиксальные в последних предыдущих типах отмечается каким способом образуются данные обстоятельства образа действия. По функциональным особенностям наречий стоит отметить, что наречие всегда выполняет функцию обстоятельства в предложении. Например, обстоятельства времени, места, степени, или образа действия. В адвербиализационной характеристике наречий языка пашто, можно отметить, что в данном пункте рассматривается процесс перехода наречий в другие части речи. В языке пашто обстоятельство делится на простые, сложные, суффиксальные и префиксальные группы.


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Zamaleeva Eleonora Ilsurovna Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies

Scientific Researcher Tashkent, Uzbekistan anora [email protected]

Annotatsiya: Maqola Pashtu tilidagi harakatlar jarayoni holatlarini tarkibiy tahlil qilishga, shuningdek, quyidagi qo'shimchalar bilan ifodalangan harakat turidagi holatlarning turlarini o'rganishga bag'ishlangan: sodda, murakkab, oxirgi oldingi turlardagi qo'shimchalar va prefikslar, harakatning ushbu holatlari qanday shakllanganligi qayd etilgan.

Qo'shimchalarning funktsional xususiyatlari nuqtai nazaridan shuni ta'kidlash kerakki, ergash gap har doim gap tarkibidagi holat vazifasini bajaradi. Masalan, vaqt, joy, daraja yoki harakat uslubining holatlari.

Pashtu tili qo 'shimchalariga xos bo 'lgan adverbializatsiya xususida shuni ta'kidlash mumkinki, ushbu paragraf ergash gaplarning boshqa nutq qismlariga o 'tish jarayoni bilan bog'liq.

Pashto tilida vaziyat oddiy, murakkab, qo'shimchali va prefiksli guruhlarga bo 'linadi.

Kalit so'zlar: tuzilishi, harakat yo'nalishi holati, sodda murakkab, qo'shimchalar, prefiks.

Аннотация: Статья посвящена структурному анализу обстоятельства образа действия в языке пашто, а также исследованию типов обстоятельств образа действия, выраженные наречиями такими как: простые, сложные, суффиксальные и префиксальные в последних предыдущих типах отмечается каким способом образуются данные обстоятельства образа действия.

По функциональным особенностям наречий стоит отметить, что наречие всегда выполняет функцию обстоятельства в предложении. Например, обстоятельства времени, места, степени, или образа действия.

В адвербиализационной характеристике наречий языка пашто, можно отметить, что в данном пункте рассматривается процесс перехода наречий в другие части речи.

В языке пашто обстоятельство делится на простые, сложные, суффиксальные и префиксальные группы.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 3

educational, natural and social sciences О ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

Ключевые слова: структура, обстоятельство образа действия, простые сложные, суффиксальные, префиксальные.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the structural analysis of the circumstances of the course of action in the Pashto language, as well as to the study of the types of circumstances of the course of action, expressed by adverbs such as: simple, complex, suffixal and prefixal in the last previous types, it is noted how these circumstances of the course of action are formed.

In terms of the functional features of adverbs, it is worth noting that an adverb always performs the function of a circumstance in a sentence. For example, the circumstances of time, place, degree, or mode of action.

In the adverbialization characteristic of the adverbs of the Pashto language, it can be noted that this paragraph deals with the process of the transition of adverbs to other parts of speech.

In the Pashto language, a circumstance is divided into simple, complex, suffixal and prefixal groups.

Key words: structure, circumstance of the course of action, simple complex, suffix, prefix.


When speaking of structure, one understands the following: The principle of "structure" as an object of research was put forward at the very end of the 1920s by a small group of linguists who opposed the then dominant exclusively historical point of view on language and against such a linguistics that divided language into isolated elements and studied their historical transformations. 1 It is believed that the origins of this trend are associated with the teachings of Ferdinand de Saussure in the form as it was generalized by his Geneva students and published under the title "Course in General Linguistics."2 F. Saussure is rightfully called the forerunner of modern structuralism. And he really is - in everything except the term itself.3 When describing this ideological trend, one cannot approach the issue in a simplistic manner, and it should be emphasized that Saussure never used the word "structure" in any sense. For him, the most essential concept was the concept of a system.


In this article, I used the structural method of researching a scientific topic.

1 E. Benvenist Ponyatie struktury v lingvistike (Benvenist E. Obshchaya lingvistika. - M., 1974. - S. 60-66)

2 O proiskhozhdenii dannoj redakciiée'rale de F. de Saussure, Genève, 1957.

3 «Predtecha prazhskoj fonologii i sovremennogo strukturalizma» (V. Malmberg, Saussure et la phonétique moder ne, «Cahiers F. de Saussure», XII, 1954, str. 17). Sm. takzhe A. J. Greimas, L'actualité du saussurisme, «Le français moderne», 1956, str. 191 i sl.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 3

educational, natural and social sciences 0 ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423


The research findings can be applied to teaching the circumstances section of the course of action.

The philosophical aspect of this point of view in connection with the study of language was considered by E. Cassirer in his work "On the relationship of structural linguistics to other humanities". He believes that some combinations are more common, others less common, there are, finally, such combinations that are theoretically possible, but never realized. To study a language (or each part of a language: phonetics, morphology, etc.) in order to discover and describe the structure that organizes it into a certain system is to adopt a "structuralist" point of view4. Speaking about the circumstances of the course of action in the Pashto language, it can be divided into the following types:

The main types of circumstances of the mode of action expressed in adverbs that stand out in the Pashto language are presented in the following table.

Types of adverbs Education Examples

Simple circumstances of the course of action, expressed in adverbs Consist of one word J&- [g'slay] - silently ^ [dslta] -here [halta] -there J [tsl] -always ujj [parun] -yesterday [sam] right [saba] - tomorrow [klak] - strong [gslay] -silence ^j^ [lire] - far ^^ [nsjde] - close ^j! [aos] - now, now L [nsn] - today j^ [had'o] -all [der] - very, much [ziyat] - a lot [bka] -like, like

4 E. Kassirer (Ernst Cassirer, Structuralism in Modern Linguistics, «Word», I, 1945, str. 99 i sl.). Ob otnoshenii strukturnoj lingvistiki k drugim gumanitarnym naukam sm. A. G. Haudricourt, Méthode scientifique et linguistique structurale, «L'Année Sociologique», 1959, str. 31-48.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 3

educational, natural and social sciences 0 ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

Complex or compound circumstances of the course of action, expressed in adverbs Consist of two words Can be formed using prepositions and postpositions, as well as other parts of speech [kal ps kal] - JK J^-year over the year, [vradz ps vradz] -tJJ tJJ from day to day, day after day, J ^j- [vaxt psr vaxt] from time to time, J [dam tsr dama] -continuously, [ksla ksla] - sometimes

Circumstances of the course of action formed by suffixes (suffix circumstances of the course of action) Formed in a suffix way [mardana] - bravely, [do'stana] - amicably, j^jjL- [xudsarana] -arbitrarily [ablahana] stupid [ozadana] independently, free ^Ji^ [jabirana] by force [tabibana] medicinally [betabana] eagerly ^j'jjl^lj [nabavarana] uncertain

Circumstances of a course of action formed by prefixes (prefix adverbs) Prefixed ^i- [betabana] -impatiently [navaxta] -late, not in time singing, [napexa] - suddenly ^i [beixtiyata] recklessly [betsanda] slow [bexoba] sleepless

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4-"j ^ [bewasa] weak 4?^ ^ [beayba] flawless

Simple adverbs:

In the Pashto language, simple adverbs are not divided into component parts. Examples:




J^ ^-^IJJ jjJjla JJ 421

[dslta tsr cawduno trafiki pes i der xalsk wuzani] There are many explosions, tragic events, people die here.

In this example, a simple adverb consisting of one word functions, which denotes a place of action; this circumstance of the way of action of a place is located at the beginning of a sentence.

Examples with the circumstance of the mode of action of the place:




4jjjLajjJ jllj 4-1^1j J 421* jlj£2

[pakistan takrar takrar kre ce halta ds wasla walu petenjaiuna nesta] Pakistan claimed that there are no armed clandestine places there.

In this example, the simple circumstance of the place of action of the place is involved, which indicates the place of the happening event. In this regard, it can be concluded that the mode of action can be understood in different ways, for example, as an indication of the location of the place, it is associated with the action in this regard, it can be assumed that the place itself functions as a mode of action.

7<^lj (J^ 4j2^jJ (JJ 4iA ^k 4j 421* jk.

[xo halta tsok ham na lidsl kedsl che haga tre postsna ksri way]

There is no one in sight of whom he asked.

5 E. Kassirer (Ernst Cassirer, Structuralism in Modern Linguistics, «Word», I, 1945, str. 99 i sl.). Ob otnoshenii strukturnoj lingvistiki k drugim gumanitarnym naukam sm. A. G. Haudricourt, Méthode scientifique et linguistique structurale, «L'Année Sociologique», 1959, str. 31-48.

6 E. Kassirer (Ernst Cassirer, Structuralism in Modern Linguistics, «Word», I, 1945, str. 99 i sl.). Ob otnoshenii strukturnoj lingvistiki k drugim gumanitarnym naukam sm. A. G. Haudricourt, Méthode scientifique et linguistique structurale, «L'Année Sociologique», 1959, str. 31-48.

7 . .JJI^ .JJ.. ùl*^ .(¿^J"?" j^jJ .ÔJJI^

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 3

educational, natural and social sciences 0 ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

In this example, the circumstance of the mode of action of the place, which indicates the place where the action takes place, also functions and connects with what is happening.

silently [g'slay] J^

lsj J^ J^ IJJ. [dwara gley nasti wey] The two sat in silence.

In this example, a simple circumstance of an image of an action functions, which indicates how an action occurs and functions in a simple sentence, and also defines a verb.

In this regard, the candidate's dissertation by R.F. Akhmedova can be noted. "Force tilida trach holning structure va semantics tasnifi", which says that Russian and Iranian scholars divide adverbs in Persian into the following types according to meaning: state, time, place, reason and quantity. Of the types of forms mentioned above, the circumstance of the course of action can be expressed using the above listed forms.

As noted by Yu.A. Rubinchik, the main syntactic function of the circumstance of the mode of action is the expression of the state of speech. In the Pashto language, one can observe the same linguistic division of the circumstances of the course of action.


In the Pashto language, the adverb has its own typology; in this section, the following types of circumstances of the course of action, expressed by adverbs, such as: simple, complex, suffixal and prefixal, are noted in the last previous types in what way these circumstances of the course of action are formed.

In terms of the functional features of adverbs, it is worth noting that an adverb always performs the function of a circumstance in a sentence. For example, the circumstances of time, place, degree, or mode of action.

In the adverbialization characteristic of the Pashto language adverbs, it can be noted that this paragraph deals with the process of the transition of adverbs to other parts of speech.

The results of the study, according to the second chapter, allow us to draw the following conclusions:

In the Pashto language, a circumstance is divided into simple, complex, suffixal and prefixal groups.

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The morphological means of expressing the circumstances of the course of action in the Pashto language are varied. In the course of our research, we collected artificial words, compound words (determinative and aggregate), phrases (forms + adjectives, verbal phrases, auxiliary compounds, complex phrases), phraseological units. The number of collected examples is 60. Of these, the following percentage of means of expressing the state of the Pashto language was found: prefixes 50%, compound words 15%, artificial words 12% (words with prefixes 8%, words with prefixes 3.5%, semi-attached words 0, 5%), phrases 4%.

The means of expressing the circumstances of the mode of action, that is, forms and qualities, differ in that the groups of words are interrelated. It was found that many of the primitive forms that express the state of style in Persian also fall under the category of adjectives. Since this question is not within the scope of our research task, we did not delve into the definition of which group of words these words belong to. It should be noted that it was observed that linguists did not reach a consensus as to which word group to include words related to both the form and the adjective. In Persian, adjectives are related to each other.

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