УДК 519.86
Khudoyorov L.N.
Karshi branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Kharizmi,
Head of the department
Discusses the problems of marketing small business. Evaluated management use of mathematical methods. The expediency of use of methods of economic-mathematical and econ-ometric modeling in small business. Describes the application of SWOT analysis in the operation of small businesses.
Key words:
small business, economic-mathematical methods, econometric models, analysis.
Carrying out a statistical analysis of the dynamics of small business development in the cross-section of regions, determining its specific features, and defining promising directions taking into account regional aspects are among the issues that await their solution in raising the development of small business to a new level. Taking this into account, this paragraph of the scientific research aims to carry out a statistical analysis of the dynamics of small business development in the Kashkadarya region, in particular, in the city of Kashkadarya.
First, if we briefly describe the current state of small business in Kashkadarya region based on statistical data, the number of small business entities operating as of January 1, 2021 is 25,297. Currently, their share in the region's gross regional product (GDP) has reached 69.6%. The small sector employs 74.2 percent of the economy (540.9 thousand people). It is known from the above analysis that the share of small business entities in the formation of important economic indicators in the Kashkadarya region is quite large. However, the level of development in the territorial units of the region and their difference from each other are important in ensuring the sustainable development of small business.
Based on the above considerations, we found it permissible to evaluate the dynamics of small business development in the city of Kary and the difference in comparison with the indicators of the region by performing a comparative analysis on the basis of quantitative and qualitative indicators. Although the dynamics of the share of small businesses in the production of industrial products has a tendency to increase in the region, it is possible to observe a decrease in the city of Krasny. In general, by 2020, the difference between them will decrease. In other words, it can be seen that the share of small business in the production of industrial products in the city of Karasi was 86.1 percent in 2011, and it has almost halved to 46.8 percent by 2020. In the region, these indicators are 16.0 and 34.7 percent, respectively. The situation in the city of Karshi can be explained as follows, that is, in the following period, the opening of large industrial enterprises in the city and the sharp increase in the volume of industrial products caused a decrease in the share of products created by small businesses.
The importance of small business in the cultivation of agricultural products, which is considered one of the important and basic branches of the economy, is very great, and in its dynamics, it is possible to observe imperceptible fluctuations that do not have a general trend. That is, if the share of small businesses in the production of agricultural products in the region increased from 99.0 percent to 99.8 percent, repeated occurrences of increasing and decreasing trends were observed in the opposite city. As a result, by 2020 it will be 94.1 percent, which is 2.2 percent less than in 2011. However, in 2014, reaching the highest value, it was 99.7 percent.
In the field of trade, there have been sharp changes in the share of small business, while the share of small business in the region reached 85.9% by 2016, which increased by 2.3 times compared to the previous year, by
2017, a sharp decrease was observed compared to the previous year, that is, it decreased to 46.8%. . As a result, it decreased by 1.4 times. In general, by 2020, the share of small business in the field of trade in the region was 90.0 percent, and in the city of Kazi, it was 80.6 percent. If we conclude from this, the indicator's lowness compared to the regional average justifies the possibility of increasing the share of small business in the trade sector in the opposite city.
The share of small business in attracting investments was 67.8 percent in Kashkadarya region, and 66.3 percent in Kashkadarya region. The share of small business in investment increased by 1.7% in Kashkadarya region in 2020 compared to 2019, and decreased by 23.3% in the opposite city. In this case, the city's indicator is lower than the general one, which justifies the fact that the available opportunities are not fully used.
At this point, a correlational analysis was carried out in order to determine whether or not there is a correlation between the development of small business entities in the region and the development indicators of its territorial units and industries.
In the city of Karshi, there is an inverse correlation between the share of small businesses in the production of industrial products and all the selected indicators. It is also known from the above analysis that the share of small business in the industry of the city of Kary is very high in the initial period, and its decrease is observed in the later period. The main problem here is the failure to maintain the status quo and the ratio, that is, the ratio in the development of large and small businesses is not ensured. It can be seen that there are problems in ensuring the development of small business in the industry, and it is required to ensure the development of large and small business in mutually appropriate proportions.
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2. The Development Of Informational And Analytical Support Systems For Decision-Making And Forecasting Of Industrial Enterprises'activityks Muxitdinov, LN Khudoyorov - SCIENCE AND WORLD, 2013
3. Nasritdinov G. Econometrics. Training manual. - T .: «ECONOMY-FINANCE», 2008. - p 252.
© Khudoyorov L. N., 2023
УДК 53
Донская М.М.
Государственный университет аэрокосмического приборостроения,
Санкт-Петербург, Российская Федерация
Статья посвящена клеевым соединениям и влиянию на них адгезии. В основе функциональности клея лежит его ключевая роль в надежном соединении элементов за счет поверхностной адгезии. При столкновении с широким спектром вариантов клея основное внимание уделяется выбору тех, которые способны приклеиваться к предполагаемым материалам.
Ключевые слова
адгезия, токопроводящий, клей, соединение, система, наполнитель.