Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
This article statistically examines the specific features of the services provided and the impact of the volume of services provided in order to increase real per capita income in the regions.
Keywords: Production, services, region, real income, statistical evaluation, average.
В данной статье статистически рассматриваются особенности оказываемых услуг и влияние объема оказываемых услуг на увеличение реальных доходов на душу населения в регионах.
Ключевые слова: производство, услуги, регион, реальный доход, статистическая оценка, средний показатель.
Statistical accounting of services provided in statistics, including services provided in the regions Further improvement of statistical accounting in the field of services and the state of the market in the service sector, taking into account their new types, including services in urban and rural areas helps to determine the order of formation of statistical data on.
Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-5113 of May 11, 2021 "On measures to accelerate the development of the services sector" aims to improve the statistical accounting of services provided in the regions.
To this end, the modernization and diversification of the services sector, the optimal implementation of its composition in line with modern requirements will be an important factor in increasing the value added in GDP. At present, the share of services in the economy of the republic is growing significantly. This growth in the service sector can be explained by a number of factors, including: the emergence of dozens of new types of services in the market, namely, payments by credit cards, ecommerce, new shopping malls, catering establishments, opening hotels, expanding educational services, leisure arts, tourism and so on.
Roziev Alisher Ibroimovich
Senior Lecturer, Tashkent Financial Institute
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, p VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3
educational, natural and social sciences ISSN 2181-1784
Scientific Journal Impact Factor Q SJIF 2022: 5.947
Advanced Sciences Index Factor ASI Factor = 1.7
The volume of services provided in the literature is defined as the value of market services provided by all service providers (legal entities and individuals) that specialize in the production of services and the provision of services is not the main activity.
We will consider the impact of the volume of services provided in the regions of the country in order to increase real per capita income. To do this, we use data from 2020 (Table 1).
Table 1
Information on the volume of services provided by regions and real gross
per capita income (2020)
Regions The volume of services provided by the regions billion soums. Real income per capita thousand soums.
The Republic of Karakalpakstan 6 520,3 8367,2
Andijon 11 413,0 9559,3
Bukhara 9 843,1 12924,4
Jizzax 5 024,7 9703,6
Qashqadaryo 10 349,5 8999,8
Navoi 5 840,5 17980,6
Namangan 8 928,6 8258,3
Samarkand 14 086,1 9447,4
Surxondaryo 8 013,9 8729,7
Sirdaryo 3 303,0 9663,6
Tashkent region 16 438,3 11633,9
Fergana 13 694,4 7850,2
Khorezm 6 461,2 10919,5
Tashkent city 79 879,3 22080,8
Statistical assessment of the impact of changes in the volume of services provided by regions on real per capita income.
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
obs : vars :
14 2
General characteristics of indicators
24 Feb 2022 22:15
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
HBKXHmlrdsomx double %10.0g HBKXH-mlrd.sorm (x)
AJBRUDmingsomy double %10.0g AJBRUD ming.so fm (y)
Visual statistics of indicators
Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
HBKXHmlrds~x 14 14271. 14 19251 .95 3303 79879.3
AJBRUDming~y 14 11151. 31 4083 .58 7850.181 22080.84
These data provide information on the volume of services provided in 14 regions of the country and the real total per capita income.
The average volume of services provided in the regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2020 X = 14271.14 billion soums. The difference between the set and the average o = 19251.95 billion soums. In particular, the volume of services provided in 14 regions amounted to 3303.0 < X < 79879.3 billion soums.
The average real per capita income in these 14 regions is X = 11151.31 thousand soums. The difference from the average of the package was (7 = 4083.58 thousand soums. In particular, in 14 regions the real total per capita income amounted to 7850.18 < X < 2 2080.84 thousand soums.
We use a point chart to determine the relationship between the volume of services provided in the regions and the real total per capita income.
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
Point diagram
o o o m
o o o o
o o o in
o o o o
o o o m
20000 40000
HBKXH-mlrd.so'm (x)
• AJBRUD ming.so'm (y)
Fitted values
As we can see from this graph, there is a linear relationship between the services provided and the real gross per capita income.
We found that the relationship between the volume of services provided and real gross per capita income is linear. Now we need to determine the strength of the connection.
This figure was first proposed by British scientists Golton and Pearson. The correlation coefficient ranges from -1 to +1. If the correlation coefficient is negative, the correlation is inverse, and if it is positive, the presence of a linear correlation is recognized. It is with this feature that this indicator differs from other indicators, and this is its advantage over others. As the correlation coefficient approaches, the strength of the coupling increases, and vice versa. Cheddock scales are used in statistics to qualitatively assess the characteristics that characterize the bond density.
Cheddock scales
Bond density 0,1 -0,3 0,3-0,5 0,50,7 0, 7-0,9 0,90,99
Connectivity em pty averag e notice able hi gh too high
We determine the strength of the relationship between the volume of services provided and real gross per capita income by the correlation coefficient
xy - x ■ y
r =
a a
x y
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
HBKXHmlrds~x 1.0000
AJBRUDming~y 0.7354 1.0000
Hence, when we determine the correlation between the volume of services provided in the regions and real gross per capita income by the correlation coefficient, the correlation is strong r = 0.7354, which corresponds to a high straight-line correlation. The more we increase the volume of services provided in the regions, the more real total per capita income will increase.
It is known that the density of the bond between the factor character and the resulting character cannot be equal together. If they are equal together, there is a functional connection between them, not a correlation. If it is zero, there is no correlation between them at all.
The following regression equation is used to estimate the linear relationship between the volume of services provided and real gross per capita income:
yx = a0 + ax x
where: a0 -free limit, 0 - coefficient of the regression equation. and the parameters of the regression equation are also called. These parameters are found using the small squares method. That is SO'-2 or
. If the expression at any value of the parameters tends to zero, the parameters are found by the following system of normal equations
nao+a Xx=X y
a0 X x + ax X x2 =X xy
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
Source SS df MS Number of obs
F(1, 12)
Model 117239602 1 117239602 Prob > F
Residual 99543581.4 12 8295298.45 R-squared
Adj R-squared
Total 216783184 13 16675629.5 Root MSE
14 14.13 0.0027 0.5408 0.5025 2880.2
AJBRUDmings~y Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
HBKXHmlrdsomx .1559878 .0414925 3.76 0.003 .0655835 .2463922
_cons 8925.184 971.1628 9.19 0.000 6809.202 11041.17
yx = 0.155 + 8925.
It is necessary to take the following measures to develop the service sector in the country, especially to expand the range and improve the quality of services provided in the regions:
> To increase the role and share of services in the formation of GDP, as indicated in the Development Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026, to achieve a radical change in the structure of services at the expense of modern hightech types;
> development of service enterprises in rural settlements, first of all, utilities, repair and construction of housing, production of agricultural products;
> based on the specifics of each region, we consider it appropriate to create conditions for achieving an increase in the share of small business and private
entrepreneurship in the service sector.
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Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
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