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Savkin V.I., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Савкин В.И., доктор экономических наук, профессор Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Orel State Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhin", Orel, Russia
ФГБОУ ВО «Орловский государственный аграрный университет имени H.B. Парахина», Орел, Россия E-mail: [email protected]
The environmentally-oriented development can essentially change the economic situation in the country. The purpose of this study is to develop a system of directions and measures of the state support for the environmental development in the agricultural sector of the economy. The object of this research is the economic processes and phenomena that determine the state support for the environmental development in the agricultural sector of the economy. The methodological basis of this research is based on the synthesis of various approaches in the framework of implementation of the state support for environmental development in the agricultural sector of the economy. In research are used the following methods: analysis, synthesis, deduction, and analogy. The scientific novelty consists in the author's description of the features of modern environmentally oriented development, as well as the proposed directions and measures of the state support in the agricultural sector of the economy. In recent years, the generation of waste products in agriculture has been consistently maintained at a high level. This indicates the lack of a systematic approach to this problem, including on the part of the authorities. The state, as a form of organization of society, ensures the interests of people in all spheres, including a guarantee that the state support for environmental development in the agricultural sector of the economy takes place. In this regard, achieving the goals of environmental development in the agricultural sector of the economy is possible only by purposefully modernizing the directions and measures of state support in this area. It is proposed to focus on six areas that provide coverage of industrial, social and innovative environmental-oriented needs of society. The practical significance of research lies in the possibility of applying the results by the authorities of rural sector of the economy to the development of adequate state environmentally oriented policies that the sustainable development of the rural areas ensures.
Key words: state support, agricultural sector of the economy, environmental development, environmental protection costs, state environmental policy, sustainable development.
Эколого-ориентированное развитие может существенно изменить экономическую ситуацию в стране. Цель работы - разработка системы направлений и мер государственная поддержка экологического развития в аграрном секторе экономики. Объектом исследования являются экономические процессы и явления, определяющие государственную поддержку экологического развития в аграрном секторе экономики. Методологическая база исследования основывается на синтезе различных подходов, в рамках реализации государственной поддержки экологического развития в аграрном секторе экономики. В исследовании использованы методы - анализ, синтез, дедукция и аналогия. Научная новизна состоит в авторской характеристике особенностей современного экологоориентированного развития, а также предлагаемых направлениях и мерах государственной поддержки в аграрном секторе экономики. В последние годы образование отходов производства и потреблениям в сельском хозяйстве стабильно держится на высоком уровне. Это показывает на отсутствие системного подхода к данной проблеме, в том числе и со стороны органов власти. Государство, как форма организации общества, призвано обеспечивать интересы людей во всех сферах, в том
числе гарантировать государственную поддержу экологического развития в аграрном секторе экономики. В этой связи, достижение целей экологического развития в аграрном секторе экономики возможно лишь целенаправленно модернизировав направления и меры государственной поддержки в этой сфере. Предлагается сосредоточиться на шести направлениях, которые обеспечивают охват производственных, социальных и инновационных экологоориентированных потребностей общества. Практическая значимость исследования состоит в возможности применения результатов органами управления аграрным сектором экономики при формировании адекватной государственной экологоориентированной государственной политики, обеспечивающей устойчивое развитие сельских территорий.
Ключевые слова: государственная поддержка, аграрный сектор экономики, экологическое развитие, затраты на охрану окружающей среды, государственная экологическая политики, устойчивое развитие.
Introduction. The global environmental problems related to climate change, loss of biological diversity, desertification and other negative processes for the environment, increasing environmental damage from the natural disasters and man-made disasters, pollution of atmospheric air, surface and underground waters, as well as the marine environment, affect the interests of the Russian Federation and its citizens [1].
The environmentally-oriented development can essentially change the economic situation in the country. It is impossible to solve the major economic problems and thus achieve a sustainable type of development without improving the environmental situation, including in the rural sector of the economy.
The environmental situation in the agricultural sector of the economy is influenced by factors operating in different spheres, at different levels and with different scales of impact. The key ones include: policies that lead to intensive use of natural resources (resource-exploiting investment policy); imperfect legislation; lack of an environmentally balanced long-term economic strategy, underestimation of sustainable development; naturally-resource nature of exports, etc. In addition, the human development index today is formed taking into account the pollution of water and atmosphere resources, as well as the environmental situation in the field of waste management [2]. The modern global economy is not suitable for achieving the sustainable development goals and leads to a social and environmental crisis [3-5]. In this regard, the green economy is the universal and transformative change in the global status quo that contributes to the achievement of goals such as poverty eradication, decent working conditions and economic growth, as well as sustainable consumption and production [6].
Currently, it is important for the agricultural sector and rural areas to create a framework of effective (indirect and direct) economic instruments and regulators that provide the favorable climate for the environmentally oriented development.
The practical significance of this research lies in the possibility of applying the results by the administrating authorities of the agricultural sector of the economy in the creation of an adequate state environmentally oriented policy that the sustainable development of the rural areas provides.
Conditions, materials, and methods. The methodological basis of research is based on the synthesis of various approaches, methods and tools in the framework of implementation of state support for the environmental development in the agricultural sector of the economy. The following methods are used in this research: analysis, synthesis, deduction, and analogy.
The study object is the economic processes and phenomena that determine the state support for the environmental development in rural sector of economy. The objective of this research work is to develop a system of measures of the state support for the environmental development in the agricultural sector of the economy.
The scientific novelty consists in the author's description of the features of modern environmentally oriented development, as well as the proposed directions and measures of the government support in the agricultural sector of the economy.
Results and discussion. The high dynamics of agro-industrial production directly affects the increase in anthropogenic pressure on the environment. The processes leading to the loss of agricultural land fertility and to their withdrawal from economic circulation are intensively developing. 27 subjects of the Russian Federation, covering the area of more than 100 million hectares, are affected by desertification to some extent. The amount of waste that is not involved in the secondary economic turnover, but is sent for disposal, is increasing. At the same time, the conditions of storage and disposal of waste do not meet the requirements of environmental safety [1]. From 2016 to 2019 generation and consumption of agriculture waste is stable at the level of 41499.2-49242.3 thousand tons (Tab. 1). This eloquently indicates the lack of a systematic approach to solving this problem, including on the part of the state.
The characteristics of the agrarian sector of the economy that shape the environment development are determined by: high nature risks, hierarchical management structure, lack of competence in environmental impacts of economic activities and weak social structures' «immunity» to environmental pollution [7]. All this should be taken into account when building a new system of environmental and economic development of the agricultural sector with the active participation of the state.
Table 1 - Generation and consumption of waste product in Russian Federation, in
thousands ton [8]
Value years
2016 2017 2018 2019
Total 5 441313,5 6220643,4 7266054,0 7750877,3
among them - agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming 49242,3 41499,2 42773,7 47664,2
The state, as a form of social organization based on public authorities and government bodies, ensures the interests of people in all spheres, including a guarantee that the support of environmental development to the subjects of the agricultural sector of the economy takes place. At the same time, in recent years, on the one hand, there has been an increase in current (operational) costs for environmental protection, and on the other hand, a decrease in the cost of research and development to reduce negative anthropogenic impacts on the environment from 1022 million rubles in 2013 to 219 million rubles. in 2019 (Tab. 2.). Such a trend is unacceptable in a state focused on the sustainable development of economic sectors and decent living conditions of the population.
Table 2 - Current (operational) costs of environmental protection in the Russian Federation, in actual prices, million rubles [8]_
Years Total Research and development activities to reduce negative anthropogenic impacts on the environment
2013 254377 1022
2014 269838 937
2015 292074 582
2016 306534 647
2017 320947 464
2018 345464 205
2019 374411 219
Modernization of the agricultural sector of the economy within the framework of institutional and structural reforms should ensure the formation of a new model of management based on adequate state support for environmental development. The principles of the State policy in the field of environmental development of Russia for the period up to 2030 approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the 30th of April 2012 states "the obligation of the Government of the Russian Federation to ensure effective activities in the field of environmental protection and nature management, which will contribute to the achievement of the national goals of environmental development of the Russian Federation [9-11]. The deficiency of adequate regulation of state support for environmental development in the agricultural sector of the economy leads to difficult situations in the production, social and innovation spheres. In this regard, the achievement of the goals of ecological development in the agricultural sector of the economy is possible only by purposefully modernizing the directions and measures in a single system designed to ensure its sustainable development. It is proposed to focus on 6 areas (finance, modernization, innovation, public initiatives, consultation, infrastructure) that cover production, social and innovative environmental-oriented needs (Fig.).
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Figure - System of directions and measures of state support for environmental development in the agricultural sector of the economy1
State support for the environmental development in the agricultural sector of the economy is a mobile, variable phenomenon provided by the interaction of a number of factors. Its significant advantage is the possibility of ensuring the sustainable development of agricultural and industrial production and rural areas, taking into account the global trend of the ecological well-being of the population. Along with restrictive measures at the state level, such as prohibitions, obligations, and coercion,
1 Developed by the author
a motivating mechanism should be used more widely and actively, which is designed to ensure the consistency of environmental-oriented development. Due to the fact that non-financial incentives are currently heavily devalued, it is on this tool that you should focus attention. The tools of non-material incentives in this case will be corporate training, coaching, empowerment and elements of participatory management.
Thus, state support for environmental development in the agricultural sector of the economy should be based on the use of a system of directions and measures, taking into account modern trends, the basis of which is the rejection of command and administrative management methods in favor of motivational tools of non-material incentives. It should be targeted, differentiated and purposeful, forming, in addition to economic efficiency, moral standards of environmental development.
Conclusions. The harmony of human social life with the environment is becoming the highest priority of any state today. The development of eco-oriented production can significantly change not only the environmental situation, but also solve problems in the national economy and living conditions of the population. In the agricultural sector, state support for environmental development is not only vital, but also brings economic benefits, by reducing fines and costs for the disposal of production and consumption waste. The key areas that ensure the development of state support for environmental development in the agricultural sector of the economy are: finance, modernization, innovation, public initiatives, consultations and infrastructure. Each of the identified areas, together with the motivational tools, should guarantee the implementation of appropriate measures of state support for environmental development in the agricultural sector of the economy and thereby achieve sustainable development.
1. Basics of the state policy in the field of environmental development of Russia for the period up to 2030 (approved by the President of the Russian Federation on the 30th April 2012)-http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/15177 (access date: 19.03.2021).
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4. Savkin V.I. Hidden environmental management in agricultural production // Management in Russia and abroad. 2019. No. 4. Pp. 101 -106.
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6. Challenges and prospects for a green economy //URL: https://www.eco-business.com/opinion/challenges-and-prospects-green-economy/ (access date: 19.03.2021).
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8. Federal State Statistics Service // URL:https://rosstat.gov.ru/folder/11194 (access date: 19.03.2021).
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