Научная статья на тему 'Starter cultures in the function of the quantitative and qualitative properties of white brined cheese'

Starter cultures in the function of the quantitative and qualitative properties of white brined cheese Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Veleska Steve, Velevski Slavko, Chokuzovski Igorce, Presilski Stefce

A typical representative of the type of soft brined cheese is the kind of white soft brined cheese. Today, in the industrial production of brined cheese, a great emphasis is put on the production of this kind of cheese in a qualitative and hygienic way by using advanced technologies. The use of appropriate starter cultures in the production of brined cheese is a significant top quality and quantity factor. In this research on industrial production of brined cheese, three starter cultures varieties are used: Variety A (SMCH -5) contains the following bacterial species: Lb. bulgaricus, Str. thermophilus and Lb. Acidophilus, Variety B (Choozit Feta A) consists of: Lac. lactis ssp. lactis, Lac. lactis ssp. cremoris, Str. thermophilus, Lb. bulgaricus and Lb. helveticus, and Variety C (MOTC 092 EE) contains the following species: Lac. lactis ssp. lactis, Str. thermophilus, Lb. bulgaricus, Lb. helveticus and Lb. casei. Starter cultures had a significant influence on the dynamics of the dry matter, moisture, active acidity, titratable acidity and the content of fat in the dry matter. Results show that Variety B has the best quality and quantity properties of white brined cheese.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Starter cultures in the function of the quantitative and qualitative properties of white brined cheese»

Scientific Research of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria - Plovdiv, series B. Natural Sciences and Humanities, Vol. XVII, ISSN 1311-9192, International Conference of Young Scientists, 11 - 13 June 2015, Plovdiv


Steve Veleska1*, Slavko Velevski2,Igorce Chokuzovski3, Prof. Dr. Stefce Presilski4 University: St. Kliment Ohridski - Bitola

Faculty of Biotecnical science - Bitola, Republic of Macedonia


A typical representative of the type of soft brined cheese is the kind of white soft brined cheese. Today, in the industrial production of brined cheese, a great emphasis is put on the production of this kind of cheese in a qualitative and hygienic way by using advanced technologies. The use of appropriate starter cultures in the production of brined cheese is a significant top quality and quantity factor. In this research on industrial production of brined cheese, three starter cultures varieties are used: Variety A (SMCH -5) contains the following bacterial species: Lb. bulgaricus, Str. thermophilus and Lb. Acidophilus, Variety B (Choozit Feta A) consists of: Lac. lactis ssp. lac-tis, Lac. lactis ssp. cremoris, Str. thermophilus, Lb. bulgaricus and Lb. helveticus, and Variety C (MOTC 092 EE) contains the following species: Lac. lactis ssp. lactis, Str. thermophilus, Lb. bulgaricus, Lb. helveticus and Lb. casei. Starter cultures had a significant influence on the dynamics of the dry matter, moisture, active acidity, titratable acidity and the content of fat in the dry matter. Results show that Variety B has the best quality and quantity properties of white brined cheese.

Key words: white brined cheese, starter cultures, properties, quality


Cheese is the oldest dairy product which was produced even 8000 years ago. In the world, cheese is a product with high food and biological values. The production of the type of white brined cheese is present in the Balkan Peninsula, Mediterranean region, East Europe and North Africa. White brined cheese is a national dairy product and it is the most consumed cheese in the Republic of Macedonia. According to the State Statistical Office (2014), in the Republic of Macedonia, in the first place by consumption is brined cheese with 7,4 kg per capita, then comes the curd with 2,5 kg and in the third place is the yellow cheese with 2,4 kg. Starter cultures are kinds of microorganisms which change lactose into lactic acid. According to (El Soda М. et al., 2003), the use of commercial starter cultures in the industrial production of cheese is a vital step for obtaining a standard final product with recognizable features.

Material and methods

As a testing material in this research the white cow brined cheese is used, which is produced in an industrial way in dairy industry "Milkom" - village Nogaevci, Veles, Republic of Macedonia. As auxiliary raw materials in the production of this kind of cheese are used the following: rennet powder Chymax Extra Powder with strength of 2080 IMCU (1,5 g/100 l milk) from Chr. Hansen, Denmark, granular solid calcium chloride (20 g/100 l milk), blego colour (10 ml/100 l milk) from Chr. Hansen, Denmark, coarse sea salt and starter cultures composed of lactic bacteria - Variety A (SMCH - 5) from the Lb. lactis Company - Republic of Bulgaria, comprised of the following microorganisms: Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophius and Lactobacillus acidophilus; Variety B (Choozit Feta A) from the Danisco Company - Denmark, comprised of the following microorganisms: Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis, Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Lactobacillus helveticus and Variety C (MOTC 092 EE) from the Sacco Clerici Company - Italy, comprised of the following microorganisms: Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus helveticus and Lactobacillus casei. All analysis was conducted in the laboratory of the Institute of food at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. The dynamics of conducting the necessary analysis was on 1st, 10th, 30th and 60th day in 5 repetitions.

Results and discussion

The technological process of producing white brined cheese is a series of continuous operations. The technology for production of this kind of cheese in dairy industry "Milkom" is shown in the schematic diagram 1.

❖ Arrival of raw milk

❖ Filtration

❖ Standardization ❖ Pasteurization (72 0C/15 sec.)

❖ Cooling at a temperature of 34 0C

❖ Addition of CaCl2 (0,02%), blego colour (10 ml/100 l milk) and inoculation

with starter cultures ❖ Addition of Chymax Extra Powder (1,5 g/100 l milk)

❖ Processing of the milk coagulum

❖ Pressing (2,5-3 h)

❖ Cutting into cubes, setting into a brine with a strength of 18%, temperature 16-18 0C and pH value 4,4-4,8, for a period of 12-14 hours

❖ Packaging of cheese and adding brine with a strength of 8%, temperature 16

0C h pH value 4,2-4,6

❖ Fermentation (15-17 0C/30 days)

❖ Storage (2-4 0C) Schematic diagram 1. Technology for production white brine cheese

Fermentation and storage of white brined cheese occurs in brine. It conditions the specific chemical and microbiological processes which take place in it (Presilski S., 2004). The degree of dehydration in white brined cheese is significantly influenced by the kinds of microorganisms of the starter cultures because with the decrease of the active acidity it comes to an increase of the dry matter, and thus a decrease in the percentage of moisture. According to ( Cobanova - Vasi-levska R.,2007), the concentration of dry matter in white brined cheese, produced in an industrial way, by using 5 types of starter cultures, after 60 days of fermentation is from 46,60 to 51,20%. Bojanic Rasovic M. et al. (2010) point out that the percentage of dry matter for the production of autochthonous white cheese in Montenegro is 47,75%. In this context, from the results of this research it can be concluded that dry matter on the first day of white brined cheese fermentation in the three varieties has quite equal values: 41,52% (variety C); 41,67% (variety B) and 41,94%

(variety A). The largest increase in this parameter occurred in the first 10 days when it came to an entering of salt from the brine into the cheese and a migration of water in an opposite direction. It led to an increase of the dry matter of 45,69% (variety A); 45,03% (variety B) and 45,85% (variety C). In the following period, from the fermentation to the 30th day, cheese continues with shrinkage so that the percentage of dry matter increased up to 47,15% (variety B); 47,99% (variety C) and reached the ultimate 48,08% (variety A). But after the finished fermentation (30 days) i.e. by the change of cheese storing from the fermentation chamber 0Ce) to the storage chamber (2 - 4 0C), in all varieties a part of the brine is absoebed in the curd, so that a certain reduction of 0he dry matter, aid consequently an increase of the moisture was noticed. After 60 days, lowest cinte n0 of the dry naatter was noticed if variety B (46,f 3%), tCen followed variety C with 40,50% and the highest perceatage was determined in variety A with 47,88%. The dty matter dyfamics in white brined cheese by us ing the three variehes of startef cultures is shown in Graph 1 .

e< 4 e tr ii 4 e< nn Q 3 t 1 1 =i i ■ Vtriciy A ■ "Variety B Variety C

1 day 10 day 30 day 60 day

Graph 1. The dry matte r dy namics in white brined cheese

The quantity of moisture in brined cheese dependr not only on the lactic bacteria that take part in clieese fermentation, nut also on the fennentation temperature, the concentration of brine, the quality of" added calcium chloride into the milk and brine, the tsnhnoiogical procedures in the production, the acif ity of brine and otheb factors. Aacocding to (Cobanova - Vasilevska R., 2007) the percentrgc of mristuie in white brined cow's ehenre is from 48,C0% io 5t,40%. From the results abnut tf e dynamfcs of the moirture conOen) it can be concluded that the gteahest migration of moisture in white nrined chreso occurs; nutsng the first 10 days when it comer to an entering of salt into the cheeie and increase in the cuod acidity. On the 10th day, the; moisture reached up to a concentration o) 54,15% (Variety C); 54,3 i°/s (vanity A) and 54,97% (vrriety IB). Reduction of the moiiture was found on ihe 30tir day, wVle tins' storafe of cheest ai lowur temperatures it comes to a minimum increase tn the content of moittuse in the varieties. Aiftet the completed fermentation (60th day), thus lowest percentage of moisdure wrs reached in variety At "52,12%), then followed variety C (f2,44%) while the higheit eontenf reachrd variety IB by using; Cnoozit Fnta A (53,07%S. Thetefoee, variety B has the besr economic effects in dairy industry fecause it has the highest concentration of moisruie and consequentlf the best necessafy qucntify of milk for production of lkg of cheese. Thre reiults are in accordance to the retults oa (Dozet N. bt al.,1e96) as well ar to (Aiufantakis E.M., 1990 who examined white brined cheese in the Mediterranean region.

Graph 2. The quantity ol moisture in brined cheese

The active acidity (pH) is defined as a concentration of the hydrogen ions. This parameter according to (Baltadzieva М.,1993) has a control function and reflects the buffer capacity of cheese because when increasing the concentration of hydrogen or hydroxyl ions at a certain degree, the active acidity does not change. According to the results of this research after 60 days, the lowest pH value is determined in variety А (4,42), then comes variety C (4,45), while the highest pH value is measured in variety B (4,48). From the used starter cultures in this research, it can be concluded that they have a moderate pace of acidification which is desirable in the production of brined cheese. The fast lactic process may lead to a large production of lactic acid, decrease in moisture, quick extinction of spherical forms of lactic bacteria, and that would provide getting a hard and crumbly cheese with specific organoleptic defects. From the results it can be concluded that the pH value is within normal values because according to (Anifantakis et al, 2006) if the pH value is lower than 4,0 the cheese is sour and crumbly, and if the pH value is above 5,0 that it is not recommendable from a security point of view to the consumers' health because it creates conditions for development of proteolytic bacteria. During the fermentation of cheese it comes to an increase in the titratable acidity due to the decomposition of the milk sugar by the lactic microflora and the production of lactic acid, as well as the decomposition of some protein components and salts. The faster production of lactic acid and the increase of titratable acidity contributes to the creating of a greater amount of monocalcium para - casein which in turn causes better agglutination of the curd grains and a solid structure of cheese pieces. After two months of the brined cheese fermentation, variety А reached 86,40 0SH, variety B - 82 0SH and variety C - 84,40 0SH which is in accordance to the researches of (Kostova S.,2013) who determined variation in brined cheese from 80 to 96 0SH and to the results of (Ruzic Muslic D. et al., 2011) for Sjenica cheese made from sheep's milk where the titratable acidity is varying from 57,54 to 97,73 0SH.


Starter cultures have a significant impact on the sensory characteristics of cheese. Best sensory characteristics are identified in variety B, then comes variety C, while the lowest evaluated was variety A. The best necessary quantity of milk for production of 1kg of cheese is achieved in variety B, where for 1kg of cheese 6,71 liters of milk are needed. Variety B (Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis, Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Lactobacillus helveticus) has the best qualitative and quantitative properties in white brined cheese.


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