STANDARTS OF DEVELOPING SOCIOLINGUISTIC COMPETENCE AMONG JOURNALISTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
principles / competence / higher linguistic education institutions / sociolinguistic competence / education / social marker / speech behavior / communicative competence.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Navruza Uktamova, Lobar Ilgʻor Qizi Ubaydullaeva

Creating sociolinguistic skill of future journalists centers around preparing and completion of a specific arrangement of parts of sociolinguistic skill the sociolinguistic worldview that forces a particular structure on the individual discourse conduct contingent upon the given social climate and the predominant social and open setting. The preparation framework for the improvement of sociolinguistic skill of journalists ought to be founded on instructive and methodological standards, enhanced with uncommon sociolinguistic substance, which is the reason for the improvement of information, abilities, and capacities of journalists to fabricate their discourse conduct dependent on the discourse profile of the questioner, taking into account sociolinguistic standards of correspondence embraced in a specific socioinformative setting. The improvement of sociolinguistic skill of journalists of philological resources in showing foreign language is worked with by showing method for communicating sociolinguistic content through the crystal of their useful content. The guideline of relevant topical portrayal of showing material infers the exceptionally sociolinguistic nature of language working is intrinsically situational. The guideline of concentrism includes educating sociolinguistic skill with a slow expansion in the intricacy of the sociolinguistic material considered to tra in journalists to distinguish sociolinguistic boundaries of correspondence in various social vernaculars, to recognize social qualities of the conversationalist by friendly markers in his discourse and to assemble their socially right discourse conduct.

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Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-10-396-402



Navruza Uktamova

Teacher, Uzbekistan State World Languages University

Lobar Ilg'or qizi Ubaydullaeva

Student, Uzbekistan State World Languages University


Creating sociolinguistic skill of future journalists centers around preparing and completion of a specific arrangement of parts of sociolinguistic skill - the sociolinguistic worldview that forces a particular structure on the individual discourse conduct contingent upon the given social climate and the predominant social and open setting. The preparation framework for the improvement of sociolinguistic skill of journalists ought to be founded on instructive and methodological standards, enhanced with uncommon sociolinguistic substance, which is the reason for the improvement of information, abilities, and capacities of journalists to fabricate their discourse conduct dependent on the discourse profile of the questioner, taking into account sociolinguistic standards of correspondence embraced in a specific socio-informative setting. The improvement of sociolinguistic skill of journalists of philological resources in showing foreign language is worked with by showing method for communicating sociolinguistic content through the crystal of their useful content. The guideline of relevant topical portrayal of showing material infers the exceptionally sociolinguistic nature of language working is intrinsically situational. The guideline of concentrism includes educating sociolinguistic skill with a slow expansion in the intricacy of the sociolinguistic material considered to train journalists to distinguish sociolinguistic boundaries of correspondence in various social vernaculars, to recognize social qualities of the conversationalist by friendly markers in his discourse and to assemble their socially right discourse conduct.

Keywords: principles, competence, higher linguistic education institutions, sociolinguistic competence, education, social marker, speech behavior, communicative competence.

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-10-396-402


On the planet hypothesis and practice of showing foreign language, the idea of informative ability overall and sociolinguistic skill specifically in the arrangement of current schooling turns out to be particularly effective because of the concentrated advancement of data advances and extremist changes in the circle of financial action and regular daily existence of individuals and includes thought of sociolinguistic factors in the discourse conduct of communicants. [1]

In working on the sociolinguistic skill of etymology journalists in instructing an unknown dialect, the turn of events, and execution in the learning system of another typology of instructive and etymological errands pointed toward uncovering the capacity of journalists to perceive sociolinguistic markers of discourse by the social setting of correspondence are of specific pertinence. The rule for evaluating the nature of advanced education is the turn of events of a bunch of skills as the experience of journalists in a specific space of action. Competence-based learning is based on the ability-based methodology, which guarantees that journalists get information, abilities, and capacities in different fields of movement and foster individual characteristics that permit them to effectively apply these information, abilities, and capacities to carry out explicit open aims. In this exploration we comprehend skill as the shaped capacity and availability of an individual to perform exercises, which are carried out through a bunch of skills - "the honesty of information, abilities and capacities that guarantee proficient action of a trained professional".


Skill is considered as "the dominance, having by the student of the pertinent capability, including his/her own disposition towards it and the subject matter of the movement. Skill is an all around set up close to home quality (a bunch of characteristics) of an understudy and negligible experience of movement in a given circle". It is a "dominance of sign of the essentials of capability standards on an inventive premise in work practice dependent on the necessities of society". Those abilities that are of meta and interdisciplinary nature, for example are shaped during the time spent concentrating on a bunch of scholarly teaches, which are by and large social skills. General social skills can be of socio-individual (relational), general

1 Andronkina, N.M. (2009). The Cognitive-action approach to the formation of linguistic and sociocultural competence in teaching German to students of a linguistic university Author's dissertation. D. in pedagogical sciences. Saint Petersburg, 50 p.

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Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-10-396-402

logical (foundational) and instrumental nature, which fill in as models for their region into the accompanying subtypes: 1) general logical abilities - information on the reasonable structure, information on the patterns in the advancement of the concentrated on sciences, their interdisciplinary relations, capacity to follow fundamental relations, to incorporate information from various fields of sciences, and so on; 2) exploration capabilities - information and abilities of preparation and arranging different investigations, dissecting logical work and down to earth material, composing own logical text, and so on; 3) general etymological capabilities -information on fundamental phrasing, topic, strategies for phonetic investigation, and so on; 4) informative skills - information and capacity to assemble correspondence as per open targets and setting; and so on.

General science capabilities incorporate the capacity to expand and develop freely one's logical viewpoint, the capacity to carry out new turns of events in science, innovation and data innovation into one's social and expert exercises, and so on Informative (socio-individual) capabilities incorporate a singular's capacity to work on their expert abilities, to chip away at themselves consistently, to be capable to fundamentally investigate their educated person, social, proficient experience and social relational abilities, status to apply by and by their expert, inventive and research characteristics in relations with society, in dealing with a group based on the profound, moral and lawful standards of society, capacity to work in the group Skill as the capacity and preparation of a person to perform proficient exercises of journalists suggests that the individual has three huge, as indicated by D.A. Ivanov, classes of skills: 1) proficient (specific) - for the expert to do their expert exercises; 2) over the expert - to work viably in the association; 3) key abilities - for fruitful socialization of every individual from a specific culture.

In light of the exploration of our heralds, we accept that professional skills foreordain the capacity of people to tackle professional assignments in different reality circumstances of their work action with the assistance of information, professional abilities, life qualities, convictions and tendencies. Above proficient skills alongside proficient capabilities structure "the premise of any expert action (from secretary to chief)" and are "an essential for opportune variation of a worker to continually changing social conditions". [2] Key skills are characterized as the most broad (all inclusive) capacities and abilities that empower an individual to get

2 Bagrov, Y.D. (2017). Authentic tasks in teaching a foreign language in higher education. Professional Education in Russia and abroad, 1(25), 119-123.

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Academic Research, Uzbekistan 398 www.ares.uz

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-10-396-402

circumstances and accomplish brings about close to home and proficient life in an inexorably unique current culture. One can't overlook the way that proficient abilities, shaped simultaneously of concentrating on subjects in a specific picked strength, may have explicit contrasts in various parts of expert movement. For an educator, it is, for instance, the capacity to perform powerful expert exercises dependent on instructive, mental, semantic, methodological, psycholinguistic, and so forth information and helpful, authoritative, intellectual, open, administrative abilities.

The accompanying kinds of expert abilities go to the front line for the instructor: 1) etymological skill (information on the language framework and the capacity to utilize it are important for instructors not exclusively to sufficiently comprehend the discourse of others and to offer their own viewpoints in oral and composed structure yet in addition to dissect students' discourse as far as its consistence with the principles of the artistic language understudy); 2) discourse and open abilities (information and dominance of an assortment of etymological expressive and complex means permits the instructor to utilize the language as a method for correspondence in various circles of movement and unique circumstances); 3) methodological skill (the capacity to show a language empowers the instructor to utilize the language for proficient purposes). We accept that to guarantee the securing of particular expert abilities in the field of etymology, the substance of showing foreign language, especially German, to journalists of philological resources of colleges depends on the information on the arrangement of the language considered and its constituent language units, on the way of life of speakers of a given language, on expressive provisions of working of language units in various circles and circumstances of correspondence.

Additionally, the content of unknown dialect instructing incorporates discourse abilities and capacities, the capacity to apply the gained information and shaped abilities and capacities in different correspondence circumstances, mastering abilities, just as discourse material (messages, discourse designs, sentence examples, subjects, and correspondence circumstances).


In the arrangement, advancement, and improvement of unknown dialect discourse of Future journalists , the need to remember sociolinguistic variables for the showing system and cycle is turning out to be progressively significant. The fact of the matter is that, as N.B. Mechkovskaya sensibly brings up, "any standards, counting

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-10-396-402

the etymological ones, are intrinsically moderate: they legitimize the set up what's more, perceive this request as restricting later on. Simultaneously, any standard can't help evolving: fixed, fixed standards would fall miserably behind and split away from the changing life they are intended to manage. ... Unnecessary traditionalism of the standard would prompt a steadily extending hole between scholarly dialects, over all its composed styles, and live discourse. This, from one perspective, would smother the improvement of composed discourse, and then again, would be commensurate to conceding that all that occurs in spoken discourse is rebellion and tumult". We accept that the conventional procedure of showing unknown dialect understudy philologists centers around showing the directed, standardizing viewpoint - the unbiased standard of language use. Such a way to deal with language instructing isn't exactly defended, in light of the fact that as a general rule, as training shows, this methodology can't guarantee the full adequacy of students' correspondence in German with local speakers of the language as a local one. This is because of the reality, as we would like to think, that to set up and keep up with the vital contact with them, journalists should have, alongside the regularizing part of language, a specific group of information, abilities, and capacities to distinguish deviations from standards in unknown dialect discourse, recognize their causes and survey the suitability of their use in a specific open and situational setting. [3]

We share the view that such information, abilities, and capacities of journalists structure the premise of students' open ability, which is characterized "not just as dominance of punctuation and jargon levels (semantic capability) yet additionally as the capacity to pick choices due to situational, social or other extra-semantic variables ('situational sentence structure'). C.c. (informative ability - C.Z.) is procured by a person in the course of socialization, then again, it permits an individual not simply to know of communicating in a given language, yet in addition to feel like an individual from a socially molded arrangement of correspondence". The adequacy of correspondence in an unknown dialect (German) relies upon numerous factors, the key ones being: - the course of socialization; - the social setting that decides the attributes of correspondence; - the level of students' capability in sentence structure as well as in the arrangement of its use contingent upon the connection between the speakers, the spot, the motivation behind the expression, and so on. in nature and

3 Bobrikova, O.S. (2018). Technology of independent supervised work in the formation of sociolinguistic competence of future translators. Bulletin of TGPU, 3(192), 33-38.

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Academic Research, Uzbekistan 400 www.ares.uz

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-10-396-402

impact the students' degree of semantic subtlety as a foreordaining semantic calculate for compelling correspondence German.


Sociolinguistic ability in an unknown dialect infers that philological journalists ace the provisions of discourse development in different socio-informative settings; these provisions of discourse development comprise the pith of sociolinguistic knowledge. The content of sociolinguistic standards of unknown dialect instructing used to work on sociolinguistic ability of journalists of philological resources in showing foreign language has a unique sociolinguistic substance, which is the premise of working on students' information, abilities, and capacities to assemble their discourse conduct based on the speech profile of the conversationalist, considering sociolinguistic correspondence standards acknowledged in a given socio-informative setting.


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Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-10-396-402

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