DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-1-80-85
Speed-power oriented qualities development among students in terms of rope-skipping classes at Astrakhan State Medical University
MariyaO. Odintsova'*, IrinaE. Yankevich', AleksandrS. Odintsov3, KseniyaA. Dorontseva'
'Astrakhan State Medical University Astrakhan, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-7416-8522, [email protected]* ORCID: 0000-0001-5837-9912, [email protected] 2Astrakhan State University Astrakhan, Russia ORCID: 0000-0001-6930-4916, [email protected] 3Sports Training Center of the National Teams of Russia Moscow, Russia ORCID: 0000-000'-9909-74'X, [email protected]
Abstract: One of the important problems of physical training among students in terms of rope-skipping classes is the problem of searching effective means and methods of speed-power oriented qualities upbringing and development. In rope-skipping not enough attention is paid to speed-power oriented training, because of the restricted means, which can be used for this purpose. The aim of the research work is to increase the effectiveness of speed-power oriented training of the 1st year students during rope-skipping classes. The objectives of the research. 1) to create the complex of exercises of speed-power oriented character for rope-skipping classes among students of the 1st course; 2) to define the effectiveness of the created complex of exercises. Research methods. Theoretical analysis of scientific-methodical sources, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Research organization. The research organization was realized on the basis of Astrakhan State Medical University. The training complexes of speed-power oriented exercises were created for the students of the 1st course for rope-skipping classes. The classes were organized during 24 weeks in accordance with an elective course. Research results. Rope-skipping classes in terms of an elective course, taking into account the created complex of exercises, helped to increase the effectiveness of training first-year students. At the end of the pedagogical experiment the students from the experimental group had more positive and statistically significant dynamics in speed-power oriented parameters, than the students from the control group (p < 0,05). Conclusion. The created complexes of exercises for rope-skipping classes among the 1st-year students provide general and special fitness level increase, influencing speed-power oriented abilities of the students.
Keywords: rope skipping, physical training of students, physical education, physical qualities development, speed-power oriented training.
For citation: Mariya O. Odintsova*, Irina E. Yankevich, Aleksandr S. Odintsov, Kseniya A. Dorontseva.
Speed-power oriented qualities development among students in terms of rope-skipping classes at Astrakhan
State Medical University. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(1): 66-69. DOI:
Quick tempo of society and technologies development improves life, making it simple and decreasing motor activity of each person. [1.4] That is why it is especially important to form students' interest in physical self-development, in own health state improvement and a healthy life style. The XXI century is known for the approaches change to physical training organization among students. Monotonous, usual exercises were replaced by more developed exercises. [2,6,7] New kinds of
sport appeared in order to keep fit, but very often their introduction becomes expensive for a higher education establishment and demands expensive equipment, new technique and sports facilities. [3,10] At the same time, there appeared such kinds of sport, which not only increase the interest of young people, in particular students, but also can be easily realized and highly effective.[14,16] The example of such kind of sport can be so called rope-skipping, which provides physical qualities improvement among people of any age and is easy
to use. [11,12,13,14,15,16,17]
In the practice of scientific-methodical approach to extracurricular classes there appear the problems, which demand solution [13,15]. For example, there is no definite answer concerning speed-power oriented training planning. [5]
Theoretical and empiric material (accumulated in pedagogics) study helps to reveal the contradiction in speed-power oriented abilities and endurance development [8,9]. Taking into account the urgency we studied speed-power oriented qualities among students, who attend rope-skipping classes.
Materials and methods
The research was organized on the basis of Astrakhan State Medical University in 2021. We held out the pedagogical experiment in order to check the effectiveness of the created training complex of exercises for the students, who attend rope-skipping classes. The participants of the pedagogical (42 people) were divided into two groups- control (CG) (n1=20) and experimental (EG) (n2= 22). The form of elective classes included the practical part 6 hours a week.
The respondents from the control group trained according to standard system of training of methodical recommendations. The training process of the respondents from the experimental group included the created complex of training means,
which was used at the beginning of the main part of each extracurricular class during 30 minutes. Statistical handling was organized using standard methods of variation statistics (Statistica-20). The validity of differences was estimated according to Student-t criterion. The differences were considered valid in terms of р <0,05. Correlation analysis was fulfilled using Pearson correlation coefficient.
Results and discussion
We tested complex of speed-power oriented exercises for extracurricular rope-skipping classes among the 1st-year students during 6 months. During the initial testing the results of speed-power oriented readiness among students from EG and CG didn't have valid differences ^>0,05) (table 1). Control tests registration was held in standard conditions.
The created experimental exercises form a circular training with a complex of specially created exercises, which are directed toward students' speedpower oriented qualities and power endurance development during rope-skipping classes (table 1).
In general all these exercises are directed toward the main groups of muscles development, which take part in power oriented jumps (double jumps) fulfillment. With the help of these complexes of exercises of a circular training we can lead a student to a new motor regimen and provide necessary speed-power oriented qualities development.
Table 1
Complexes of exercises of speed-power oriented training among students at rope-skipping
Exercises Methodology of fulfillment Methodical recommendations Load
Burpee Initial position. Legs shoulder-width apart, complete sitting squats, bending one's knees. Straight arms sideward to support, the jump is fulfilled from the plank position. The fingers are directed strictly forward, feet are set against toes, spine is straight. Push-ups. Make a high jump and take complete squat position. At the same time palms touch the floor, hips are parallel to floor, knees are between the elbows. High jump from a sitting position and a clap over the head. Take into account the state of a spinal column (no bending into horizontal position). Observe the frequency of respiration. 15-20 repetitions, rest till complete respiration rehabilitation
Legs change jumping from a lunge Make a lunge in a way that to form a right angle in a knee joint of the supporting leg. From this position make a jump with legs change. Observe the knee joint, don't let it leave the surface of the foot. 1 minute rest or till respiration renewal
Toes jumping Initial position, legs less than shoulder-width apart. Jumps are fulfilled in a maximal tempo with legs straight, only ankle works. Arms at hips or work with arms, imitating arms move during the rup, Ankle shouldn't be relaxed. 90 sec. rest or till respiration renewal
Dynamic boat Initial position. Lie on the abdomen, hands straight forward, palms down. Legs are straight, toes stretched. Simultaneously fulfill the following movements: lift the upper part of the body and legs as high as we can. The support forms a pelvis and an abdomen. Stop in this position 3-5 seconds. Return into the initial position. The exercise is fulfilled without touching the floor with hands and legs. 15-20 repetitions
Lets' consider the results of speed-power oriented readiness indices comparison between the students from the CG and EG, who attend rope-skipping classes, before and after the pedagogical experiment (table 2).
Table 2
The indices of students' readiness comparison before and after the pedagogical
Testing tasks Beginni pedagogical (X+ ng of the experiment hm) The end of the pedagogical experiment (X+m) P
EG -(n=22) CG (n=20) EG ' (n=22) ' CG (n=20)
100 m running 17,4+0,4 17,5 +0,5 16,8+0,2 17,1+0,4 <0,05
Dip irp on tie fljoor (quantity) 12,5+4,6 12,7+2,1 15,7+4,3 13,6+2,2 <0,05
Standing long-jump with two legs push (cm) 160,1+6,7 159,8±5,8 177,2+8,7 170+6,7 <0,05
Speed (skipping using stationary run within 30 seconds) 54,7+4,5 53,9±13,8 64,3+4,4 57,9±11,4 <0,05
Endurance (skipping using stationary run within 180 seconds) 170,1±9,7 170,7±9,5 202,3±23,9 171,4±9,0 <0,05
Power (skipping (double till the stop)) 0,8+0,6 0,9±0,7 7,4+5,0 1,6+0,8 <0,05
In order to increase the level of functional indices among the students at rope-skipping classes we introduced the experimental methodology on the basis of jumping exercises with the skipping rope use. The received research results help to define the degree of speed-power oriented endurance. The created complex of exercises for extracurricular rope-skipping classes among the students of the 1st course provides students' quickness, speed, power development. It also increases their general and special physical fitness in terms of the organized classes. All differences between the indices of
testing before and after the experiment among the students-skippers from the EG turned out to be statistically valid (p < 0,05).
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Submitted: 12.02.2022 Author's information:
Mariya O. Odintsova - Senior Lecturer, Astrakhan State Medical University, 414000, Russia, Astrakhan, Bakinskaya str., House 121, e-mail: [email protected]
Irina E. Yankevich - Associate Professor, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, Tatishcheva str., House 2oа, e-mail: [email protected]
Aleksandr S. Odintsov - Athlete-Instructor, Center of sports training of the National teams of Russia, 105064, Russia, Moscow, Kazakova str., House 18,block 8, e-mail: [email protected] Kseniya A. Dorontseva - Student, Astrakhan State Medical University, 414000, Russia, Astrakhan, Bakinskaya str., House 121, e-mail: [email protected]