Abstract: the article considers various factors of harmful impact of air transport on the environment. It describes some issues of environmental policy aimed at improving the energy and environmental efficiency of the final product - transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and mail. The main direction of this policy is the policy of significantly increasing the fuel efficiency of air carriers ' aircraft, which reduces the burden on the environment while reducing one of the main items in the cost ofproduction. Keywords: aviation, ecology, contamination, emissions, environment, air transport.
Aviation transport as a very important element in the world economy has a very negative impact on the quality of the environment. It manifests itself in the chemical pollution of the environment with exhaust gases of internal combustion engines; noise pollution. Each of the modes has a particular impact on the environment.
However, the fleet is much smaller than a car number, but the impact on the atmosphere of only one aircraft is equivalent to the effect of almost 8 thousand cars. In addition, air transport has the most high noise exposure, which is especially noticeable during takeoff and landing, when the aircraft is in the vicinity of the earth Specificity of the effect of air transport on the environment is considerable noise and pollutant emissions [1].
1.1 Contamination of the biosphere combustion
Contamination of the biosphere combustion of jet fuel is a first aspect of the air transport impact on the environmental situation, but the aircraft has a number of distinctive features compared to other modes of transport:
1. using mainly gas turbine engines results in different character occur in them and processes exhaust emission structure ;
2. using as a kerosene fuel leads to a change in pollutant components;
3. aircraft flying at high altitudes and high speeds lead to the dispersal of combustion gases in the upper atmosphere and over large areas , which reduces their impact on living organisms [2].
In the aircraft engine exhaust gases account for 75 % of all civil aviation emissions, including emissions to air and special vehicles and stationary sources.
1.2 Impact on the Earth's atmosphere
The steady increase in the volume of air travel leads to environmental pollution of aviation fuels products of combustion. On average, one jet , consuming 15 tons of fuel during 1 hour and 625 tons air releases 46, 8 tons of carbon dioxide , 18 tons of water vapor , 635 kg of carbon dioxide , 635 kg of oxides of nitrogen , 15 kg of sulfur oxides; 2, 2 solids into the environment. The average stay duration of these substances in the atmosphere is about 2 years.
The greatest pollution occurs in an airport area during aircraft landing and take-off, as well as during their engines warming-up. It is estimated that at 300 take-offs and transcontinental aircraft landings per day in the atmosphere is not evenly, but depending on the schedule of the airport when the greatest amount of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon compounds and the maximum amount of nitrogen oxides enters environment during flights .
The plane does not require endless runways as cars need roads, though airports and runways occupy considerable land areas. These kinds of transport in common an active part in the pollution of the atmosphere, in the wasteful expenditure of oxygen. Jetliner engaged on transatlantic flight requires from 50 to 100 tons of this gas.
On the territory of the airport engine start , taxi , takeoff and landing aircraft are produced and the atmosphere receives harmful products emission aircraft engines, pre- start ( waiting rooms) and in the runway . Taxiway areas considered moderate evolution of gas due to the allocation of the short duration of a finding on them airplanes.
The concentration of harmful components in the exhaust air engines and their propagation speed on the airport territory is largely dependent on weather conditions. The most clearly shows the influence of wind direction and speed. Other factors - temperature and humidity, solar radiation - although it affects the concentration of pollutants, but this effect is less pronounced and clearly has a more complex relationship.
In urgent and emergency planes forced to merge in the air excess fuel to reduce the landing weight. The amount of fuel drained plane for 1 times, ranges from 1-2 thousand to 50 thousand liters... The evaporated part of the fuel is dispersed into the atmosphere without any harmful effects, however, part of the non-evaporable reaches the earth's surface and water bodies and can cause severe local pollution.[3] Percentage of non-evaporable fuel reaching the ground in the form of droplets, depending on the temperature and the height of the drain. Even at a temperature of more than 20°C on the ground can fall to a few percent of the discharged fuel, especially when draining at low altitudes, but more dangerous than others.
When the flight in the lower stratosphere supersonic aircraft engines emit nitrogen oxides, which leads to ozone oxidation. In the stratosphere there is an intense interaction of sunlight with oxygen molecules. As a result, the molecules break down into individual atoms, and those joining preserved oxygen molecules to form ozone. The area of increased ozone concentrations, the so-called ozonosphere, which falls on a height of 20 - 25 kilometers, plays a very important role for the Earth. Absorbing almost all UV radiation, ozone, thereby, prevents the death of organisms.
1.3 Impact of gas turbine engines (GTE)
The use of gas-turbine propulsion systems in aviation and rocket is truly enormous. All boosters and all aircraft (except propeller which have internal combustion engines)) uses these units thrust. Exhaust gases of turbine engines contain toxic components such as CO, NOx, hydrocarbons, soot, aldehydes and others.
Researches of engine combustion products composition, set on Boeing 747, showed that the content of toxic components in the combustion products greatly depends on the mode of engine operation. High concentrations of CO and CnHm (n - rated speed of the engine ) are characteristic GTDU at lower modes (idling , taxiing , the approach to the airport , landing ) , while the content of nitrogen oxides NOx (NO, NO2, N2O5) increases significantly when work at close to nominal mode ( takeoff, climbing , flight mode) .
The biggest impacts of engine emissions on living conditions have airports and areas adjacent to the testing stations. Comparative data on emissions of harmful substances in airports show that revenues from engines in the surface layer of the atmosphere are:
1. Carbon oxides - 55 %
2. Oxides of nitrogen - 77 %
3. Hydrocarbons - 93 %
4. Spray - 97
The remaining emissions allocate land vehicles with internal combustion engines [5].
Air pollution vehicles with rocket propulsion occurs mainly when their work before the start, during takeoff and landing, during ground tests during their production and after repair, during storage and transportation of fuel, as well as when refueling aircraft. Work liquid rocket engine accompanied by the release of complete and incomplete combustion
products consisting of O, NOx, OH et al. During the combustion of the solid fuel ejected from the combustion chamber H2O, CO2, HCl, CO, NO, Cl, and A12O3 solid particles with an average size of 0.1 microns (sometimes up to 10 microns) [5].
1.4 Impact on hydrosphere
Near the airport there is the pollution of groundwater with oil products which is mainly due to the leakage of the liquid fuel during aircraft refueling, as well as due to technical errors during transportation and storage. At take-off and landing aircraft released into the atmosphere a certain amount of liquid and gaseous fuels combustion products which are deposited near the runway and accumulated in the soil.
Hydrocarbons of oil have the ability to penetrate to a considerable depth . Thus, in the fractured rocks aviation kerosene penetrates to a depth of 700 m for 5 months. Preventive measures are the most effective way to protect groundwater from petroleum contamination including wells drilling to monitor water quality
1.5 Noise exploration
Noise (acoustic) pollution is an annoying noise of anthropogenic origin violating the vital functions of living organisms and humans. Annoying noises exist in nature (abiotic and biotic), but consider their pollution is not true , because living organisms have adapted to them during evolution [4]. The main source of noise pollution are the vehicles - cars, trains and airplanes. In the cities the level of noise pollution in residential areas can be greatly increased due to incorrect urban planning (for example, the location of the airport within the city limits).
The noise of aircraft engines provided by the aircraft auxiliary power units, aircraft , auto transport of various purposes , vehicles with thermal and wind installations made on the basis of used flight hours of aircraft engines , equipment, stationary objects , which made maintenance and repair of aircraft . Noise levels reach on the platform 100 dB in the premises of dispatch services from external sources 90-95 dB within the terminal buildings of 75 dB.
1.6 Human exposure
Under certain conditions the noise can have a significant impact on human health and behavior. Noise can cause annoyance and aggression, hypertension (high blood pressure), tinnitus (ringing in the ears), hearing loss. The biggest annoyance is the noise in the frequency range of 3000 ^ 5000 Hz.
Chronic exposure to noise at a level more than 90 dB may cause hearing loss. When the noise level is more than 110 dB the sound intoxication occurs which is similar to alcohol or drugs on subjective sensations.
There is eardrums rupture when the noise level is about 145 dB.
1.7 Environmental impact
Noise pollution quickly causes a disturbance of the natural balance in ecosystems. Noise pollution can lead to a violation of orientation in space, communication, foraging, etc. In this regard some animals begin to make more than loud sounds and they will become as a secondary sound pollution, disturbing the balance in the ecosystem even more.
One of the most famous cases of damage caused by noise pollution nature are numerous instances where dolphins and whales are beaching themselves, losing orientation due to loud sound of military sonar (sonar) [6].
1.8 Electromagnetic pollution
In addition to noise exposure, aviation leads to electromagnetic pollution. Electromagnetic pollution (anthropogenic EMF or electromagnetic smog) is a set of electromagnetic fields of different frequencies with a negative impact on a person. Some researchers have called electromagnetic smog, which arose and developed over the past 6070 years, one of the most powerful factors affecting the person at the moment.
Electromagnetic pollution depends largely on the power and frequency of the emitted signal. It is caused by radar and radio navigation equipment of airports and aircraft needed
for monitoring aircraft flight and weather situation. Radar means emit electromagnetic energy flows into the environment. They can create electromagnetic fields of high tension, representing a real threat to people [4].
After analyzing the specifics of the air transport impact on the environment, it can be concluded that the front of the main exploiters of air transport (airlines) has an important task to minimize the impact of transport on the environment. In this connection, many airlines develop an environmental policy plans.
Environmental policy is aimed at improving the energy and environmental efficiency of the final product - the carriage of passengers, baggage, cargo and mail. Main direction of this policy is a policy of a significant increase in fuel efficiency of aircraft of the airlines of vessels, thus reducing the burden on the environment at the same time reducing one of the main items of production cost.
1. Arustamov E.A., Levakova I.V., Barkalova N.V., 2008. "Ecological bases of nature management": 5th ed., Moscow: Publ. house "Dashkov and K", 2008. 125 p. (In Russian).
2. "Nature and Man". № 8 2003. Nauka Moscow Publ., 2000.
3. Svishchev G.P., 2005. Aviation: Encyclopedia edited by G. P. Svishchev. Moscow: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2005. (In Russian).
4. Ecology, city ecology, human ecology, ecology of production. // [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/286622887(date of access: 20.08.2020).
5. Effect of noise on the human body [Electronic Resource]. URL: http://globalproblems.narod.ru/problemahuma6.html (date of access: 20.08.2020).
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