Научная статья на тему 'Specificity of public space as a component of the city environment'

Specificity of public space as a component of the city environment Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Sergazy Daniyar Yerlanyly, Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich

The city is a complex system of education in which there are continuous changes. The image of the city consists of many different elements: location, natural conditions, economic and cultural development, people who lived and live in it these and many other historical, social and aesthetic factors affect the urban fabric, patterns of relationships, make up the cultural and historical context of the formation of public spaces. With the development of market relations and the growth of social activity of the population, there is a need to consider public spaces as one of the systems of the modern city, along with such as the transport network and the greening system.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Specificity of public space as a component of the city environment»


ENVIRONMENT Sergazy D.Yе.1, Samoilov K.I.2

1Sergazy Daniyar Yerlanyly - Bachelor of Arts, under graduate Student;


Abstract: the city is a complex system of education in which there are continuous changes. The image of the city consists of many different elements: location, natural conditions, economic and cultural development, people who lived and live in it - these and many other historical, social and aesthetic factors affect the urban fabric, patterns of relationships, make up the cultural and historical context of the formation ofpublic spaces. With the development of market relations and the growth of social activity of the population, there is a need to consider public spaces as one of the systems of the modern city, along with such as the transport network and the greening system. Keywords: city, public space, specificity, environment, architectural spaces.

The urban environment, constantly changing and dynamically developing under the influence of economic incentives, at certain stages of its development reveals a significant lag from the requirements of socio-cultural demands of society. It is obvious that in addition to utilitarian functions, socio-cultural factors actively influence the formation of public spaces of the city. Today, they have become a particularly important element that will determine the quality of the urban environment. Therefore, today's urban life should correspond to an environment filled with relevant, diverse images and having such environmental characteristics that are able to reveal the creative potential of society [1].

Public spaces of the city characterized by dispersion and multifunctionality, but together they represent a kind of framework in the urban environment, which is intensively developing in certain directions, where the foci of attraction of residents of the city formed. The direction of movement should be understood as the street, as it occupies an important part in the system under study and is a link between spaces, and under the focus-local public areas with identifiable boundaries [2].

Urban design should cover and capture all the changes, details of the existing urban environment, it is an intermediary between the historical environment and the modern needs of the city, as the objects of urban design are adaptable, flexible, able to actualize the historical and cultural component. Urban public spaces include areas that are functionally, socially, politically and economically significant for the city, allocated with the help of buildings, landscape, various structures that perform city-forming functions that contribute to the improvement and maintenance of sanitary and hygienic regime (insolation) and are objects of formation of historical, cultural, artistic and emotional climate of urban areas [3].

For the architecture of the period of constructivism, on the one hand, was characterized by the construction of courtyards, taking into account the relief and landscape of the area, it was assumed that residents of cities will spend their free time in the yards. Such a policy in urban planning can be saw as the creation of micro-public spaces. On the other hand, during the Stalinist period, there was a strong desire to create giant public spaces for ideological reasons. For example, areas for demonstrations and mass marches, exhibitions that demonstrate the success of the country. The psychological desire for solitude was ignored, as in the subsequent period of development of our country [4]. The content and structure of the concept of "public space" differed in different periods of the formation of the urban environment and largely depended on the policy of the state. Accordingly, architects come to understand the need for the formation of public spaces, taking into account modern realities and human needs [5]. The development, evolution and transformation of urban areas for public use testifies to the high social importance of places where the processes of reproduction and formation of culture of the population take place. One of the characteristic

features of public spaces is their accessibility for different social strata of the population. Thus, urban public space can be attributed to socially and functionally significant areas of the urban environment, isolate with buildings, structures and landscape that perform specific city-forming functions, contribute to the improvement of sanitary-hygienic regime of the city (aeration, insolation) and are sources of emotional and artistic climate of urban areas [6].

Urban planners usually consider the issue of public spaces as an important but not the only part of the development of a particular area. A single concept of public spaces has not yet been formed. Architects pay attention to public space, geographers consider space as a whole, sociologists speak about social space, in normative legal acts we meet the concepts of "public places" and "public places" [7]. The types, sizes and number of public spaces in the city depend on the size and importance of the city, its architectural and planning structure, as well as pedestrian transport and landscape and recreational infrastructure. Location and holistic architectural and planning solution, as a rule, meets their urban role, the size of the city, as well as local climatic, landscape and relief conditions. In the conditions of constant development of administrative, cultural and other functions of public spaces, new landscape elements can be included in their composition at the present stage: modified microrelief, water devices, fortified lawns, multilevel flowerbeds, decorative, design and architectural forms - everything that is an active means of increasing their aesthetic expressiveness [8]. In its structure, social space is associated with various spheres of life, which requires a different kind of spatial localization, i.e. elements that represent the spheres of social interactions. One of such elements is the cultural space reflecting social interactions of people. A spatial environment is constructed by man, and is a kind of his physical and mental expression of the organization of space. They may include architectural structures, cultural institutions, community centers, which have a very important role in the existence of the territory, as they reflect the identity and specific lifestyle of local residents. Modern public space is diverse and includes both an open urban environment and closed interiors of public centers, which differ in function and scale. At the same time, each new object of architecture has its own special features [9].

Public space has such properties of public good as: uncompetitiveness, which means that one individual's presence in a Park or on a boardwalk does not diminish another individual's ability to be there as well; non-exclusivity: that is, the consumption of goods by one person does not exclude other individuals from consumption. The choice between free and paid provision of the good will depend on the level of the costs of charging this fee. Thus, the key feature of public space is the possibility of its use, constant and equal for each citizen [10].

Consider the main features of the formation of public spaces. One of the most important features of the formation of modern urban public spaces is their functionally meaningful characteristics and complexity, determined by a variety of forms and components of the environment (buildings and structures, urban equipment, landscape inclusions), urban conditionality, not closed fragments, the presence of various elements in the structure, the relative stability of the main types of urban interiors as a consequence of the constancy of urban life. These characteristics of public spaces distinguish two enlarged types: features associated with architectural and spatial characteristics (structure, dimension, compositional structure and geometry) and non-architectural conditions and parameters (technology, operation, climatic and landscape factors, multifunctionality of space, specificity of the subject content of the environment). Both types form their own system of vision and representation, and, consequently, requirements, which leads to inconsistency of actions, ineffective design solutions, and subsequently an uncomfortable environment. With increasing availability of information and its volume, expanding the network of communications in the city will inevitably increase the importance of filling urban spaces [11].

The quality of public space characterizes the quality of life in the city. The architectural and artistic appearance, the comfort of the environment of public spaces, depends on the features of the relationship between the created and natural components of the urban environment and the characteristics of each particular urban landscape. When considering public spaces, the following set of basic qualities of the environment is proposed: somoscale with a person; commensurability


of all compositional elements; logic and clarity of construction, environment; truthfulness of expression of architectural means; the presence of new concepts and ideas; the presence of dominants; connection with nature. The formation of the urban environment, conditioned by society, is the start for the creation of works focused on the historical and cultural content of urban spaces. Also actively studied the quality of the environment, its aesthetics and features. Due to the development of life in urban areas and emerging difficulties, a transition was made to the development of methods of an integrated approach to the assessment and design of the urban environment. The presence of social and compositional insufficiency of the industrial urban environment was noted and a number of elements missing for it (figurative characteristics, ensembleness, individuality, social (visual) attractiveness, coziness) was proposed [12]. The variety of activities that are carried out on the territory of public centers determines the need to create a variety of spaces that correspond to the functions performed by them. As part of public centers, spaces of different sizes and functional purposes are formed, oriented to different composition of users [10].

Public spaces allow us to model the location of elements of the urban environment, the saturation and intensity of behavior and contacts. The diverse lifestyle of citizens, freedom of choice of places of employment, communication, recreation, leisure, their mobility determine the trends in the use of public space. Identifying the type of behavior, the relationship between the consumer and the urban space allows you to model the scenario of their behavior. The most crowded spaces with high attendance are represented by objects of cultural and entertainment sphere. Main trends in the development of public spaces can be formulated in several principles: preserving historic settlement (settlement), the creation of site sharing, the development of a historically developed city centre, education Central zone, the creation of a model of public space [13].

Public space serves all urban residents, and especially those who most need them. Unlike private property, public spaces are owned by all residents. Every investment in public space, public or private, increases the total city capital. Public space is social capital that can be used, transformed, supplemented and passed on to future generations. Despite its importance, public spaces are often not integrated or simply ignored in urban planning and development. However, more and more research shows that investing in them can create prosperous and livable cities in developing countries.


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