Научная статья на тему 'Special features of formation of human capital in the post-industrial economy'

Special features of formation of human capital in the post-industrial economy Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Zhukova Ye B.

The paper is devoted to the analysis of institutional interests in postindustrial economy from the point of view of human capital development. Special attention is given to the forms of institutional interests. The author puts forward a classification of institutional interests with regard to priority development of innovative potential. Characteristic features of postindustrial economy connected with formation of new interests of institutional units are identified by the author.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Special features of formation of human capital in the post-industrial economy»


on the structural and technological changes in the economy, aimed primarily at the diversification of industrial production and establishing high-tech industries through the introduction of advanced research and development that will enhance the competitiveness of Russian MNCs in the global marketplace and increase the country's economic potential at both national and global level.

1. Афонасова М.А. Инновационный императив в аспекте процессов самоорганизации социально-экономического пространства // Проблемы современной экономики. 2008. № 2 (26).

2. Барашов Н.Г. Особенности влияния институциональной структуры на фазу роста экономического цикла // Вестник Тамбовского университета. Сер. Гуманитарные науки. 2009. Вып. 2 (70).

3. Барашов Н.Г. Структурно-технологическая трансформация экономики в контексте теории длинных волн // Вест-

ник Тамбовского университета. Сер. Гуманитарные науки. 2009. Вып. 8 (76).

4. Барашов Н.Г, Митяева Н.В., Соколова О.Ю. Значение атрибутивных свойств экономической системы для ее развития // Вестник СГАУ им. Н.И. Вавилова. 2009. №9.

5. Вишневер В.Я. Взаимосвязь глобализации и монополизации мировой экономики // Экономические науки. 2003. № 3.

6. Загорский А.Л. Интегрированные бизнес-группы как основное звено конкурентной экономики // Проблемы современной экономики. 2004. № 4.

7. Латков А.В., Русановский В.А. Тенденции структурной трансформации российской промышленности в контексте экономической рецессии // Вестник СГСЭУ. 2009. № 5 (29).

8. Майклевэйт Дж, Вулбридж А. Вызов и скрытые обещания глобализации // Полис. 1999. № 1.

9. Смыков В.В. Взаимодействие крупных компаний и региональной власти // Проблемы современной экономики. 2004. № 2.

10. ШумпетерЙ. Теория экономического развития. М., 2007.

удк 330.142 Ye.B. Zhukova


The paper is devoted to the analysis of institutional interests in postindustrial economy from the point of view of human capital development. Special attention is given to the forms of institutional interests. The author puts forward a classification of institutional interests with regard to priority development of innovative potential. Characteristic features of postindustrial economy connected with formation of new interests of institutional units are identified by the author.

Key words: postindustrial economy, institutional interests, institutions, innovations, human capital.

Е.Б. Жукова


Статья посвящена анализу институциональных интересов в постиндустриальной экономике с точки зрения развития человеческого капитала. Особое внимание уделяется формам институциональных интересов. Предлагается классификация институциональных интересов с точки зрения приоритетного развития инновационного потенциала. Автором выделены характерные черты постиндустриальной экономики, связанные с формированием новых интересов институциональных единиц.

Ключевые слова: постиндустриальная экономика, институциональные интересы, институты, инновации, человеческий капитал.

The development of the post-industrial economy has brought to life new economic institutions that form a new institutional “face” of the Russian economy. Changes in the economic institutions in the framework of the systemic transformation of the Russian economy determine new institutional interests of the agents of the market economy.

Human capital formation has been widely discussed in the scientific, applied and academic literature. The economic concept of “human capital” enables us to describe and explain through the prism of human interests (institutional interests among them), many economic processes. The composition of productive forces and capital, generation and income distribution, economic growth and national wealth are described in the economic theory with the help of the concept of “human capital”. Human capital in its turn is directly related to the concept of “institutional interests”, and this relation is reciprocal.

Changing behavior of economic agents entails a change in the structure of demand and market structure or emergence of new markets, which, in turn, leads to the necessity of changing organizational forms that meet certain forms of ownership, which ultimately has an impact on human capital formation at various levels: in households, corporations and state as a whole. New organizational structures (companies, firms, organizations, etc.) work out a new concept of adapting to the changes: look for promising products and services, forecast demand, plan activities and specific marketing strategies.

Therefore, the entire market infrastructure as well as consumer preferences have to change and there is a longterm basis for the further transformation of economic institutions. This complex relationship is an essential part of the dynamic imbalance in the socio-economic system [2, p. 48 - 50].

During the transition to the new economic reality characterized by priorities of innovative development of the economy the following groups of institutional interests can be identified: interests of individuals and innovators, interests of the scientific community, business interests, state interests in the field of innovation. All the groups of the institutional interests contribute to the formation and expansion of the human capital reproduction, as they facilitate a significant increase of knowledge in society.

We identify the following directions in the formation of public interests of big businesses based on innovation and high technology. The first group is constituted by creative interests that lie in the development of creativity in large corporations and manifest themselves in the process of creating goods as well as in the process of improving certain properties of these goods. Creative element can be absolutely innovative, relatively innovative, absolutely imitative and relatively imitative [5, p. 120 - 121].

Absolute innovations require constant professional creativity inherent in innovation business; relative innovations require a combination of creativity and routine performance of current business commitments; absolute imitative innovations are characterized by copying of the existing models in its business activities; relative imitative innovations combine copying existing designs and creative activities on the one hand, and routine performance of the current business commitments on the other hand [1, p. 66 - 71].

The tendency to copy, preference to use routine business conduct, imitative character make it possible for individual agents of a market economy to quickly absorb positive experience from others and it contributes to a more rapid development of society creating conditions for technological progress.

Large businesses enter into economic relationships not only guided by their individual interests but also in accordance with the evolving needs of society for a variety of goods, i.e. they cater to the existing public interest.

The motivation of big business is constituted not only by individual private interests but public interest as well, namely:

- The desire of business to achieve maximum results in meeting the needs of consumer;

- The desire of business to stimulate the formation of new needs for innovative and high-tech products;

- The desire of business to preserve and strengthen partnership in business;

- The desire of business to create and maintain attractive public image of their activities.

Thus, big businesses should be guided in decisionmaking not only by the criterion of market feasibility and profitability but also by a criterion of institutional interests.

The second group of public interest are institutional interests in establishing a guaranteed long-term operations and security of their business. In the post-industrial economy in order to ensure long-term operations economic agents should be able to build a viable business model of reproduction of innovations and their commercialization. In fact, this strategy is used by economic entities for improving efficiency and it can be considered as a type of rent-seeking behavior including obtaining intellectual rent. None of the big businesses in contemporary Russia is able to ensure its security on their own or with the help of private security institutions. During the innovative trans-

formation of the economy this strategy can be implemented only on the basis of public-private partnership.

However, ensuring business and personal security at times takes form of informal or even illegal institutions: ranging from establishing ties with corrupt government officials, lobbying interests of your company to hiring highly paid and highly skilled lawyers.

During the transition to a postindustrial economy the strategy of comprehensive implementation of the innovative potential of business in the following areas would be a much more effective strategy [4, p. 44]:

1. implementation of innovations as development of creative ideas;

2. implementation of innovations through investments in applied research;

3. implementation of innovations as intellectual products in the form of a new product or service, or item of intellectual property;

4. implementation of innovations as a process of modernization of enterprise management;

5. implementation of innovations as a process of developing new organizational forms of business.

As for the institutional interests of individuals in postindustrial economy, they are primarily related to the modernization of the educational institutions which are important for human capital formation in the long run. In developed countries a person with higher education on average is less well-off during studying i.e. early in life but later in life on the basis of life production cycle has an income twice as large as a person without higher education. Such an approach is valid within the framework of the Russian economy According to G. Diligensky - “One of the glaring paradoxes of Russia today is a gap between the strength of its intellectual, cultural and creative potential consistent with the needs of the twenty-first century and its archaic and weak governance structures and elites. People from the emerging middle class are one of the forces that can bridge this gap and restore the lost connection of thought and socio-historical action “ [3, p. 6].

Consequently, it becomes clear that sound economic policies are needed in the area of institutional reforms taking into account the interests of all segments of the population and stimulating the emergence and development of social groups that would play a stabilizing role in the development of new economic institutions. This stabilizing factor should ensure high rate of positive transformation in the initial phase and high level of stability sustainability in the period of its maturity

This social group is interested in building new institutions that will operate, first, for obtaining a stable income, secondly, for meeting intellectual needs and obtaining intellectual rent, and thirdly, for forming a new social class of owners of knowledge factor

Thus, we can draw some conclusions about the development of institutional interests in the post-industrial economy All economic agents of the postindustrial economy have an interest in institutions that would ensure a stable market order and promote innovation economy and development of intellectual potential. We regard institutional interests as activities in relation to institutions. New forms of institutional interests in the post-industrial society are first of all defined by the emergence of a fifth factor (knowledge) in the production factors system. In postindustrial society knowledge becomes an independent factor of production,


and efforts for generating and reproducing knowledge become a specific kind of productive activity. A new social stratum of knowledge owners having separate specific interests which are manifested in an income factor is formed

i.e. remuneration for knowledge and intellectual rent. Intellectual rent is paid at the moment as a part of wages and has no independent institutional form.

The development of institutional interests in the postindustrial economy is also associated with the growing role of human capital. Global role of human capital in the interests of production factors owners leads to the transformation of property relations. Appropriation of knowledge becomes increasingly important and replaces contradictions defined by relations to the means of production.

Public interest in building a postindustrial society in Russia will become a reality only if the changes will help

reduce transaction costs and increasing revenues will be linked with the human capital formation.

1. Барашов Н.Г. Ограничения развития национальной инновационной системы России // Вестник Оренбургского государственного аграрного университета. 2009. № 1.

2. Барашов Н.Г, Митяева Н.В., Соколова О.Ю. Значение атрибутивных свойств экономической системы для ее развития // Вестник СГАУ им. Н.И. Вавилова. 2009. №9.

3. Итоги 20 лет российских трансформаций // Мировая экономика и международные отношения. 2005. № 12.

4. Мирошниченко Н.В. Содержание категории «инновация» в контексте формирования экономики, основанной на знаниях // Вестник СГСЭУ. 2009. №4.

5. Оводовский А.В. Развитие институциональных интересов субъектов рыночной экономики: дис. ...канд. экон. наук. Саратов, 2006.

удк 330.12 N.A. Kamenev


The paper is devoted to the analysis of a correlation between competition and monopoly in the production of local goods. Necessity of organizing production of some local goods by natural monopolization of industry is proved. The author differentiates constant and temporary natural monopolies.

Key words: local public goods, natural monopoly, competition.

H.A. Каменев


Статья посвящена анализу соотношения конкуренции и монополии в сфере производства локальных благ: Доказывается объективная необходимость организации производства ряда локальных бпаг путем естественной монополизации отрасли. Различаются постоянные и временные естественные монополии.

Ключевые слова: локальные блага, естественная монополия, конкуренция.

Competition has a special place in the institutional organization of a market economy. First, market competition as a market institution ensures efficient functioning of other institutions, and secondly, helps economic agents to react to market signals. Among other market institutions, competition stands out because it lacks self-organizing properties and stability. It can not be a result of concerted actions nor a consequence of the behavior of economic agents and that indicate the need to regulate competition within as a precondition for its existence. Whereas Adam Smith advocated competition as a way of spontaneous ordering of the market, now competition is usually considered as an ordered system. That view is advocated by the German neo-liberal school (W. Eucken, A. Muller-Armack, H. Lampert) .

Some studies have shown that the benefits of competition do not depend on the presence in the market of a large number of enterprises. For example, Torii assumed that when the number of firms in the market is relatively small, productivity is increasing together with a growing number of firms; it is mainly due to competition which forces firms to operate more efficiently [16]. But when the number of firms is relatively large we have the opposite trend:

productivity is falling together with a growing number of firms; this happens because of the need for indivisible investment (lump sums). This means that as the cost of equipment replacement grows, firms are increasingly reluctant to reequip and efficiency of the equipment decreases. Research has shown that technical efficiency decreases with increasing market competition in the industrialized countries (Australia, Canada, Japan, United Kingdom and United States) and developing countries (Korea), but if market concentration is below a certain level technical efficiency also decreases [15]. According to a survey of enterprises in transition economies, competition from one to three competitors leads to the introduction of innovations such as a decision to produce new products. A firm is a sufficiently institutionally active economic agent that determines the rules of the game in various spheres of its activity, i.e. makes a rational choice of ways to achieve its goals in the most optimal way [12, p. 73 - 74]. Firms that have more than three competitors are more successful in the market than monopolists but their advantage is twice less than the advantage of firms having between one to three competitors [14].

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