Special aspects of motor fitness influence on level of 11-13 years' age girls' physical exercises' mastering
Ivashchenko O.V
H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University
Purpose: to find special aspects of motor fitness influence on level of 11-13 years' age girls' physical exercises'mastering.
Material: in the research 11 years' age girls (n=51), 12 years' age (n=54) and 13 years (n=63) participated.
Results: By physical condition indicators all girls statistically confidently differ ^<0.001). We registered increase of
body height indicators (by 12%), body mass (13%), vital capacity of lungs (by 12.8%), right hand strength (by 15%) and left hand strength (by 13.8%). In girls of 11-13 years' age we registered positive dynamic of physical condition, motor abilities and level of gymnastic exercises' mastering indicators. It was found that in total dispersion results' variation by 81.259%, 79.353%, 71,019% are determined by such factors: physical condition, motor abilities, level of physical exercises'mastering. In factorial structure level of physical exercises' mastering has weight 16.435% (11years), 27.963% (12 years) and 17.010% (13 years).
Conclusions: Analysis showed that in 11-13 years age girls motor abilities' training level is effective if it becomes a component of mastered motor skills.
Keywords: motor abilities, levek of mastering, factorial analysis, girls.
The problem of schoolchildren's physical education optimization was studied in works by I. Bondar [1], Iu.V Vas'kov [2], T. Krucevich et al. [9]. The authors stress on demand in new approaches to integrative physical education of different health groups schoolchildren [1], to physical ducation's organization of comprehensive educational establishments' pupils [2], to planning physical culture trainings process in comprehensive educational establishments [9].
In schoolchildren's physical education directions of researches, which are connected with special aspects of motor abilities [5, 6, 7] and motor actions' training [17, 20, 28] are underlined. Specific features of children's and adolescents' functional, coordination and power fitness are determined [4, 11]. Dependence of power loads' training effects on regime of exercises' practicing and rest is found [18, 23]. The process of motor actions' training was studied from positions of interdisciplinary connections [12, 13], specificities of motor competence formation [14, 15], meta-cognitive behavior formation [16], verbal perception in the process of sport movements' mastering [19] and optimization of regimes of exercises' repetitions and rest intervals [20, 26, 28].
However, in available literature there are few data bout wholeness of motor abilities training of children and adolescents [27, 29]. Thus, study of special aspects on level of physical exercises' mastering is rather relevant.
The purpose of the research is to find special aspects of motor fitness influence on level of 11-13 years' age girls' physical exercises' mastering.
Material and methods
Participants: in the research 11 years' age girls (n=51), 12 years' age (n=54) and 13 years (n=63) participated. Their parents gave written consent for the children's
© Ivashchenko O.V., 2017 doi:10.15561/18189172.2017.0102
participation in experiment.
Organization of the research: in the process of the research we registered: body height, body mass, vital capacity of lungs (VCL), hand dynamometry of right and left hands. We also registered results in the following tests: "Pressing ups in lying position, times", "Chin ups in lying position, times", "Legs' rising, hanging on wall bars, times"; "Angle on parallel bars, sec."; "Torso rising in sitting position from lying on back position during 1 minute";"Forward torso bending from sitting position with legs apart, cm"; "Hanging on bent arms, sec."; "Torso rising from lying on abdomen position during 30 sec., times"; "Long jump from the spot, cm"; "Throw of filled ball (1 kg) from sitting position, cm"; "Shuttle run, 4x9 m, sec." [11].
Level of gymnastic exercises' mastering was registered with the following tests: "Forward roll", "Backward roll", "Horse vaults", "Climbing the rope, three times", "Bridge", "Stance on shoulder blades" [11].
Statistical analysis: was fulfilled with the help of standard program of statistical analysis IBM SPSS 20. We used factorial analysis (principle components analysis). Besides, we used access organization: varimax with Kaiser's normalization. For every variable we calculated the following: mean values, standard deviations, Student's t-test for independent samples. Level of mastering was determined as relation of successful attempts (m) to their total quantity (5): p = (m/5) x100.
Results of the research are given in tables 1, 2. By physical condition indicators, 11-13 years age girls statistically confidently differ one from another (p<0.001). We registered increase of body height indicators (by 12%), body mass (13%), vital capacity of lungs (by 12.8%), right hand strength (by 15%) and left hand strength (by 13.8%).
12 years' girls demonstrate confidently better results than 11 yrs girls in tests: "Pressing ups in lying position",
"Chin ups in lying position", "Rising legs, hanging on wall bars", "Angle on parallel bars", "Forward torso bending from sitting position with legs apart", "Hanging on bent arms", "Torso rising from lying on abdomen position during 30 seconds", "Long jump from the spot" and "Throw of filled ball (1 kg) from sitting position".
13 yrs girls showed confidently better results than 12 yrs girls in the following tests: "Pressing ups in lying position", "Chin ups in lying position", "Rising legs, hanging on wall bars", "Angle on parallel bars", "Torso rising in sitting position from lying on back position", "Throw of filled ball (1 kg) from sitting position" and "Shuttle run 4x9 m".
Level of mastering of gymnastic exercises "Forward roll", "Bakward roll", "Horse vault", "Rope climbing, three times", "Bridge" and "Stance on shoulder blades" with age confidently becomes better (p<0.001) (see table 1).
Thus, in girls of 11-13 years' age we registered positive dynamic of physical condition, motor abilities and level of gymnastic exercises' mastering indicators.
For specifying motor fitness influence on physical exercises' mastering by 11-13 yrs girls we fulfilled factorial analysis.
In the process of analysis we marked out in 11 yrs girls seven factors, which explain 81.259% of total dispersion (see table 2).
Factor 1 is the most influential (21.735%). The factor correlated with results of the following tests:
Angle on parallel bars- ,858.
Legs' rising, hanging on wall bars- ,780.
Pressing ups in lying position- ,766.
This fractor as called "relative strength".
Factor 2 has weight 16.435% and correlated with the following tests' results:
• Long jump from the spot- ,885.
• Forward roll, level of mastering- ,729.
• Backward roll, level of mastering- ,701.
• Horse vault, level of mastering - ,784.
The factor was called "Level of physical exercises' mastering".
Factor 3 contributes 11. 303% and correlates with the following:
• Body height - ,912.
• Body mass- ,878.
The factor was called "Physical condition".
Factor 4 contributes 8.978% and correlated with the following:
• Bridge, level of mastering - ,869.
• Torso rising from lying on abdoment position during 30 sec. - ,685.
Factor 5 has weight 8.958% and correlated with the following tests' results:
• Chin ups in lying position- ,818.
• VCL- ,795.
• Stance on shoulder blades, level of mastering-,585.
Factor 6 contributes 7.604% and correlates with the following:
• Torso forward bending from sitting position with legs apart- -,911.
Factor 7 contributes 6.246% and correlates with the following:
• Torso rising in sitting position from lying on back position during 1 minute- ,616.
Factors 4-7 specify the names of factors 1-3 and point at interconnection of level of exercises' mastering with physical condition and motor fitness indicators of 11 yrs. girls.
Analysis of communalities showed that in motor fitness structure of 11 yrs girls the most influential were: "Body height- ,920; "Right hand dynamometry"- ,867; "Forward roll, level of mastering"- ,835; "Horse vault, level of mastering" - ,824.
In 12 yrs girls analysis showed six factors, which explain 79.353% of total indicators' dispersion (see table 2). Factor 1 contributes the most (27.963%) and correlated with the following tests' results:
• Forward roll, level of mastering- ,905.
• Horse vault, level of mastering - ,854.
• Rope climbing three times, level of mastering -,853.
• Backward roll, level of mastering - ,838.
• Right hand dynamometry,- ,754.
• The factor was called "Level of physical exercises' mastering".
Factor 2 contributes 16.777% and correlates with physical condition indicators:
• VCL - ,891.
• Body mass - ,781.
• Body height - ,763.
This factor was called "Physical condition".
Factor 3 contributes 10. 249% and correlates with the following results:
• Legs' rising, hanging on wall bars - ,793.
• Shuttle run 4x9 m - -,657.
• Long jump from the spot - ,526.
This factor was called "relative strength of abdomen muscles".
Factor 4 contributes 9.373% and correlates with the following results:
• Throw of filled ball (1 kg) from sitting position--,860.
• Angle on parallel bars- ,723.
• Long jump from the spot- -,524.
This factor was called "Speed powef'.
Factor 5 contributes 8.449% and correlates with the following results:
• Forward torso bending from sitting position with legs apart - -,750.
• Torso rising to sitting position from lying on back position during 1 minute - ,684.
• Torso rising from lying on abdomen position during 30 seconds - ,409.
Factor 6 contributes 6.541% and correlates with the following results:
• Bridge, level of mastering- ,821.
• Shuttle run 4x9 m- -,515.
Table 1. Testing results fo 11-13 yrs girls' motor fitness
№ Description of measurement Age N X m t P
11 51 142,274 ,932 -6,628* <0,001
1 Body height, cm 12 54 150,629 ,851 -6,796** <0,001
13 63 159,365 ,939 -12,758*** <0,001
11 51 37,313 1,260 -3,883 <0,01
2 Body mass, kg 12 54 43,018 ,789 -4,354 <0,001
13 63 48,920 1,056 -7,110 <0,001
11 51 1733,333 44,692 -3,559 <0,01
3 VCL, cm3 12 54 1933,333 34,669 -4,513 <0,001
13 63 2223,809 51,635 -6,998 <0,001
11 51 15,803 ,679 -3,608 <0,01
4 Right hand dynamometry, kg 12 54 18,981 ,566 -5,950 <0,001
13 63 23,984 ,608 -8,977 <0,001
11 51 16,294 ,589 -2,200 <0,05
5 Left hand dynamometry, kg 12 54 18,000 ,507 -5,868 <0,001
13 63 22,492 ,559 -7,584 <0,001
11 51 14,549 ,764 -2,084 <0,05
6 Pressing ups in lying position, times 12 54 16,870 ,806 -4,422 <0,001
13 63 22,031 ,830 -6,499 <0,001
11 51 4,921 ,355 -6,827 <0,001
7 Chin ups in lying position, q-ty of times 12 54 8,925 ,460 -6,855 <0,001
13 63 14,507 ,641 -12,255 <0,001
11 51 4,549 ,405 -4,378 <0,001
8 Legs rising, hanging on wall bars, times 12 54 7,574 ,551 -2,234 <0,05
13 63 9,412 ,597 -6,420 <0,001
11 51 ,921 ,197 3,859 <0,01
9 Angle on parallel bars, sec. 12 54 ,148 ,055 -2,368 <0,05
13 63 ,492 ,125 1,899 <0,06
10 Torso rising in sitting position from lying on back position during 1 minute, times 11 12 13 51 54 63 37,313 38,166 44,158 ,611 ,482 ,563 -1,101 -7,929 -8,204 >0,05 <0,001 <0,001
11 Torso forward bending from sitting position with legs apart, cm 11 12 13 51 54 63 4,961 7,370 4,857 ,395 ,342 ,274 -4,621 5,789 ,221 <0,001 <0,001 >0,05
11 51 1,902 ,314 -7,631 <0,001
12 Hanging on bent arms, sec. 12 54 7,333 ,624 -4,417 <0,001
13 63 11,365 ,653 -12,124 <0,001
13 Torso rising from lying on abdoment position during 30 sec., times 11 12 13 51 54 63 20,843 22,129 27,873 ,369 ,303 ,507 -2,701 -9,323 -10,735 <0,05 <0,001 <0,001
11 51 131,471 1,900 -11,546 <0,001
14 Long jump from the spot, cm 12 54 156,666 1,129 -,575 >0,05
13 63 157,936 1,801 -10,049 <0,001
15 Throw of filled ball (1 kg) from sitting position, cm 11 12 13 51 54 63 208,137 297,407 329,365 3,539 6,657 5,499 -11,644 -3,734 -17,582 <0,001 <0,001 <0,001
11 51 11,316 ,065 -,185 >0,05
16 Shuttle run 4x9 m, sec 12 54 11,331 ,048 6,896 <0,001
13 63 10,703 ,073 6,095 <0,001
11 51 83,137 1,970 -1,940 >0,05
17 Forward roll, level of mastering 12 54 88,518 1,949 -3,898 <0,001
13 63 97,142 1,185 -6,344 <0,001
11 51 71,764 2,577 -1,391 >0,05
18 Backward roll, level of mastering 12 54 76,666 2,408 -6,509 <0,001
13 63 95,555 1,720 -7,918 <0,001
11 51 72,156 2,446 -3,481 <0,001
19 Horse vault, level of mastering 12 54 83,703 2,247 -4,982 <0,001
13 63 96,507 1,397 -9,042 <0,001
20 Rope climbing three times, level of mastering 11 12 13 51 54 63 65,882 74,074 89,841 3,082 2,676 2,017 -2,013 -4,779 -6,719 <0,05 <0,001 <0,001
11 51 99,607 ,392 1,893 <0,06
21 Bridge, level of mastering 12 54 97,778 ,863 -1,150 >0,05
13 63 99,047 ,705 ,651 >0,05
22 Stance on shoulder blades, level of mastering 11 12 13 51 54 63 83,921 82,592 99,047 1,483 2,117 ,705 ,509 -7,827 -9,775 >0,05 <0,001 <0,001
* comparison of 11-12 years; ** comparison of 12-13 years; *** comparison of 11-13 years
Table 2. Matrix of factorial analysis results of 11-13 yrs girls' testing. Access organization: varimax with Kaizer's normalization
№ Description of measurement Age 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 h2
11 ,912 ,920
1 Body height, cm 12 ,763 ,335 x ,750
13 ,483 ,670 x x ,696
11 ,878 ,835
2 Body mass, kg 12 ,781 ,326 x ,775
13 ,348 ,728 x x ,751
11 ,795 ,800
3 VCL, cm3 12 ,891 x ,839
13 ,387 ,527 ,329 x x ,539
11 ,512 ,459 ,424 ,339 ,867
4 Right hand dynamometry, kg 12 ,754 ,379 x ,816
13 ,517 ,637 x x ,846
11 ,551 ,524 ,306 ,310 ,788
5 Left hand dynamometry, kg 12 ,591 ,398 ,410 x ,800
13 ,484 ,693 x x ,803
11 ,766 ,763
6 Pressing ups in lying position, times 12 ,588 ,499 ,474 x ,892
13 ,590 ,485 x x ,646
7 Chin ups in lying position, q-ty of 11 12 ,667 ,490 ,390 ,818 x ,847 ,887
times 13 ,606 ,492 x x ,665
8 Legs' rising, hanging on wall bars, 11 12 ,780 ,337 ,793 x ,775 ,865
times 13 11 ,882 ,858 x x ,809 ,856
9 Angle on parallel bars, sec. 12 13 ,810 ,723 x x x ,628 ,716
Torso rising in sitting position from 11 12 ,344 ,463 ,684 ,616 ,800
10 lying on back position during 1 ,436 x ,823
minute, times 13 ,782 ,309 x x ,711
11 Torso forward bending from sitting 11 12 -,750 -,911 x ,845 ,793
position with legs apart, cm 13 11 ,829 -,505 x x ,405 ,810
12 Hanging on bent arms, sec. 12 ,592 ,629 x ,795
13 ,700 x x ,623
Torso rising from lying on abdoment 11 ,525 ,685 ,795
13 12 ,314 ,409 ,460 x ,601
position during 30 sec., times 13 11 ,415 ,370 ,885 -,396 x x ,588 ,832
14 Long jump from the spot, cm 12 ,526 -,524 ,306 x ,731
13 ,521 ,311 x x ,458
15 Throw of filled ball (1 kg) from sitting 11 12 ,582 -,860 x ,630 ,839
position, cm 13 11 -,375 ,598 -,485 x x ,445 ,495 ,780
16 Shuttle run 4x9 m, sec 12 -,657 -,515 x ,742
13 -,348 -,459 ,560 x x ,731
11 ,368 ,729 ,328 ,835
17 Forward roll, level of mastering 12 ,905 x ,890
13 11 ,440 ,750 ,701 ,535 x x ,878 ,822
18 Backward roll, level of mastering 12 ,838 x ,869
13 ,607 ,671 x x ,848
11 ,784 ,824
19 Horse vault, level of mastering 12 ,854 x ,884
13 ,607 ,645 x x ,825
20 Rope climbing three times, level of 11 12 ,549 ,853 ,323 ,416 -,423 x ,791 ,841
mastering 13 11 ,857 ,869 x x ,771 ,832
21 Bridge, level of mastering 12 13 ,940 ,821 x x x ,749 ,910
Stance on shoulder blades, level of 11 ,546 ,585 -,369 ,831
22 mastering 12 ,709 ,320 x ,649
13 ,940 x x ,910
11 21,735 16,435 11,303 8,978 8,958 7,604 6,246
12 27,963 16,777 10,249 9,373 8,449 6,541 x
13 21,792 17,010 13,865 10,812 7,540 x x
• Torso rising from lying on abdomen position during 30 second - ,460.
Factors 5-6 supplement each other and characterize flexibility.
Analysis of communalities showed that motor fitness of 12 yrs. girls is influenced most of all by: "Pressing ups in lying position"- ,892; "Chin ups in lying position"-,887; " Horse vault, level of mastering" - ,884.
Analyzing 13 yrs. girls we marked out five factors, which explain 71.019% of total indicators' dispersion (see table 2).
Factor 1 contributes 21.792%) and correlates with the following tests' results:
• Legs' rising, hanging on wall bars- ,882.
• Angle on parallel bars- ,810.
• Torso rising to sitting position from lying on back position during 1 minute - ,782.
The factor was called "strength of abdomen muscles".
Factor2 contributes 17.010% and correlates with the following tests' results:
• Stance on shoulder blades, level of mastering-,940.
• Bridge, level of mastering- ,940.
• Forward roll, level of mastering- ,750.
The factor was called "level of acrobatic exercises' mastering".
Factor 3 contributes 13.865% and correlates with the following tests' results:
• Climbing rope, three times, level of mastering-,857.
• Backward roll, level of mastering - ,671.
• Horse vault, level of mastering - ,645.
The factor was called "level of gymnastic exercises' mastering".
Factor 4 contributes 13.865% and correlates with the following tests' results:
• Body mass - ,728.
• Body height - ,670.
• Throw of filled ball (1 kg) from sitting position - ,598.
The fator was called "Physical condition".
Factor 5 contributes 7.540% and correlates with the following tests' results:
• Left hand dynamometry - ,693.
• Right hand dynamometry- ,637.
• Shuttle run 4x9 m- ,560.
This factor characterizes strength and general motor coordination.
Analysis of communalities showed that motor fitness of 13 yrs. girls is influenced most of all by: " Bridge, level of mastering" - ,910; "Stance on shoulder blades, level of mastering"- ,910 and "Forward roll, level of mastering"-,878.
VS 2017
In our study we researched the assumption about wholeness of motor abilities' development and training , basing on systemic approach [3, 8]. It was found that results' variation in total dispersion in 11-13 yrs. girls by 81.259%, 79.353%, 71.019% depends on the regarded factors. Level of physical exercises' mastering in factorial structure has weight 16.435% (11 years), 27.963% (12 years) and 17.010% (13 years). Analysis of communalities showed that in 11-13 yrs girls motor abilities' training is effective if it becomes a component of the mastered motor skills. The presented data supplement researches of Xu X., Ke F. [30], E. Repko et al. [10], O.M. Khudolii et al. [28].
The fufilled factorial analysis permitted to regard motor training processes and training as holistic process. It supplements the data of Ivashchenko O. et al. [21, 22] about effectiveness of factorial analysis in physical education. Analysis of communalities in factorial analysis permits to find the role of separate indicator in factorial structure of the studied process. It points at need in application of mathematical statistic's multi-dimensional methods for study the laws of children's and adolescents' physical education [24, 25].
In 11-13 yrs girls we registered positive dynamic of physical condition, motor abilities indicators as well as level of gymnastic exercises' mastering.
It was found that results' variation in total dispersion in 11-13 yrs. girls by 81.259%, 79.353%, 71.019% depends on the regarded factors: physical condition, motor abilities' level and level of physical exercises' mastering. In factorial structure level of physical exercises' mastering contributes 16.435% (11 years), 27.963% (12 years) and 17.010% (13 years). Analysis of communalities showed that in 11-13 yrs girls motor abilities' training is effective if it becomes a component of the mastered motor skills.
The resaerch was fulfilled in compliance with plan of scientific-research works of Ministry of education and science, youth and sports of Ukraine by topic 13.04. "Modeling of training process and motor abilities' development in children and adolescents" (2013-2014) (state registration number 0113U002102).
Conflict of interests
The author declares that there is no conflict of interests.
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Information about the author:
Ivashchenko O.V.; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2708-5636; [email protected]; H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University; Artema str. 29, Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine.
Cite this article as: Ivashchenko O.V. Special aspects of motor fitness influence on level of 11-13 years' age girls' physical exercises' mastering. Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 2017;1:11-17. doi: 10.15561/18189172.2017.0102
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Received: 11.01.2016
Accepted: 18.01.2017; Published: 24.01.2017