Научная статья на тему 'Современный учитель: новые требования к профессиональным компетенциям и личностным характеристикам'

Современный учитель: новые требования к профессиональным компетенциям и личностным характеристикам Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Иванова Людмила Анатольевна, Вербицкая Ольга Михайловна

В настоящей статье поднимается вопрос об информационной культуре современного педагога как о его ведущей профессиональной компетенции в условиях медиатизированного общества XXI века. Медиакомпетентность рассматривается авторами статьи как одна из наиважнейших квалификационных характеристик современного учителя.

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A modern teacher: new requirements to the professional competences and personal characteristics

This work deals with the issue of information culture of a modern pedagogue as his leading professional competence in XXI century mediatized society's conditions. Mediacompetence is considered by the authors of the article as one of the most important qualification characteristics of a new teacher.

Текст научной работы на тему «Современный учитель: новые требования к профессиональным компетенциям и личностным характеристикам»

«Crede Experto: транспорт, общество, образование, язык» — международный информационно-аналитический журнал №1 (06). Июнь 2014 (http://ce.if-mstuca.ru/)

УДК 378.225 ББК 74.204 I-70


ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКАМ В настоящей статье поднимается вопрос об информационной культуре современного педагога как о его ведущей профессиональной компетенции в условиях медиатизированного общества XXI века. Медиакомпетентность рассматривается авторами статьи как одна из наиважнейших квалификационных характеристик современного учителя.

Ключевые слова: учитель; медиакомпетентность; информационное общество; медиаобразование; медиаобразовательное пространство.

L.A. Ivanova Irkutsk, Russia O.M.Verbitskaya Irkutsk, Russia


This work deals with the issue of information culture of a modern pedagogue as his leading professional competence in XXI century mediatized society's

© Иванова Л. А., 2014 © Вербицкая О. М., 2014

conditions. Mediacompetence is considered by the authors of the article as one of the most important qualification characteristics of a new teacher.

Key-words: teacher; mediacompetence; information society; mediaeducation; mediaeducational space.

Over the last decade the program of Russian school development is aimed at a modern teacher's training, able to organize pedagogical process and to direct it in limitless information space beyond borders, states, continents, beyond time through coadaptation of media and educational spaces. The epoch of purely theoretical understanding of teachers' mediacompetence formation problem is over. The era of taking practical decisions came, decisions which allow to bring to life common factors having been explored for a long time within merely theoretical research and on the enthusiasts' experience. A new portrait of a teacher is being painted; the requirements to educator's personality are being altered. United world's information space creation makes discover new types of activity within this profession, new qualification characteristics are appearing. Thus, at present moment mediacompetence is becoming one of the most important quality of a modern teacher's personality and its formation is one of the topical pedagogical problems. It's exactly this professional skill which must be formed by a concrete higher education institute. The quality under consideration mainly conditions the formulation of longrun objective of a teacher's training, education content's choice, selection of educative methods, ways and means.

Unfortunately, the idea of a future teacher's mediacompetence has been for a long

time rather an ideal-dream than an ideal-strategy. In theory the consolidation of these

two spaces - media and educational one - was declared but in practice they were

separated and distanced from each other. The contradiction emerged, on the one

hand, between the student's ideas about his professional destiny in the context of

acquiring a media language and readiness for goal-directed mediaeducation of the

pupils, on the other hand, and order the society is forming, and finally the ideas of


higher education institute about his educational strategy which may rather indirectly correlate with the student's wishes and even with social preferences. The crisis of a modern pedagogical education is determined by the different speed of different generations' inclusion into digital media in the conditions of exponent growth of network communication media. As the research witnesses by Margaret Mead, a well-known American childhood ethnographer, human history knows three types of culture from the point of view of experience transmission between generations: postfigurative, configurative and prefigurative ones, emerging in the middle of XX century, determining the new type of social connection between generations, when a way of life of the elder generation doesn't press upon a younger one. To the scholar's mind "in all parts of the world where all the peoples of the world are united by electronic communicative net, between the young has emerged a new commonness of experience which the elder have never had and will never have, and vice versa, the elder generation will never see in the young people's lives the repetition of their unprecedented experience of alterations, changing one another. This disruption between generations is absolutely new but it's global and universal one" [Mid, 1988, p. 361].

One may agree with the researcher that these are principally new relations, in recent press it is even said that there's no understanding between the world of children and the grown-ups since they speak different languages, the press also declares the necessity of creation of a common "language" for those two different worlds for their interaction. According to the futurologists' confirmations six Wiki-technologies will shock today's education in near future and may be earlier. From the environment in which people got information, read the news, listened to the radio, watched TV, the World Wide Web is going to be transformed into a platform on the basis of which a cooperative educational activity will take place. In a most consecutive way the idea of collective editing and network participation is embodied in wiki environment. That is why the involvement's process of the readers, viewers and students in joint activity on creation and use of network resources is more often

called wikification. Therefore, there's an available social order on teacher's training

personality mediacompetent one,

ready to carry out pedagogic process in wiki ambiance, and dissertations devoted

to education in 3-D environment [Demina, 2010] are not rare ones, the thesis

researches on pedagogisation of virtual ambiance are soon to appear. All above-said

allows to state that considerable premises for professional teachers' training and

retraining have been created by now in the context of media education.

Unfortunately, academic ambiance - pedagogical institution - in its goal sets has

been "a thing in itself' for a long time, aspiration to approximate the idea about the

characteristics and properties of a graduate teacher to the needs of a concrete student,

and to the social demands as well, has been weekly carried into effect.

Moreover, at many chairs of pedagogics of provincial and peripheral institutes of

higher education of Eastern Siberia and Buryatia even up to now the mere existence

of such terms as "mediacompetence", "mediapedagogics", "mediapedagogues"

causes astonishment and negation.

The modern experience of a future teacher's training in separate institutes of

higher education shows that the quality of pedagogical training is still considered

through the focus of such realities as "the forming of a future teacher's information

competence", as "the forming of information and communication technologies

competence", as "necessity of information technologies education of a future

pedagogue" what is not bad in its essence. But, emerging through misunderstanding

of target orienting points by academic community, by professional ambience of

modern realities, manipulation methods spread in mass media activity, and

information threats for studying youth, pedagogical dilettantism is still braking the

mediaeducation's implementation into a future teacher's training.

As before surprises remoteness and distance of separate educators' ideas

arrogating the role of scientists-experts, from socially demanded mediaeducation

modern ideas, who don't always guess the existence of the rich world's pedagodical

experience of mediaeducation. At that, one has to note the universal comprehension

of the fact that the perfection of educational system of a future teacher's training has


to be carried out in the context of all-European globalization trends. Key competences are determined in accordance with these trends which young Europeans are supposed to master including mediacompetence. Since in Russia school-leavers are to live and work in the conditions of united world's information space as well, mediacompetence has to become fundamental principle of pedagogical education, for in a pupil's mediacompetence formation much depends on the fact who will embody what is planned to be brought to life and who will provide task-oriented media education. This ultra-important task will lie on the shoulders of those who are still studying now at pedagogical institutes, of future pedagogues. Virtually a student - a future pedagogue - becomes a key figure who is to take an active part in task-oriented mediaeducation of a schoolchild's personality ready to live in the country of informative society. At the same time, no matter how paradoxically it may seem, in the first quarter of XXI century, the question remains open before pedagogical education which passes through a lot of difficulties: what is mediaeducation, mediacompetence? The situation with essence's definition of this notion was accurately characterized by K. Tiner in her work "Mediaeducation's Elephant": "The definition of mediaeducation which is given by one {researcher} seems to be a heresy for another one. Like blind people fumbling an elephant they always research one small aspect of mediaeducation and come to the conclusion that they deal with a holistic object" [cited by: Zhurin, 2005, p. 32 - 33]. As a result its different tasks are put forward: "mediacompetence", "mediaculture", "medialiteracy", "mass media culture", "informative culture", informative level of education".

A great impact on understanding of leading purpose of mediaeducation -mediacompetence - was produced by fundamental investigative work by A.V. Fedorov [Fedorov, 2007, p. 29].

Based on the above-stated, one may forecast the alterations of a teacher's social and pedagogical mission which will be determined by the ability to create a child's immunity against negative impact of aggressive information environment through pedagogical process' s wikification.


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2. Zhurin A.A. Integracija mediaobrazovanija s kursom himii srednej obshheobrazovatel'noj shkoly // Mediaobrazovanie. 2005. № 2. S.29-51.

3. Kul'tura i mir detstva : Izbr. proizvedenija / M. Mid ; [Per. s angl. i komment. Ju. A. Aseeva; Sost., avt. poslesl., s. 5-30, i otv. red. I. S. Kon], 429 s. il. 22 sm, M. Nauka 1988.

4. Fedorov, A. V. Razvitie mediakompetentnosti i kriticheskogo myshlenija studentov pedagogicheskih vuzov [Tekst] / A. V. Fedorov. M. : Izd-vo MOO VPP JUNESKO «Informacija dlja vseh», 2007. 616 s.

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