yflK 624.012.2; 691.2
doi: 10.55287/22275398_2022_1_127
G. E. Okolnikova E. K. Nagassa A. C. Habarurema Nyirenda Misheck
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow
The purpose of this paper is to review the ability of expanded clay to serve as a sound insulator in structures. It presents an approach for a sound insulation lightweight concrete masonry unit made with lightweight expanded clay aggregate (LECA). Mansory produced from LECA is specially developed and suited for sound insulation between dwellings and presents an airborne sound insulation that allows realizing separating walls between different houses quicker and with lower costs.
The Keywords
expanded clay, lightweight concrete, lightweight mansory, sound insulation
Date of receipt in edition
Date of acceptance for printing
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Building regulations and planning authorities have not properly focused on resolving the ongoing issue of noise pollution faced by the residents of urban areas [1]. Typically, concrete is used as an external cladding to inhibit the propagation of sound transmission, which reflects the sound waves away from the structure [2]. Although the sound waves get reflected away, its magnitude does not reduce and becomes an issue in enclosed spaces such as apartment complexes, factories, and narrow thoroughfares, respectively (see Figure 1) [3, 4]. As a result, this leads to several problems such as masked warning signals, higher chances of impaired hearing, and increased work-related stresses [5].
Figure 1. Sound waves reflections in a surrounded narrow thoroughfare [3]. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier [3]
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Concrete is a widespread and cheap structural material for the construction of residential buildings of any volume and number of storeys [6]. During the construction and operation of these buildings, it is necessary to ensure comfortable living conditions for people [7]. The most important step along this path is ensuring the acoustic well-being of residents through the optimal design of building envelopes [8]. Usually, when a sound wave strikes or hits the surface of a building, the sound energy gets absorbed, transmitted, or reflected away [9]. Hence, there is a relationship between the incident energy and the absorbed, transmitted, or reflected energy [10]. The absorption of sound in a porous material is related to the loss in energy wherein the incident noise energy converts to heat energy and some other energies due to vibration, friction, and air viscosity [11]. Sound insulation is the sound transmission loss of the building partition [12]. Lightweight porous materials absorb sound well, while heavyweight and hard materials reflect a significant portion of sound energy [3]. Even though there are some studies on the acoustic behavior of different concrete material, it is necessary to systematize the current state of sound-insulation concrete composites and structures made of them [13].
Masonry is a common component with low cost, low maintenance, good durability, and aesthetics and can be used exploring its acoustic properties. The use of masonry units as sound absorber or sound isolators is increasing on buildings applications or as sound barriers along roads. One of the raw materials that can be used in masonry units is the lightweight concrete. Lightweight concrete blocks (Figure 2) are a good masonry material because they are lighter and easier to lay than standard concrete blocks. Otherwise, they can have good behavior under thermal and mechanical points of view.
Figure 2. Sound absorbing lightweight concrete sound absorbing masonry block
The aim of the lightweight concrete masonry block manufacturer was to have a single wall, easier and quicker to lay, without acoustical insulator and more economic. Under an acoustic point of view there are two different areas of analysis related to its acoustic behavior:
• sound isolation;
• sound absorption
Porous materials find increasing applications to modify the sound field in both indoor and outdoor situations. Indoors they are used to improve the acoustics of working, living and performance places. Outdoors they are used to modify the effect of reflection on the noise environment, for example, by application on the surface of noise barriers. Many acoustic absorbers are produced in the form of produced in the form of granular or fibrous materials with high percentage of pores.
Although expanded clay aggregates find increasing applications in building acoustics and engineering noise control, their acoustic properties are largely unknown. Preliminary studies carried out in the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Perugia suggest that expanded clays offer an alternative to more conventional porous materials such as foam and fiberglass [14]
Methodology of research
This paper reviewed the works conducted by previous authors on similar/ related topics. In the process of this review, the properties of expanded clay were also reviewed to understand how sound reacts on masonry or concrete produced from expanded clay.
This section solely discusses the properties of expanded clay since it is the main aggregate which provides the sound resistant ability that is being discussed.
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Expanded Clay Aggregate
The harmony between aggregate properties and performance in concrete is not yet completely understood in many aspects. The properties of aggregates have great influence on concrete properties, and it is imperative to understand this for the development of high-quality concrete. The key properties of expanded clay aggregates are density, strength, and water absorption [15, 23 - 24]. Expanded clay aggregates (figure 3) are highly governed by type and dosage of the binder as well as sintering temperature and its duration. While the dimensionl properties of the aggregates were influenced by the moisture content and angle of palletization used. A summary of the physical and mechanical properties of expanded clay are given below in Table 1.
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Figure 3. Expanded clay aggregate
Porosity alone can never govern the crushing strength of the lightweight aggregates. Some other related factors such as change in the mineralogical composition, melting temperature of binders, margin of densification during sintering, bloating of the aggregate and internal defects due to thermal stresses also have significance impact on the crushing strength.
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Table 1
Physical properties of expanded clay aggregate
Specific RBD LBD Crushing Water Fineness Reference
gravity (Kg/m3) (Kg/m3) Strength absorption modulus
(MPa) (%)
0.66 273 - - 26.5 5.96 [16]
1.15 1068 613 6.8 12.3 - [17]
0.89 - 720 - 20 - [18]
- 1002 488 3.49 24.5 - [19]
- 1100 700 - 29.9 - [20]
1.35 1092 681 5.7 12.6 - [21]
- 1480 800 8.34 2.65* - [22]
Note: RBD = Rodded bulk density; LBD = loose bulk density, * 1 hr water absorption
Product conception approach of lightweight Concrete
The production of concrete for the manufacture of masonry units is very different of other concretes. The quantity of cement is the minimum to achieve adequate strength, to minimize the cost and to limit shrinkage.
The amount of water is very low to make possible to extrude blocks immediately after molding without slump. Those particularities are yet more specific for lightweight concretes. The grading and mechanical resistance of the aggregates, the particles' shapes, the type of block machine, the mix proportions and the curing process are also very important factors for these concretes. Generally, in lightweight products the concrete has lightweight aggregates [23 - 24], but also standard aggregates to achieve a minimum mechanical resistance according that the blocks have a relevant volume of voids. A mix design method for these types of concrete, for factories of precast products of lightweight concrete that allows defining mix proportion and related properties has been developed in another research study [16].
The blocks ought to be done with one of the lightweight concrete composition used by the manufacture in their products. The block ought also to respect some technical constraints in the fabrication process. It was decided to select the concrete used in current lightweight blocks with the following mix proportions, Table 1.
Table 1
Mix characteristics of the lightweight concrete
Products Quantities
Portland cement 200 kg/m3
Dense sand 0.530 m3/m3
Fine "Leca" aggregate (2/4 mm) 0.140 m3/ m3
Medium "Leca" aggregate (3/8 mm) 0.730 m3/ m3
Water 0.070 m3/ m3
The characteristics of this concrete are presented in Table 2.
Table 2
Characteristics of the lightweight concrete
Dry density Compressive Modulus of Bending Thermal
(kg/m3) strength at 28 elasticity tensile conductivity
days (MPa) strength at 28 (W/m°C)
(MPa) days
1 250 9.3 11000 2.6 0.50
The study showed that it is possible to achieve an optimised sound insulation between dwellings using a lightweight concrete single block. The LECA proved to have the needed properties for sound insulation.
The LECA block is now under a series of experimental tests, but the already available results indicate that it complies with the applicable legal and technical requirements concerning masonry walls.
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Г. Э. Окольникова И. К. Нагасса А. К. Хабарурема Ньиренда Мишек
Департамент строительства Российский университет дружбы народов (RUDN University), г. Москва
Цель данной статьи — рассмотреть способность керамзита служить в качестве звукоизолятора в конструкциях. В работе рассмотрены свойства звукоизоляционного кладочного блока из легкого керамзито-бетона (LECA). Кладка, изготовленная из блоков LECA, специально разработана и подходит для звукоизоляции между жилыми помещениями и представляет собой воздушную звукоизоляцию, которая позволяет реализовать разделительные стены между различными домами быстрее и с меньшими затратами.
Ключевые слова
керамзит, легкий бетон, лёгкая кладка, звукоизоляция
Дата поступления в редакцию
Дата принятия к печати
Z м
Ссылка для цитирования:
G. E. Okolnikova, E. K. Nagassa, A. C. Habarurema, Nyirenda Misheck. Sound insulation properties of expanded clay aggregate building construction.— Системные технологии. — 2022. — № 42. — С. 127- 133.
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