Влияние пандемии коронавируса на архитектуру будущего
Хроленко Таисия Михайловна,
студент ИСА, Национальный исследовательский Московский государственный строительный университет, [email protected]
Ушанова Надежда Петровна
старший преподаватель, Национальный исследовательский Московский государственный строительный университет
Пандемия коронавируса и ограничения, вызванные ей, уже оказали большое влияние на все вокруг нас. Цель данного исследования - предсказать будущие реформы и революции в архитектуре и инженерии, связанные с этим бедствием, и выяснить, как архитекторы могут помочь ускорить конец пандемии. Мировая архитектура должна и будет меняться из-за пандемии. Архитекторы должны сделать все возможное, чтобы кардинально переосмыслить наше привычное окружение. С одной стороны, важно не бояться ломать стереотипы, а с другой стороны, необходимо заботиться о сохранении культурного наследия. Предстоящие строительные реформы, которых следует ожидать, безусловно, принесут большую пользу всему человечеству. Только сейчас многие идеи могут показаться нам странными и далекими от жизни. Но со временем они станут частью нашего повседневного окружения. Мир не стоит на месте и многие изменения в архитектуре неизбежны, нынешняя пандемия как раз станет для них катализатором.
Ключевые слова: архитектура, пандемия коронавируса, будущее, лечащая архитектура, медицинский центр, строительные реформы, последствия самоизоляции
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Coronavirus. Officially the word of the year 2020 in Russia.
Surely, most of our contemporaries at least once have thought about the unique epoch they are living in - the epoch of the worldwide pandemic - undoubtedly, a terrible event, frightening, among other things, with its unprecedented changes in our usual way of life. But nevertheless everything is not so pessimistic. Since the time of the disaster emergence the humanity has little by little been adapting and accepting the new conditions of the environment. The experience of the past centuries is actively being studied now, and it becomes clear that making efforts to the optimization of all the spheres of life and to the harmonious cooperation of different states, we shall overcome the infection.
The architectural environment, that surrounds us, drastically influences our life. To change it in the correct way
- means to accelerate the triumph over the pandemic and the preparation for similar disasters in the future. Definitely no one is able to predict certain innovations in the image of future cities with one hundred percent confidence, yet thinking on the subject may provide a basis for real actions, real help to our nearest and dearest, our motherland and the whole world.
To understand how buildings will look like in a mere few years, first, we should figure out, how exactly architects can help our planet at the moment. Considering the numerous researches of doctors and the significant experience of the XIX
- XX centuries, which were marked by several continuous tuberculosis epidemics, we can definitely state that durable staying in the open air in sunny weather contributes to the earliest recovery from the disease, due to the active production of vitamin D in the human body under the sun. As a consequence of it, both in the past centuries, now and in the future architects payed, are paying and will pay special attention to the insolation of living spaces. In the future this trend will only increase. All the rooms will tend to enlarged windows, and in all flats will gradually appear a balcony as an obligatory constructive element. Separate buildings and whole cities will turn to the sun. The topic on the most comfortable for the inner state of a person artistic devices of using light in architecture will become actual like never before. Skillfully planned play of sunlight and shadows, pictures, painted with beams in all the planes of a room, will have to break people's accustomed idea of space. (pic. 1)
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Pic. 1 Louvre Abu Dhabi by Jean Nouvel
Architects are given a complicated task, on the one hand - to take to the past the image of walls as a massive barrier holding people in a grey box back from the bright and light outside world. And at the same time, on the other hand - not to cross the important line and keep in mind that moderate protection from the sun gives a person the feeling of security, which is very important for all of us, especially in such a stressful period. Inside the rooms artificial lightening will be replaced as much as possible by natural lightening, which will not only create the illusion of greater proximity to the street in self-isolation, but also reduce the residents' expenditures on electricity. In the flats of the future, presenting a symbiosis of a sanatorium, a bunker and an office, there will be warm relaxing illumination in rest rooms, and cold diffused light in working areas, which boosts liveliness and the ability to work, so necessary and so lacking, as the experience of mass distant work showed. Also, while projecting future residences, it would be helpful to use more often the vertical type of lighting, visually extending space, because it will have an advantageous impact on mental health.
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Pic. 2 A house by Alessandro Sartore in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
realized in completely different fancy ways. Here there will be room for both tree houses, and houses built around trees or having small annexes-greenhouses, especially for budget flats with verdant balconies, and for gardens on the consoles and terraces, stretching along and up and down buildings. Some of truly demonstrative examples of this aspect are a Tea House by Archi Union Architects, School of the Arts by WOHA studio, Singapore, a garden on the roof of Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York, USA and other projects illustrated under. (pic. 2-4)
Pic. 3 A garden on a roof
Apart from the sunlight, when self-isolated people naturally suffer from the lack of fresh clean air, the deficiency of at least a piece of nature nearby. Humans' dwellings should become much closer to vegetal life, which can be
Pic. 4 Eco hotel by Vo Trong Nghia and Mia Design architectural bureaus in Da Nang, Vietnam
Basing on doctors' statements, abundant home greenery drastically contributes to immunity strengthening and the increasing of cells defeating infections. Elaborate vertical planting on the facades will help to noticeably rejuvenate whole districts and create comfortable microclimate inside each room, reducing the level of noise, producing oxygen and filtering large amount of dust in the air of modern city. Practical exploitation of such buildings and taking care of greenery are not problems anymore, but just a matter of studying approved technologies used in many parts of the world.
In new living conditions it is also advisable to optimize the usage of spare space nearby human's dwelling. Now for many people complete self-isolation lasts for several weeks, in the future this term may be greatly prolonged. Even if it does not happen, the recommendations to walk less in public places, including shops, may stay with us still for a very long time. Apparently, it's the right time for architects to listen attentively to the opinion of ecoactivists, developing the idea of at least small private gardens on roofs, consoles and other open places. The opportunity to grow personal ecologically clean products at home will have a positive effect on human health and will keep people from the additional necessity to go out in crowded places. Besides, modern technologies of intensive gardening on the roofs have a plenty of benefits. For example, the tiling of the roof allows to conserve warmth and, as a result, to reduce the expenditure on heating. One more benefit is that with the correct putting of the tiling all the bearing constructions and inner rooms of the house will be more reliably waterproofed. Certainly, active introduction of landscaped buildings requires considerable budget. But a man is an integral part of nature and should have access to it in any time. It is a natural human need and one of the prerequisites for his good health, which justifies high costs.
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Likewise, on the buildings roofs it will be relevant to organize areas with outdoor trainers, which will help people to keep fit during lockdowns.
In cases when going out is unavoidable, the building of additional exterior staircases will be helpful for keeping distance between people. Here we see firstly, the advantage of a wider choice of the way outside and, thus, a less risk to meet a contaminated neighbour. Secondly, unlike the lifting structures and porches inside buildings, there is a supreme aeration level of the construction. One should also keep in mind that many people experience increased fatigue in quarantine in the absence of the necessary level of daily physical activity. If you more often give preference to the descent and ascent of the outdoor stairs, it will be much easier to keep your body in good shape. Exterior stairs are also a reserve evacuation way in case of emergency. Speaking about the aesthetic component of this solution, it should be pointed out, that in all times outdoor staircases served as an emphasis on the entrance of a building and a compositional communication between the interior and the exterior. They made a bond between architectural volume and scenery, accentuating the general style solution and bringing harmony to any architectural conception. But we should take into consideration the negative aspects of the proposition too. The stairs may be a challenge from the security point of view, though, this problem can be rather easily solved by security cameras in daytime, and to insure complete safety at night, maybe when darkness comes, some stairs should be covered all around by protective plastic pulling down canopies. Of course, not all categories of residents have the ability and energy to use staircases, however, even if at least healthy young people turn to this type of ascending, the infection will spread much less.
The fear of getting infected outside in the crowd already now makes people plot their route through deserted streets and roundabout roads, but very often it is far from being convenient. Obviously, it would be useful to focus urban planning on increasing the width of the pedestrian paths which would make the pedestrian flow freer. But in a modern densely built up city there is hardly enough space for essential infrastructure, therefore it is important for architects to find alternative ways, in the literal and figurative sense of this expression. The solution of this problem, firstly, lies in the building of additional well-disinfected underground roads duplicating the basic ones. Surely, they would be constructed not everywhere, but only in the places where there is a technical opportunity for that. A modern city sometimes has more underground stores than it has outside on the surface and these complications have to be overcome. Yes, it is actually hard, though still realizable to find and study all the engineering plans of a district and create tunnels looping between foundations and pipes. If such roads-counterparts appear at least along the most crowded popular streets, the speed of virus spreading will greatly decrease.
Secondly, which of us has never looked sadly at an adjacent building, thinking that you need to get there now, but quite a short distance between your house and the destination can be overcome only by long looping ground paths? There are already enough effective examples of the construction of bridges between premises to consider this practice successful. (pic. 5-6)
Such «sky roads» will definitely limit the density of people's flow and, besides, perform a big number of important functions. Thus, for example, the bridges between panel houses by architect Otar Kalandarishvili in Tbilisi,
Georgia allow to get from the lower part of the district to the upper one several times faster, escaping very steep slopes. It is very easy to come on the bridge - you just need to use a lift in one of the string of houses. Another example of air way usage is the Singaporean complex Sky Habitat, consisting of two 38-storeyed buildings, connected with three passages. The passages between the skyscrapers are public zones that can fully play the part of high-rise squares, due to green plantings. Beyond it, we should pay attention to the fact that overhead galleries are additional emergency routes. Unfortunately, bridges between houses have not yet been so spread over, but exactly now it is the most suitable time to give a push to the development of this tendency. Multilevel cities, the cities of roads will become hearths of life for future generations. Someone may object that, engineering streets one above another, will lead to the loss of connection between earth, which is the lower tier, and sky. But it is naturally not the question of impenetrable filling the space between erections. Architecture should serve only for human's benefit and not to forget the golden English proverb «Too much of a good thing may spoil everything». The bridges should be constructed only in certain places, not violating the integrity of general city's composition. They should emphasize the interrelation of houses as separate, but harmoniously cooperating with each other elements of common district rhythm, as well as not to prevent from the perception of the uniqueness of every building as a completed idea. It is vital to keep the balance between the mass of objects and space between them, not tearing primary streets from the sky. In this case the perfection of the idea of a multilevel city will become a real breakthrough in urbanism.
Pic. 5 Singaporean complex Sky Habitat
The necessity for long-term self-isolation of patients will probably lead to the fact that people will be less likely to live in large families, including several generations, in the same house, especially because the elderly are at particular risk.
Though at the same time it will be important for relatives to live not far away from each other, so that to have an opportunity for quick help in case of necessity. In perspective small separate inexpensive flats and rooms will be in even greater demand for rent and purchase. Generally speaking, the world's population and the need for living space is only growing. Such countries as, for example, Japan, Germany and the Netherlands, facing the necessity of space rationalization started to construct compact minimalist capsule flats. (pic. 7-8)
Pic. 6 The bridges between panel houses by architect Otar Kalandarishvili in Tbilisi
Pic. 7 Spacebox by architects Mart de Jong and Kathy Kluver in Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Pic. 8 Nakagin Capsule Tower in Tokyo, Japan
Their main advantage is very little area that allows to build a separate habitation for much more people in comparison with conventional one-room flats and studios. A standard capsule is easily built and fixed, which provides low price and, consequently, accessibility for the masses. Houses-containers weigh just about two-three ton. They can be easily delivered by a truck and installed on site by a relatively small crane.
Being an invention of metabolism architecture, the cells can be attached, detached and replaced for a better improved model without any effort. The experience of already existing capsule dwellings for students shows that the inmates of the innovative houses do not complain about the lack of space at all, because indoors absolutely everything can be pulled out and folded, and enormous windows, as large as the whole wall, do not let people feel walled up. Inside each capsule it is possible to install all modern conveniences necessary for living, such as a mini-kitchen with a cooker and a refrigerator, a bathroom with a shower; likewise, the place can be equipped with heating, lighting and ventilation. One more huge advantage of such constructions is that they are erected very quickly. The exterior and the interior of these rooms can be changed in accordance with a customer's desire.
Certainly, the changes, connected with the virus, will concern not only living, but also working spaces. Before the pandemic in many countries architects aimed to make in offices large rooms with compartments for employees, separated from each other only by low partitions - ideal conditions to gather as much people as possible so that they could cooperate most efficiently. A separate cabinet was supposed to be made only for the chief. But the new living conditions dictate their laws. Now architecture will have to hold the course for making completely isolated space for everyone. In some sense it will be even better for employees, the thing is that at present many people complain that open workspaces are too noisy and fussy, which makes it difficult to concentrate. But we should keep in mind that excessive isolation interferes with teamwork. The task of future architects is to look for compromises in this problem settlement. Speaking about the organization of office spaces, it should be mentioned that they must have effective ventilation and air-conditioning. It is also undoubtedly that nowadays designers will have to pay more attention to projecting home cabinets, the need in which will only grow, taking into consideration the transition of many people to remote work.
Nevertheless, many predictions about working spaces contradict a lot. Some specialists suppose that wooden and other rough textures will be replaced by various types of plastic and other materials on which viruses do not stay for long. Others, for example, ABD architects group from Russia, believe that the popularity of these antibacterial materials is temporary. From their point of view, the choice of resources for building will be orientated on technical parameters including the difficulty of cleaning, but it will not be the key point. A hybrid approach for keeping people at a distance will become the priority. From one hand, to ensure enough distance between working places, offices will be in need for vast area. Though from another hand, they will very rarely have an opportunity for expansion, thus experts will have to think over methods to decrease the number of people staying simultaneously in the same room. It is much possible that in offices there will be introduced social distancing rules with the help of AI analyses for managing the usage of working places and shift distribution. Sensors for blocking employees' access to separate floors and rooms on certain days may be set up in many places. No-touch technologies are also expected to be widely applied in office
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engineering in the nearest future, according to the founder of UNK project architectural bureau Nikolay Milovidov. Automatic doors and light control based on movement gauges will be spread much more. Automatic toilet wash buttons will be added to already familiar automatic sink blenders. Obviously, the purchasing and the servicing of the technologies and making all other changes in office design will lead to enormous expenses. But it will not be so harmful to the companies' budget because of space optimization which will become possible due to the transfer to new working formats, according to experts. Shared desk (or hot desk) office system implies that the number of working places rented by a company is less than the number of workers. Activity Based Office, or functionally orientated office is flexible environment offering employees different types of space which they can use depending on their tasks. In such an office there are no any fixed working places, but there are functional zones: for negotiations, individual work, brainstorm, etc. As western experience shows, this approach raises working productivity and gives tangible commercial profit. Thus, as a result of a transition to ABO concept, Microsoft office in Amsterdam has managed to reduce its property expenditures by 30%, having 644 thousand dollars saved only within the first year.
Such are the predictions of architects from all over the world. Or, rather, such were their predictions before august 2021. The latest Italian researches showed that Covid-19 does not live on any surfaces at all. If the discovery is true, at least the predictions about no-touch technologies may be wrong. Though, all the scientific community still tumbles about different versions and we cannot be sure in any of the existing theories.
Moving towards another issue, during the pandemic people risk their health every time they go shopping, therefore in this period any family tries to stock up essential goods. Actually, a beneficial solution would be additional small storerooms with refrigerators for storing food, besides these premises can be used for various household goods. People do not spend much time in such rooms, that means sunlight ingression is not required there, thus the storerooms can be perfectly placed on underground floors of buildings.
Recently coronavirus has generated contradictory predictions about whether the building of skyscrapers will develop. Some people think that long-term self-isolation on high storeys makes people feel disconnected from the earth and city life which causes "sky" flats residents' mental health problems and durable recovery from diseases, consequently skyscrapers' construction will intermit or discontinue. Others would rather hold the opinion that the engineering of high-rise buildings will only gain momentum, because, firstly, the mankind is interested in the erection of as much flats as possible, for, as we have already mentioned, the growth of humans' population is immense. But if we constantly develop construction broadwise, but not skywards, then the ecological balance of the planet will collapse very soon. Serious problems with the felling of forests are felt already now. Further extending cities is dangerous for us ourselves. Secondly, far from the ground there is no intrusive street noise and dust, the air is always clean and fresh. Thirdly, on top floors there is always profusion of sun, which is an excellent natural medicine. Besides, skyscrapers are equipped with good cross-ventilation systems that always supply purified, almost mountainous air. And that is the very thing which is the basis for quick recovery of people fallen ill with COVID 19.
Certainly, we should reckon in the impact on the environment from the point of view of the increased use of
electricity and utilizing ventilation filters. Nowadays the problem of utilization is effectively solved in more developed countries by special companies which make arrangements with trash reception points and partner shops about conversion or utilizing outdated cartridges and cassettes. After sorting, the filters are crushed, burned and buried or recycled without any damage to the environment. As for less developed states, they will anyway have to keep up to date and expand their recycling technologies. Speaking about excessive electricity consumption, it is no news that the authorities should put a considerable accent on the worldwide usage of renewable resources and act as soon and quickly as possible (the solvation of the problem will surely take much time, but we do not have an opportunity to escape from it). And the situation with waste products from power stations is quite the same as with filters - the recycling opportunities of countries, unluckily, differ now, but they will hopefully improve.
It goes without saying that now the architects of all countries will make much efforts to create ideal hospitals and sanatoriums because exactly their inhabitants need extra help more than anybody else. While projecting, it is necessary to take into account all the peculiarities related with patients' moving. The distance between beds should be enlarged. The main point is to go away from our usual associations with hospital's atmosphere. Ill people should feel at home in hospital. Designing facades and interior we should put away the dull and depressive block system of buildings and sterile whiteness, which are absolutely unacceptable for a place, where it is important to focus on auxiliary psychological therapy - «an architectural placebo effect». Friendly atmosphere may be reached with the help of light but bright walls and spacious atriums. Referring to the statistics, we can recall that from 1972 to 1981 Professor of Health Facilities Design at Texas A&M University (TAMU), USA Roger Ulrich was carrying out a research in one of local hospitals. He wanted to find out if the environment influenced the speed of recovery after an operation. In the research there were engaged 46 patients, who had just undergone gallbladder surgery. Half of them lived in chambers with windows overlooking a small grove. Another half had a view of a brick house out the window. The research showed that the patients in the chambers with a view of nature recovered faster and even needed less analgesics. While working on the concept of new Rey Juan Carlos Hospital not far from Madrid, architect Rafael de La-Hoz Castanys based on three main principles: effectiveness, light and silence. In this and in other successful projects of hospitals the building is actively communicating with nature, abundant greenery becomes a part of the interior. (pic. 9-11)
Pic.9 Maggie's Cancer Centre by Foster + Partners, Manchester, Great Britain
Pic.10 Navyas Medical Centre by Cadence Architects, Bangalore, India
Pic. 11 Navyas Medical Centre by Cadence Architects, Bangalore, India
Besides illustrated projects, the principles are also skillfully applied, for example, in the building of Santa Fe de Bogota Foundation Hospital by El Equipo de Mazzanti in Bogota, Colombia and GhESKIO tuberculosis hospital by MASS Design Group.
In terms of irrigation water economy, desert plants can be perfectly used. One of the first true «architectural medicines» became Paimio tuberculosis sanatorium, built in 1932 by a Finnish architect Alvar Aalto, who provided bedridden patients with the opportunity to admire nature without getting out of bed.
helped to completely get rid of dark areas. On each of the seven floors there were developed balconies, where patients could take air-baths. The architect also created unique armchairs whose backs were designed in the way to let people with tuberculosis breathe deeply. (pic. 12)
Let us remind you that this opportunity is also especially important for patients who are ill with coronavirus. One more demonstrative example of architecture, which effectively helps doctors, is the work by MASS Design Group in the Burero District, Rwanda.
The framework of Butaro hospital performs plenty of innovative functions aimed at the minimization of the risk of infection. High ceilings, the elimination of interior corridors, the installation of large radius fans and jalousie windows provide frequent air circulation, which is the key strategy of the disease spreading reduction. In each ward, Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UGVI) light fixtures were installed to deactivate microbes as air is drawn upward, further lowering the risk of infection transmission. In addition, a non-permeable, continuous floor finish provides an easy to clean and durable surface that is resistant to infection. Besides, the architects created shaded seating areas throughout the campus that encourage patients to remain outside. They minimized hardscaped areas, favoring semipermeable landscaping to prevent the formation of pools of water, which can serve as breeding sites for vector-borne diseases.
Also noteworthy is the project of the inpatient department of children's hospice «House with a beacon» by IND architects in Moscow. Here you can find both creative zones and a swimming pool intended for all children including those ones with resuscitation devices. It is allowed to draw on the chambers' walls. It has been scientifically proven that even if a person has no outstanding abilities in the field of arts, but at the same time creates as much as he can, this very positively influences his vivacity, self-confidence and well-being in general. Therefore, each medical center should strive to ensure at least a small creative studio for its patients.
We would like to attract your special attention to the fact that modern clinics should have an ability to be quickly erected in any conditions and to have an opportunity to be easily transformed. (pic. 13)
Pic. 12 The Paimio chairs by Alvar Aalto
For this purpose, panoramic glazing in chambers was applied. Tape windows along the entire length of the corridor
Pic. 13 Transforming premises
In contemporary realities sometimes it is only about a little re-equipment of a certain medical department to another, but sometimes - about a radical change in the function of a building, such as a conversion from a shopping center to a hospital. The creation of comfortable multifunctional space can be reached through the introduction of mobile structures, for example, various partitions, outside a building as well as inside it. During the pandemic of 2020-
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2021 constructions for the building of exhibition stands were used very successfully. Temporary hospitals were promptly erected out of them in such exhibition centers of Moscow and Moscow region as Expocenter, Crocus Expo, VDNH and others. Application of columns and beams releases from the necessity in load-bearing walls, which makes the reprojecting of a building easier. Architects should try harder to experiment with space, play with basic planes of a premises and create universal projects, in which the floor can become the wall, and the wall can be turned into the ceiling. One of the most successful companies engaged in this technology nowerdays is Ten Fold Engineering. (pic. 14)
Pic. 14 Transforming premises by Ten Fold Engineering, Great Britain
To sum up, we can state that world architecture should and will change because of the pandemic. Architects should do their best to cardinally rethink our usual surroundings. From one hand, it is important not to be afraid to break stereotypes, and from another hand it is imperative to care about cultural heritage conservation. Forthcoming building reforms, which should be expected, will be certainly of much benefit to all the mankind. It is only now when many ideas may seem to us strange and far from life. But with time they will become parts of our everyday environment. The world does not stand still and many changes in architecture are unescapable, the present pandemic will just become a catalyst for them.
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8. Kuptsova, M. Arkhitektura, kotoraya lechit: luchshie primeri istselyayushei sredi // [Kompleks gradostroitel'noy politiki i stroitelstva goroda Moskvi]. 26.03.2020. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://stroi.mos.ru/photo_lines/arkhitiektura-kotoraia-liechit-luchshiie-primiery-istsieliaiushchiei-sriedy
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Qoronavirus Pandemic Effect On Future Architecture Khrolenko T.M. Ushanova N.P.
National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering JEL classification: L61, L74, R53
The coronavirus pandemic and the restrictions caused by it have already influenced everything around us. The purpose of this study is to predict future reforms and revolutions in architecture and engineering related to the disaster and to find out how architects can help to accelerate the end of the pandemic
Keywords: architecture; coronavirus pandemic; future; curing architecture;
medical center; building reforms; self-isolation consequences. References
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