Section 6. Medical science
Botirov Murodjon Turgunboyevich, Fergana branch Tashkent Medical Academy E-mail: [email protected]
Some results of experiments to study the morphology of the solid phase dehydrated biological fluids of healthy and sick people with diseases of liver
Abstract: The article discusses the results of morphometric studies of the solid phase serum of patients with liver disease. It is shown that the marker enzymes, minerals and proteins bioliquid facies (serum) obtained by dehydration wedge observed facies different zones.
Keywords: blood serum, facies, a biological fluid, a wedge-shaped dehydration, liver cirrhosis.
Relevance of the work. A few decades ago, many predicted the imminent accession of science in the age of biology. Twenty-first century has been called the century of the life sciences — including health, his longevity, place in nature. And indeed the revision of priorities in science occurred.
In Uzbekistan, along with the developed countries of the world, this process came to the government level, and was reflected in the reorientation of the socio-economic approaches, causing health and environmental problems attached particular importance — as a priority. It is significant that in the first place among scientific programs cost the budget in developed countries is biology, which hold a large amount of applied medical problems.
Biological fluids (blood, urine, saliva, etc.) Play an important role in the organism. The organisms are entire systems and mechanisms that support in the normal conditions of their composition, structure, quantity, parameters and other properties. It is found that the deviation of these parameters outside the adaptation rules always leads to pathological processes in the body at the cellular, organ or system level [4].
Changing the parameters of body fluids can occur either as a result of external causes or effects, either as a result of failures in the components of the organism. In any case, the parameters and properties of body fluids are indicative of the state of health as its individual elements as well as whole body [5].
The purpose of the study was to examine the features of the system of organization and identification of serum markers of healthy and sick people with liver disease.
Materials and methods. To achieve the objectives for the period from 2012 to 2014, the method of wedge dehydration, solid phase serum were obtained of283 patients (137 males, females, 146) at different ages, with viral liver disease (total 225 patients, ofwhom 111 in acute, chronic period 104), with liver cirrhosis (68 patients in all stages of a, B, C by Child Pugh) and 51 healthy people. All patients were treated at the Ferghana regional infectious diseases hospital and Fergana regional diversified medical centers.
Clinical diagnoses were established physicians of medical institutions where patients are treated on the basis of patients' complaints, medical history, typical clinical picture, the results of clinical, biochemical, immunological tests and imaging studies. The diagnosis was in accordance with the existing classifications for International Classification of Diseases — ICD-10.
Structural analysis of the blood serum of patients was conducted by the method of wedge dehydration. a control group of healthy people (according to the medical certificate of military enlistment offices and medical form 086/y) was taken for comparison facies crystals of biological fluids (BF) aged 17-30 years. Determine the types of facies classification V. N. Shabalin and S. N. Sha-tokhina [3].
Crystallographic picture of dried droplets (facies) was investigated using a stereo microscope Leica Magnum — T 2721 c photosystem MPS 60. Facies image processing performed on the computer program "ExterNET AMI systems" [1].
Results and discussion. Analysis blood serum crys-tallographic features let highlight 4 types of its structural organization in the pathology of the liver: partly radial, irradialny, circulatory and "three-fold".
The first type — partly radial had mild to moderate deviations from the radial-ordered arrangement of sectors, individual and nodules (Figure 1a.).
The second type — irradialny characterized by significant impairment on the systemic level. Figure facies characterized by asymmetry, the number of basic elements have been reduced, and their configuration is varied (Fig. 1 b).
A feature of the third type — circulatory was the presence of large cracks, are arranged parallel to the edge facies between the peripheral and intermediate zones, the formation ofwhich is determined by the circular distribution of the observed basic structures (Fig c.).
The structural pattern of the fourth type, is fundamentally different from the above types of facies serum did not contain the basic elements of her drawing was created by a network of small convoluted (three-prong) cracks that gave us a reason to call this type of "three-beam" (Fig. 1g).
ab c
Fig. 1. The types of structural organization of serum liver diseases The distribution of facies types of blood serum in patients examined is shown in Table 1.
Table 1. - Facies types of blood serum liver diseases
Facies type acute viral hepatitis (n=11l) chronic hepatitis (n=104) cirrhosis of the liver (n=68) Control (n=5l)
a6c % a6c % a6c % A6c %
Partially groove - - - - - - 51 100
Irradialny 45 40,5 54 51,9 45 66,2 - -
Circulatory 30 27 32 30,8 16 23,5 - -
Three-prong 36 32,4 18 17,3 7 10,3 - -
Thus, the serum of patients in the study using the method of wedge dehydration, with significant differences from the norm, is characterized by the presence of at least one of the major structural elements (large cracks, sectors, individual or nodules).
In addition to the identified changes in the main items of the facies in the structural organization of the serum examined patients determined a wide variety of abnormal structures.
Analysis of the results revealed the most typical and most common abnormal structure with cirrhosis who were treated leaf structure and various types of cracks, concentration, etc. are free. The hallmark of facies blood serum in liver disease was pathologically modified polymorphism cracks. There were cracks circulatory, knotted blocks, the structure of the «harness» in the central area and the periphery.
In the spectrum of the most frequently detected violations of local structural organization of the blood serum with liver cirrhosis leading position occupied by leaf-shaped structure, is a sign of sclerosis process, tri-radial cracks — markers of stagnation.
Our results showed that leaf-shaped structure was significantly more common with cirrhosis than in patients with chronic hepatitis and moss figure rounded circular crack on and recorded at approximately the same frequency.
It is known that the pattern being the level of blood serum reflects the degree oftension ofadaptive systems of the body: the pronounced adaptive response, the higher the activity of structure. In addition to the basic elements of the identified changes facies in crystallographic picture of blood serum of patients examined was determined by a wide variety of abnormal patterns (Table 2).
Table 2. - The frequency of abnormal structures in the morphological picture of blood serum in liver disease
Pathological structure Groups of patients
Acute Viral Hepatitis (n=111) chronic hepatitis (n=104) cirrhosis of the liver (n = 68) Norm (n = 51)
abs. % abs. % abs. % abs. %
Dendrites 58 52,2 101 97,1 15 22,1 - -
spherulites 20 18,0 18 17,3 2 2,9 - -
Whiskers - - - - 5 7,4 - -
defective spherulite - - 2 1,9 18 26,5 - -
Dual facies 20 18,0 35 33,6 4 5,9 - -
Rounded inclusion 28 25,2 48 46,2 25 36,8 - -
Circular waves - - 10 9,6 17 25 - -
Asymmetric separately located 58 52,3 104 100 6 8,8 - -
Arcade-radial cracks - - - - 10 14,7 51 100
concentration wave - - - - 8 11,8 - -
Local concentration waves - - - - 2 2,9 - -
The funnel-shaped cracks - - - - - - 40 78,4
Wrinkles - - - - 17 25 - -
blur effect 10 9,0 - - 4 5,9 - -
Blyashkoobraznye structure - - - - 10 14,7 - -
The structure of the «harness» - - 48 46,1 14 20,6 - -
Circular cracks - - 55 52,9 30 44,1 45 88,2
nodules 31 27,9 68 65,4 - - - -
The structure of the «harness» on the periphery 58 52,3 104 100 22 32,3 - -
The structure of «tow» in the central zone of the type 58 52,3 104 100 35 51,5 - -
Moss 75 67,6 104 100 68 100 - -
leaflike structure - - - - 26 38,2 - -
crack three-beam 10 9,0 15 14,4 49 72,1 - -
Availability zones 90 81,1 100 96,1 60 88,2 51 100
As Table 2 shows that the dendrites enable rounded asymmetrical spaced apart, such as «plait» structure at the periphery and in the central zone occurs in a large amount (more than 50% cases) during the acute and chronic hepatitis. Circular cracks structure «harness» the type of circular waves, defective spherulites occur in chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. Figures in the form of a «Mocha» and the presence of the zones found in all patients in the facies of blood serum. Zoning is available in all facies of patients examined. Measurement of the diameters of zones, shows that the relationship between them is almost the same in all cases.
We were the first in liver disease have been found, «moss» figure is a sign of increasing concentration of bilirubin in the blood. The figure of «moss» facies in serum in chronic liver disease and cirrhosis of the liver occurs 100%. The emergence of these types of crystals in the blood serum ofpatients mainly due to the increase in
bilirubin, ALT, AST, and total protein. This is confirmed by the testimony of the biochemical laboratory of the Fergana regional infectious diseases hospital.
As a result of our research found that increasing excess ofbilirubin (normal bilirubin 8,53-20,5 mmol/l), moss area of the figure is increased by 3,4 ± 0,3 mm 2. Thus, we can say that the blood bilirubin appears in the central area of its dried solid phase in the form of figures «Moss» type area that clearly correlates with the quantity [2].
It has been shown that more frequent during cirrhosis of the liver than in acute viral hepatitis and chronic hepatitis leaf, tri-radial cracks, and rounded on and circulatory crack recorded at approximately the same frequency. The incidence of the structure of the «harness» in the central zone of facies that are considered dehydration marker in chronic hepatitis was higher than in acute viral hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.
New aspects of atopic dermatitis in children living in Southern Kyrgyzstan
1. The blood serum of patients in the study using the method of wedge dehydration, with significant differences from the norm, is characterized by the presence of at least one of the major structural elements (large cracks, sectors, individual or nodules). In addition to the identified changes in the main items of the facies in the structural organization of the serum examined patients determined a wide variety of abnormal structures.
2. revealed the most typical and most common abnormal structure with cirrhosis who were treated leaf
structure and various types of cracks, concentration, etc. are free. The hallmark of facies serum in liver disease was pathologically modified polymorphism cracks. There were cracks circulatory, knotted blocks, the structure of the "harness" in the central area and the periphery.
3. It was found that the leaf structure was significantly more common with cirrhosis than in chronic hepatitis and moss figure rounded circular crack on and recorded at approximately the same frequency.
4. We were the first in liver disease have been found, "moss" figure is a sign of increasing concentration of bilirubin in the blood.
1. Abdumanonov A. A., Botirov M. T., Karabaev M. K. Development of computer programs and algorithms for automatic morphometry bioliquid facies//New look. International Scientific Gazette. - 2014. - №. 6.
2. Botirov M. T., Abdumanonov A. A., Karabaev M. K. Diagnostic informativeness crystallographic imaging ofbio-logical fluids and their computer recognition//Prospects of development of information technologies. 2013. № 12.
3. Shabalin V. N., Shatokhina S. N. Morphology of biological fluids in laboratory diagnostics//Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics. - 2002. - № 3. - S. 25-32
4. Shabalin V. N., Shatokhina S. Morphology human biological fluids. - M.: Chrysostom, 2001. - 304 p.
5. Shatokhina S. N. Diagnostic value of the crystal structures of biological fluids in the clinic of internal diseases: Dis.dokt. honey. nauk. - M., 1995. - 225 p.
Muratova Zhanara Kochkorovna Teacher at Osh State University, Osh E-mail: [email protected] Sulaimanov Shayirbek Alibaevich Sh. A. Director of Osh inter-regional united clinical hospital
New aspects of atopic dermatitis in children living in Southern Kyrgyzstan
Abstract: The results of clinical and diagnostic examination and treatment of 93 children with atopic dermatitis (AD) living in the south of the Kyrgyz Republic are presented. High level of presence of family history, increased concentration of total IgE in blood serum and co-occurring pathology is established in examined children. The efficiency of complex AD therapy (77,2%) that includes antihistamines of first and second generation, topic and systemic corticosteroids, antibiotic therapy and diet therapy is confirmed. The necessity of anti-relapse treatment and long-term individual regular medical check-up is proved.
Keywords: children, atopic dermatitis, antihistamines, antibiotic therapy, corticosteroids, diet therapy.
Relevance. Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic Eastern Europe, Asia and other world regions [3; 4;
recurrent inflammatory skin disease that is charac- 10; 12; 16].
terized by a disorder of barrier function of epidermis The interaction of genetic and environmental factors
with intensive itching, dryness and increased absorp- with further development of sensibilization of organism
tion of skin with respect to irritating substances of the plays an important role in AD development, although the
environment [1; 2; 12, 28]. Prevalence of AD among direct reasons of growth of occurrence of this pathology
children of all ages is the highest in the countries of remain quite unclear [6; 13; 17; 19; 20]. Western Europe, where the disease affects up to 22% Taking into account multi-factor pathogenesis
of child population. Prevalence of AD is growing in and variable course of the disease, its therapy should