Научная статья на тему 'Some problems and essential objectives of improving environmental condition of southern aral sea'

Some problems and essential objectives of improving environmental condition of southern aral sea Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
environment / ecology / medical geography / health of population / morbidity / social issues / prioritized aims / sustainable development

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Turdimambetov Izimbet

The article overviews the environmental situation, as well as geographical and legal frameworks of mitigating the environmental situation of the Southern Aral Sea area. Presents priorities for improving environmental sustainability in the Southern Aral Sea region, aiming at reducing environmentally deterministic diseases and death rate.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Some problems and essential objectives of improving environmental condition of southern aral sea»

Section 3. Geography

Its solution will contribute to intensification of substance effectiveness through the storage of unused raw materials and energy circulation, to the increase of national economy and valuable urban lands [3].


1. The State Programme on Socioeconomic Development of the Azerbaijan Republic (2009-2013), Baku 2009.

2. Ahmadov A.I, Vazirov Sh.A, Urban Development Problems, Baku 1980.

3. Mammadov M.Kh, Regional Conceptual Development: economic and environmental problems, Baku 2014.

4. Safarov I.S, Green view of Baku city. Baku 1975.

5. Urban ecology (under the edition of F.B Stolberg), Kiev 2000.

Turdimambetov Izimbet, Nukus city, Uzbekistan Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh Candidate of geographical Sciences Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography Department of Geography E-mail: [email protected]

Some problems and essential objectives of improving environmental condition of southern aral sea

Abstract: The article overviews the environmental situation, as well as geographical and legal frameworks of mitigating the environmental situation of the Southern Aral Sea area. Presents priorities for improving environmental sustainability in the Southern Aral Sea region, aiming at reducing environmentally deterministic diseases and death rate.

Keywords: environment, ecology, medical geography, health of population, morbidity, social issues, prioritized aims, sustainable development.

One of the aims of nosogeography is to determine medical-biological and sanitary-hygienic issues in terms of environmental catastrophe and developing theoretical-methodological and practical recommendations for improving the nosogeographical situation in the republic. In the European Charter on Environment and Health, 1989 year it is recognized the right of every individual to an environment conducive to the highest attainable standard of health and wellbeing. It is emphasized the mutual responsibilities of citizens, government officials and leaders of economical branches of industry in environmental protection, it is it is confirmed that all activities should be based on scientific facts [1].

According to Prokhorov B. B. [4], in studies on human ecology extremely important role is plays the study of the quality of the environment, i. e., the extent to which the natural, economic, political, social, ecological and hygienic factors the needs of people. In order to objectively judge the quality of the living of people in the environment, it is necessary to measure it (by technical measurements, expertise and theoretical calculations) and compare the results with existing standards,

i. e. developed regulations.

To ensure environmental and hygienic safety in Uzbekistan it is developed state standards (UzSSt), building norms and regulations (BNaS), labor protection rules and other regulations. In addition, there are active technical, instructional, methodological and official documents on the sanitary and

epidemiological well-being, security and safety of living environment of the population and its health.

In the ecology of man it is most often used the following standards: ecological, hydroeconomic, fisheries, forestry, sanitary-hygienic, radiation safety standards, building norms and regulations.

With regard to environmentally harmful factors of the environment in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, in order to establish the relationship between harmful factors and morbidity accordingly managed, first and foremost, environmental, health and hygiene, hydroeconomic and building regulations.

Our investigations results show that the most of the disease rate in the Southern Aral Sea region is higher than average rate in Uzbekistan in whole, indicators, and they are conditioned with harmful environmental and sanitary factors exacerbated by ecological disaster. First of all, it concerns the whole population of the primary disease, and children age under 14 of all diseases, respiratory diseases, diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs, kidney disease, diarrheal diseases, malignant neoplasms, congenital anomalies and tuberculosis.

Reasons for chemical and bacterial pollution of the environment are:

• reduction of the debit and the flow rate of the river Amu Darya has led to a drop in self-purification ability of the river;


Some problems and essential objectives of improving environmental condition of southern aral sea

• water of open reservoirs contaminated during the descent drainage and wash water (contaminated with chemicals which are applied in crop production) in the Amu Darya River in the upper and middle reaches, in irrigation canals;

• sediments with bare and dry bed of the Aral Sea dried up river beds and flood plains of the river and canals, lakes Aral Sea region during dust storms rise into the air and spread in a southeasterly direction, deposited on the ground, including in the field, water surfaces, settlements and the city;

To the listed issues the following environmental of sanitary and social problems are added:

• More than 35% of the population continues to use as a potable water and in agriculture water of open water bodies and wells;

• tap water prior to feeding the population does not pass sufficient cleaning in 2013. 28.6% of tap water samples for chemical parameters and 2.6% — bacteriological did not meet the state standard;

Undoubtedly, additional aggravating factor is the environmental situation, if the global warming within 20-30 years may lead to an increase in mean annual air temperature for Uzbekistan at 1° C, where in the northern region (South Aral region) it may be 2-3° C above [5].

Of course, by the public authorities have taken proactive measures to address the serious consequences of the Aral Sea ecological disaster. At the same time the main initiator of development of the international recognized Interstate Fund for Saving the Aral Sea ecological disaster is the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. In 1995 at a special session of the General Assembly on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov stated that the decision of the Aral problem is a problem of the entire world community.

Five independent states — Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan — are located in the basin of the Aral Sea, correctly assessed the need to seriously address the problem of the Aral Sea and the Aral Sea region (dried coastal zone). Considering the seriousness of the ecological catastrophe of the Aral Sea of Uzbekistan on 11-12 March 2008 held the Tashkent International Conference “Problems of Aral: impact on the gene of population, flora and fauna and international cooperation on mitigation”, in which UN representatives took an active part.

As noted above, in November 2010, Tashkent hosted an international conference “Trans-boundary environmental problems in Central Asia: the use of international legal mechanisms to resolve them”, which brought together scientists, environmentalists, experts from 30 countries, representatives of 60 international organizations and financial institutions — the UN, the OSCE, the WHO, World Bank, the World Wildlife Fund, World Conservation Union and others.

At present the specialists of the World Bank are developing a new environmental strategy, which will be a new approach to environmental sustainability. However, the main cargo activities to mitigate the Aral Sea ecological disaster

rests with the Uzbekistan. To organize and conduct large-scale measures to overcome the consequences of the ecological disaster required a legislative basis.

During the years of independence have been taken such environmental laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan nature as “On Environmental Protection” (1993), “On Specially Protected Areas” (1994), “On Water and Water Use” (1994), “On Subsoil” (1995) “On Air Protection” (1997), “On the Protection and Use of Flora” (1998), “On protection and use of fauna” (1998), “On the Forest” (1998), “On State Land Cadastre” (1999), “On Waste” (2002) and others. There were also adopted the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan health nature, as “On the State Sanitary Inspection” (1992), “On protection of the medical-sanitary of citizens” (1994), “On quality and safety Food “ (1996),” On Protection of Consumers’ Rights (1997) and others [2]. There were made relevant amendments to the Civil Code, the Code of Administrative Liability, and other legislative acts.

In both chambers of the “Oliy Majlis” was established the Committee on environmental issues; Aral Sea Environmental Prosecutor’s Office was developed.

In Uzbekistan it is being implemented the following practical measures to overcome the consequences of ecological catastrophe:

— Measures taken related to coastal flooding of lakes, dams were built, in order to consolidate dust salt on the exposed bottom of the Aral Sea is being carried out and continues to work on the cultivation of protective forests;

— Set aside the Amu Darya runoff of Beruni collector;

— In the years of independence on the Amu Darya was built a number of large water facilities, reconstructed irrigation systems Suenli, Kyzketken, Pakhta-Arna et al [3].

The priority tasks of improving environmental sustainability in the Southern Aral Sea area, to reduce environmental deterministic disease and mortality are:

• The implementation of the agreements of heads of Central Asian states to ensure the guaranteed passage of water to the Aral Sea and the Aral Sea area, the conclusion of a new agreement for the protection and sharing of trans-boundary water resources of the river the Amu Darya in accordance with the UN Convention;

• The adoption of a coordinated solution to the problem of construction of the Rogun hydropower station in Tajikistan;

• Maintain a continuous environmental monitoring of the environment by the public (State Committee of Nature, the Center State Sanitary epidemic observing), scientific (research institutes and universities) and civil society organizations;

• Maintain monitoring of nosogeography situation, further development of mathematical modeling, forecasting research with the development of timely practical recommendations;

• Periodic review of the environmental situation in certain territories, with the definition of the effectiveness of interventions, followed by public awareness.


Section 3. Geography

Together with these, proposals on environmental is- cial and economic issues. Therefore, along with others,

sues may be imperfect and lopsided without reflection of we have made proposals and to ensure sanitary-hygiene

proposals for sanitation-hygiene, medical and other so- well-being.


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2. Национальный доклад о состоянии окружающей природной среды и использовании природных ресурсов в Республике Узбекистан (2002-2005 год). - Т.: Chinor ENK, 2005. - 131 с.

3. Нигматов А. Н. Экологическое право: в схемах и определениях. - Т.: 1999. -147 с.

4. Прохоров Б. Б. Экология человека. Учебное пособие. - М.: Academia, 2007. - 317 с.

5. Чуб В. Е. Изменение климата и его влияние на природно-ресурсный потенциал РУз. - Т.: 2002. - 252 с.


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