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Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Sharapova Anna A.

The importance of the Arctic region as an alternative transport route from Europe to Asia is not in doubt, so in the paper the following issues are described: the special legal status of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) as a historical national transport communications of the Russian Federation; legal regulation governing the SMP; tariff policy and security as factors affecting the attractiveness of the NSR to foreign shipowners; the specificity of the transport infrastructure of the NSR; prospects for the development of the NSR and its legal regulation. Similarly, theNorthwestPassage in Canada, in the Russian Federation in respect of the Northern Sea Route has a special legal regulation defining the geographic location of the area, especially the access of ships to pass and implement the rules of the pilot icebreaker assistance. Increase in the number of applications for implementation of passage through the waters of the NSR indicates demand for this route with the movement of goods from Europe to Asia. Among the most important acts should be called "Principles of State Policy in the Arctic region for the period up to 2020 and the long term" (2008); Law of July 28, 2012 № 132-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation regarding legislative regulation of merchant shipping in the waters of the NSR", the Merchant Shipping Code. Safety of navigation in difficult ice conditions is one of the aspects of the legal regulation of the NSR and is the responsibility of the Administration of the NSR. Prospectsforthedevelopment of this transport path depends on the quality of port infrastructure. In this connection, it is possible to improve the adoption of the Law of 29.12.2014 N 473-FZ "On the territories of advancing socio-economic development in the Russian Federation", as specified territories (TOR) established a special legal regime for business and other activities in order to create favorable conditions for attracting investments, ensuringrapidsocio-economicdevelopment.

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Важность арктического региона как альтернативной транспортной артерии из Европы в Азию не вызывает сомнений, поэтому в работе рассмотрены следующие актуальные, на наш взгляд, вопросы: особое правовое положение акватории Северного морского пути (СМП) как исторически сложившейся национальной транспортной коммуникации Российской Федерации; нормативно-правовые акты, регулирующие СМП; тарифная политика и обеспечение безопасности как факторы, влияющие на привлекательность СМП для иностранных судовладельцев; специфика транспортной инфраструктуры СМП; перспективы развития СМП и его правового регулирования. Аналогично Северо-западному проходу в Канаде, в Российской Федерации в отношении Северного морского пути существует специальное правовое регулирование, определяющее географическое положение этого района, особенности доступа морских судов к осуществлению прохода и правила лоцманской ледокольной проводки. Рост числа заявок на осуществление прохода через акваторию СМП свидетельствует о востребованности данного маршрута при движении товаров из Европы в Азию. Среди самых важных актов стоит назвать «Основы государственной политики в Арктическом регионе на период до 2020 года и долгосрочную перспективу» (2008 г.); ФЗ от 28 июля 2012 г. № 132-ФЗ «О внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты РФ в части законодательного регулирования торгового мореплавания в акватории СМП», Кодекс торгового мореплавания. Безопасность судоходства в сложной ледовой обстановке является одним из аспектов правового регулирования и СМП и относится к ведению Администрации СМП. Перспективы развития этого транспортного пути зависят от качества инфраструктуры портов. В этой связи представляется возможным ее улучшение с принятием Закона от 29.12.2014 № 473-ФЗ «О территориях опережающего социально-экономического развития в Российской Федерации», поскольку в указанных территориях (ТОР) установлен особый правовой режим осуществления предпринимательской и иной деятельности в целях формирования благоприятных условий для привлечения инвестиций, обеспечения ускоренного социально-экономического развития.


World Policy in the XXI century: the collection of the articles]. Sanrt-Peterburg: Saint Petersburg State University Publ., 2013, pp. 212-228.

11. Considering a Roadmap Forward: The Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment: Workshop Report. University of the Arctic - Institute for Applied Circumpolar Policy, 2010. Available at: http://www.uarctic.org/media/732588/AM SA_workshop_report_final_092010_-3FYy.pdf (accessed 01 Маrch 2015).

12. Hao Qian. Collaboration between China and Canada in Developing the Arctic Navigation. Arctic Passages and the Northern Strategic Collaboration. SISU, Canadian Centre. Shanghai, 14-15 November, 2013. Shanghai, 2013, pp. 289-290. (In Chinese).

13. Petersen N. The Arctic as a New Arena for Danish Foreign Policy: The Ilulissat Initiative and its Implications. Danish Foreign Policy Yearbook 2009. Danish Institute for International Studies. Available at: www.diis.dk/sw82 334.asp (accessed 01 Маrch 2015).

Шарапова Анна Алексеевна, старший преподаватель кафедры международного публичного и частного права Юридической школы ДВФУ, г. Владивосток, Россия. E-mail: [email protected]



Важность арктического региона как альтернативной транспортной артерии из Европы в Азию не вызывает сомнений, поэтому в работе рассмотрены следующие актуальные, на наш взгляд, вопросы: особое правовое положение акватории Северного морского пути (СМП) как исторически сложившейся национальной транспортной коммуникации Российской Федерации; нормативно-правовые акты, регулирующие СМП; тарифная политика и обеспечение безопасности как факторы, влияющие на привлекательность СМП для иностранных судовладельцев; специфика транспортной инфраструктуры СМП; перспективы развития СМП и его правового регулирования.

Аналогично Северо-западному проходу в Канаде, в Российской Федерации в отношении Северного морского пути существует специальное правовое регулирование, определяющее географическое положение этого района, особенности доступа морских судов к осуществлению прохода и правила лоцманской ледокольной проводки. Рост числа заявок на осуществление прохода через акваторию СМП свидетельствует о востребованности данного маршрута при движении товаров из Европы в Азию.

Среди самых важных актов стоит назвать «Основы государственной политики в Арктическом регионе на период до 2020 года и долгосрочную перспективу» (2008 г.); ФЗ от 28 июля 2012 г. № 132-ФЗ «О внесении из-

менений в отдельные законодательные акты РФ в части законодательного регулирования торгового мореплавания в акватории СМП», Кодекс торгового мореплавания. Безопасность судоходства в сложной ледовой обстановке является одним из аспектов правового регулирования и СМП и относится к ведению Администрации СМП. Перспективы развития этого транспортного пути зависят от качества инфраструктуры портов. В этой связи представляется возможным ее улучшение с принятием Закона от 29.12.2014 № 473-ФЗ «О территориях опережающего социально-экономического развития в Российской Федерации», поскольку в указанных территориях (ТОР) установлен особый правовой режим осуществления предпринимательской и иной деятельности в целях формирования благоприятных условий для привлечения инвестиций, обеспечения ускоренного социально-экономического развития.

Ключевые слова: Северный морской путь (СМП), Северо-Западный проход, правила судоходства, ледокольная проводка, территории опережающего социально-экономического развития.

Anna A. Sharapova, senior lecture, the Chair of international public and private law, School of Law, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]


The importance of the Arctic region as an alternative transport route from Europe to Asia is not in doubt, so in the paper the following issues are described: the special legal status of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) as a historical national transport communications of the Russian Federation; legal regulation governing the SMP; tariff policy and security as factors affecting the attractiveness of the NSR to foreign shipowners; the specificity of the transport infrastructure of the NSR; prospects for the development of the NSR and its legal regulation. Similarly, theNorthwestPassage in Canada, in the Russian Federation in respect of the Northern Sea Route has a special legal regulation defining the geographic location of the area, especially the access of ships to pass and implement the rules of the pilot icebreaker assistance. Increase in the number of applications for implementation of passage through the waters of the NSR indicates demand for this route with the movement of goods from Europe to Asia. Among the most important acts should be called "Principles of State Policy in the Arctic region for the period up to 2020 and the long term" (2008); Law of July 28, 2012 № 132-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation regarding legislative regulation of merchant shipping in the waters of the NSR", the Merchant Shipping Code. Safety of navigation in diffi-

cult ice conditions is one of the aspects of the legal regulation of the NSR and is the responsibility of the Administration of the NSR. Prospectsforthedevelopment of this transport path depends on the quality of port infrastructure. In this connection, it is possible to improve the adoption of the Law of 29.12.2014 N 473-FZ "On the territories of advancing socio-economic development in the Russian Federation", as specified territories (TOR) established a special legal regime for business and other activities in order to create favorable conditions for attracting investments, ensuringrapidsocio-economicdevelopment.

Keywords: Northern Sea Route (NSR), the Northwest Passage, the rules of navigation, icebreaking, territories of advancing socio-economic development.

As it was mentioned in President Putin's speech at the second International Arctic Forum in Arkhangelsk 2011: "The Northern Sea Route (NSR) occupies a special place here. We are planning to turn it into a key commercial route of global importance. I'd like to emphasize that we see its future as an international transport artery capable of competing with traditional sea routes in cost of services, safety and quality".

Russia is interested in further developing its Northern Sea Route (NSR), a route which has experienced renewed activity, to carry a greater volume of natural resources to global markets.

Linking the Russian Arctic during a summer navigation season of three to four months (approximately July to October) to markets in China and Southeast Asia has been the focus of recent experimental voyages. In late August 2011, a super tanker, the Vladimir Tikhonov, crossed the NSR with icebreaker support to deliver 120,000 tons of gas concentrate from Murmansk to Bangkok, Thailand. A bulk carrier under Liberian flag with 66,000 tons of iron ore, Sanco Odyssey, sailed from Murmansk to Beilun, China, on the NSR during 3-10 September 2011 [1] (Barents Observer 2011). These two voyages represent the largest tanker and bulk carrier to sail the NSR. This not only indicates an increase in the size of ships that can sail on more northerly routes along the Russian Arctic, but a significant change in the NSR shipping season. The attraction for China in opening up the Northern Sea Route is straightforward. According to Cosco, the Yong Sheng's 3,380-mile journey will take about 35 days, shaving two weeks off the traditional route between Asia and Europe via the Suez Canal [2].

During summer 2012, 46 ships sailed the NSR carrying more than one million tons of cargo, a 53 per cent increase in cargo volume over 2011 (Barents Observer 2012). More traffic on trans-Arctic voyages will also mean increased traffic in the Bering Strait Region and along the northern Norwegian coast. Thus far, shippers along the NSR focus on the transport of natural resources from west to east, in a summer navigation season of three to four months. However, in November 2012, the River Ob sailed the NSR to deliver liquefied natural gas from Norway to Japan. Although escorted by icebreaker, the vessel encountered young sea ice of only 30 centimeters (Barents Observer 2012).

But skeptics say: While Russia and several Asian nations pay significant attention to the NSR for all cargoes, regular container ship operations during such a short navigation season have not yet proven viable. The higher risks for delayed cargoes, the uncertainly of marine insurance for this remote region, and the variability of the regional sea ice cover all present unique challenges to international container shippers along the NSR.

The first legal definition of Arctic territory of Russia was established in the Act pf the Presidium of CEC 1926 [3].

The Fundamentals of the Russian Federation's State Policy in the Arctic Region for the Period ofup to 2020 and Beyond It, which the Russian President signed September 18, 2008 (Pr-1969), specifies the main objectives, key tasks and strategic priorities of Russia's state policies in the Arctic region and the mechanisms for implementing them, a system of strategic forecasting measures, the planning of social and economic development of Russia's Arctic Zone, and the strengthening of national security [4].

This act designates the Northern Sea Rort as one of the basic national interests of the Russian Federation in the Arctic.

The Federal Act оn Amendments to Specific Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation related to Governmental Regulation of Merchant Shipping in the Water Аrеа of the Northern Sea Route was adopted by the State Duma оn 3 Juty 2012 and was followed by the new Rules of Navigation оn the Water of the Northen Sea Route adopted on 17 January 2013 [5].

The article 14 of the Federal Law of July 31, 1998 N 155-FZ "On Internal Sea Waters, Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone of the Russian Federation" sets out as follows:

"Article 14. Navigation in the area of the Northern Sea Route

Navigation in the area of the Northern Sea Route, a historically developed national transport communication of the Russian Federation, is carried out according to generally recognized principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation, the present Federal Law, other federal laws and other normative legal acts issued in accordance to them" [6].

The definition of the Northern Sea Route water area itself was laid down in the first paragraph of Article 5.1. of The Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation, it was amended by the Federal Law of July 28, 2012 [7]:

The area of the Northern Sea Route means a water area adjoining the northern coast of the Russian Federation, including internal sea waters, territorial sea, contiguous zone and exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, and limited in the East by the line delimitating the sea areas with the United States of America and by the parallel of the Dezhnev Cape in the Bering Strait; in the West, by the meridian of the Cape Zhelanie to the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, by the east coastal line of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago and the western limits of the MatochkinShar, Kara Gates, YugorskiShar Straits.

Note that the this definition of the NSR does not technically include Murmansk or Arkhangelsk, even though most ships travelling the route would pro-

bably call at the port in Murmansk. Arkhangelsk, too, is planning to build a deep-draft port to attract ships and connect into the planned Belkomur railway, which would run from Arkhangelsk, on the White Sea, to Perm, near the Ural Mountains. This railway, whose construction falls under the Russian Federation's Railway Plan through 2030, would be part of the Northern Transport Corridor ultimately connecting Finland, the Urals, Central Asia, and the Far East [8]. In Russian practice, ports are subject to а different legal regime.

2. Navigation rules in the area of the Northern Sea Route adopted by the federal executive organ authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation (the Administration of the NSR)are applied with a view of ensuring safety of navigation and prevention, reduction and monitoring pollution of the marine environment from vessels, include:

1) the order of administration of shipping in the area of the Northern Sea Route;

2) rules on icebreaker support in the area of the Northern Sea Route;

3) rules on ice pilotage in the area of the Northern Sea Route;

4) rules on pilotage along the lines in the area of 'Northern Sea Route;

5) regulation on navigation-hydrographic and hydro-meteorological maintenance of shipping in the area of the Northern Sea Route;

6) rules of radio communication at shipping in the area of the Northern Sea Route;

7) other provisions relating to administration of shipping in the area of the Northern Sea Route [7].

The Northern Sea Route Administration [9] in 2013 received 631 permission applications and initially refused 83 vessels passage. When the majority of these vessels provided additional documentation, they were allowed to pass, and only 18 vessels - or 3.5 percent of total applicants - were denied passage.

3. Administration of shipping in the area of the Northern Sea Route is carried out by the administration of the Northern Sea Route established in the form of a federal public agency and carrying out the following basic functions:

1) receipt of applications for shipping permits in the area of the Northern Sea Route, consideration of such permits and issue of permits for shipping in the area of the Northern Sea Route;

2) monitoring hydro-meteorological, ice and navigation conditions in the area of the Northern Sea Route;

3) coordination of installation of navigation equipment and areas of carrying out hydrographic works in the area of the Northern Sea Route;

4) providing information services (relating to the area of the Northern Sea Route) in the sphere of administration of shipping, requirements for ensuring safety of shipping, navigation-hydrographic maintenance of shipping, ensuring icebreaker pilotage of vessels;

5) developing recommendations for drafting shipping routes and using vessels of the icebreaking fleet in the area of the Northern Sea Route taking into account hydro-meteorological, ice and navigation conditions in the above area;

6) assistance in the organization of carrying out search and rescue operations in the area of the Northern Sea Route;

7) certification of persons carrying out ice pilotage, concerning the right of ice pilotage of vessels in the area of the Northern Sea Route;

8) assistance in carrying out operations on liquidation of consequences of pollution from vessels by dangerous and harmful substances, sewage or garbage.

For example, The Communications Instructions for the Arctic Navigation 2012--2013 on the Northern Sea Rout was issued by the Federal Agency of maritime and river transport is available on-line [10].

4. The issue of permits for shipping in the area of the Northern Sea Route provided for by subparagraph 1, paragraph 3 of this article is carried out subject to the performance by a vessel of requirements concerning safety of navigation and protection of marine environment against pollution from vessels (relating to the area of the Northern Sea Route) and established by international treaties of the Russian Federation, legislation of the Russian Federation, shipping regulations in the area of the Northern Sea Route, specified in paragraph 2 of this article, and submission of documents certifying the possession of insurance or another financial security of civil liability from pollution or other damage caused by a vessel, established under international treaties of the Russian Federation, legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. The amount of icebreaker pilotage fees, ice pilotage in the area of the Northern Sea Route is determined according to the legislation of the Russian Federation on natural monopolies with due account of capacity of a vessel, its ice class, distance of pilotage and navigation period.

Payment of icebreaker pilotage fees, ice pilotage in the area of the Northern Sea Route is carried out proceeding from the volume of actually rendered services [7].

As the increasing of the cargo traffic depends on the freight value and the freight depends in its tern on the expenses of the transportation, we should admit, that all payment of pilotage fees are based on non-discriminatory bases.

Canada like the Russian Federation has special legal regulation of the navigation the Northwestern Passage. As for Canadian regulation of the fees, we can find thatthe Canadian Coast Guard (CCG), a sector of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, implemented the Icebreaking Services Fee on December 21, 1998 This fee is transit-based, and payable by commercial vessels where ice-breaking services are available. The fee structure has remained unchanged since implementation [11].

Currently, the Canadian Coast Guard levies fees for navigation services it provides to commercial shipping in Canadian waters. These services include aids to navigation and Vessel Traffic Services. With specific regard to the Arctic, the Marine Navigation Services Fee does not apply to vessels operating exclusively in Canadian waters north of 60° North latitude, or between locations defined as remote ports via the Income Tax Act (i.e.: Places in Prescribed Zones). However, the Marine Navigation Services Fee does apply to ships trading between nonremote ports south of 60° North latitude and those defined as remote or those

northern ports located north of 60° North latitude. At this time, the Coast Guard estimates that the total Marine Navigation Services Fees applied to all cargo conveyed by marine transportation destined for Nunavut to be approximately $170,000 annually. On March 24, 2005, after consultation with stakeholders, the former Minister of Fisheries and Oceans approved an amendment to the Fee Schedule for the Marine Navigation Services Fee regarding the application of the tonne-kilometre rate to foreign-flag vessels. This amendment, which came into force on April 1, 2005, was necessary to resolve an unintended rate disparity between domestic and foreign-flag ships operating in the Great Lakes. More specifically, the amendment was required to ensure that the tonne-kilometer rate would apply to all eligible ships, regardless of flag. The main beneficiaries of this amendment are American-flag vessels [12].

RussianGovernmentinvestssubstantial fundingto ensure safetyof transportation, development of hydrometeorological support and organization of the Marine Rescue CoordinationCenterin Dikson [1].

The necessity of the state regulation of navigation in the Arctic waters can be proved by the case of Nordvik: the Nordvik, a so-called ice class 1 vessel, according to the permit it was issued by the Northern Sea Route Administration, was struck by an ice floe on September 4 in the Matisen Strait to the north of the Taimyr Peninsula on a course for Murmansk.

The class one status, as noted on the permit, confers the Nordvik license to sail only in the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea and only in light ice conditions with icebreaker escort. After two weeks adrift, the Nordvik was finally guided to port.

That the ship was in medium ice conditions with no icebreaker escort in sight constitutes a major violation of Northern Sea Route Administration procedures, any fines or punishment for which are likely to fall on the heads of the Nordvik's owner, the Khatanga Commercial Port, Russia's Seafarers Union has said [13]. But Russia has been keen to take control of the Nothern Sea Route, establishing the Northern Sea Route Administration, and essentially offering up its icebreakers as a necessary part of the toll vessels must pay to make the passage from Europe to the Far East, avoiding the Suez Canal [14].

According to the Mentioned above Fundamentals of the Russian Federation's State Policy in the Arctic Region for the Period of up to 2020 and Beyond It, The Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation has gotten a chance to overhaul the specialization of its foreign trade over the next ten to twelve years, to part with the dependence on the hydrocarbons the monotype export produce, to scale down the economy's orientation at raw materials and to eliminate many imbalances in development. A full-scale implementation of the potential for transit transportation owing to the rise of a system of international transport corridors crossing the territories and water areas under Russia's jurisdiction may become a promising field of activity. The same applies to the capillary transport infrastructure linking remote sub-Arctic townships.

The scarcity of the transport system - its maritime and continental elements likewise - is the main factor impeding a steady social and economic develop-

ment of Northern regions. This scarcity hinders the development of mineral resources - not only in the AZRF but also in the Urals, Siberia, the Perm territory, and many other regions specializing in the production of minerals and energy resources. In addition, it puts off indefinitely the projects linked to the mineral wealth. That is why the aforesaid program solutions aim to help the creation of a base frame of the transport system in the AZRF, including new latitude-wise and longitude-wise transport corridors tied up to the implementation of 'Industrial Urals to Arctic Urals' and BelKomUr projects. Construction of a railway line between Polunochnaya and Obskaya stations, completion of the line between Obskaya and Bovanenkovo with a subsequent connection to the port of Kharasavei, the commissioning of Nadym-Salekhard railway corridor that will extend to Labytnanghi, and construction of a line between Korotchayevo and Igarka with a future access to the port of Dudinka in the mouth of the River Yenisei and the city of Norilsk will link the ore resources of the Arctic Urals and the gas/oil producing territories of the Yamal Peninsula to the well-developed parts of the Industrialized Urals [15].

As a conclusion:

The Russian President signed a federal law on December 29, 2014 № 473-FZ "On the territories of advancing socio-economic development in the Russian Federation".

The federal law under the territory of advancing socio-economic development (hereinafter - TOR) means the part of the territory of the Russian Federation, which, in accordance with the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation establishes a special legal regime for business and other activities in order to create an enabling environment to attract investment, ensure rapid economic development and the creation of favorable conditions for the life of the population. This special territories can be created on the territory, members of the Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation.

This fact may give impetus to the growing of investment activity in the Russian Far East. The increasing of transportation demands the development of the transport system.

We dare to disagree with the position of some foreign scholars (Chircope, Buniketc) that the Russian Federation has made the commercialization of the Northern Sea Rout and economic development its central goal [17]. Nowadays Russia insists on the respect of its sovereign wrights in the Arctic. Our state has made the protection of its rights as important as economical development [18].


1. BarentsObserver 2011 [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://barentsobserver.com/en.

2. China's voyage of discovery to cross the less frozen north [Electronic resource]. - Access: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/18/china-northeastern-sea-route-trial-voyage.

3. Михина, И. История формирования правового режима морских пространств российской Арктики [Электронный ресурс] // Морские вести России. - Режим доступа: http://www.morvesti.ru/tems/detail.php?ID=30977.

4. Основы государственной политики Российской Федерации в Арктике на период до 2020 г. и дальнейшую перспективу [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://www.rg.ru/2009/03/30/arktika-osnovy-dok.html.

5. О внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации в части государственного регулирования торгового мореплавания в акватории Северного морского пути [Электронный ресурс] : Федеральный закон от 28 июля 2012 г. № 132-ФЗ. - Режим доступа: http://asmp.morfl ot.ru/ru/zakon_o_smp/.

6. О внутренних водах, территориальном море и прилежащей зоне Российской Федерации : Федеральный закон от 31.07.1998 № 155-ФЗ // Собрание законодательства Российской Федерации. - 1998. - № 31. - Ст. 3833 ; 2008. - № 30. - Ст. 3616.

7. Кодекс торгового мореплавания Российской Федерации от 30.04.1999 № 81-ФЗ (ред. от 31.12.2014) [Электронный ресурс] // СПС «Консультант Плюс». - Режим доступа: http://www.consultant.ru/ document/cons_doc_LAW_177298/.

8. Mia Bennet. Northern Sea Route headquarters to open in Moscow [Electronic resource]. - Access: http://foreignpolicyblogs.com/2013/01/12/northern-sea-route-headquarters-to-open-in-moscow.

9. NSRA: The Northern Sea Route Administration web-site. 2013 [Electronic resource]. - Access: http://www.nsra.ru/en/celi_funktsii.

10. The Communications Instructions for the Arctic Navigation 2012 -2013 on the Northern Sea Rout [Electronic resource]. - Access: http://www.arctic-lio.com/docs/nsr/legislation/Communication_Instructions_for_Arctic_Navigatio n.pdf.

11. Canadian Coast Guard web-site [Electronic resource]. - Access: http://www.ccg-gcc.gc.ca/eng/Ccg/ice_Icebreaking_Service_Fees.

12. Marine Services Fees Information Bulletins [Electronic resource]. - Access: http://www.ccg-gcc.gc.ca/eng/CCG/MSF_Bulletin21.

13. Некоммерческая общественная организация «Беллона» [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://bellona.org/news/arctic/2013-09-foundering-vessel-arctic-finally-rescued-icebreakers-russian-maritime-authorities-pleased-incident.

14. Marchenko, N. Northern Sea Route: modernstateand challenges [Electronic resource] // Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE 2014 June 8-13, San Francisco, CA. [Электронный ресурс]. - Access: http://www.unis.no/35_STAFF/ staff_webpages/technology/nataly_marchenko/NM_2014_OMAE.pdf.

15. The Arctic : A Space of Cooperation and Common Security / by ed. A.V. Zagorsky. - Moscow : IMEMORAN, 2010. - 41 p.

16. О территориях опережающего социально-экономического развития в Российской Федерации [Электронный ресурс] : Федеральный закон от 29.12.2014 № 473-ФЗ // Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации. - Режим доступа: http://www.pravo.gov.ru.

17. Course Convergence? Comparatives on the Governance of Navigation and Shipping in Canadian and Russian Waters / A. Chircop, I. Bunik, M. L. McConnell, K. Swendsen // Ocean Yearbook Online. - 2014. - Vol. 28, Iss. 1. -Р. 291-327.

18. Barents Observer 2015 [Electronic resource]. - Access: http://barentsob server. com/en/ sections/ security.


1. Barents Observer 2011. Available at: http://barentsobserver.com/en (accessed 15 April 2015).

2. China's voyage of discovery to cross the less frozen north. Available at: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/18/china-northeastern-sea-route-trial-voyage (accessed 15 April 2015).

3. Mikhina I. Istoriya formirovaniya pravovogo rezhima morskikh prostranstv rossiiskoi Arktiki [The history of thelegal regimeof maritime areas in the Russian Arctic]. Morskie vesti Rossii [Maritime News Russia]. Available at: http://www.morvesti.ru/tems/detail.php?ID=30977 (accessed 15 April 2015).

4. The Development Strategy of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation and Ensuring National Security until 2020. Available at: http://iecca.ru/en/legislation/strategies/item/99-the-development-strategy-of-the-arctic-zone-of-the-russian-federation (accessed 14 October 2014). (In Russian).

5. The Federal Act оп Amendments to Specific Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation related to Governmental Regulation of Merchant Shipping in the Water Агеа of the Northern Sea Route. July 28, 2012. Available at: http://asmp.morflot.ru/ru/zakon_o_smp/ (accessed 14 October 2014). (In Russian).

6. The Federal Law of 31.07.1998 №155-FZ "On the internal waters, territorialsea and contiguouszone of the RussianFederation". Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Collected legislation of the Russian Federation], 1998, no. 31, st. 3833; 2008, no. 30, st. 3616. (In Russian).

7. Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation of 30.04.1999 no. 81-FZ (ed. by 31.12.2014). Available at: http://www.consultant.ru/document /cons_doc_LAW_177298/ (accessed 06 April 2015). (In Russian).

8. Mia Bennet. Northern Sea Route headquarters to open in Moscow. Available at: http://foreignpolicyblogs.com/2013/01/12/northern-sea-route-headquar ters-to-open-in-moscow/(accessed 15 April 2015).

9. NSRA. The Northern Sea Route Administration web-site. Available at: http://asmp.morflot.ru/(accessed 15 April 2015).

10. The Communications Instructions for the Arctic Navigation 2012-2013 on the Northern Sea Rout. Available at: http://www.arctic-

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lio.com/docs/nsr/legislation/Communication_Instructions_for_Arctic_Navigatio n.pdf (accessed 15 April 2015).

11. Canadian Coast Guard web-site. Available at: http://www.ccg-gcc.gc.ca/eng/Ccg/ice_Icebreaking_Service_Fees (accessed 15 April 2015).

12. Marine Services Fees Information Bulletins. Available at: http://www.ccg-gcc.gc.ca/eng/CCG/MSF_Bulletin21(accessed 15 April 2015).

13. Non-profit public organization "Bellona". Available at: http://bellona.org/news/arctic/2013-09-foundering-vessel-arctic-finally-rescued-icebreakers-russian-maritime-authorities-pleased-incident (accessed 15 April 2015). (In Russian).

14. Marchenko N. Northern Sea Route: modernstateand challenges. Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE 2014 June 8-13, San Francisco, CA. Available at: http://www.unis.no/35_STAFF/staff_webpages/technology/nataly_marchenko/N M_2014_OMAE.pdf (accessed 15 April 2015).

15. Zagorsky A.V., ed. The Arctic: A Space of Cooperation and Common Security. Moscow: IMEMORAN, 2010. 41 p.

16. Federal Law "On the territories of advancing socio-economic development in the Russian Federation", December 29, 2014 № 473-FZ. Available at: http://www.pravo.gov.ru, (accessed 29 December 2014). (In Russian).

17. Chircop A., Bunik I., McConnell M. L., Swendsen K. Course Convergence? Comparatives on the Governance of Navigation and Shipping in Canadian and Russian Waters. Ocean Yearbook Online, 2014, vol. 28, iss. 1, pp. 291-327.

18. Barents Observer 2015. Available at: http://barentsobserver.com/en/ sections/security (accessed 15 April 2015).

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