Some facts about professional lexis in Khorezm region
Ultraschallprüfung — als eine integrierende Dominante funktioniert. Wie es sich beobachten lässt, spezialisieren sich die Paradigmaglieder auf Charakteristik der Methode mit unmittelbarer Hinweisung auf “время” (“Zeit”), zum Beispiel: “время распространения сигнала”.
Das Glied [1] des Paradigmas [5] — “time base” — besteht aus einer integrierenden Komponente und der Nomination “base” (ось) und bedeutet “развертка”. Dieser Begriff wird in der verwandten deutschen Sprache durch die Nomination des Kompositums “Zeitachse” ausgedrückt. Das Glied (c) des Paradigmas [5] — “time base range” — nominiert in der russischen Sprache den Begriff “диапазон развертки”; die deutsche Entsprechung hat die Nomination “Justierbereich”, in der “Justier” auf “justieren” — genau einstellen zurückgeht. Hier geht es um die genaue Einstellung der Zeitachse, was die deutsche Nomination “Justierbereich” teilweise impliziert.
Glied (f) des Paradigmas “time reversal Mirror” enthält die Objektivierung von den drei Konzepten: 1) time; 2) reversal; 3) Mirror, und muss die Enthaltung des Frames in der russischen Sprache als “зеркало обращения времени” wiedergeben. Der englische Begriff “reversal” (реверсивный) wird in der deutschen Entsprechung durch die Nomination “Umkehr” als Teil des Kompositums “ Spiegelzertumkehr” wiedergeben.
Es sei darauf hingewiesen, dass es keinen Bestandteil des Kompositums gibt, der stilmarkierende Funktion ausübt. Sie sind alle stilneutrale sprachliche Einheiten, aber wenn sie als ein Teil des Kompositums fungieren und den Bereich der Ultraschallprüfung bedienen, erhalten sie einen neuen Status — stilmarkierende sprachliche Einheiten.
Auf solche Weise, werden stilneutrale Einheiten der Sprache zu den unverzichtbaren Elementen des terminologischen Systems. Sie können ihren Status ändern, weil sie relevante Einheiten eines terminologischen System sind.
1. Dictionary of Non-Destructive Testing (English - German и German - English). - Düsseldorf, 2009. - 138 s.
2. Wahrig G. Deutsches Wörterbuch. - Bertelsmann-Verlag, 1974. - S. 4185.
3. Блох М. Я. Преобразование предложения в парадигматическом синтаксисе.//Проблемы языкознания и теории английского языка. - Вып. 1. - М., 1978.
4. Крушевский Н. В. Очерк науки о языке.//Изв. и учен. зап. Имп. Казан. ун-та. - Казань, 1883. - Т. XIX. - Январь-Апрель. - 148 с.
5. Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь./Под ред. В. Н. Ярцевой; Ин-т языкознания АН СССР. - М.: Советская энциклопедия, 1990. - 682 с.
6. Михайлов Л. М. Парадигматические отношения в синтаксической концепции В. Г. Адмони и современное состояние разработки проблемы.//Научное наследие В. Г. Адмони и современная лингвистика. Материалы международной научной конференции. - Санкт-Петербург, 2009. - С. 171-172.
Norboyeva Shukurjon, senior scientific researcher, Urgench State University E-mail: [email protected]
Some facts about professional lexis in Khorezm region
Abstract: Although the regional dialects have been studied since the second half of the last century, some lexical units such as professional terms are already out of use, and have changed into archaisms or old fashioned words. Besides, some of these lexical units are used as the parts of hyphenated words as their meaning was not understood fully by the speakers of the dialects. For instance the hyphenated words in Uzbek dialect.
Keywords: regional dialects, professional lexis, Khorezm dialect, hyphenated words, cloth, supra-sanach, scientific critical issue, ethographism.
Although the regional dialects have been studied since the second half of the last century, some lexical units such as professional terms are already out of use, and have changed into archaisms or old fashioned words. Besides, some of these lexical units are used as the parts of hyphenated words as their meaning was not understood fully by the speakers of the dialects. For instance the hyphenated words in Uzbek dialect: supra-sanach, i (a)dish-ayaq.
Though the borrowed word “supra” in hyphenated word “Supra-sanach” came from Arabic, it doesn’t mean the “the
food taken to eat on the road” as in original, but in general it means “table cloth”, “food”, “meal” [1]. For this reason, its relativeness to the words “safar” (journey), “musofir” (passer by) could be recognized. For instance, in the following lines by Alisher Navoi we can see the word “supra” as the close word to “dasturkhon” (table cloth):
Yeyar anga supraki, ul och emas,
Berur anga to’nki, yalang’och emas [2]
Means: Lays him table, though he is not hungry,
Gives him coat, though he is not bare.
Section 10. Philology
In this sense even the word “supra” is written as it is spelt [3], in scientific critical issue of “Hayrat ul-abror”, according to the original version of the work is written as ‘sufra’. The word “sufra” acquired its present meaning “a cloth specially designed to sift the flour”. As a proof to the point, we can see the following lines in “Zarbulmasal” by Gulkhaniy (Uzbek poet and writer),«No any flour in “sufra” (“a cloth specially designed to sift the flour”), but two “tandir” (stoves) on the roof» (a proverb).
In regional dialects, this word can be pronounced as “s (э) pra” as a cloth specially designed to sift the flour on it. On base of this word, the party organized for relatives or friends for the successful accomplishment of wedding and anniversary ceremonies is called as “sэpraqaqdэ” ethographism originated in the dialect [4].
The word “sanach” in “hyphenated” word, means “the sack made of animal’s skin” [4]. In Uzbek academic definition dictionary gives the following definition to the word “the dish, sack made of animal skin” and defines it as the historical word [5]. The genetic layer of the word is not given in the dictionary. The word is not included into the “Etymological dictionary of Uzbek words”.
We can find some facts about the etymology of the word “idish ’эdэsh” in research works by Sh. Nosirov. But his opinion “the word originated from the verb ‘ad” meaning to eat” differs quietly from Sh. Rakhmatullayev’s opinion [7].
The word “idish-ayaq”, “adash-ayaq”, originated from the word “ayagh” which means “kosa”, “piyola”, “qadah” (in English a cup and a glass) [8]. In Old Uzbek language there was another form of the word “zarf ”.
With general meaning of dish, which was used in literature by Alisher Navai. For instance, “Bir kuni ul murid do’konga yetganda ul murid hamul dastur bila bir ayaq osh kelturub, Shayx ayag’ ustida turub, ul oshni ichadur edikim, bir darvesh etishdi va oq pokiza xirqa kiyib erdi” (“Nasoyim ul muhabbat”).
In old Uzbek the word “ayaq” means, a part of body or “a leg” and “idish” or “a dish”. This phenomenon was defined by Sh. Rakhmatullayev as following, “This noun must have been originated from old Turkish word which meant the digged place” [9], and formed by the “ay” form of the noun word “agh” and the suffix “- (a)q” with the meaning of “small”. We can add the following points to the statement. The stem of the word as a verb is “ay” - means “be seperate”, “get divorced” or “to diverge”, which we can met in represented speech in the form of “ayirmoq” (to separate), in our dialect it is pronounced as “ayilmoq” (which means get out of the drank state). For this reason, in Khorezmian dialects the person who has already out of drunk state is called “ayaiq”: for instance, “ayaiq vaxta gaplash” or in literary language “xushyor patda gaplash” (speak to him when he is not drunk). It is important to say that the word “ay” with the meaning of “be seperate” and the stem of the verb “ayair” was used in the form of “ay”, “ad” or “az” [10]. The form “ad” was used in Urxun-Enasoy scripts in verb form “adral”: “Turk bodun qanai bilan bo” lmayin, Tabghachdan
ayraildi’ — or in literary Uzbek “Turk xalqi xoni bilan bo’lmayin, Tabghachdan ayrildi” [11].
Now we can deal with the meaning of dish of the word “ayaq//ayagh”, the verb meaning of the words “az/ad/ay” had another meaning “ayil” (otning ayili), which cam be seen in “aylan” (walk in round or circle way). From this verb the word “ayya” - “walk in circle way” originated and a meaning was to express the outcome of the activity with the suffix -q, for example “ayaq” (in curcle or round shape) and began to be used as a noun. The problem is that, if we continue to analyze in this way, it comes out that this word had experienced the same phonetic changes as its homonymy in the form of azaq//adaq//ayaq. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain that the word with a stem of “ad” and the word with a stem of “agh” had nearly the same form in all cases. Besides, the next explanation coincides with the principle of naming things and substance (according to the form and volume). This word, even in rare cases, can be seen in fiction in the form “oyoq” which means’a large dish wich is used to put and drink the liquid. In dialect forms, the hyphenated word “aidash-ayaq” explains that the word hasn’t been forgotten totally in the language. So, the use of the word by later literary creators shows from one hand that the vocabulary stosk of Navai’s creative works served for them as the source and in other hand, it can be explained that, the word has always been in oral use in Uzbek dialects. For instance, the word “ayaqchi” as the works by Alisher Navai can be met in gazelles by Shermukham-mad Munis with the meaning of “soqiy” (a rank in Turkish sultans reign) [12] as in the following lines: “Ayaqchi tut manga bu dam chog’irni”. In Alisher Navai’s works the words “ayaq//ayagh” meant “to step”, originated in “ay” form of the word “ad” [13]. This form preserved in literary language in the word “odim” and in dialect word “adaim”. The result of swallowing once was called “yutum”, the outcome of squeezing once was called “qisim”, and so is the result of stepping once was called “odim”. So, “odim otmoq” (to step) is the old verb “ad//at” but not in the meaning of throw or shoot. According to this analysis, these words later were differentiated by the marks of short and long forms and meant “the movement done from one place to another”.
Another term “qaytaqi” - a kind of winter cap, the wearing side is tight and the upper part is wide [14]. Looking at the shape of the cap, we can say that the word is originated from the verb “qay” in old Turkish which meant “fold it back” and the suffix “at” and the adjective forming suffix “-aqai”. As it can be seen in many names of clothes, as a result of substantiv-itization of adjectives “qaytaqi” began to be used as a noun denoting a type of cap. If take into consideration the fact of that the names of some clothes had the structure of containing adjective, there is no doubt that it was used in early times in the form of “qaytaqi to’ppi” or “qaytaqi popoq”.
Another word is “guppi” denoting an outwear cloth sewn by placing the fur of camel, sheep or cotton. S. Rakhmatullayev claimed that the word was originated from old Turkish verb “ko’p” which meant “dumbay” by adding the suffix -u; the
General linguistic principles of the secondary predication in English
consonant “p" is doubled as a result of affixation. Later the initial consonant “k" changed into “g", the vowel “o’ " assimilated to “u", and soft mark of the vowel “u" was lost in Uzbek [16].
This analysis of initial k and g//g and k, even if it was not so typical phonetic change, and can be observed in qorluq and qipchoq dialects of Uzbek language, the doubling of the
consonant “p" had influenced on extra-shading the meaning of the word.
According to the facts above, the analysis study of lexical layer of regional dialects shows the importance of studying general outlook of Khorezm regional professional lexical layer of the dialect.
1. Аннаъим. - Тошкент: Абдулла Кодирий номидаги халк, мероси нашриёти. 2003. - Б. 375.
2. Алишер Навоий. Мкаммал асарлар туплами. Еттинчи том. - Тошкент: Фан, 1991. - Б. 146.
3. Алишер Навоий. Х^айрат ул-аброр. Илмий-танкидий матн. Тузувчи Порсо Шамсий. - Тошкент: Фан, 1970. - Б. 86.
4. Абдуллаев Ф. Хоразм шевалари. - Тошкент: Фан, 1961. - Б. 110.
5. Узбек тилининг изодли лугати. Беш жилдли. Учинчи жилд. - Тошкент: Узбекистан Миллий энциклопедияси. - Б. 441.
6. Носиров Ш. Шевалар лексикасининг содалар буйича группалари.//Узбек шевалари лексикаси. - Тошкент: Фан, 1991. - Б. 141-142.
7. Радматуллаев Ш. Узбек тилининг этимологик лугати. - Тошкент: Университет, 2000. - Б. 108.
8. Туйчибоев Б., Кашкирли К. Зоминнинг тил комуси. - Тошкент: Akademnashr, 2012. - Б. 238.
9. Радматуллаев Ш. Узбек тилининг этимологик лугати. - Тошкент: Университет, 2000. - Б. 250.
10. Севортян Э. В. Этимологический словарь тюркских языков. - М.: Наука, I. - C. 115.
11. Абдурадмонов F., Рустамов А. Кадимги туркий тил. - Тошкент: Укитувчи, 1981. - Б. 71.
12. Наджип Э. Тюркский язык делийского солтана XIV века.//Советская тюркология. - 1982. - № 2. - С. 86.
13. Севортян Э. В. Этимологический словарь тюркских языков. - М.: Наука, I. - C. 103.
14. Абдуллаев Ф. Хоразм шевалари. - Тошкент: Узбекистон Фанлар академияси нашриёти, 1961.
15. Мадмуд Кошгарий. Девону луготит турк. Таржимон ва нашрга тайёрловчи С. Муталлибов. II жилд. - Тошкент: УзФАН, 1961. - Б. 263.
16. Радматуллаев Ш. Узбек тилининг этимологик лугати. - Тошкент: Университет, 2000. - Б. 87.
Norbaev Uktam Saparbaevich, teacher of the English language and literature department, Foreign Languages Faculty, Urgench State University
Madraximova Nazokat, student, English language and literature department, Foreign Languages Faculty, Urgench State University
Jumatov Rashid,
teacher of the English language and literature department, Foreign Languages Faculty, Urgench State University E-mail: [email protected]
General linguistic principles of the secondary predication in English
Abstract: One of the essential characteristics of a secondary predicate construction is the fact that a single clause contains two predicative constituents, which do not form a complex predicate in the way serial verbs or periphrastic predicates do. In every sentence there is bound to be predication, without which there would be no sentence. Keywords: predicative expression, periphrastic predicates, recitatives, Subject-oriented.
Secondary predication is stillreckoned pervasive in languages and under debate in current public linguistics. A secondary predicate is a (mostly adjectival) predicative expression that conveys information about the subject or the object but is not the main predicate of the clause. One of the essential characteristics of a secondary predicate construction is the fact that a single clause contains two predicative constituents, which do not form a complex predicate in the way serial verbs
or periphrastic predicates do. In every sentence there is bound to be predication, without which there would be no sentence. In a usual two-member sentence the predication is between the subject and the predicate. In most sentences this is the only predication they contain. However, there are also sentences which contain one more predication, which is not between the subject and the predicate of the sentence. This predication may conveniently be termed secondary predication. In this