УДК: 371+796
Rizoeva Parvina Suhrobovna
Ashrapov Bahodurjon Pulotovich
Ssenior lecturers of the department of English language
under the SEI "KhSU named after acad. B.Gafurov"
bahodur. ashrapov@mail. ru
The article dwells on the issue concerned with some consideration beset with the notion of teaching methods in the system of didactical tuition. It is underscored that the notion of "teaching methods" is considered to be one of the central and problematic ones in reference to the "didactics" section of the pedagogy course. At the same time, one should also indicate the ways of optimal choice of teaching methods, their methodologically correct application and methods of analyzing an application of teaching methods in practice.
Key words: notion, content, teaching methods, didactical tuition, optimal choice.
Ризоева Парвина Сухробовна,
Ашрапов Баходурджон Пулотович,
Старшие преподаватели кафедры английского языка,
ГОУ «Худжандский государственный университет им. акад. Б.Гафурова»
В статье рассматривается вопрос о некоторых аспектах рассмотрения понятия методов обучения в системе дидактического обучения. Подчеркивается, что понятие «методы обучения» считается одним из центральных и проблемных применительно к разделу «дидактика» курса педагогики. При этом следует также указать пути оптимального выбора методов обучения, их методически правильное применение и методы анализа применения методов обучения на практике.
Ключевые слова: понятие, содержание, методы обучения, дидактическое обучение, оптимальный выбор.
The notion "Teaching Methods" is considered to be one of the central and problematic ones in reference to the "didactics" section of the pedagogy course. Up to now there is no common understanding among scientists-didactists in reference to teaching methods definition and their classification. The whole relevant theoretical disagreements, in their turn are intricate in the practical usage of teaching methods. The assertion by outstanding Soviet didactists V.V. Kraevsky and I.Ya. Lerner are relevant to our days: "One of the reasons for insufficient performance of teaching methods is confusion in their didactic development. It leads to the fact that many training manuals set out insufficiently substantiated tasks under our angle, the concepts reflected in teaching
practice. Students, assimilating these concepts do not acquire a number of necessary attitudes and skills for full-fledged learning. The main source of shortcomings of traditional concepts of methods is the lack of theoretical integrity and validity in their empirical nature" [4, p. 162-163; 5; 6].
The object of the corpus of our study is to determine the role and place of the notion of teaching methods in the system of didactic ones. At the same time, it is targeted at consideration of the opinions among scientists-didactist in reference to teaching methods definition and their classification.
The subject of the corpus of our study is appropriate innovative analysis of rationalizing approaches to the development and application
of teaching methods that allows to form a similar spirit of future teachers.
The purpose of the corpus of our study are teaching methods that answer one of the main questions of didactics: "How to teach?" If we teach correctly we will get the correct result; if we do not, then we will not get any result. In order to fully determine the concepts of teaching methods, methods of teaching computer knowledge, skills and abilities you should first logically consider the notion of a method. What is method? What role does it play in the process of human activity?
The main part of the article. Determining the role and place of methods in human activity we can define the role and place of teaching methods in the educational process and cognitive activity. The philosophical encyclopedic dictionary gives the following definition: "Method (from the Greek. metodos - the way of research or cognition, theory, teaching), a way of building and substantiating the system of philosophical knowledge and a set of techniques and operations for practical and theoretical mastering of reality. With its genetic roots, the method goes back to practical activities. At the same time, the method acts as a tool, a means, a technique with the help of the object of activity changes in the proper streamline. Since in the process of teaching the objects of the teacher's activity are students, we talk about changing students so that after training they enjoy a certain quantitative and qualitative change, transformation in their education, upbringing and development.
Thus, it can be argued that these three main functions of learning are realized through teaching methods. If these three functions of learning materialize in the learning process, then we have the right to assert that the act of learning has taken place. Otherwise, we can only talk about an incomplete learning process. Since a student as an object of educational and cognitive activity is, first of all, a person, it is quite logical that he were conscious and active and that should be achieved with him/her by the subject of this type of activity, i.e. teacher incidentally. Only in this case can there be a didactic connection between the subject and object of the given didactic activity. This is, as it were, initial didactic condition for the successful course of the relevant type of activity. This didactic connection can take place in the form of cooperation, as it was accepted in the pedagogical direction of the 80-ies of the last century - the fact took place in the former Soviet Union (we are talking about pedagogical cooperation). Therefore, the definition of a teaching method should indicate both the relationship between the subject and object of didactic activity and implementation of the three main functions of teaching: educational, upbringing and developmental.
Methods of teaching computer knowledge, skills and abilities cover both the
teaching activity of the teacher and educational and cognitive activity of students. Ultimately, as a result of application of methods of teaching computer knowledge, skills and abilities students should be imbued with a system of computer knowledge, skills and abilities with an adequate level of education. As a result, teaching methods cannot have the didactic status that they should have. Many difficulties and difficulties arise from this state of affairs. Productive implementation of teaching methods depends on the level of theoretical and practical competence of the subjects, a way of dealing with teaching methods [1; 2].
We have identified the following circle of people involved in teaching methods: teaching methods are the object of scientific research for didacticists-methodists; teaching methods are the subject of pedagogical manuals and private methods, therefore, the authors of these textbooks deal with teaching methods; teaching methods are the topics of theoretical and practical classes in pedagogy and private methodology for teachers of the departments of pedagogy and private methodology; teaching methods are elements of the system of professional and pedagogical training of future teachers including future teachers of informatics; teaching methods didactic tools of the teacher with the help of which he carries out his teaching activities; teaching methods way as methods of teaching for students are student's didactic tools with the help of which he/she carries out his/her educational and cognitive activities.
Certainly, the core of the art of teaching to everyone everything were not only the principles that had to be observed not only in the learning process, but in teaching methods either. It is important to reflect the theme referred as to "Teaching Methods" in textbooks of pedagogy and private methodology and in other teaching aids as well. If in the textbook of pedagogy this theme is described from the point of view of the essence and as something in common, then in a particular methodology the former should be reflected as a form of manifestation of this essence, as a unit of the investigated in general, i.e. there must be certain continuity, transition from the abstract to the concrete. It is also advisable to hold scientific and methodological conferences, effectuate publication of joint methodological developments on the topic: "Teaching methods." Following this direction, it is possible to attract leading school teachers. It is a different matter when a student brings sheets with reference signals from school. Now the control and help of parents become effective and targeted excluding the possibility of any conflicts in internal relations and in the relationship between family and school. And this is understandable: parents do not need much difficulty to compare the written work of their
children with the originals of supporting sheets received at school" [3. p.173].
Conclusion: Thus, terroristic groups, arms, drugs and human traffickers, money laundering, computer criminals find vulnerabilities in new communication
technologies and use them for their own purposes". (Asia-Plus, Cyber terrorists attack Tajikistan). It follows from the content of this article, how important it is to control children's computer enthusiasm.
1. Ashrapov, B.P. Effectiveness of video materials for foreign language teaching / B.P. Ashrapov // International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. - 2022. - No 4-1(67). - P. 74-76. - DOI 10.24412/2500-1000-2022-4-1 -74-76.
2. Ashrapov, B.P. Foreign Language Learning Strategies / B.P. Ashrapov // Тенденции развития науки и образования. - 2022. - No 85-5. - P. 64-66. - DOI 10.18411/trnio-05-2022-201
3. Bozhenova I.N. Pedagogical Search / I.N. Bozhenova. - M.: Pedagogy, 1988. - 544 pp.
4. Comenius Ya. A. Pedagogical Heritage / J.A. Komensky, D.Loek, J.J. Rousseau, I.G. Pestilozzi; Compiled by V.M. Clarin, A.N. Dzhurinsky. - M.: Pedagogy, 1987. - 416 pp.
5. Rashidova, D.A. The Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon's Contribution into Enactment of Programme of Foreign Languages / D.A. Rashidova, B.P. Ashrapov // Вестник Педагогического университета. - 2022. - № 1-2 (11-12). - P. 214-217.
6. Theoretical Foundations of the Educational Process in the Soviet School / Under the editorship of V.V. Kraevsky, I.Ya. Lerner. - M.: Pedagogy, 1989. - 320 pp.
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