Список литературы
1. Вежбицкая А.А. Язык. Культура. Познание / под ред. Кронгауз М.А. М.: Русские словари, 1997. 368 с.
2. Гальскова Н.Д. Теория обучения иностранным языкам. Лингводидактика и методика: учеб. пособие для студ. лингв. университета и фак. ин. яз. высш. пед. учеб. заведения. М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2005. 336 с.
3. Кашкин В.Б. Основы теории коммуникации / В.Б. Кашкин. М.: Восток-Запад. 2007. 292 с.
4. Тер-Минасова С.Г. Язык и межкультурная коммуникация. М.: Слово, 2000.
5. Lewis R.D. When cultures collide: leading across cultures: 3rd ed. / Richard D. Lewis. London; Boston: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2005. 599 pp.
LESSONS Khodzhaeva S.S.
Abstract: the article deals with Phrasal verbs that cause a lot of trouble for students. Therefore, this article highlights the questions, connected with the conception of "phrasal verb ", considers different approaches to their classification. The author analyzes difficulties, which take place in the process of their studying and using in English and offers ways of their overcoming. Keywords: phrasal verbs, intercultural communication, speech and non-speech behavior, transitive and intransitive phrasal verbs.
In order to successfully intercultural communication, it is necessary to understand the speech and non-speech behavior of representatives of a foreign language culture. One of the means of achieving this task is the study of phrasal verbs that reflect the trends of the modern spoken language.
Phrasal verbs are very difficult for English learners. After all, one little preposition completely changes the meaning of the expression. This makes them difficult to remember and easy to get confused about using them. However, you need to know them. Phrasal verbs are constantly used in colloquial speech. We've probably met them in TV shows, songs and books.
A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and a preposition, a verb and an adverb, or both a verb and a preposition with an adverb, which is one member of the sentence and thus forms an integral semantic unit. [1] Therefore, the same verb usually takes on completely different meanings, depending on the following preposition or adverb. For example, look after - to look after, take care of a cat; look for - search; look forward to - look forward to something; look through - view, look through (newspaper, magazine, etc.); look up - search in a dictionary, etc. Phrasal verbs are somewhat reminiscent of verbs in Russian, when, depending on the prefix, their meaning changes (go, reach, go, go, etc.).
First, let us look at what phrasal verbs are. What are phrasal verbs in English? Phrasal verbs are a real challenge for English learners. Not only are there thousands of them and they are hard to remember, so also each verb has several meanings. Students often find that they will never master phrasal verbs.
Phrasal verbs are a combination of two (three) words, most often a verb with a preposition. Moreover, the meaning of the verb itself changes depending on the prepositions. For example:
give up - stop doing, throw give back - return what you took / borrowed As you can see, such combinations resemble short phrases, which is why they are called phrasal verbs. What are the difficulties of learning phrasal verbs?
Phrasal verbs cause a lot of trouble for students due to the fact that:
1. The same verb with different prepositions has different translations and meanings. For example: look for - look for something look after - look after someone
2. Guessing the meaning phrasal verb, if you do not know it, is almost impossible For example: make up - придумывать come up with
get along - ладить, уживаться
3. The same prepositions give different verbs different meanings For example: come out - получаться
eat out - есть вне дома
Below we will discuss the 2 most effective ways. You can choose the one that you like the most.
1. Learn phrasal verbs on a specific topic
To do this, one just need to choose certain topics: relationships, sports, entertainment, recreation, telephone conversation, etc. Finding such word lists on the Internet is not difficult. For example, here is a small list on the topic of "family": grow up - взрослеть, становиться старше, расти. get together - собираться всем вместе.
get on with someone - ладить, быть в хороших отношениях с кем-либо. look after someone - заботиться, ухаживать за кем-либо, присматривать. tell someone off - отчитывать, ругать, читать морали.
One of the most effective methods for studying phrasal verbs is the method of combining them into thematic groups.
For example, when going through the topic "Friends and relations" you can parse such verbs as: bring up, fall out (with), get on (with), go out with, grow up, let down, look after, split up [5, from. 48]; and in the topic "Body and lifestyle" it is easy to introduce such verbs as: cut down (on), fall down, get over, go off, lie down, put on, sit down, stand up [5, p.124 ]. Further, these verbs are worked out in "gap fill" exercises, exercises for paraphrasing sentences containing phrasal verb equivalents for sentences with phrasal verbs presented in the topic under study
The advantages of this grouping method: You will learn only those lists of words that you will actually use. It will be easier for you to practice using verbs. For example, when you learn the words for "family," you can immediately tell about your own family by using the new words.
2. Take one verb and learn all popular phrasal verbs with it. In this case, we take the stem - the verb (take, get, look, go, etc.).
Next, we learn all popular phrasal verbs with it. For example, here is a list of phrasal verbs with look: look into - look out - look out - look for - look look back - look back, to the past look ahead - look ahead look after - care, look look forward to - look forward to such lists with the necessary verbs are also easy to find on the Internet or in a good dictionary. Advantages of this method of grouping: You can trace the logic of the formation of some words. With this method, as a rule, logical pairs are obtained that are easy to remember (for example, look - look out, look around - look ahead). Each of these methods has its own advantages, you can choose any of them. But grouping verbs is the first step. Now we will give you 4 tips to help you memorize phrasal verbs easily.
But without knowing these verbs, it is difficult to understand and communicate with native speakers. So let's talk about how to help our students make friends with phrasal verbs. S 1. Grouping verbs by common element
Most sources offer a general verb classification for phrasal verbs: get on, get away, get up. These verbs look similar, but there is no logical connection between them, which complicates the learning process.
The idea of the meaning of a phrasal verb lies in the preposition / adverb: dress up, break up. Explain to students the meaning of "up," and the learning process will immediately become easier.
For this, we recommend using the Macmillan Phrasal Verbs plus Dictionary. In it, you will find detailed information about each preposition / adverb and usage patterns.
S 2. Classification by topic
Classification by topic is the most convenient way. It allows you to present new verbs in the context of a colloquial situation, which provides a better understanding and memorization of the meaning.
For example, phrasal verbs related to travel, meetings, housework, and so on. For homework, students can compose a story (real or fictional) using previously learned phrasal verbs on a given topic.
S 3. Learning Phrasal Verbs in Context
Use authentic articles (sentences are fine for lower levels) or videos to present new phrasal verbs. Read the article or watch the video and ask students to try to guess the meaning of the verbs in context.
Most often I use the Phrasal verb demon resource to prepare my lessons. There are many free examples of phrasal verbs and their explanations here.
For practice in the classroom, I also often use Phrasal verbs in use. Here verbs are suggested in context, and exercises to practice are based on classifications by topic and by common element.
With the verbs dress up, go up, grow up, drink up, open up, I propose to work through several exercises in the lesson that will help present these phrasal verbs in the context of sentences.
S 4. Personal associations
Personal associations are a great way to learn phrasal verbs. To do this, I propose to create a list of questions using the phrasal verbs that you want to teach.
Arrange them so that when students respond, they feel emotional. Emotional connection is great for helping to remember better.
Despite all the difficulties, remembering them is real. The main thing is practice. When studying, it is better to group phrasal verbs:
> By topics (family, sports, clothing, etc.)
> By identical verbs (take, get, look, etc.)
There are several types of classification of phrasal verbs.
1. Transitive and intransitive phrasal verbs.
- Transitive phrasal verbs are verbs that require a direct object after themselves: He can't cope with this problem. - He can't deal with this problem. Or: You should take up cycling. - You should go cycling.
- Intransitive phrasal verbs are verbs that do not require a direct addition after themselves: He has caught on so quickly! - He became popular so quickly!
2. Unseparable and separable phrasal verbs.
- Inseparable phrasal verbs - this group contains all intransitive and some transitive verbs. These verbs cannot be divided, that is, the addition must come after them. For example: Listen to me, please. - Listen to me, please. Or: He is waiting for his sister. - He's expecting his sister.
- Separable phrasal verbs. In this group, verbs can be separated by an object (verb + object + preposition), or the addition can come after a phrasal verb (verb + preposition + addition). For example: Put on this hat. - Put on this hat. Or: Put it on. - Put it on. It should be noted that if the object is expressed by a pronoun, then it separates the phrasal verb
To memorize a phrasal verb, we need to remember these 3 steps :
Step 1: Look at the meaning and translation of a word in the dictionary
Step 2: View examples of use
Step 3: Compose sentences yourself with this phrasal verb
It is very important to start learning phrasal verbs with our students at low levels. Only we can help students figure out what is what and teach all the subtleties of using phrasal verbs.
1. Wikipedia. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phrazovy_verb/ (date access: 06.06.2016).
2. Golubkova E.E. Phrasal verbs of movement (cognitive aspect). M.: GEOS, 2002. 134 p.
3. Grigoriev S. V. Phrasal verbs. Study guide. SPb., 2003. 87 p.
4. RundellMichael. Macmillan Phrasal Verbs plus Dictionaryd. Oxford, 2005.
5. Verbitskaya M., Mann M., Taylor-Knowles S. A textbook for preparing for the GIA in English: Grammar and vocabulary. 2nd ed. Macmillian, 2014. 181 p.
Ismatov Asliddin Fazliddin o 'g 'li - Teacher of English,
Abstract: the article illustrates the importance of the formation of socio-cultural competence of future teachers of a foreign language. Training students with intercultural competence at sufficiently high level without the creation of pedagogical principles, organizational and pedagogical conditions are considered in detail throughout the following article. Keywords: socio-cultural competence, organizational and pedagogical conditions, components of socio-cultural competence, readiness for intercultural communication.
In recent decades, globalization processes have become increasingly evident resulting in significant changes in the goals and content of education. The reason for this lies in the expansion of economic ties and increased contacts with foreign partners, as well as in the qualitative changes taking place in society. These factors determine the need for professional training of competent and highly qualified personnel with the knowledge of a foreign language, as well as the need to find appropriate methods of teaching a foreign language in higher education.
It is necessary to develop the ability to navigate in the socio-cultural spheres of people's life in the countries of the studied language, as well as to form skills and abilities to find ways out of situations of communication failure due to socio-cultural obstacles in the process of communication. In addition, the psychological and pedagogical literature repeatedly focus on the need for setting up behavioral adaptation to communication in a foreign language environment, understanding the need to use traditional etiquette formulas in countries the language being studied, which is expressed in demonstrating due respect for the everyday life, traditions, rituals and lifestyle of representatives of another cultural community [1, p. 467].
It is determined that the socio-cultural competence has a close relationship with the linguistic competence, which, in turn, may remain unclaimed if the communicants do not have knowledge in the system language skills and skills of operating this knowledge. The formation of socio-cultural competence determines the readiness of participants in intercultural communication to understand the emotions, feelings and intentions of other people which have a positive effect on intercultural communication.
It is advisable to identify the most effective teaching tools that contribute to the development of socio-cultural competence in the context of teaching oral communication in a foreign language, namely, authentic audio and video materials, communicative intercultural games and new technologies.