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Some aspects of production and sales management in poultry farming Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Gasanov A.A. Ogly, Veliev V.N. Ogly

Market food and goods available on the market are selected by their particular features. This is primarily due to the fact that the material base of the food market consists of the agricultural and processing industrial products. Products produced in the agricultural sector, are selected for their specific characteristics. These products usually have the ability to quickly lose quality. In the analysis of opportunities of product in a particular country, such products can be damaged and a loss of quality can lead to loss of the seller or any other economic entity as a whole. In the end, this area is considered a risky area.

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Некоторые аспекты управления производством и продажами в птицеводстве

Рынок продуктов питания и товары, предлагаемые на рынке, выбираются по их конкретным особенностям. Это, прежде всего связано с тем, что материальная база продовольственного рынка состоит из сельскохозяйственной и перерабатывающей промышленной продукции. Продукты, произведенные в сельскохозяйственном секторе, выбираются по их конкретным особенностям. Эти продукты, как правило, имеют возможность быстро потерять качество. При анализе возможностей получения продукта в той или иной стране такие продукты могут быть повреждены, а потеря качества может привести к потере продавца или любого другого экономического субъекта в целом. В итоге эта область считается рискованной областью.

Текст научной работы на тему «Some aspects of production and sales management in poultry farming»


Том 6 • Номер 1 • Январь-март 2019 ISSN 2499-9431 Food Policy and Security


Креативная экономика

Некоторые аспекты управления производством и продажами в птицеводстве

Гасанов А.А. оглы 1, Велиев В.Н. оглы 1

1 Азербайджанский государственный аграрный университет, Гянджа, Азербайджан


Рынок продуктов питания и товары, предлагаемые на рынке, выбираются по их конкретным особенностям. Это, прежде всего связано с тем, что материальная база продовольственного рынка состоит из сельскохозяйственной и перерабатывающей промышленной продукции. Продукты, произведенные в сельскохозяйственном секторе, выбираются по их конкретным особенностям. Эти продукты, как правило, имеют возможность быстро потерять качество. При анализе возможностей получения продукта в той или иной стране такие продукты могут быть повреждены, а потеря качества может привести к потере продавца или любого другого экономического субъекта в целом. В итоге эта область считается рискованной областью.

КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: sales of agricultural products; agricultural product risk; food products

Some aspects of production and sales management in poultry farming

GasanovA.A. ogly1, Veliev V.N. ogly 1

1 Azerbaijan State Agrarian University, Azerbaijan


The food market and the commodities offered in market are selected by their specific features. This is primarily due to the fact the material base of the food market is made up of agricultural and processing industrial products. The products produced in agricultural sector are selected by their specific features. These products, as a rule, have the ability of quickly losing their quality. Given all of these, they can be concluded that the organization of the sales of agricultural and food products in the food market does not have a high priority over the transport and transportation compared to other industrial products. When analyzing the possibilities of taking a product to one or another country, such products may be damaged and the loss of quality may lead to the loss of the seller or any other economic entity as a

whole. In short, this area is considered as a risky area, which this commodity directly depends on poultry and its development. In recent years, 98 million AZN preferential loans have been issued to expand production capacities of 39 poultry farms with an annual production capacity of 55,000 tons of poultry and 248.5 million eggs, in addition to 5 breeding stock, 1 commercial and 9 broiler plants. In 2014, 64.0 thousand tons (64.4 %) of 99.4 thousand tons of poultry, 703.3 million units (45.0 %) of 1562.7 million eggs in the country were produced by the industrial methods. Note that, according to the official statistics, we provide for ourselves that 98.6 percent of poultry meat at the expense of domestic production. There has been a huge increase in the production of poultry meat over the last few years because the state has provided great support to this sphere. However, the dependence on foreign consumption in the production of poultry meat is over 65 percent. Here is the point of dependence on corn, soybean, sunflower.

The poultry sector is quite specific area. Local products cannot compete with foreign products. The reason for this is the high cost of production, which means that the poultry feeds are imported from abroad (Tulebayev, 2015). From this point of view, the effective measures had taken to form the necessary infrastructure for egg production and its sales in our republic. Keep in the mind that due to the lack of this necessary infrastructure, egg producers are exposed to various losses, resulting in price increases and, in some cases, losses. It is true that in the recent years in our country the necessary measures are being taken in this direction, but there is a need for an organization to operate in this direction in terms of the organization and regulation of egg sales in the country (Islam, 2003). While evaluating the competitiveness of commodities in the food market, along with the quality of


Market food and goods available on the market are selected by their particular features. This is primarily due to the fact that the material base of the food market consists of the agricultural and processing industrial products. Products produced in the agricultural sector, are selected for their specific characteristics. These products usually have the ability to quickly lose quality. In the analysis of opportunities of product in a particular country such products can be damaged and a loss of quality can lead to loss of the seller or any other economic entity as a whole. In the end, this area is considered a risky area.

KEYWORDS: sales of agricultural products, agricultural product risk, food products

JEL Classification: Received: 14.01.2019 / Published: 31.03.2019

© Author(s) / Publication: CREATIVE ECONOMY Publishers For correspondence: Gasanov A.A. ogly (asif_hasanov0rambler.ru)


Gasanov A.A. ogly Veliev V.N. ogly (2019) Some aspects of production and sales management in poultry farming [Some aspects of production and sales management in poultry farming]. Prodovolstvennaya politika i bezopasnost. 6. (1). - 29-38. doi: 10.18334/ppib.6.1.41264

the product, the cost of the product is also considered as one of the important factors. Low product cost is one of the factors that led to lower sales prices. In this regard, special attention should be paid on reduction of the level of costs in egg production. As far as is known, the cost of the product is usually formed from the production cost of the product and the cost of the transaction. The full cost of the product reflects the sum of all costs incurred before the actual delivery of the product to the consumer (Sonaiya, 2004). In this direction, there are some indirect reasons that increase the selling price of the egg products (it should be noted that the egg passes through several mediators until it reaches the consumer).

Egg's preparedness for sale is also not heartening. There are many drawbacks and lacks. In fact, the known requisites of the egg on sale should be clear to the consumer. We must note with certainty that the situation in this direction is not heartwarming. Egg producers should point out the history of the egg and the type of egg. The egg should be kept at a temperature of 0 + 20 C, 85-88 percent relative humidity. It is advisable to keep the egg in a clean and dry place. However, our observations often indicate that these requirements are not met. Depending on the shelf life and quality, the egg is divided into first and second types. Eggs stored for up to 30 days from the date of sorting are the first type, and the eggs stored in the refrigerator for no more than 180 days after 30 days are the second type of egg. Eggs for food should comply with the standard and veterinary legislation requirements. Eggs stored under sunlight (above 20 C) are not considered useful for food. As a fact, eggs that are not stored in proper conditions and at temperature can be dangerous for the human body and can cause serious complications. Research shows that in our country, proper rules are not followed during the storage and transportation of the eggs. This leads to the poor nutrition of the population (FAO, 2003).

Stimulation of internal production

At present, the import duty rates have been increased in the relation to the products produced in Azerbaijan (agriculture, consumer goods, etc.). The point is that this road is one of the ways to protect the domestic market and stimulate the manufacturer. In our opinion, it is necessary to stimulate import substituting products in the country. It is important to emphasize that it is important for our republic to stimulate the development


ГасановАсиф Абузар оглы, заведующий кафедрой «Маркетинг», доктор философии (Ph.D) по экономике, и.о. доцента (asif_hasanov0ramb[er.ru)

Велиев Вугар Нусратоглы, докторант (очное обучение) (v.veliyevBrambler.ru )


Гасанов А.А. оглы, Велиев В.Н. оглы Some aspects of production and sales management in poultry farming // Продовольственная политика и безопасность. - 2019. - Том 6. - № 1. - С. 29-38. doi: 10.18334/ ppib.6.1.41264

of agriculture and food products. Because dependence on imports of these products make problems for our republic, especially the purchase of consumer goods demand high costs. Therefore, the decline in dependence on imports of the country should be considered as a factor that increases its economic security. The more important point is the stimulation of the intensification of agricultural production should be regarded as a factor that allows Azerbaijan become more economically developed. An analysis shows that the share of food and consumer goods in the import structure of the Republic of Azerbaijan is increasing. According to the world practice, the import structure is considered to be more efficient, with the share of production-oriented products, first of all, the specific weight of different machines and equipment. Of course, the current structure of imports is related to the situation in the country's economy.

In our view, the increased public care for the development of the private sector, in particular the establishment of production-oriented private enterprises and stimulating domestic production should be considered as a direct aid to the country's economic security. Especially, in the areas where production opportunities are available, should be selected preferably. The purposeful work in this direction will give its effect in the coming years. Thus, in recent years, the volume of production in our country increases annually and the share of non-oil-related goods in exports are increasing. At present, Azerbaijan's exports are lower than the country's potential. It is obvious, liberalization of foreign trade, acts as a factor in the defense of the national economy. Thus, there is a need for comparative and liberal destinations in foreign policy. Especially in this case it is necessary to take advantage of world experience. In modern world, they are not engaged in free trade. A national model of foreign trade policy adopted for it has been developed for all country. To protect the national economy, it is necessary to use import duties and effective forms of protection. Moreover, it is expedient to develop the concept of Azerbaijan's export strategy based on the country's non-oil industry policy concept and foreign trade policy principles. The commodity structure of the modern foreign trade of Azerbaijan should be substantially changed. It is necessary to allocate priority exporting enterprises and high tariff rates for import of similar products.

Research shows that one of the most important factors of the raising the level of commodity production in the country and raising its competitiveness is the increase in the volume of investments from the state budget and the implementation of stimulus measures in agriculture as a whole. At present, the reduction of costs for agricultural production and the stabilization of prices are one of the main indicators (Garaev, 2011).

Minimizing dependency on foreign markets

Until the economy of the country integrates with the world economy, transition from one form to another is a consequence of certain complications. When Azerbaijan was part of the Soviet Union, there was other agriculture and other purposes. Under the conditions of the market economy, Azerbaijan was primarily targeted to carry out land reform. With

these reforms completed in 1997, our citizens working in collective farms have actually acquired land plots and should be regarded as a successful step. The land reform actually gave the land to the villagers but, unfortunately, the new market did not correspond to the relationship, the people who did not receive adequate education in this area and who worked in collective forms in the previous periods were unable to deal with the entrepreneurship under new circumstances. This has shown that agricultural product producers in Azerbaijan do not environmentally perform inefficiently and an increase in import pressure has resulted in the entry of goods from foreign farmers into the country's markets. We have already seen that a few years ago Azerbaijan was very dependent on imports (for example, a total of $ 231.5 thousand of birds and poultry products from Turkey, according to statistics for 2013). However, with the decrees and state programs to accelerate the development of the regions, it has already begun to direct the revenues from the oil sector to more important areas. Of course, one of the important issues for eliminating the results of agrarian activity is the restoration and renovation of infrastructure in the regions, but we did not eliminate it completely. That is why we see large numbers of economic migration from regions to big cities as the biggest problem of the agrarian sector. Unfortunately, we are still experiencing the consequences of this economic migration in our markets, because markets are still facing the production of foreign countries. People with pay lands want to produce more products, but they do not have financial resources for production. When you go to banks, they do not give credit, because they have no collateral. This is a part of complex issues. At the same time, employment of people living in the village should be ensured, and traditional assistance should be provided to the agrarian sector. Farmers should be able to access their own resources directly. Another problem in the agrarian sector is the issues related to the marketing of the product grown by the entrepreneur. The market access to products today is not at the normal level. Another problem is that there are monopolists in the markets (FAO, 2013).

Increase export opportunities

In addition to the effective implementation of the country's export potential for egg products, the formation of a healthy competitive environment in the domestic market, the protection of producers and consumers' rights, aligning the areas of standardization and certification with international requirements, it is advisable to:

• Strengthening control over quality and safety of egg products;

• Strengthen the fight against unfair competition and involve entrepreneurs and consumers in implementing competition-related measures;

• Implementation of relevant measures to strengthen the position of national producers in foreign markets and to strengthen their protection;

• Stimulation of eggs exports and increasing access to foreign markets.

Research shows that the country has a greater competitiveness on animal husbandry

products. Poultry also has a high level of competitiveness alone in the meat direction, and there is considerable potential for further growth in the future (Dolberg, 2007). Because of the analyses and evaluations it is possible to conclude that there is a need for complex measures to form a competitive agricultural sector in the country. In other words, it also means that in the modern era agrarian policies are facing numerous and extensive tasks.

At present, there is a great need for the country to produce some strategic agricultural products and stimulate export of these products. The Export Promotion Strategy should be completed by increasing productivity and directing investments into a single area. Foreign currency earnings should be used to obtain the necessary production facilities for the supply of next-generation areas. Because of declaring 2015 as the "Year of Agriculture" in our country, the production of livestock and plant products has increased. There are still enough problems for egg production (Norwood, 2008).

Definition of the problem

Recent economic and financial crisis in the world economy and developments in oil-dependent countries have led to the development of alternative (non-oil) sectors.

It is clear that there is an alternative to oil in the world. Agriculture is a field without alternative. One of the important areas of this area is poultry. Numerous economic and non-economic problems existing in poultry slow down the development of the field and are not utilized to the maximum available capacity (Chikalyov, 2017).

This severe fluctuating demand often affects the egg's direct sales price, causes selling 30-35% lower than the production cost, and twice-expensive (September - January) in the market if there is less product. In the months when the markets are rich with product, eggs are sold cheaply at a lower price. This situation also leads to justified dissatisfaction in the field. Unfortunately, the price is regulated at the expense of imports rather than export. Depending on the season, the villagers sell their eggs in the yard to 15-25 cents.

Decreasing or increasing factors (approximately twice), that influence the prices of these products produced in individual yard areas depend on price of eggs. Research also shows that egg prices are higher than the demand in the economy. Egg producers are raising costs to adjust the market when demand is rising without increasing economic growth and production growth. It is known that production decreases when the demand drops. This is a natural process. Sometimes, the price of eggs is associated with an increase in demand.

At present, the development of poultry requires the re-establishment of existing relations in several areas. These areas are mainly grouped as follows:

♦♦♦ Implementation of state guaranteed quality of poultry vaccination (it is advisable to carry this work through the state line and control). At present, the products imported from abroad also contain veterinary preparations (Martin, 2011). These products are imported to Azerbaijan from the Baltic countries and Ukraine.

♦♦♦ Establishment of a centralized or regional laboratory that meets the most up-to-date requirements for the analysis of samples taken from poultry farms;

♦♦ Establishment of the plants for production of feed supplements (methionine, lysine, antimicrobial, antitoxin and vitamins) for the formation of feed base at poultry farming. At present, state control over the import of feed additives from abroad will be strengthened and the quality of the additives should be guaranteed. Observations show that there is enough space in this direction.

♦♦ It is advisable to allocate land plots to minimize the dependence of poultry farms on imports from abroad. Poultry feeds are poorly maintained by local production (about 20-30%). In this regard, the fact that the food imported from abroad and the price of its value are a reason for the increase in the price of eggs. At present, poultry farms need an effective step toward solving this problem. In order to eliminate the problem of bait for a while, the state has been offered to allocate land to large poultry farms.

♦♦ It is necessary to allocate land plots for the solution of poultry problems. These poultry farms can be proportionately compensated for forage crops by sprouting the land, depending on the needs of each poultry farm. At present, it is necessary to stimulate the cultivation of agricultural crops (wheat, soybean, sunflower, corn), which are included in the feeding base of poultry farms as an alternative to providing poultry farms with land plots for sown areas.. As it is known, one of the main places in poultry feed ration is the protein generating soybean. Poultry products are consumed from various types of foodstuffs such as corn, soybean, wheat, sunflower oil. It is possible to achieve a one-two times increase of poultry production because of the application of quality feed plants on the system mentioned below. It should be noted that 1poultry grown for ovarian eats 5 kg of feed for 130 days (Shakirov, 2008). In this case cost of a bird is 5.00 AZN. After that, the bird's egg begins to give the following nutritional norms at that time: Structure of feedstock (in percent): wheat and corn (56 %), soybean (15 %), sunflower seeds (15 %), sunflower oil (3 %), calves (calcium, Ca) (8.5 %), vitamin and mineral supplements (2.5 %) (Zakharov, 2015).

Risks and its evaluation

As noted, poultry is one of the most profitable areas, as well as the most risky area. As a result of these risks, entrepreneurs have a large amount of material damage, which ultimately directly affects the egg market. In terms of risk assessment in poultry farming, it is advisable to group them:

1) Massive demand for poultry;

2) Production more than demand;

3) Seasonal dependence on demand for eggs.

At present, problems with the production and sale of egg in our country are inadequate in its sales strategy. The opposite side of this sales strategy is risk and strength (Tnau, 2011). It should be noted that competition in the country is growing due to the development of

market relations. In order to survive a sharp competition, it is necessary to go to innovation, which inevitably increases the risk. Let us note that it is important not to escape from risk, but to predict events, to compare them, and not to exceed the permissible limits. Analysis of risk in poultry leads to the discovery of its sources and causes. In this case, it is important to identify which sources are essential. Risk assessment cannot be done without intuition. Intuition is necessary have in case of deficiencies in calculating the risk. The intuition is based on the experience and intelligence of the past. Infrastructure and alliances complement each other (Belyaevsky, 2002). The fact that the parties involved in drafting a project specifically related to the production and sale of egg, gives us reason to believe that the risks involved in implementing the ideas will be minimal.


Modern agricultural production can be provided with its intensive development. A general indicator of the increase in production intensification in poultry farming is undoubtedly the size of the specific production costs per one annual bird head. This indicator focuses the entire complex of material and labor costs, which are invested in livestock content.

Because of the research, it was revealed that the cost of one egg produced in the country is between 8.5-9.0 kopecks and the selling price varies from 0.06 man to 0.18 man. As you can see, the selling price of one egg is 0.06 man, while entrepreneurs work 25-30% of damage and this continued a 3-4 month. On the other hand, entrepreneurs (poultry factories) are trying to sell one egg more expensive than the market value of the product shortage. As a result, entrepreneurs raise the price of one egg to 0.18 man. (this takes 1-3 months in a year). This leads to justifiable dissatisfaction among shoppers. As you can see, the egg sales price is harsh (hyperactive), which damages both producers and consumers.

The essence of the implementation of the articles is important from the point of view of ensuring the economic policy of the state and the multifarious economic efficiency. As a result, under the name of "Azerbaijan Product" our domestic production will be sold on foreign markets and will have a positive impact on the country's export image. Specifically, manufacturers will gain additional benefits by increasing production, free competition in product quality, buyers will be able to buy eggs with fixed sales prices and, finally, root reforms in a field based on real numbers of eggs production and sales in the country.


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6. Garaev I.S. Production effectiveness of agrarian sphere and ways to increase its // Economy

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7. Islam M.A. Poultry Products Processing and Marketing System in Bangladesh // Pakistan

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9. Norwood F. Bailey, Jayson Lusk L. Prices analysis // Agricultural Marketing and price

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10. Sonaiya E.B., Swan S.E.J. Production Economics and Marketing FAO // Small-scale poultry production: technical guide. - 2004. - p. 65-85.

11. Shakirov F.K. Organization of poultry production and marketing // Organization of agricultural production and management. - 2008. - p. 262-282.

12. Tulebayev B. Poultry development trends // Poultry production and proceeding technology. - 2015. - p. 7-58.

13. Tnau, Tamil Nadu Agricultural prices and risk management // Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Prices. - 2011. - p. 204-220.

14. Zakharov N.B. Technology of production of eggs and poultry meat // Technology of production, processing, storage and conservation of animal production products. -2015. - p. 67-71.


Belyaevsky I.K. (2002). Analysis of market risk Marketing research: information, analysis, forecast. 215-225.

Chikalyov A.I. (2017). Processing of poultry products Production and processing of livestock products. 168-175.

FAO (2013). Poultry products marketing Poultry Development Review. 15-17.

Garaev I.S. (2011). Production effectiveness of agrarian sphere and ways to increase its Economy and management of agrarian sphere. 362-412.

Islam M.A. (2003). Poultry Products Processing and Marketing System in Bangladesh Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 6 (10). 883-886.

Norwood F. Bailey, Jayson Lusk L. (2008). Prices analysis Agricultural Marketing and price analysis. 37-65.

Shakirov F.K. (2008). Organization of poultry production and marketing Organization of agricultural production and management. 262-282.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Sonaiya E.B., Swan S.E.J. (2004). Production Economics and Marketing FAO Small-scale poultry production: technical guide. 65-85.

Tnau, Tamil Nadu (2011). Agricultural prices and risk management Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Prices. 204-220.

Tulebayev B. (2015). Poultry development trends Poultry production and proceeding technology. 7-58.

Zakharov N.B. (2015). Technology of production of eggs and poultry meat Technology of production, processing, storage and conservation of animal production products. 67-71.

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