Vinogradova Maria Grigorievna,
Doctor of Science and Technology, Academician of ICCIA (Information, Communication, Control International Academy), S.-Petersburg, Russia [email protected], [email protected]
The purpose of this paper is to show how with help of New Cosmogonic Theory about regularity in cyclic process of atoms of matter origin and simultaneous birth of heavenly sky bodies it could be refresh the outline of basic stages of development of starry-planets system [1].
Key words
cosmogony, starry covers, impulse of rotation, angular velocity, starry derivatives.
The theoretical kernel for analysis of cosmogenesis after a phase of star's origin from Hydrogen accumulation is the conception of correlated atom-formation and planet-formation (CCAP by geologist Khod'kov A.E.), i.e. of correlated development of chemical elements periods of Mendeleev's table and satellite-planets [1-4].From it state the appearance of atoms of all chemical elements more complex than Hydrogen atom takes place within stars and proceeds as a cyclic process with an explosion and a flash of a "new" star after the completion of each element's period and removal of outside starry cover with any part of synthesized atomic substance.
A cover tears away from a star not by action of permanently acting centrifugal forces in equatorial plane of star, at times exceeding the gravitation, as astronomer Laplace P.S. supposed in 18-th century. But this is happen periodically by action of leap of neutrino pressure in zone of stellar transformation (ZST) on the ending of synthesis of period, at all it border with surface of cover [1-5]. But polar areas of cover not save a rotary moment of a star and roll away. And later only equatorial revolving portions of thrown cover serve to form a new satellite-planet or a wreath of asteroids.
Initial statements.
-There is principle of the basic difference between the original evolving constituent parts of starry system and the derivatives of their evolution as secondary bodies.
-An impulse of rotation of each thrown down cover and then of satellite is stipulated by value of this parameter of paternal star at the moment of it flash. To sum up whichever star rotates most speedily than all its derivatives.
The first part: About the methods of genetic analysis of planets origin.
The given analysis has the purpose - to show genetic interconnection of mechanical parameters of rotating of a star and heavenly sky bodies derived from her covers, thrown out by star, and passed stage planetary nebulas. This is in order to have a possibility for restore main outline of process of evolution of a double-star system Jupiter-Sun in the past: tables 1 and 2.
This could give the answer on question of R.J. Tayler : "It is necessary to clarify, what way stars lose a mass by and will reject substance in between-star-shaped medium, synthesized in them." This author reckons that "planetary nebulas - more serious applicants for being a place, where "the useful output (exit)" of elements happens ... Planetary nebulas are objects consisting of a star, enclosed gas envelope, which was doubtlessly thrown out earlier from a star."
After V.V. Sobolev "Astrophysics: " the study of modifications of a spectrum of a dense envelope of the "New" of Hercules has shown, that the mentioned envelope can be presented as "a disk", gyrating around of a hot star with a velocity of the order of 500 km/s, with availability in an envelope of clots of a substance..".
The separation of covers from a star happens owing to change of modes of atom-building under an operation of a jump of neutrino pressure in a zone of stellar transformation (ZST), under an outside cover of a luminary, where radial forces arise, directed from its centre, acting on elements of a cover mass. Carrying it out, neutrino streams there are more intensive than flowing to a star of ether streams creating forces of gravitation [5].
Equatorial part of cover, surrounding a star as a ring, owing to ejection of an identical force of explosion on a perimeter saves ring-shaped, more correct, toroidal form. And due to a central character of the acting rupture forces, any trajectories of fragments of equatorial part of cover should be flat curve lines located in an equatorial plane of a star, as taking place through centre of an operation of forces. The rotating star informs to cover the certain impulse of rotation (momentum of amount of movement), which at absence of consequent direct effects remains in the performance of quite certain parameters of rotary movement of the formed satellite as of derivative her evolution: a size of an orbit and angular velocity a of rotation.
So, the element m of mass of a star in her surface equatorial part has a circuit velocity Уф. Then it is thrown under an operation of force of thermo-nuclear rupture with a radial velocity Vr on some distance r > Гзв from an axis of rotation of a star and simultaneously turns in an equatorial plane on some angle ф (fig. I).
Let us show that if the star rotates around axis of rotation going across the point O with angular velocity a = const, then element m acquires such angular velocity of turning around the star and also of own gyration.
Main brake the cover receives from the arisen force of inertia - response on initial acceleration. After exhaustion internal neutrino pressure of a zone of stellar transformation the element of a dropped cover begins to move on inertia, testing braking from flowing to a star of ether streams, simultaneously is holding it gravitationally about a star. Per unit of a mass the cover with obtaining by her of a radial velocity Vr the following forces of inertia act: in a radial direction - 1 - centrifugal Fc (цб), 2 - Coriolis force F r cor connected to the circuit velocity Уф and directed against centrifugal; in an circuit direction - 3 - Coriolis force Fф, connected with a radial velocity Vr, decreasing together with it (her) up to zero and directed in the party of a circuit velocity.
Fig.1. Movement of the thrown out single element m of a mass in polar coordinates (r; 9)
in an equatorial plane of star: V = raxr, FT = 2raxVr, Fr = - ra2r
Radial and circuit denseness of forces of inertia - braking Fr and rotary FT:
Fr = Fi(5 + Fr KOp = a2 • r + 2ra x V9=-m2x, (1)
F^ = 2w x Vr. (2)
Due to slowing down, the radial movement of elements an envelope ceases at the time t on a radial co-ordinate r = rorb (radius of an orbit), where Vr = 0:
Vr - a2 (rop6 - r3B) • t = 0 ; rorb = r3B + Vr /(a2.t). (2a)
The equation (2a) shows, that rorb depends on an initial velocity of an ejection, size of a star and it angular velocity of rotation before an ejection. For rapid rotating star, as Jupiter, her thrown down cover brakes not far from paternal star.
For the star itself each next loss by her cover passes not without leaving a trace: her own moment of inertia by leaps decreases both at the expense of loss of a mass, and at the expense of a diminution of a radius of gyration. At this the angular velocity of starry rotating increases by leaps each time when cover is thrown. The elements of dropped cover being transformed in a planetary skew body or ring separated planetoids, remain generically connected with parameters of a parent star in a moment (up to) a dumping of the given envelope.
Really, according to a conservation law of a momentum of amount of movement given, derivative to time from impulse of rotation L relatively of any motionless point of a material system is equal to a general (common) momentum M relatively of the same point of all external forces F acting on a material system:
dL d(r x mV)
— = M , or —-- = r x F. (3)
dt dt
Let's show, that the angular velocity of around rotation a and own gyration likewise of an element of a mass of a dropped envelope is it genetic performance saving angular velocity of rotation of a star up to an ejection.
For this purpose we shall analyze two forces of inertia Fr and Fq, acting on a single element of mass from dropped envelope under the equations (1) and (2). All forces of inertia Fr are central forces, because pass through a motionless point - centre of a mass of a star. At the action of them the modification of impulse of rotation of a driven element of a mass of a dropped envelope cannot happen. With coming ejection of an outside stratum on all spherical surface and uniform a diminution of a radius of a circle the centre of a mass of a star should remain on the same place, what excludes origin of additional gyrating momentums.
Impulse of rotation L of a mass m receives addition at the moment of flash with origin of Coriolis force of inertia Fq, having a momentum as to motionless point O:
M = r x Fq = r x 2a x Vr • m (4)
This is right part of the equation (3).
But addition to L as AL is getting by rise of momentum of inertia I = mr2 in limits from r3B to rorb. This is realizing not by fall of angular velocity of rotation of element m. Really, after definition (determination) of the left part of the equation (3) for a driven mass m it is obtained
d(I -®)_d(m • r2 •a) (5)
dt = dt . ( In a result of transformation (5), and together with (4) the equation (6) is obtained instead (3):
2 d® „ dr
r2--+ a-2r •— = la-Vr • r . (6)
dt dt r
It solution gives by transformation — = Vr the final expression
r2 • C o, dt
from which follows, that at r^0 с = const , i.e. it is a constant magnitude on a path of following of an element of a mass of a dropped cover remaining in sizes obtained from a star in one moment.
Further notice the following feature of thrown envelope: each it element m at turn on angle ф=2п around star is turning about of own axis of rotation at the same angle 2n at the same time. So the angle velocity w of turning around star is also the angular velocity of own gyration, that is meaning phenomenon of synchronism of gyration and turning around. This phenomenon could let to distinguish the genetic derivatives of the paternal star from captured, usurped another satellites. Genetic sign is concluded in size of the angular velocity w of own gyration.
The energy of movement of elements of thrown down starry cover and rise it L are provided by process of thermo- nuclear synthesis of atom formation in stars.
The second part: The mechanical parameters of movement of the Solar system ingredients in a view of given genetic analysis.
With help of the genetic analysis of the Solar system mechanical parameters it were scrutinized in first time the angular velocities of celestial bodies in comparison of own rotation with turning around. At enormous their incongruous, as by the Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, at once may be exposed a faded stars because they could not to be formed from thrown down starry covers.
The structures and quantities of the earth group planets rotation and circulation mechanical parameters, as it was found, cannot belong to the system of singular evolving star - the Sun, but it reflects the existence and interaction of double star. It became evident that the supposition that the Sun is a single star doesn't allow to solve the problem of the origin of the Solar system. In fact, among sunny derivatives must be those celestial bodies that rotate more slowly than the Sun (during more 25 astronomical days). It is Mercury, Venus and Moon.
But the Earth and Mars, which rotate during about 1 astronomical day, are the derivatives of the Jupiter, captured by the Sun. Therefore the last stage of Solar system development is considerably tied with the evolution of the double-star system Jupiter-Sun: this demonstrates by mechanical parameters of their derivatives and other facts. Among them there is the usurpation of the third sunny derivative the Moon by the sixth Jupiter's derivative the Earth: after collision they alter its own gyration - from 365 to 29 days and from 19 to 24 hours. Also it is with regard to Mars and second sunny derivation.
The third part: The peculiarities of starry evolution as the process
of interrupting atomic synthesis [1, 2].
It was founded one-significantly that starry life flies in a broken voice and has a cyclic character. Then a number of stages of starry development and quantity of derivatives cosmic bodies appear stipulated by number of steps of transition to new qualitative structures of atom's basis in a moment of forming of last element in a period or row. The regularity of this process for different components of double star has a peculiarities connected with distinction of their mas, angular velocity of rotation and intensity of magnetic field. Periodic throw down of outer covers leads to subsequent jump changes in a star: for decrease of it mass and capacity to light, increase of it velocity of rotation, change of spectral types of it eradiation and replace of zone of stellar transformation deep from surface. The equatorial portions of covers, thrown off by star, are reforming (during about 500 millions years) into secondary bodies-satellites with complicating of chemical elements composition.
And the spectral type of starry eradiation is determined by the number of synthesized period: the Sun as a typical star of the Main Sequence completed 5 periods (was established by geological data - see table 2) and coloured into 5-th type - G. Therefore equivalency in conditions of secondary bodies origin could not be realized through the different qualitative composite of their matter and through the genetic difference in mechanical parameters of their rotation.
Achieved by authors classification of Jupiter's and sunny derivatives at genetic rotatory characteristics exposes their conformity with time of their origin and inevitably detects the regular increase of density of their matter with growth of cycle number or the diminution of their age: tables 1 and 2.
Table 1
Table 2
1.Vinogradova M.G., Khod'kov A.E. Correspondence: The New Cosmogonic Theory. Galilean Electrodynamics. Ged-East. Volume 18, s .i. 2. 2007. Р. 38-40.
2. Виноградова М.Г. The New Cosmogonic Theory about Regularities of Genesis of Different in Qualitative Composition Atomic Matter in the process of Starry Evolution. http://www.interlibrary.narod.ru. 2007.
3. Vinogradova M.G., Scopich N.N. In search of genealogy of planet the Earth (on Russian). S.- Petersburg. Aletheia. 2014. 447 p.
4. Vinogradova M.G. What is known about genealogy of planet the Earth. IN SITU № 4/ 2016. P. 6-12.
5.. Vinogradova M.G., Scopich N.N. Decisive part of celestial ether in cosmophysical processes. http://scicom.ru/congress-2016/ (on Russian). P. 77-93.
© Виноградова М.Г., 2016
Korablev Gregory A.
Doctor of Science in Chemistry, Professor, Head of Department of Physics, Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy E-mail: [email protected]
It is demonstrated that corpuscular interactions flow along the potential gradient (principle of adding reciprocals of energies), and wave processes - against the potential gradient (principle of algebraic addition of energies).
potential gradient, quantum transitions, corpuscular-wave dualism.
1. Introduction
The paper [1] shows:
1. In the systems in which the interactions proceed along the potential gradient (positive performance) the resulting potential energy is found based on the principle of adding reciprocals of the corresponding energies of subsystems [2]. Similarly, the reduced mass for the relative motion of two-particle system is calculated.
2. In the systems in which the interactions proceed against the potential gradient (negative performance) the algebraic addition of their masses as well as the corresponding energies of subsystems is performed (by the analogy with Hamiltonian).
From the equation (10) it is seen that the resulting energy characteristic of the system of two material points interaction is found based on the principle of adding reciprocals of initial energies of interacting subsystems.
"Electron with the mass m moving near the proton with the mass Mis equivalent to the particle with the mass:
mM ,, r„n
V =-i7 " [3].
m + M
Therefore when modifying the equation (10), we can assume that the energy of atom valence orbitals (responsible for interatomic interactions) can be calculated [4] by the principle of adding reciprocals of some initial energy components based on the following equations: