SODIUM SILICATE PENTAHYDRATE PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY IMPROVEMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические технологии»

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Ключевые слова
sodium silicate pentahydrate / sodium hydroxide / silicon (IV) oxide / water / iron / density / granularity / whiteness / pH value / пентагидрат силиката натрия / гидроксид натрия / оксид кремния (IV) / вода / железо / плотность / зернистость / бе-лизна / значение pH

Аннотация научной статьи по химическим технологиям, автор научной работы — Rakhmatov Marat, Adizova Nargiza

Synthesis and relevance of sodium silicate compounds in the article. The conditions for the synthesis of its derivatives, for example, sodium silicate pentahydrate, are considered. Also, the composition of the synthesized sodi-um silicate pentahydrate was studied and compared with the standard composition.

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В статье рассмотрены синтез и актуальность соединений силиката натрия. Показаны условия синтеза его производных, например, пентагидрата силиката натрия. Также был изучен состав синтезированного пентагидрата силиката натрия и сравнен со стандартным составом.


№ 5(122)

май, 2024 г.

DOI -10.32743/UniTech.2024.122.5.17468


Marat Rakhmatov


of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology,

Uzbekistan, Bukhara E-mail: chemistry292 [email protected]

Nargiza Adizova

Associate Professor of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology,

Bukhara, Uzbekistan


Рахматов Марат Салимович


Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара

Адизова Наргиза Замировна


Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара


Synthesis and relevance of sodium silicate compounds in the article. The conditions for the synthesis of its derivatives, for example, sodium silicate pentahydrate, are considered. Also, the composition of the synthesized sodium silicate pen-tahydrate was studied and compared with the standard composition.


В статье рассмотрены синтез и актуальность соединений силиката натрия. Показаны условия синтеза его производных, например, пентагидрата силиката натрия. Также был изучен состав синтезированного пентагидрата силиката натрия и сравнен со стандартным составом.

Keywords: sodium silicate pentahydrate, sodium hydroxide, silicon (IV) oxide, water, iron, density, granularity, whiteness, pH value.

Ключевые слова: пентагидрат силиката натрия, гидроксид натрия, оксид кремния (IV), вода, железо, плотность, зернистость, белизна, значение pH.

Introduction: Currently, brighteners for detergents are imported from foreign countries. Sodium silicate pentahydrate is generally considered to be less active and safer than caustic soda (sodium hydroxide). Sodium silicate reacts with metal oxides and forms a protective film on the metal surface. This hydroxide increases the corrosion resistance of metals. The amount of soluble silica in this type of protection is preserved in the presence of water[1-3].

Sodium silicate pentahydrate with five water molecules Na2Si03'5H20, nine water molecules Na2SiÛ3'9H20 and anhydrous sodium silicate Na2SiÛ3 are widely used in industry. Together with surfactants,

sodium metasilicate helps neutralize acidic soil, defloc-culate particulate soil, and emulsify oily soil. In addition, it strengthens the suspension of the soil and prevents its re-accumulation[4-7].

In construction, sodium metasilicate increases the cleaning efficiency of the surfactant by balancing the hardness of the water. In addition, it has the highest active alkalinity and pH alkalinity among inorganic electrolytes, which ensures its strong wetting, emulsifying and saponifying effects on oils. Therefore, it is widely used in the production of high-performance soaps, detergents and metal cleaners[8-10].

Sodium metasilicate is also used in fire retardant compounds, insecticides, fungicides, and antimicrobial

Библиографическое описание: Rakhmatov M.S., Adizova N.Z. SODIUM SILICATE PENTAHYDRATE PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY IMPROVEMENT // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 5(122). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/17468

№ 5 (122)

Man, 2024 r.

compounds, as well as in cleaning dairy products, cleaning paper, and washing soda bottles. It is used as a chemical intermediate for silicate gel catalysts, an active ingredient in adhesives, and a bleaching agent to stabilize hydrogen peroxide. It is also used as a clay defloc-culator and potting mix in the ceramic industry. Combined with other salts such as sodium bicarbonate, it creates a paint remover for aluminum[11; 12].

Materials and methods. In order to start developing the technology for the production of sodium silicate pentahydrate based on domestic liquid glass, it is necessary to analyze the existing scientific literature and review the existing methods of production of this substance. For this, the following sources of information were used:

1. To study the qualitative and quantitative content of household liquid bottles. Household liquid glass has the following chemical formula: Na2O... .xSiO2, yR2O, zH2O, where Na2O is sodium oxide, SiO2 silicon dioxide, R2O is additional reagents such as calcium oxide or potassium oxide and water.

2. Investigation of oxidation and hydration processes of liquid glass. One of the important steps in the production of sodium silicate pentahydrate is the oxidation and subsequent hydration of liquid glass. As a result of oxidation, sodium oxide turns into sodium hydroxide (NaOH), and silicon dioxide turns into hydrated silicon dioxide.

3. Studies on the use of sodium silicate pentahydrate in various industries. Sodium silicate pentahydrate is used in the production of building materials, glass, antistatic coatings and other products due to its absorption capacity and water solubility.

Based on the analysis of the literature, a production method of sodium silicate pentahydrate based on domestic

liquid glass was developed. The main stages of the methodology are as follows:

1. Preparation of local liquid bottle with a certain chemical formula and concentration of components.

2. Oxidation of liquid glass under the influence of oxygen or oxygen reagents. As a result of oxidation, sodium oxide turns into sodium hydroxide.

3. Hydration of silicon dioxide in interaction with water. As a result of this process, a hydrated silica structure is formed.

4. Combining the resulting sodium hydroxide and hydrated silica to form sodium silicate pentahydrate.

5. Purification and drying of the obtained sodium silicate pentahydrate for further use in industrial processes.

Thus, the analytical literature and the developed methodology allow obtaining sodium silicate pentahy-drate on the basis of domestic liquid glass with optimized technological conditions. This opens up new opportunities for the development of the chemical industry, increasing the competitiveness of our enterprises.

The process of synthesis of sodium silicate pentahy-drate is as follows. First of all, we need to get the composition as follows. The composition of the required product is (% by weight): Na2O - 29.91, SiO2 - 27.65, H2O - 42.0, Fe2Os - 0.012, insoluble residue - 0.05. The average weight of the crystals is 700 ^m. accordingly, the ratio of Na2O and SiO2 of the initial product, i.e. liquid glass, is determined by titration and brought to the same ratio.

After that, the liquid bottle is placed in a device with a rotating drum and heated at a temperature of 130 °C, the excess water is evaporated and crystallization begins. The resulting crystal is ground into powder in a drum.

Figure 1. Sodium silicate pentahydrate extraction device

Results and discussion. The resulting sodium metasilicate pentahydrate can be compared based on the table below.

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Table 1.

Technical parameters of sodium metasilicate pentahydrate

Contains and values Standard results Product test result

Na2O% 28.00-30.00 28,80

SiO2% 27.00-29.00 27,90

Fe% <200 ppm 20

Density 0.80-0.97 g/sm3 0,94

Granularity (18-60 )% >90 91

Whiteness >70 90

A substance insoluble in water >0.30 0,05

pH value 12.5±1.0% 12,7

Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate differs from other extraction processes in that it requires less energy and less time. The obtained product was used instead of sodium silicate pentahydrate imported from abroad, adding it to the composition of detergents.

Conclusion. The results of the study show the possibility of creating a technology for the production of sodium silicate pentahydrate based on domestic liquid glass. The use of native liquid glass rich in sodium oxide (Na2O) and silicon dioxide (SiO2), as well as additional reagents based on the properties of sodium oxide and silicon dioxide, allows obtaining pure and stable sodium silicate pentahydrate. (Na2SiO3^5H2O). This technology has high potential for industrial applications due to the wide range of properties and applications of sodium silicate pentahydrate. It can be used as a binding and hardening agent and as an additive to improve the mechanical properties of various materials.

The production of sodium silicate pentahydrate on the basis of domestic liquid glass is of great importance for the local industry, as it allows to reduce the dependence on imports of similar products. In addition, the use of domestic liquid glass will help to further develop the national scientific and technical base and optimize the production processes of sodium silicate pentahydrate. However, for a deeper understanding and optimization of this technology, additional research is needed, including the analysis of the detailed physicochemical properties of the obtained product, the study of its effect on the properties of various materials, as well as the evaluation of the economic efficiency of use. In general, the developed technology for the production of sodium silicate pentahydrate based on domestic liquid glass is an important step in the development of materials science and can be the basis for creating new materials with improved properties and applications.


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