1. Мокиенко В. М. Славянская фразеология. - М.: Высшая школа, - 1980. - 207 с.
2. Кунин А. В. Английская фразеология/теоретический курс/. - М.: Высшая школа, - 1970. - 343 с.
3. The Oxford English Dictionary of the English Language. Ed. by J. Murray & others. Oxford: Clarendon Press, -1933, - 12 vols. Supplement, - 1933, - 1972, - 1976, - 1982 (OED); (Suppl.).
4. Craigie W. A., Hulbert J. R. (eds). A Dictionary ofAmerican English on Historical Principles, - Vol. 1-4. Chicago, Lnd., - I960. (DAE).
5. Stevenson B. The Home Book of Proverbs, Maxims & Familiar Phrases. N. Y.: The MacMillan Company, - 1948 (Stevenson).
6. Бушуй А. М. Лексикографическая и библиографическая репрезентация фразеологии. Автореф. дис. ... док-ра филол. наук. - Л., - 1983. - 32 с.
7. Partridge E. A Dictionary of Slang & Unconventional English. In 2 vols. N. Y.: The MacMillan Company, - 1970 (Partridge. Slang).
8. Longman. Dictionary of Contemporary English. Lnd.: Longman Group Ltd., - 1978. (Longman).
9. Apperson T. L. English Proverbs & Proverbial Phrases. A Historical Dictionary. Detroit: Gale Research Company, - 1969. (Apperson).
10. Irving, Washington. The Journals of W. Irving. In 3 vols. N. Y., - 1971. - 645 p.
11. Wright J. (ed.). The English Dialect Dictionary. In 6 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, - 1981 (EDD).
12. Edwards E. Words, Facts & Phrases. A Dictionary of curious, quaint, & out-of-the-way matters. Detroit, - 1968. (Edwards).
Reshetova Elena Georgievna, Zaporizhzhya National University, graduate student, Faculty of linguistics E-mail: [email protected]
Socio-functional characteristics of phraseological units with somatic component in the texts of technology, politics and sport
Abstract: The article deals with phraseological units with somatic components which being of a high-frequency, are divided into a number of thematic groups, which are inclined to temporal dynamics and are the material substratum of human consciousness. Phraseological units connected with the spheres of politics, sport and computer are examined according to their metaphorical meaning. The peculiarity of phraseological units of these spheres is given in the article.
Keywords: phraseology, somatism, idiom, phraseological unit, anthropomorphism, neologism, meta-forization.
The development of idiomatic terms with somatic component related to the field ofcorporeality actualizes the emergence ofnew thinking and promotes means of idiomatic expression, which are widely used as the phraseological units are the quintessence of national experience "and the archive history of the human spirit and life" [1, 56].
Everyday consciousness is manifested in the fact that the idea of the human body underlies anthropo-
morphism, contributing remove of old phraseologisms and as a result we can observe a unique case of intensive and rapid evolution of the language, in other words conceptualization of the world. Somatisms, being of a high-frequency, are divided into a number of thematic groups, which are inclined to temporal dynamics and are the material substratum of human consciousness. Bright metaphorization can be illustrated in the texts of news-
Socio-functional characteristics of phraseological units with somatic component in the texts of technology, politics and sport
paper articles that match pragmatic aim at creating some evaluative attitude to the described events, especially in the age of information technology.
By formation ofsomatic substitutes as objects ofcom-parison in the mind of a person there are words and word combinations that mean the nearest human environment: different machines and mechanisms, such as: front bumper -breasts. This is a semantic factor of cultural phenomena, and body metaphors reflect individual intellectual processes of a person. A person compares his/her own creations, using "machine" metaphors for indirect meaning of the parts of the body. [2] Phraseologisms in general and soma-tisms in particular are inexhaustible source in transforming public discourse.
For example, the English language undergoes continuous dynamics and changes in the result of development ofvarious kinds of sport, being a valuable cultural stratum and new concepts appear at this area. For the needs of society new words and set expressions are created because "human factor" is involved in linguistic researches with the purpose to study how human- the representative of a certain culture uses a language as a means of communication [3, 4].Sport is a "special kind of communication that occurs as an implementation of physiological, spiritual, informational and other needs of participants of sports practice. Modern sport can be considered also as a cultural phenomenon (especially physical), and as a separate branch of verbal communication, and as a part ofjournal-ism [4, 8]. The overall process of enrichment of the nominative fund of English provides increased emotionality of sport because sport for an Englishman is the sense of life, a symbol of his achievements. In England football is more than just a sport, it is a symbol of national unity, cultural stratum, a particular way of life [5].
Sport phrases are constantly changing and the language responds to even such a phenomenon as behavior of football fans that gave rise to the movement of antifans. A neological unit «anti-foot» appeared by adding prefix «anti»: anti-foot: describes a person or group that actively dislikes soccer. The field of sport is full of its terms and of course idioms. Most of set phrases relate to ideo-phraseologisms, but primarily they are sport terms and signs of how the athletes are active, and whether they are motivated to win or not.
Keep your eye on a ball — means that an athlete who controls the ball is mostly concentrated. But in these expressions the idiom is used figuratively. In this job it's important to keep your eye on the ball at all times. Bodyguards must always keep their eye on the ball. "They need to keep their eyes on the ball over the next 12 months or so", the senior adminis-
tration official told me. Take into consideration that modern boxing was born in England in the early XVIII century and its first emergence dates back to 688 BC that is the kind of sport which is the most fruitful for the emergence of phraseology in English culture. They can cause bright associative links, such as: to box the ears (to strike the ears hard, usually as punishment). I've a good mind to box your ears. The idea ofconfrontation in the political sense during the election campaign is expressed by phraseological units for example: to go head to head, to go toe to toe. The background categorization of those idioms is in the scope of boxing, for example: The Labour leadership hopefuls will go head-to-head today in the first of the contest's hustings. Going toe to toe with his brother Ed has put some welcome fire into David Miliband's campaign, argues Matthew d'Ancona. Here are some more idioms: to stuff a ballot box — to fill in a ballot box with false ballots; to use the ballot box — to use a ballot box, that is, to solve the problem through elections, (for example: to give more votes to a candidate in an election than there are people who actually voted for him): It is a crime to stuff the ballot box.
The main pivot around which sports competitions unfold is who wins and who loses. According to our data there are more idiomatic expressions about defeat than about victory, for example: take it on the chin, which means — to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation without complaining and is used to show approval. Atkinson took it all on the chin, though some members of his team were very upset by the criticism they received. Idioms stress the degree of tension: it's neck and neck — if two competitors or groups are neck and neck in a competition or race, so they are at the same level. This expression is used when horses are galloping with equal speed (not losing touch with each other) and in such a situation it is difficult to determine who comes first. This expression is reinvented and gets the second meaning, for example: In 1960 Kennedy and Nixon ran neck and neck in seventy-one of northeast Texas 'seventy-two counties. This example demonstrates another meaning that functions in politics, when the presidential candidates are in equal position like horses in the races, going nostril to nostril. The usage of phraseological units lose (win) by a neck, for example: I know, and the worst of it is that I only lost by a neck; the other fellow beat me by three marks.
There are idioms that are related to the game of golf, for example, idioms with somatic component — head. Dimplehead: one who is an obstinate player in a team or an amateur in golf, an avid golf fan. Edhead: one who is a proud and enthusiastic fan, as in NASCAR driver Carl Edwards — a fan, full of pride and enthusiasm about
the performance of racer Carl Edwards. We observe the example of fusion of the component — head with the truncation of the last name Edwards. Note that in both examples the component «head» means a «person» — a man; fantasier: a hard-core fantasy sports fan, devoted follower of virtual games.
We can say that in most cases there is a process of metaphorization of the first sports meaning, forming the second figurative meaning, which operates in various areas of the language. The peculiarity of sport phrase-ologisms with somatic component is the presence of verbs in their structure, because, sport is movement, and movement can be expressed only through the verb, for example: to have a ball at one's feet — to be a master of the situation, to have (to gain) an advantage in something; to lead with one's chin — to put somebody under attack (about unexperienced boxer); to take smth right on the chin — to endure smb's. problems, not to lose head; to hit between the eyes — to make a strong impression.
Lexicographic structures, lexemes, morphemes which are changing and bring modern understanding of our language, that's why the language is the primary means of explication elements of conceptual picture of the world in the field of computer technology. Thus, the computer language is characterized by its originality and users change modern English creating many neologisms with the help of metaphors. Largely for this reason the metaphor is a means of interpreting the modern world allowing to humanize "computer", for example: word of mouse — an exchange of information via email and the Internet with the help of a mouse, eyeballs — website users, shoulder surfing- to look over the shoulder of the user for important information, first eyes — a fight of an advertiser to attract more users. With the help of computer language a new, special picture of the world apperars and there is the conceptualization of the universe by a human which makes linguistic personality to conform to this picture and that is fixed in the communication. Speaking about computer communication of programmers or people who have their terms, for example: saluter — the three-fingered salute (Ctrl-Alt-Del); F2F Face to Face — to meet in private (it is used in chat to let someone know you would like to meet him/her in the real world and not just over chat or the Internet); FYEO
for your eyes only — not meant to be shared, between ourselves; KYHU — keep your head up — to stay calm in a difficult situation; TTKSF trying to keep a straight face, means to try to keep from laughing. Idioms with somatic components are used reinterpreted in a different sense because there is no single theory of language levels of soma-tisms and their semantic structure is poorly investigated. Professional computer language is an informal language layer that consists of unambiguous words denoting objects ofprofessional field of computer experts. Computer language is a set of polysemic stylistically marked words. Among computer vocabulary there are numerous idioms with somatic component resulting from metaphors with a component naming parts of a human body. A prevailing component is brain: braindump — is a complete transfer of accessible knowledge about a particular subject from your brain to some other storage medium, such as paper or your computer's hard drive, giving out information to somebody on a particular theme; brain fart — a temporary mental lapse or failure to reason correctly, the result of mental errors. The term eyeballs is used in the media to name viewers. The word face is a part in facemail — technologically obsolete means of communication in comparison with voicemail and e-mail (literally it means face-to-face) and facetime — spending time in person with someone who is famous due to the Internet. A person can be considered a single informational system, because it is a model for producing a computer. The user of a computer controls PC as a human operates their body. Like a human physical diseases affect the body's ability to work, and the same way hardware problems derive PC down.The desire of users to humanize a computer can be seen in the fact that they call their best friend machine, mechanism with its artificial intelligence they call square-headed girlfriend/boyfriend. The term system "information space" is a part of the systems, which are characterized by high mobility of vocabulary, reflects the realities of life by emergence of new terms.
Our research proves that the main role in creating the terms of English information space plays nouns. Now semantic processes are activated due to metaphorization of different terms belonging to various fields ofknowledge and common vocabulary and the English language has become donor for other languages because of its multiculture.
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2. Corpus of Contemporary American English [Электрон, ресурс]. - режим доступа: URL: http://corpus2.byu. edu/coca/
Einige Ansätze zur Theorie der Übersetzungskritik
3. Катермина В. В. Номинации человека: национально-культурный аспект (на материале русского и английского языков)/В. В. Катермина. - Краснодар: КубГУ - 2004. - 250 с.
4. Гутцайт Р. Л. Спортивное комментирование и его роль в медиатизации (на примере спутниковой телекомпании «НТВ-Плюс»): автореф. дис. ... канд. филол. наук: 10.01.10/Р. Л. Гутцайт. - М., - 2012. - 18 с.
5. Овсянникова Е. Структурно-семантические особенности спортивной фразеологии современного английского языка [Электрон, ресурс]. - режим доступа: URL: - 05.02.09.
Chaykovskiy Roman Romanovich, Dr. phil. habil., Professor, Lehrstuhl für fremdsprachige Philologie, Nord-Östliche Staatliche Universität (Magadan, Russland),
E-mail: [email protected] Lysenkova Elena Leonidovna, Dr. phil. habil., Professorin, Lehrstuhl für fremdsprachige Philologie, Nord-Östliche Staatliche Universität (Magadan, Russland),
E-mail: [email protected]
Einige Ansätze zur Theorie der Übersetzungskritik
Abstract: Im Beitrag wird der heutige Stand der Übersetzungskritik anhand der Bewertungen von russischen Nachdichtungen der Gedichte von R. M. Rilke analysiert. Es werden auch einige Prinzipien der objektiven Kritik der poetischen Werke angeboten, deren Realisierung zu einer wissenschaftlich begründeten Theorie der Übersetzungskritik führen könnte.
Stichwörter: Kritiker, Nachdichtung, Original, R. M. Rilke, Theorie, Übersetzer, Übersetzungskritik.
Die Theorie der literarischen Übersetzung in Russ- Wenn wir den heutigen Stand der Theorie der litera-
land zählt schon fast hundert Jahre, wenn man als An- rischen Übersetzung betrachten, können wir feststellen, fang ihrer Geschichte die erste Auflage des Werkes „Prin- das die Kritik der Übersetzung zu den Gebieten gehört, zipien der literarischen Übersetzung" («Принципы auf dem ungenügend praktisches Material akkumuliert художественного перевода») annimmt, das 1919 erschienen war. Dieses kleine Büchlein enthielt die Artikel von Kornej I. Tschukowskij „Die prosaischen Übersetzungen" und von Nikolaj S. Gumiljow „Die poetischen Übersetzungen". Seit dieser Zeit haben russische Philologen — Literaturwissenschaftler und Sprachforscher sowie Übersetzungstheoretiker und Übersetzer auf diesem Gebiet vieles vollbracht. Die Theorie der literarischen Übersetzung, deren Entwicklung um die Jahrhundertwende besonders intensiv war, ist zu einem selbständigen Zweig der Philologie geworden.
In allen Bereichen der Theorie, Praxis und Geschichte der Übersetzung gibt es aber merkliche Lücken, die eine Ausfüllung durch das empirische Material erfordern, das seinerseits einer gründlichen wissenschaftlichen Deutung bedarf.
worden ist, und das eine wissenschaftlichgenaue Begründung benötigt. Der Übersetzungskritik im Unterschied zu anderen Gebieten der Übersetzungstheorie liegen zurzeit weder eine ausreichende theoretische Basis noch eine ausgearbeitete Methodologie zugrunde [7, S. 423] (zur Übersetzungskritik sieh auch: [6, S. 23-29; 5, S. 159-161]).
Man muss auch zugeben, dass bis jetzt nicht nur keine Methodologie der Übersetzungskritik erarbeitet worden ist, sondern dass auch das reiche empirische Material, das vielfältige Beispiele der Kritik von Übersetzungen enthält, noch nicht gesammelt und analysiert wurde. Unserer Meinung nach könnte man aus diesem Material wesentliche Grundsätze dieses Wissenschaftszweigs entwickeln. Auf dieser Basis könnte mit der Konstituierung der sogenannten expliziten Theorie der Übersetzungskri-