UDC: 338
Annotation: The problems of comparative assessment of the regional structure in the national economy, transformation of economic relations and increasing the efficiency of managing socio-economic processes at the regional level are considered. A comparative analysis ofmacroeconomic indicators of the development of regions of the Republic of Tajikistan was carried out, on the basis of which trends in their development were identified. Problems are identified and ways to solve them are proposed. The development of any region is determined by its natural resource base, environmental conditions and their influence on the socioeconomic sphere. The mechanism of functioning of regions in the economic space of the country has characteristic features. Its effectiveness is influenced by regional politics, as well as the historical characteristics of the regions and the type of state. The Republic of Tajikistan is an independent democratic country; therefore, its state policy for regulating regional development is aimed at achieving a national structure of the regional economy that takes into account full employment of the population, improving the quality of life, fair distribution of income, and stable macroeconomic development.
Key words: regional structure, comparative assessment, macroeconomic indicators, uneven development, regional policy, equalization of socio-economic situation.
For citation: Cui X Socio economic essence of the regional economy / X Cui // The finance and economic bulletin. - 2024. - №2.1 (41). P. 131-140.
Аннотация: Рассматриваются проблемы сравнительной оценки региональной структуры в национальной экономике, трансформации экономических отношений и повышения эффективности управления социально-экономическими процессами на региональном уровне. Был проведен сравнительный анализ макроэкономических показателей развития регионов Республики Таджикистан, на основе которого были выявлены тенденции их развития. Выявлены проблемы и предложены пути их решения. Развитие любого региона определяется его природно-ресурсной базой, условиями окружающей среды и их влиянием на социально-экономическую сферу. Механизм функционирования регионов в экономическом пространстве страны имеет характерные особенности. На его эффективность влияет региональная политика, а также исторические особенности регионов и тип государства. Республика Таджикистан - независимая демократическая страна; таким образом, государственная политика по регулированию регионального развития направлена на достижение национальной структуры региональной экономики, учитывающей полную занятость населения, повышение качества жизни, справедливое распределение доходов и стабильное макроэкономическое развитие.
Ключевые слова: региональная структура, сравнительная оценка, макроэкономические показатели, неравномерность развития, региональная политика, выравнивание социально-экономического положения.
Аннотатсия: Масъалауои бауодиуии муцоисавии сохтори минтацавй дар ицтисодиети миллй, тагиребии муносибатуои ицтисодй ва баланд бардоштани самаранокии идоракунии равандуои ицтимоию ицтисодй дар сатуи минтацавй баррасй карда мешаванд. Таулили муцоисавии нишондиуандауои макроицтисодии рушди минтацауои Цумуурии Тоцикистон гузаронида шуд, ки дар асоси он тамоюлуои рушди онуо ошкор карда шуданд. Мушкилот ошкор карда шуданд ва роууои уалли онуо пешниуод карда шуданд. Рушди уар як минтаца азруи заминаи захирауои табий, шароити мууити зист ва таъсири онуо ба соуаи ицтимоию ицтисодй муайян карда мешавад. Механизми фаъолияти минтацауо дар фазои ицтисодии кишвар хусусиятуои хос дорад. Ба самаранокии он сиесати минтацавй, инчунин хусусиятуои таърихии минтацауо ва намуди давлат таъсир мерасонанд. Цумуурии Тоцикистон-кишвари мустацили демократй; уамин тариц, сиесати давлатй оид ба танзими рушди минтацавй ба ноил шудан ба сохтори миллии ицтисоди минтацавй, ки шугли
пурраи щолй, баланд бардоштани сифати зиндаги, тацсимоти одилонаи даромад ва рушди устувори макроицтисодиро ба назар мегирад, равона карда шудааст.
Калидвожщо: сохтори минтацави, арзебии муцоисави, нишондиуандауои макроицтисоди, нобаробарии рушд, сиесати минтацави, баробарсозии вазъи ицтимоию ицтисоди.
Formulation of the problem. Global economic instability and its dynamics are increasingly increasing the importance of sustainable economic development of the country and its regions, in which economic growth is designed to ensure an increase in the level and quality of life of people. This approach involves the development and implementation of regional mechanisms related to optimizing the use of regional potential. The development of any region is always determined by its natural resource base, environmental conditions and their influence on the socio-economic sphere.
An analysis of recent studies and publications
indicates that the theoretical aspects of the socioeconomic essence of the regional economy have become the object of research by many domestic and foreign scientists.
Questions of the socio-economic essence of the regional economy are the subject of serious scientific research by domestic economists.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the theoretical aspects of the socio-economic essence of the regional economy.
Presentation of the main material.
The steady development of globalization processes is accompanied, as noted by VM Razumovsky.
Table 1 - Stages of development of region Demyanenko)
[1], the processes of regionalization opposing them. The importance of interstate economic and political entities as subjects of relevant international relations is increasing. In this regard, research into the processes of regional integration, regional formation and regional development, as well as forecasting the emergence and formation of various interregional and interstate entities, is being updated. The results of such studies, which relate mainly to the competence of regional studies, are becoming increasingly in demand. The works of many Russian scientists are devoted to the methodological tools of regional economic research. In particular, the evolutionary development of research methods and tools in regional economics in the last decade has received sufficient attention in the works of SS Starikova, NV Mordovchenkova , GG Aralbaeva . and others. Methodological approaches to conducting regional economic research Highlighting the stages of development of regional economic research (Table 1.), Minakir PA, Demyanenko AN note that the spatial aspect of multi-dimensional economic systems in modern conditions cannot be adequately described by existing approaches within the framework of regional economics. Consequently, the theoretical and methodological formulation of a new approach to the systematic representation of the economy as the interaction of microeconomic agents, regional, macro and global interactions is on the agenda.
economic research (according to PA Minakir , AN
Stage The essence of regional economic research
Stage one - the formation of regional economies Studies of the spatial aspect of economic activity consisted mainly in identifying the characteristics of specific manifestations of economic activity in various geographical conditions.
Stage two - from the regional economy to the regional economy The study of the operating conditions of economic agents within certain geographical areas consisted in the study of economic relations between economic interacting within economic systems that are emerging and formed on the basis of the exploitation of the comparative advantages of the corresponding territories for certain agents types of activities, as well as the relations between economic agents operating in various regions.
Stage three - spatial economics Regional economics studies the interaction of administrative regions within the national economy. It is necessary to describe the interaction (competition) of economic agents effective in the microeconomic sense within economic regions, the formation of effective national spatial systems formed by the interactions of spatially localized economic agents and their clusters, the formation of the parameters of the international
economic space in the process of interaction of national economic spaces._
In modern conditions, general methodological approaches to regional economic research Skopina IV, Skopin OV include (Table 2): dialectical, systemic, situational and reflexive. It should be noted that the situational and reflexive approaches are the most used.
To a lesser extent, research and assessment of the effectiveness of regional development are based on dialectical, systemic and process approaches, which often leads to a lack of objective information for making management decisions.
Table 2 - General methodological approaches to conducting regional economic research (according to IV Skopina , OV Skopin )
Methodological an approach The essence of the methodological approach
Systems approach It assumes that an object is studied as an integral set of its constituent subsystems, elements, and in all the diversity of identified properties and connections within the object, as well as between the object and the external environment.
Situational an approach Provides for a prompt study of the current situation and conducting research based on the use of predominantly standard research procedures.
Dialectical an approach Implemented in research methods. These methods are manifested in the ways of separating and connecting the whole and the part, the main and the secondary, the necessary and the accidental, statics and dynamics, abstract and concrete, etc.
reflective an approach Based on the analysis of systematized and accessible for processing objective information about the internal and external environment of the object under study in the required volume.
Process approach Provides for considering the implementation of research work and general management functions for their implementation as a process - a continuous series of interrelated actions to achieve research goals.
A number of authors highlight specific methodological approaches to conducting regional economic research. In particular, Skopina IV, Skopin OV show that at present, at the regional level, indicative and criterion approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the regional management system are most often used, based mainly on assessing the managed subsystem of the management system.
The functioning mechanism of each region in the economic space of the country has characteristic features.
At the same time, the effectiveness of the mechanism is greatly influenced by regional politics, as
well as the historical characteristics of the regions and the type of state. The Republic of Tajikistan is an independent democratic country, therefore, the state policy of regulating regional development is aimed at achieving full employment of the population, improving the quality of life, fair distribution of income, and stable macroeconomic development. In the study of the latter, gross regional product (GRP) is of great importance as the most important indicator of the macroeconomic development of regions. The main thing in the content of GRP is that it reflects in monetary terms the final results of the activities of enterprises and organizations located in the region [2, p. 34]. The total gross regional product is the main component of the country's GDP, which is characterized by the data given in table. 3.
Table 3. Dynamics of the total gross regional product (mln. somoni)
Indicators 2000 2005 2010 2023 2023 to 2000, times
GDP 1.79 7.2 24.7 48.4 27
Ud. weight of GRP to GDP, % 99.4 95.5 90.3 85.9 0.9
GRP 1.78 6.88 22.3 41.6 23
Index growth - 3.9 3 1.9 -
GBAO 0.03 0.16 0.4 0.7 22
Index growth - 5 2.6 1.7 -
Sogd 0.54 1.7 5.7 11.6 24
Index growth - 3 3.3 2 -
Khatlon 0.4 1.8 6.5 12.5 31.5
Index growth - 4.5 3.6 1.9 -
Dushanbe 0.4 1.5 5.2 9.5 23.6
Index growth - 3.75 3.5 1.8 -
RRP 0.5 1.7 4.5 7.2 15.8
Index growth - 3.4 2.6 1.6 -
Calculated by the author based on materials [5, p. 216-218]
The volume of gross regional product as the sum of goods and services produced in the regions increased by 23 times from 2000 to 2023 in prices of the corresponding years, which indicates a stable trend of progressive economic development in all regions of the country. The gross domestic product of the republic is formed by the products of five subjects of the national economy, which include: Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, Sughd and Khatlon regions, the city of Dushanbe and areas of republican subordination.
In the production of gross regional product, the share of Sughd and Khatlon regions in 2023 is 58%. The growth in production and business activity had a positive impact on the growth rate of GRP in these areas. The reason for the different types of GRP growth is uneven business activity in the regions. In 2000, in the Sughd and
Khatlon regions, Dushanbe and the RRS, the gross regional product was produced in almost equal volumes. At the same time, the highest growth rates of the gross regional product took place in the Khatlon region - 34 times, and in the RRS - 16 times. As for the Sughd region and the city of Dushanbe, over the period from 2000 to 2023, the growth rates of gross regional product in them were almost equal. Methodologically, the use of GRP allows, firstly, to assess the socio-economic development of national economic entities and identify their advantages. Secondly, compare regional data with the average for Tajikistan, and, finally, thirdly, this is the UN methodology for ranking countries by gross product per capita [6, p. 65].
Based on this methodology, we will analyze the ratio of changes in GRP per capita by region with the average indicators for the Republic of Tajikistan (Table 4).
Table 4. Comparative indicators of GRP per capita by region of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2000-2023 (somoni)
Years Dushanbe Sogd Khatlon GBAO RRP
To To To To To
RT RT,% RT,% RT,% RT,% RT,%
2000 289 0.710 247 0.260 90 0.185 64 0.156 54 0.342 118
2005 1023 2,348 221 0.875 82 0.762 72 0.773 72 1.114 104,
2010 3007 7,313 223 2,600 79 2,479 75 2.02 61 2.58 78
2019 3545 9,266 238 3,194 82 2.91 75 1.83 47 2.62 67
2020 4199 10,793 236 3,898 85 3.46 76 2.61 57 3 65
2021 4574 12,312 245 4,444 89 3.51 70 3.14 62 3.24 64
2022 5003 13,117 237 4,803 87 4 72 3.4 61 3.5 63
2023 4859 11,796 206 4.618 81 4.1 72 3.31 57 3.8 64
2023 To 17 17 18 22 21 eleven
Calculated by the author based on materials [5, p. 28, 218].
Analysis of the data presented allows us to detect two trends characteristic of the regions. The first is that the value of GRP per capita in the regions is constantly increasing. In nominal terms, it increased: in Dushanbe from 710 somoni in 2000 to 11.8 thousand somoni in 2023 (17 times); in the Sughd region - from 260 somoni to 4.6 thousand somoni (18 times); in Khatlon region - from 185 somoni to 4.1 thousand somoni (22 times); in GBAO -from 156 somoni to 3.3 thousand somoni (21 times) and in the RRS - from 342 somoni to 3.8 thousand somoni (11 times). Naturally, the main component of such high growth is inflation. At the same time, the actual increase in GRP in the regions is due to the growth of production, and this trend has emerged since 2010.
Analysis of the results obtained (Table 5) allows us to conclude that there are differences between the subjects of the national economy in terms of GRP per capita. In the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region this figure is almost 4 times, and in the Khatlon region - 3 times lower than in the city of Dushanbe. Such differences are observed throughout the entire period of the study, which confirms the presence of stable differentiation in the economic development of subjects of the national economy. Consequently, it is necessary to create conditions for macroeconomic regulation of the pace of economic development of the regions, which objectively provides a solution to the problem of unevenness in the economic development of the regions. The uneven socio -economic development of the regions of the republic, as emphasized by academician R.K. Rakhimov, is one of the types of threats to the economic security of the country [3, p. 14].
The peculiarity of the national economy lies not in the very fact of the presence of interregional inequality, but in the fact that, firstly, it is excessive, and, secondly, in the absence (or weakness) of government policy to overcome it. The republic showed positive dynamics of GRP per capita compared to average values: in the Khatlon region - from 64% in 2000 to 72% in 2023 and, accordingly, in GBAO - from 54% to 57%. One of the reasons for such changes, as shown by the results of a comparative analysis, is the improvement of conditions for enhancing economic activity in these regions. The second trend is manifested in the relative decrease in the value of gross regional product per capita in some regions, compared to the national average. Thus, GRP per capita in the Sughd region in 2000 was 90% of the republican average, and in the RRP - 118%; but by 2023 the figures had dropped to 81% and 64% respectively. From this we can conclude that the specialization of these regions has changed, as well as the world market situation for aluminum, which has led to a sharp change in prices and a deterioration in the economic situation. The value of GRP per capita was influenced to a certain extent by internal factors. First of all, we are talking about the population size in the regions.
Thus, in the republic the permanent population was 8.5 million people, the population growth compared to 2000 was 40% (Table 3).
The largest increase, or 47%, is observed in areas of republican subordination. From 2000 to 2023, the population of Dushanbe increased significantly - by 42%, Khatlon region - by 42% and Sughd region - by 34%; The lowest population growth was observed in GBAO - by 5%.
Years RT Dushanbe Sogd Khatlon GBAO RRP
thousand people % thousand people % thousand people % thousand people % thousand people %
2000 6128.5 564 9 1871.9 31 2145.2 35 206.2 3 1341.2 22
2005 6718.3 630 9 2023.8 thirty 2368.4 35 206.8 3 1497.9 22
2010 7418.8 711.2 9.6 2198 thirty 2618.3 35 206 2.8 1685.1 22.7
2019 7620.9 731.1 9.6 2247.6 29 2698.6 35 206.5 2.7 1737.4 22.8
2020 7804.9 748 9.6 2298.8 29 2765.8 35 208.5 2.6 1786.1 22.9
2021 7983.4 764.3 9.5 2349 29 2831.7 35 210.2 2.6 1832.2 23
2022 8155.2 775.8 9.5 2400.6 29 2898.6 36 212.1 2.6 1874 23
2023 8540 802.7 9.3 2511 29 3047.8 36 217.4 2.5 1972.3 23
Table 5. Resident population by region of the Republic of Tajikistan (as of 01/01/2016)
2023 to 2000, % 140 142 134 142 105 147
The largest share in the total population of the country in 2023 falls on the Khatlon region (36%), with an increase of one percentage point compared to 2000. The increase in the share in the total population should also be noted in the regions: in the RRP -1 p/p, in Dushanbe - 0.3 p/p, and the share of the Sughd region in the structure of the population of the republic decreased by 2% p/p. Gross regional product reflects the final result of the region's work and reflects the value of goods and services of effective demand produced by economic units during the year at the prices of the final buyer. At the
same time, society should be interested in increasing the share of added value in the product (service), expressed in increased efficiency and labor productivity. Only in this case does the income of production workers increase, which in the form of wages represents part of the added value. Therefore, it is legitimate to conclude that the well-being of the regional population increases with an increase in GRP. Wages, as one of the sources of income for the population, in 2023 on average in the country amounted to 879 somoni and increased 56 times compared to 2000 (Table 6).
Table 6 - Average monthly nominal accrued wages of employees of enterprises and organizations by region
Regions 2000 2015 2020 2023 Growth rate, times
RT 15.57 83.58 354.44 878.91 56
Dushanbe 31 168.06 717.28 1526.64 49
GBAO 12.57 71.88 277.24 701.53 55
Sogd 13.45 69.22 258.79 696.8 52
Khatlon 9.8 56.56 232.98 645.05 65
RRP 24.26 101.13 347.11 832.24 34
Calculated by the author based on materials [5, p. 140]
Despite the significant increase in wages in the Khatlon region (65 times), its actual amount is 645 somoni, and the region ranks last among the regions in terms of average wages. It is worthy of attention to study the current trend in the RRP, when, with low values of GRP per capita, in terms of wages throughout the entire period they consistently hold the second position in the republic. The analysis revealed an uneven level of wages not only across economic sectors, but also across their industries and areas. Thus, in 2023, the lowest wages in the real sector were among workers in agriculture, hunting, forestry - 302 somoni and fish farming - 612 somoni, and the highest in construction - 2,308 somoni,
mining and quarrying - 1,882 somoni, in electricity, gas and water supply - 1,214 somoni. In general, in the real sector of the economy the average monthly salary was 893 somoni, and in the service sector - 932 somoni. At the same time, financial intermediation workers have a salary of 2,040 somoni; transport and communications, including warehousing - 1,918 somoni; hotel and restaurant activities - 967 somoni. The increase in GRP volume largely depends on the size and number of enterprises and organizations located in the regions. In the Republic of Tajikistan in 2023, 42,358 enterprises and organizations operated, which is almost 2 times more than in 2000 (Table 7).
Table 7. Number of enterprises and organizations in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2000 -2023.
Years RT Dushanbe Sogd Khatlon GBAO RRP
Units % units % units % units % units %
2000 21286 4356 20 5801 27 5279 25 857 4.0 4993 23
2005 45000 7057 16 12063 27 13268 29 1035 2.3 11566 26
2010 25083 6487 26 6131 24 6934 28 1121 4.5 4410 18
2023 42358 10860 26 10328 24 12350 29 1724 4.0 7096 17
2023 To 2000,
Calculated by the author based on materials [5, p. 230]
Uneven growth rates have developed across regions of the country. Thus, the number of enterprises and the growth rate of the number of enterprises and organizations in Dushanbe amounted to 2.5 times, in the Khatlon region - 2.3 times, and in areas of republican subordination - only 1.4 times. The largest part of enterprises and organizations by 2023 is located in the Khatlon region - 29%, while in 2000 there were 25%. The share of enterprises and organizations in Dushanbe increased to 26%. A downward trend in the number of enterprises and organizations is observed in the Sughd region. If in 2000 their share was 27%, then by 2023 this value dropped to 24%. The same trend appeared in areas of republican subordination, where the decrease was from 23% to 17%. The activities of small enterprises with legal entity status are developing rapidly, the number of which in the republic has increased from 1,342 units in Table 7. Growth in the total volume of industrial
2000 to 5,176 in 2023, or more than 4 times. The largest number of small enterprises in 2023 operated in Dushanbe (2,832 units) and Sughd region (1,366 units). In the republic, from 2000 to 2023, the volume of revenue from the sale of products (services, works) of small enterprises increased from 25.3 million somoni to 6,170.9 million somoni. The share of two regions -Dushanbe and Sughd region - is 5,306 million somoni, or 86%. The level of industrial development of regions can be judged by the volume of products produced and their compliance with the demand of internal and external consumers. Data analysis shows that industrial output in the Republic of Tajikistan in 2023 amounted to 12.2 billion somoni. At the same time, the average annual growth rate over the past five years amounted to 107.3% (Table 7).
production by region (in% compared to the previous year)
Regions 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Average pace
Tajikistan 105.7 110.8 103.8 105 111.3 107.32
Dushanbe 111.1 102.8 91.6 105.2 106.3 103.4
Sughd region 118.5 117.5 108.1 108.6 118.7 114.28
Khatlon region 104.8 111 102.6 105.7 114.2 107.66
GBAO 102.2 114.6 94.5 125.6 116.9 110.7
RRP 88.5 104.1 108.6 86.1 116.9 100.84
In the Sughd region, the average annual growth rate was 114.3%, in GBAO - 110.7%, which indicates the commissioning of new industrial enterprises and an increase in their production capacity, which significantly strengthened the positive trend in the development of production in the region. In the RRP, the growth of industrial output alternated with a decline, which is associated with the process of production of primary aluminum. In the Sughd region, cotton and silk fabrics, carpets and carpet products, confectionery, canned fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, building materials, etc. are
Table 8. Gross agricultural output for 2023.
produced. At the same time, enterprises successfully operate for the production of dried fruits for export, cement, windows and doors using Western technology .
The regions have diversified agriculture. The main directions are cotton growing and sericulture, horticulture and viticulture, livestock farming and beekeeping, etc. The volume of gross agricultural output of the country as a whole in the republic in 2023 amounted to 21.5 billion somoni and increased 3 times compared to 2000.
Regions Volume of gross output specific gravity, %
public dekhkan farms
million soms % farms farms population
RT - everything including 21577.8 100 5.3 32.3 62.4
GBAO 598.0 3 1.9 38.8 59.3
Sogdian region 5831.7 27 7.0 36.9 56.1
Khatlon region 11381.6 52 3.2 30.7 66.1
RRP 3766.5 17 9.5 28.9 61.6
The main part of crop production worth 14.6 billion somoni and livestock production - about 7 billion somoni - is produced by households, the share of which on average is more than 62%. This situation exists in all regions of the republic. The main producers of agricultural products are Khatlon and Sughd regions, which account for 79% of gross agricultural production. An analysis of macroeconomic development indicators showed that the regions of the republic from 2000 to 2023 achieved significant results. Government intervention in the republic's economy played an important role in this. The analysis also reveals problems that cannot be solved by the market, and, first of all, uneven economic development.
In these conditions, the most important tasks of managing regional development include:
- creation of an effective socio-economic mechanism that would be able to ensure the functioning of the national economy as a whole through a combination of the interests of the state and individual regions;
- formation of a diverse economy based on the equal development of all forms of ownership, social and market infrastructure.
The main part of crop production worth 14.6 billion somoni and livestock production - about 7 billion somoni - is produced by households, the share of which on average is more than 62%. This situation exists in all regions of the republic. The main producers of agricultural products are Khatlon and Sughd regions, which account for 79% of gross agricultural production.
An analysis of macroeconomic development indicators showed that the regions of the republic from 2000 to 2023 achieved significant results. Government intervention in the republic's economy played an important role in this. The analysis also reveals problems that cannot be solved by the market, and, first of all, uneven economic development.
In these conditions, the most important tasks of managing regional development include:
- creation of an effective socio-economic mechanism that would be able to ensure the functioning
of the national economy as a whole through a combination of the interests of the state and individual regions;
- formation of a diverse economy based on the equal development of all forms of ownership, social and market infrastructure.
Minakir PA emphasizes that the regional economy is reaching a level that can roughly be called spatial segmentation of global economic processes. A vast field of activity opens up for researchers involved in the spatial aspects of regional economics. The measurement of effects in a given system comes to the fore. The effects of the influence of events occurring in global economic processes on macrosystems, on national economies and on the world economy in general.
Allakuliev S.Yu. considers the negative aspects when conducting regional studies. [2] are: ignoring many specific regional factors, using macro factors as dominant ones. As a result of such studies, a rather biased picture of the socio-economic development of the region emerges.
Vaneeva TA [10] believes that a model of biosocial vision of the surrounding reality can become an integration stage of complex regional studies. Presentation of the region as a biosocioeconomic metasystem, presupposes the existence of three objectively necessary structures: a block of social relations, a block of economic relationships and a block of environmental subsystems. The triune essence of the metasystem is a dialectical combination of the necessity and sufficiency of those connections and dependencies that must be included in the analysis.
Gonova OV [11] suggests using regional development rating models within regional studies, because There are quite a lot of private indicators of economic and social development and they have different dimensions. And the construction of integral indicators presupposes a transition to uniform characteristics. As such, the author proposes to use the ranks (places) of regions for each indicator. In this case, the regions are ordered according to each of the indicators under consideration from 1 to n (n is the number of regions).
From the variety of existing methods of system analysis, Shcherbakova TA chooses to apply the method of modeling cognitive of organizational systems to the weakly structured subject area of regional studies. The cognitive approach is a "parameter of order" that allows us to understand and present the simple in the complex, to "subordinate" the diversity of knowledge about an object to the main thing, potentially allowing us to bring clarity and consistency to existing ideas , in particular about the regional system. The use of a cognitive approach makes it possible to: construct a complex of cognitive maps of the regional socio-economic system, allowing one to organize the causes and consequences of processes; identify control factors on the system from the perspective of necessary public administration; analyze the implementation of the factors identified in the practice of public management of regional development and determine their effectiveness; develop scenario approaches to justify the effectiveness of using the identified factors on the socio-economic development of the territory.
As a tool for studying regional problems, Gorelova GV, Rozin MD, Ryabtsev VN, Suschy S.Ya. [12] also proposes to use cognitive modeling for solving interrelated system problems: developing a cognitive model, analyzing paths and cycles of a cognitive model, scenario analysis, solving inverse problems, solving observability problems, system controllability and stability, as well as problems of system complexity and connectivity, decomposition and composition, optimization, forecasting, disasters, adaptation, self-organization; sensitivity; decision making.
In regional economics, an important method for studying numerous, widespread objects, phenomena, processes in time and space, as shown by the research of Animitsa PE, Novikova NV, Khodus VV [4], systematization (systematics) stands as a process of arrangement , objects, phenomena based on certain patterns, principles or rules. This is justified by the need to compare territories (economic regions, federal districts, subjects of the Federation, etc.) with each other, and consequently, to identify existing groups, classes, types, ie carrying out systematization in order to adequately implement regional policy.
Along with the systematization of regional development research in the methodological system, Animitsa PE, Novikova NV, Khodus VV note. [4], typology plays an important role as the most important
scientific method of generalization, generalization and purposeful use of extensive, diverse and different-quality empirical (information) material.
Typology represents the highest level of systematization of phenomena, processes, and objects. Typology of regions Animitsa PE, Novikova NV, Khodus VV [4] consider it as a division of various regions of the country into several homogeneous groups, identified on the basis of one or more of the most significant criteria, features, relationships and levels of organization of both a quantitative and qualitative nature for the purpose of their identification, orderly description and comparison. At the same time, they emphasize that the justification of the system of indicators selected for carrying out typology. At the same time, research in the field of typology follows the path of complicating the criteria and increasing the number of characteristics and indicators of typology.
Typology as a method of regional research is also used by Ignatieva ED, Mariev OS, Shirmanova AE [16]. The methodology they propose includes the calculation of a system of indicators for assessing the self-development potential of regional socio-economic subsystems operating on the territory of a region - a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and the construction of their typologies using cluster analysis methods and artificial neural networks.
Thus, the variety of methods of regional economic research makes it possible to objectively assess the picture of the economy of what is happening in the regional. But as Leksin VN states, currently the methods, methods, and tools of understanding the world are changing, and the worldview is changing (as the structure of generally accepted values, postulates and priorities). And therefore, systemic regionalism at the beginning of the 21st century. can be considered a new teaching, unlike the economic-geographical and similar teachings of the 60-80s of the last century. At the same time, one cannot but agree with Allakuliev S.Yu. [2] is that although regional economic research should be a scientific endeavor, it is often viewed from the perspective of short-term benefits and the political situation. In this situation, the main task of the researcher is not to obtain and interpret objective information, but to resolve issues of obtaining remuneration for what the customer wants to see, as well as maintaining his own reputation for the further possibility of concluding contracts.
1. Demographic Yearbook: Statistical Collection. - Dushanbe, 2022. - 156 p.
2. Miroyedov A.A., Sharamygina O.A. Using the gross regional product indicator in assessing the economic development of the region // Questions of Statistics. - 2023. - No. 9.- P. 33-41.
3. Rakhimov R.K. Some issues of economic security of Tajikistan // Economy of Tajikistan: development strategy. - Dushanbe, 2021. - No. 4. - P.14.
4. Socio-economic situation of the Republic of Tajikistan: statistical yearbook. - Dushanbe, 2022. - 182 p.
5. Tajikistan: 25 years of state independence: statistical collection. - Dushanbe, 2022 - 836 p.
6. Urunov A.A. Single economic space. - M.: Publishing House "Synergy", 2022. - 384 p. Information about the author:
Cui XiaoNa - applicant of the Department of economy theories. Tajik state University of Finance and Economics. Address: Dushanbe, Nakhimov street, 64/14, Republic of Tajikistan. Email: cuixn916@126. com
Сведения об авторе:
Цуй Сяона - соискатель кафедры экономической теории, Таджикского государственного финансово-экономического университета, Адрес: 734067, Республика Таджикистан, г. Душанбе, ул. Нахимова 64/14. E-mail:
cuixn916@126. com
Маълумот дар бораи муаллиф:
Суй Сяона - унвончуи кафедраи назарияи щтисод, Донишго^и давлатии молия ва щтисоди Точикистон. СуроFа: 734067, Ч,умхурии Точикистон, ш. Душанбе, к. Нахимов 64/14. E-mail: cuixn916@126. com